Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 24, 1940, p. 6

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pago 6 the georgetown herald wed nesday evening april 24th 1 940 our far1v1 page items of interest to n every farmer fat feeds to i sources far daily omn hi aouk ontario feed board recent experhnentai have shown that ttmunilk yield of cows may be reduc- d when insufficient quantities of tat are fed says- the htwiofeedrbohrd s ontario dept of agrtculture oows afaould receive in tw ration at least w per cent of the total fat secreted during the lactation period oil bear ing seeds soybeans flaedaadlht 4juprooessjumar constitute the win sources of high fat feeds brent or new process oilnwals cereal grains and roughages are lav to fat concentrate nuxtures should bave a fat content not lower than 5 per cent and map quite safely con tain as high as 6 percent fat al though this higher figure is difficult to attain with meal mixtures made from feeds ordlnarly used cows receive most of the minerals esquired through the ordinary feeds tegnlar rations however may not pevride sufficient ceuhttues of cal cium phosporus and iodine alfalfa aaod clover hays have a comparatively fltigh tirfih content but are low in bosphorus home grown grains are few in both of these minerals but are propo higher in phosphorus proteinrich concentrates are us- sady rich in phosphorus cows not receiving sufficient minerals often drop fa mnfcpxoductlon show an appetite dor abnormal products such as bones hcsa leather and in advanced cases tiow sorenets and suflnete in the joints calcium and phophorus are sup plied by feeding cows liberally on well- balanoed rations it may be necessary id supplement the amount of these minerals in the ration by feeding bona- products such as steamed bone meal feeding bone meal bone flour nd bonechar tfrt riftritirfct ttf indicated when calves are born with thick necks fodtze the trouble can be prevent ed by feeding iodine usually as iodised alt sal should be fed regularly canned in canada the preliminary report on the 1830 rt of canned fruits and vegetables canada shows that some of the principal fruit packs were 28462 pounds apples 22578521 pounds peaches 19278067 pounds kelffer pears 8525856 pounds bartlett pears mm 156 pounds cherries and 8188284 pounds plums among the canned vegetable packs were 81952435 pounds tomatoes 28399428 pounds tomato juoe 25238559 pounds tomato pul 61996405 pounds beans 33471371 peas and 78616611 pounds soups the output of domestic canners dot included in these figures widening the use of farm accounts panning today is enterprise and in common wilv jaxy ouierbuatoessthfi teepdng of is important receipts and expendi tures increases and decreases in num bers and value of live stock and other assets acreages under crops and the yield obtained and all other details pertaining to farm operations should be methodically recorded and periodi cally summarised the farmer can then compare the results of his opera tions from year to year and see where economics can be made tt is by means of accounts that the industrial ist keeps a finger on the pulse of his business and it is equally important for the farmer to do so books especially adapted for de tailed farm accounts conta in structions for their correct use have been drawn up by the dominion department of agriculture agricul tural colleges and other organizations these can be obtained by farmers at a small cost in addition to his own records how ever standards of achievement rela tive to the business of other farmers are becoming available by which the fanner is able to measure the success of his own operations during the past ten years a number of farm business studies have been conducted in different parts of the dominion by the economics division marketing service dominion depart ment of agriculture ottawa in co operation with the provincial govern ments and agricultural colleges in- jor for these studies is obtained from farmers inreply to-questlon- nalres by visiting enumerators or as in an ontario dairy farm study which has been in progress for the past three yeans throughout ithe province by the fanners recording their operations in specially prepared books th assembling and analysis of these data by a central organization is making possible the development of standards of achievement relative to various types of farming for many localities these standards will serve as a guide to those who desire improve their farm management methods men with knobby knees and hairy apish chests look ever so much better wearing coats and pants and vests qsnapshct guild using the selftimer eably spring sowing for pasture mixtures cat nurse crop early for green feed or pasture it off carefully says advisory fertober bojtm forontarlo where it is foundto be good region al practice sow pasture mixtures in early spring on winter wheatgr with light nurse crop one bushel per acre of barley or early oats the usual practice is b harvest the nurse crop for grain however in cases where the objec tive is to secure an exceptionally good catch the best management is to cut the nurse crop early for green feed or pasture it off carefully thls-ellm- lnates the competition from the grow ing nurse nrop and allows the light to reach the young seedlings which re sults in establishing a thick bottom of sturdy plants says the advisory board for ontario an alternative and successful me thod is to seed on a clean summer fallow without a nurse crop in the spring when moisture conditions are favorable do not seed legumes after july 1st because of danger of winter killing seeding without a nurse crop should be on a wellprepared clean seed bed in early spring a fine ann seedbed is important for small seeds experi ments have shown that the use of the cultipacker in conjunction with the drill has increased the stand as- much as 30 percent the higher the productive capacity of the sou the greater amount of fer tilizer may be applied with profit old wornout pastures should be plowed up and reseeded where pos sible with the proper seed mixture suited to the soil and grazing program a