Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 1, 1940, p. 2

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pace 2 the georgetown- herald wednesday evening may 1st 1940 itiugebnektl iwupi vi 4 bslusarul ultan oatta moijn mated state dtnafe gouiee -7- sev tjaar adverqae rate wiu be quoted on application r s1 1 ymeiti a jtobical community this edition of the herald might almost be called a music edison thv hatsh covutty musm festival was a success front- the bprilhg per forrnapoe on wednesday evening right through tp the sixth and final program friday afternoon v t the people of georgetown gave line support to the festival and we iietleve this support was repaid in the fine programs presented by the liestantb fe will tie hoping to see the festival once more in our towrfbfctnfr main yeaisgo by we araiw- attention also to the georgetown- choral society which brought back j a cup from the peel musical festival on friday and to- mr t wawietf who won the lyric- tenor honours at- the some featfval on wednesdayi completing ow music bditldn we ftrid four locflt choristers going toohid on may 11th flth the grace mile choir and the annual dance ofthe jeorgtffwiohoral society being held next friday evening truly we ar j rriitwtra wnrmntry j0 titb j j 0 a cotavjkttosr iols ohioiot v or tiseall eoiastjreek editor rrrbse vlsitta i conventions the district nihmj of xhft cwwa in wlnd- tliiklitsg6otlh badpbibts fortunately fw 4kii vtta dayjwhldfrfev w joyed imrnerisejy tofiet bn trtda-evenirik- was disappointing the speaker mr lie white of tto derroiv news gve it eowspeech papers butwmveed to ihe wetlj- fas notable fot afn excellent fbrmn of the ivalsh mrjudexsbni vemiihc wre striigtarom the raas a group toe asserted that ided tnhie -setter- layout liibaturdaytiuiriesslsesslbh ohafional advertfelrfecpnctuch advertising agency mivndexsr toadiinafrhrje pr8tsweq thetwertj tflo man mou tt jpibiiipt bsltnof accounts were aboitreinedivhe sijgsesjftl f sessipn wltn a luncheon at which rev m 6rj qulet sanctuary the vtsttdrssotriehing to think over tl in these pays of stress v v l we hope that we hive gained stone ideas frgmflf different forums wtrifcrr wul proveor value bott to us and to our jmefcra and advertisers aswe weeks ao we say how this isyour paper and we want toprbit iiie things you vint to read n canadian farmers the gennan protection ot denmark is bqund to eventually have its jea3lqn oh caofdian farm life on th wests farm page you will notice ah article showing that denmark supplied britain wlui 49 of brlfalh ijaoon imports 35 ot her gutter 50f her eggs llhle surplusep o aheea ppoducte have been 6tored up and new tattohliig equlremejats will cu owq on supplies used britain will have to lot elsewhere hi replenb a part jol this import loss canada will undoubtedly share in this find cang farmers will profit bylt it is a tragedy that a more natural solution for some of our farm proteins canhbbe jouno it will be well if the farmer remembers that increased production dufingwaxtinip does not imply a permanent solu tion of his prgtyexm- mbevtite war is over we shall see a shift badk to jthe p trad routes and our farm probftms shall hte more come to the fore i halpnfpounliy- armors re snowing some interest in a solution of the jtvhktiptohleais with prejjmtnary brfaulflbtloh spiorm by our twatkeal meojbaraoijliarabxl wbbe tms otgimbjaubh is still in the engbnwmv-sw- undouikhodjo u berrtntlf ftgithsteupport from tbe tryjn- tb bripv fox seriabfle ipfwoateh to ftnypxikem wtfrilmilnn is necessary ii t oraaniaatton shflttldjtertain in- famjtf peees in lime of jtwehpift that these attvthot acarfzig tme oanadlari- far- jjkjarhtbhigers ov permanent organization of fahwrirs to deal with larm problems w oermany uaell about imn tynine million metric tons- of kn in 19 although xhtrrnany is ar war qiera ma belittle yarupn in ttu amount for in 1938 and 1939 she was war footing lenoe of 19l lncreaaad ulroh the brimdl-tuock- 3k anyuh9r der- exportq of iron- and