Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 24, 1940, p. 4

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jfage 4 the georgetown herald wednesday evening april 24th 1940 in bobbrt6 jh loving memory of a dew wtf e and lovmc mother mary alice roberta who passed wway april 34th 138 till memory lades and ufa departs you live forever in our hearts sadly missed by husband and daughters i balunafad miss helen cook has returned home after spending the winter with friends to kitchener miss norma mokechnle of toronto spent the meek end af her home hern mrs a o w foreman will attend ttie conference branch meeting in hamivon this week as a presbyterlal delegate the mission ctrcte and auxulapry will hold their joint a3utnkonering meeting sunday evening april 28th rev w burbldge of toronto a mis sionary on furlough from korea wlu give an illustrated address every body welcome t mrs prank bennie has rented her house to mr and mrs alex irwlh of toronto who take possession shortly the w a held their april meeting ftthe home of mrs jno snow who presided at the meeting after the opening devotlonals the members answered the roll call with many good household hints details were arranged for presenting the play up the hul to paradise on friday even ing the 2fith an interesting treasure trail contest was conducted by annie snow ufter wntebtatt enjoyed a game of chinese checkers the may meet ing will be held at mrs b vannatters we can save you money the lowest prices for glasses of quality we realize that you may not be getting as much money for your work as you did a few years ago that is why we have made a n arrangement with one of ers to sell glasses for less money by this new arrangement we can sell you quality glasses at city prices come in and let us show you the new styles consult 0 t walker ro eyesight specialist who will be at his office over the befl telephone co main st georgetown the second wednesday of each month or you may consult o t walker at his office in brampton phone georgetown 67 brampton 599 then and now turning the pages op tbi georgetown herald april slat 1920 dr ross wlu begin practice thurs day april 22nd in the office formerly 1 occupied by dr nixon dr ross has had eight years experience in general practice and has recently returned from the post graduate hospital new york at the last meeting of muton town council a motion was passed granting the request ol the high school board for 18 000 with which to build and fqulp a new high school without sub mitting the by law to the ratepayers last thursday night burglars enter ed the stores of mobean co and mckay brothers and attempted an entrance into l y relds some goods and small amounts of money were taken in memorlam halpln in fond and loving memory of pte wilbert halpln 204th battalion killed in action in france april 17th 1918 c6uncil met in council chamber to consider the applications for constable and town foreman reeve dale in the chair and councillors anthony mc millan and mclntyre present some twelve implications were read and dis cussed clerk waa instructed to write d j cantelon w a forth and h j nash in connection with the positions mr robert miller of vancouver b c was a guest at the home of mr and mrs j a watson over sunday mr f warnes has purchased mrs mary ritchie s property on victoria st college view all roads lead to the grand caml val and fancy fair in the town hall opens with a grand concert jules brazil entertainer of toronto j n oneill uas advertising dodge bros motor cars the gem of the compel or m b nicholson had the new 190 models of briscoe oldsmo bile and franklin cars another ad signed s riceman rus slan man promised 4c to 5c a pound for rags bottles old tea kettles etc water for lawn services was charg ed at 3 00 per lot and 1 50 for each additional lot mrs w j caidwell of winnipeg ifi visiting her mother mrs j roney the jons jazz band provided music for the gwva at home in the town hal the women s civic association met in the library monday evening ow ing to pitsuie of war work this or gamzatun had been dormant but it was atrontlj ftl at the meeting that there was need for its continuance among tlf officers mrs j m moore news from the nyal drug store olive oil cold cream 1 pound jar 49c burdock blood bitters 98c muriel aslor toiletries for a limited time only 2 fc 59c johnsons baby talc 25c 50c cress cork bunion salves 50 try today vvll johnsons baby oil 50c maccormacks drug store phone 327 we deliver georgetown mrs robert bessey mrs ralph ross mrs roe miss rem the dominion government has de cided not to introduce daylight saving legislation this year but will leave towns and villages to do as they see at in the matter our main street pavement has win tered well and presents a fine appear ance this spring now dr c t w rosa passed away sud denly at his home in toronto on mar 23 of this year 11 years ago he sold his practice to dr r t paul and moved to sunderland later to to ronto mr t warnes still owns the home bought by his late father the halpln family are yet faithful to the memory of pte wttbert halpln her ald apr 17 w a forth was appointed constable and town fore man at a salary of 90 a month j n oneill is now selling the willys car brlscoes and franklins have long since disappeared from the au tomobile field there is now no charge for water to use in sprinking lawns the dominion