selftimer enables you to get shot of yourself such as this breakfast- table study without having someone else snap the shutter such device is a great convenience in the camera kit have you ever tried taking la- formal self portraits or per haps a storytelling sequence of shots of yourself busy at some hobby or everyday activity about the house its an entertaining cam era pastime and with the aid of a selftimer you can shoot such pic tures easily the selftimer is a small de layedaction device which clips on the cable release of a camera and trips the shutter after a brief time interval some one cameras even hare a selftimer built into the shut- tar you simply place the camera on a arm support press the release catch of the selftimer then step into the picturendpose you wish until the shutter clicks with a couple of photo bulbs a elftimer attached to the cable re lease of your camera and a short scenario of a halfdosen or so pic tures to act outron can have no end of fun all by yourself for sx- aunnle taking the picture above as a enflf you might show yourself at hurried breakfast patting salt in the coffee by mistake burning the toast ipming milk on the news paper andthen discovering its sunday and yon don i have to work after all or 11 youre interested in char acter studies and makeup seir-nor- traits with a belftlmer may be even more fun set up the camera just below a mirror in which you can check your expressions put on the makeup work out the mont buy able lighting then release the belf- tlmer and it does the rest whllp you pose the great advantage of using a selftimer in photography such an this 1b that you can take as much time as you wish on details and not keep someone else standing by just to trip the shutter for you if you make a hobby ot building bh or similar construction work the aejf- jimer is also useful with it you can gel snapaof yourself at various stages of a job and these will pro vide a welcome addition to your hobby record in family pictures the selftimer is likewise a great help ton need no longer be just the photographer with the aid of this little gadget yon can appear in any picture you take the selftimer of course can only be used on a camera that has a fitting for a cable release if your camera la so fitted you should by all means have one of these devices and youll and it one of the most generally useful items in your kit 280 john van guilder potato growers who may have found soniebacterlalxungrotjntheulczops last year should not be discouraged with the thought that the disease on the farm to stay for with little more than ordinary care a complete cleanup can be made and produce crops made completely free of the trouble in future the best procedure is to dispose completely or potatoes on the place then spray with hluestone at the rate of one pound to ten gallons of water storage and bar rels in which the potatoes have been in contact next thoroughly disinfect the potato machinery sacks and other containers with a strong formalin solu tion this should bo done before any new seed is brought to the farm once the cleanup has been completed spe cial care should be taken not to rein troduce the disease this involves special care to ensure lhat the seed originates from a property tree of the disease obviously the best seed for the table slock grower is certified seed but for the seed grower tho foundation certified seed is to be preferred no potatoes ir which even a trace of bac terial ring rot is found are certified the plant protection division do minion department of agriculture standards for seed potao certification definitely reject for seed purposes all potatoes in which any trace of the of m disease is found either in the field or ditto in the crop there is still a fair supply of certi fied seed available but it is moving fast and supplies should be reserved without delay certified seed may be obtained from all seed houses and seed potatoes dealers or from the growers direct the plant protection division dominion department of agriculture ottawa will gladly send any further information in this regard on request cbcs summer schedule the canadian broadcasting cor poration summer programme schedule will make its bow with the introduc tion of daylight saving time sunday april 28 according to a preview of the broadcasts planned for the next few months the cbc will intensify its war effort service increase the num ber of broadcasts with the troops overseas and strive for a highly di versified entertainment schedule to help keep canadas spirit high as its people at home and abroad press for ward in the prosecution of the war number of programmes which have been a feature of the past sea sons schedule will be retained in the new one carry on which has the approval of the department of na tional defence will continue to drama tize canadas part in the conflict on the home industrial and overseas fronts carry on is listed on sun days at 900 to 950 pm hd8t the obc strings under uie direction of alexander chuhaldln on sundays at 730 to 800 pm canadian snapshots wednesdays at 800 to 830 pjn edst and the cbc house of variety a monthly presentation for the troops in training in canada are among the programmes which continue on into the summer months among the newly scheduled features are a series of recitals by outstand ing canadian artists an important series of organ soirees with such cele brated guest artists as sir ernest mac- mtllan and dr healcy willan at the uf the c o th ccteoli concert hall of the royal york hotel an interlude series replacing the highly successful stardust programs which have been a dally presentation from toronto following the late con adlan press news summary j was saying he was just a friend of the family 75fe jmu mittx cerfletj long distance and told me they were engaged to be married yes long dis tance is the answer to a maidens prayer when she gets her man i in fact it meets every situation in life when you must and can ignore distance for a real eartoear talk after 7 pjn and all day sunday rates are lower as every uttlo minx knows i am a modern trilby a night club singers story startling disclosures by a girl in mental bondage a living breathing victim of a modern svcngalll tells in her own words how a hypnotist kept her mind under his control even after he was killed read her article in the american weekly with the april 28 issue of the detroit sunday times notice to creditors pursuant to section 51 of chap ter 185 rso 1937 all claimants against the estate of maude mre fleck late of georgetown ontario who died on the 26th day of decem ber 1939 are hereby required to file their claims duly verified before may 3rd 1940 with the undersigned ad ministrator who will forthwith there after distribute her estate having re gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice l edward fleck administrator georgetown ont by mcmsster montgomery fleury company 902 temple bldg toronto his solicitors 3t dated april 12th aj 1940 o in or m- r ukai m bmr chick dm tin trick let no aow yon tb proof place war order ben nowimnf no eotbar cahorpbone george c brown norval phone 382 r 21 band concert scheduled cbc wlh feature a weekly band concert over the national network on mondays 830 to 900 pm edst com mencing on the 29th of april and the mist three programmes will be pre sented frtmvthe arts and letters club in toronto l p addison will con duct the toronto symphony band in these programmes before an invited audience new honours for faith add to the gorgeous bouquets re ceived by canadas percy faith from over the line highest tribute yet paid by the home nabobs as airwaves noes to press it is announced that the mangemnt or massey hall toronto has rrmde faith the first canadian conductor rvr to be asked to produce n sympiionlc jazz concert on its staged the da-e- may nth the conductor percy ritith the artists orchestra oiolms louise king and dave da vies by faith and rhythmaires iies l of honour hold your riv levant bon vivant of the modern music world this concert will be in the tradiuon set by white- man and gershwin in the same music emporium banking uvuutyutu nail box story of the theatre the cbc announces a feature broadcast the story of the theatre which will be produced from the to ronto studios by rupert lucas on fri day may 3 800 to 900 pm edst the broadcast will trace the history of the theatre from the festivals in honour of bacchus presented by the greeks to the current successes on the american and european stage here and there in the studios lets go to the music hall means lets go to the arts and letters club for that is where the cbcs famous music hall artists have settled down for a season of concerts for the na tional network with an invited audi ence tickets may be secured by writing to cbc studios 805 daven- jxrt rd toronto percy faith interviewed by half gothams radio and musicolumnists during recent fly ing visit to ny everybody there and here interested in announcement that precocious oscar levant will play gershwin piano concerto in f under faith baton in toronto may 17 obcs john adaskln will stagemanage john holden havng great time as regular radio actor at cbc toronto after fourth successful winter season of repertory at winnipeg holden players only stock company in exis tence to run beyond few weeks in last two years hit 26 and bulging box office holden will commence se venth season at bala when ail the birds are north monica mugan cbls popular commentator daily 1130 am edst faces talkie cameras for the red cross episode of war- effort film women on the home front being filmed by canadian government motion picture bureau coach w a brodie helps announcers over those place names stepped into a good laugh on himself said steve ilsterlngjq 0urylomoejr9n change ing of the guard programme from england now theres a voice i would put on our staff any time the voice was ernest cows now of of the royal 22nd regiment of que bec formerly announcer for obc at cbf montreal younger brother is announces at ccbv a big box from ottawa this week addressed to the happy gang presents of tool ed leather and hammered brass for every member of the gang from ot tawa public school children whose milk fund benefitted by hapy gangs personal appearance recently a letter from the chief inspector re iterated their appreciation and ex plained that the students had maids the presents themselves vacation you many a trip to town bank of montreal established 1817 v7 6oha utumfim 4mail account ow umlcomm georgetown branch a c welk manager time in our great canadian holiday playgrounds will be highlighted in the new series of canadian snapshots which starts may 1 at 800 pjn edst an easier breezier spirit will per vade ihe programme reports producer ian smith outstanding winter feature was the performance of over 30 original compositions by canadian composers features department of the oec giving leadership in public service broadcasting according to mail from western canadian stations as suring j frank willis that local safety campaigns have been pointed by cbcs one thoughtless moment feature of atwuflrwnjttniesftodlay as asso ciate producer life in a wind- nulls the life for us say allan and billie mcdonald young artists who live in an old mill near toronto they will both take part in an interview with reid forsee may 3 6js pjn edst trlllng the advantages of their kind of country life local musi cians who were lucky enough to be there still talking about the jam ses sion hugh bartlett happy gang an nouncer organised with some of cab calloways boys when they made a stage appearance in toronto recently alice the oralgs hill found herself bidding against her own mo ther at a recent auction sale alice wanted to add to her ooheotton of figurines and her mother was thetwi to secure a particularly attracur piece for daughter alice they managed to run the price up about six dollars more than they needed to before they recognized voices in ths general commotion marched off happily arm in arm with the precious china mr farmer i have your auction sale posters printed at this office our prices are reasonable time table changes u effective sunday april 28ui fun xnf onnmtlon from afwst canadian national

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