govern ment never did introduce daylight saving ume legislation and the towns and villages are still free to decide the matter main street pavement has again wintered well and thanks to the fire brigade agiin presents a fine appearance thlssprlng the womens civic association has since passed out of existence it will long be remembered for its contributions to civic improvemen the georgetown public library being an outstanding example ol this anybody here gqt the right time i ian order of kmrses trjbur the resolu ion wltatjreatcd georgetown lions club wednesday evening may 1st on mill st rolly fell charlie holmes twircoiiipanf outstanding entertainers will give a free program fun for young and old everyone welcome get your lucky draw tickets now 10c 3 you may win the silver fox fur or the mixmaster on display in brill window county council at the regular meeting of the coun ty council on april 16th at milton a report vas read from miss m f jackson von burlington outlining fto- nursing servtcewhich she had glv- en in and around nelson and burling ton districts which amounted to some 2322 vlsts to homes and schools in view of the fact that the von is a worthj cause reeve kerns of nelson brought this report to the notice of he council with a request for some fin anclal assistance a discussion followed and the mem bes expressed themselvef as follows mr robertson nelsoii i think there should tx a von organization m everv munlciilll in this case the nurse ls ccr nlniv relieving the county of somi exx n e mr btrs oikvilli i ihink this ls a splem id mstitutie n md v hi e the eounty is i whole may bo interested in a moral sense yet i don t think they should be calkd upon to lit finance it perhaps those m tiesi d might show even mor iciivc niii s mr gilbert triiilkum of course this ls a rjv tiling to us it ls a nor thy caufce and is undoubtedly saving us monej mr cleave georgetown if w t should ghe i until t wt il 1 spread like wildfire and ho could w hive to one orgi nuaition and not another mr blair i would like to support it but wl ether we should support it as a whole i don t know mr kerns how ibout till fairs wc don t have a fair 1ml wi are al wajs willi g when vour mnual grinlsj are requested i warde i i certaml think this is a very wor hy cause but perhaps it ls i a case of tie municipalities to look af ter perhaps a resolution would help us to reach i decision it a as moved by mr robertson seconded hy mr kerns that the coun ty of halton make a grant of 100 to the vlcto ling ton the 9 5 the mun busim ss for which the met- ting was called w is to consider tende s er liability insurance how e r onlv the minutes correspond enc a id the eiol inspector s report wen considered i the morn inn ses ion tli insp uii rtl gaols reeom mendxl the w kki floor in cells and corridors on the to floor be replaced with concr e anel that the upper fleor celling be made escape proof and fire resisting also that immediate action be taken with the upstairs celling and completion of the fire hose line the report also showed commit ments to the gaol had increased since 1936 from 193637 there were 110 inmates fiom 1938 39 m7 inmates at the afternoon session reports of standing committees were considered in committee of the whole with dr c h heslop in the chair there was very little of importance in connec tlon with any or the reports which were laer passed by council the agriculture committee recom mended that mr j e whltelock rep resent he county at the annual meet ng of th forestry zone to be held in hamilton mr t g ramshaw and mr a e wilson both representing lloyd s of london addressed council with refer ince to county road liability insur ance tenders were submitted after which the two gentlemen withdrew but remained on call the tenders gave the following protection sioooo one person 25 000 one accident and property damage limit of 1 000 mr ramshaw s tender was 588 62 and mr wilsons tor the same coverage 43996 since there had been delay last year in receiving the policy mr wil son was recalled and asked if the pol icy w0utdtje oenvetw tin time thu year if his tender were accepted af ter being assured that it would be h was moved by dr heslop seconded by mr hlllmer that the tender submit ted by a e wilson be accepted carried two bylaws were introduced and given three readings arid passed no 740 that the salary of the secretary- treasure to the house of refuge shall be 300 per annum commencing 1st april lft0 no 741 to appoint dr a l noble of brampton as phys ician to the inmates and officials of the house ofkeldsratt a yearly sal ary of 400 such salary to be shared equally by the counties of halton and peel mix up daylight saving time and five time zones and you have a prob lem that will crack any radio brain here is a candid shot of alan young of the cbc vancouver presentation stag party trying to figure out when his programme will reach you alan is apparently bewildered but if your community observes daylight saving you may hear stag patty at the same ume 11 30 pm edst if you remain tsn standard time the broadcast will reach you anhour earlier dayljht saving time arrives on sunday april 28 pflwptepared to watch jour radio listings for the times of your favour ur pro grammes editor s note daylight saving time comes into effect in eastern canada on sjnday april 28 the immediate result in all parts of the dominion is the geneml unl bwitclimg of cbc programme s while this ls confusing u the av iaue tadio listener to alan young teamed y star of the cbc s stag partj it is downright baffling undaunted by this fiut mr young iecked hiinst if in his cell and 24 hours liter in mv kind of time produced the folio v nk thesis ttrsety u led divliuh saving us i get it b alan young dav light saviig ls a great thing tnats vstitit i said to my friend daj liiht sating is a great thing after i pejcod myself up i continued i m all in favour of i give me the daylight every lime al you can spare i believe that daylight is the most val liable eh iu n the world that is un less i don i have to gel up enrlier for it just pm it in a bo he under my pillow i 1 ge it as a mitt r fact and in the final milysl daylight saving was con c ied i lonu t me ago and now that w hi lictne liifht sun lamps and lo b l itine we should forget abou it 1 1 il ni my mind fasti davhi savin wis utually taken iw ly irom n phoenicians who did i i w nit it iiiyway history prove that th habitually shut it out of their homes thereby establishing what ls termed phoenician blinds the phoenicians later wrote about day light saving the words mhfgdu dls kfhjd slldgkkks gwiflt meaning the greeks have a word for it we think it s sphinx having obtained a clear and con clse definition of the suoect we shall now explain daylight saving and its present application in the first place it had been sug uestcd that the idea of moving he lock one hour ahead be abolished so long is we re going to save daylight we might as well save it ail this would neeessitate moving the clock ahead pour hours which you must admit ls not only revolutionary but also awfully early this also has other dlsadvan ages you can imagine the results if toron to accepied daylight saving and no one else aid when it was one o clock in calgary it would be eleven oclock in toronto flying from victoria to ottawa would take less than a minute having people read your let er in tor onto before you mailed it in vancou ver woull be foolish in the extreme in the emreme east i mean or do i know what i mean in figuring out radio schedules al gibra would have to be called in let x equal the time of the programme bepuals daylight saving c equals mcot yo i and p equals four o clock bxpxc2 equals x b4 which means tha we 1 hav to get up at five a m for our programme which won t be heard till nine anyway because c pxb4 xx6 equals pui so if ts ten oclock in vancouver md etgh o clock friday evening in toronto and i want to hear a pro gramme at four in the afternoon lets see hmmmmmm pxb4 x c or xx c hijk which means which means holy smoke i i better hur ry and tunc in if i want to hear how stag par v is going to be last night excuse me eerelaiy astrid chrbtensen treasur er dick beaumont executive commit tee gordon graham vivienne guyot end mauaret leslie at the conclu sion of the meeting at the hall the members started out for a progressive supper a the homes of mrs arthur bea imoni mrs guyot and mrs craw ford a toast to st george and the mnging of god save the king brought tie novel i nd most delightful evening o a elosc free enlargement with every aexposure roll film dewloped and printed for 36c 8 reprints and enlargement 28c enclose 35c coin and 3c stamp for return and mall to the photo lab mihon come and try tne new wireless oil method of permanent waving t is much lighter and comfort able on the head speeaals i regular 5 00 permanent s3j95 400 permanent l95 300 permanje make your appoina open monday evening wednesday afternoons alice gray norval phone j brampton 327 r 12 georretown 382 r 22 have several good buys in used cars see me for a square deal a c patterson silvercreek garage phone 395 r 2 oldsmobile chevrolet gone withthe wind lacllj js shown in the atlanta and new ork premieres capitol theatre brampton wed thurs fri sat may 891011 m4tinees every day at 2 00 dst admission 75c nightly at 800 dst admission 1 00 all seats reserved advance sale white for seats open or phone 611 glen williams the revived branch of the a ypa held their election of officers m the parish hall on tuesday evening the rector rev woo tho open ed the meeting wiuu prayer and alter addressing the twentytwo member present called on margot williams convenor of the nominating commit tee to present the ncanlnated slate the officers elected for the coming year were patron rer woo thompson president trevor wullama let vkpreeident margot williams 2nd vicepresident jack crawford pork and beans 3 25c jea domino 59cib 30- toilet tissue 4ils25e salmon fancy red cohoe clover leaf 15 4 n 29c pie cherries 12 or tin pie peaches 2 for 15 ox tin 10c pears 10c lynn valley 15 ox un s5c plums 10c smarts 18 ox tin corn syrup rr5b 37c 2 16c toasted prairienuts pantry shelf 9c 19c tune to cfrb 8 oclock thursday n if tit play dominion s new exciting radio game get your gante card by calling- at your dominion store pure lard 2 lb 17c fig bars weston s lb for 29c potted meats clark s 3 tins 25 soap flakes bulk 3 lb for 5 ritzbiseuits christie 2 p 25c bread white or brown 2 for 15c seeds simmers all varieties j pkgs 25c fresh fruit and vegetables leaf lettuce 2 for 15c carrots 2 bunches 9c new cabbage 2 lb 9c potatoes peck 29c crooking apples bskt 25c fresh pineapple 19c 66 dominion btorx6 looted

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