steel tools and machinery and this iron may be turned to meet new wartime needs of course if germany could obtain uny zjm fori the balkans as wo shall see however supphes are limited i assuming jthen that twpitynino rrhjlipn tons or iron are required a conseryatlve estimate how rouch of thts rnuscbe imported last year about ipurteeri mflllop tons of irou were jjroducedin tha present grtsater aerrhanyfrbin ort and from scrap iron trdiamunl win probably be in creased for one thing oermahy may make increased use of scrap al- though she has already done this to suchr eyt kutt fiuther expan sion may not be posiqie tqran other new inhiejs wjl4smeltlhgplaiits e tetlopr the in teepe mfne is of ju very jow grade lam pkmuctiilco4liwiil fliere- fore typjbtf tlnl4i xo or three mmi9nfonsbr innfey com6 froni tins scmnie aw eeh larger ujcks tn ttf4i thite ft seems ppsmlflethat greatei- cennany can npw prbvijdd anterhinlytrwyriaffiorer iran needs the reihalndey rnust be 4m- portetj thblcickade has cut otf couhtre ichsnppllmab6it thlfpur jr cent of germaviys- inipqrt ftf ypn tore an scrap in 199 of tte pyun- trtefi still operi to gennarty cfwcdi was responsible for almost f6rtytwo per cent or germanys import needs or about 30000 t 3 were brought in from norway the low courrtrles the ujssjt yugoslavia etc increased domestic production will probably take care of half the iron imports cut off by the- blockade the remainder must be obtained by in creased lnrpbrts fperhaps up to be tween two and three million tons of iron from countries still accessible sweden fs expanding production and may be able to increase her export germany n transport difficulties be adjusted the rnuchtised tfa- cwer try the letter hoi iieswjiense looks down muetdwh andwinuig lames rbads in rofiig plaihf trtexaf npthn fancy rtothap i grctru jufitouofhmeandnotciwiah bat why if you walk along the street thanks just no jteliuv who youd tbew pedro in thii market phadei with tasty fruit and strtlhn face awiiqamer in the 6omer tttofe mat jahmys leonin on the door thefi jteverend flmyttie wrth head tieia high weiuh dff his hat as he passed tiy andimint6n to save sorrie souls frtsri mftdwfa sorhm 6oals cbirsetheteslittfeohes the fownaf olta dughtyrs and their tbe thro- ve t park aathc from dawn till dark i gucvjjoaiidnt wim old fee the soldier with the wooden leg who plays the fiddle and sometimes sings i i i i tojjhdf hw trad 9 pedflbi things we call him peg andbedont pund ifoetwng grand abdut the whongo onuvtniinilte paat atensrtupredousmnortes last weli doctor marilnli lace oh doc has never lost wluiah wfertc ttrfts come anllorse flfesawninorfv tridrh6 l we r bay nurse will you dojhl u tfivor u youve just got a minute to spare will you drop ju a line to the old from the other countries could not be tjb w a er4wo yttfit of- expanslan in the mines i i newe serious at tirosent ma ar agui fa e the ehor- tage suggested is not great and ger- can tbablmabftmttieaahuatlon ily fib ioa lifeo raerves on pver bflbaln msjtirance iflwedlffyore milch nor- toernwny vm hitter would speedily find herself in serious dlfhcultlm nickel is imrttnx- jt ithe arma ment industry and eightysix per pent of ennanya normal sources of supply havobeerisljpppq bi the blockade even allowlng for expansion of hec ihiiltod domestic resources and for purchase 6t all the outout of- greece rgeripaany bultt ijlit be ktbt fronvliiimfofherjieeda the usgl surplus ap- pareiuy ipo gex has npt wtt by any si21reseiyps ontckel uh- less some of her imports hive been concealedr she probably jia a re serve but not a large one fijced hy anlckel slmirtage ger maniriyrsly bsjjltuti as moly mehflun chroauimr d- ganesp- tbeac prodiice an ihferj prodlit is jgeneralh beed aj moreover there roy pe shors 61 the iadljwdenum comes cmetir fiodiepn1ied states th cfa3c hasasyef ltue f export and nor- way pfjei npjj produce enough tor r mariga- uese slajestcl rive been wiped pul by blockade the usx to supply germany must increase her expors to germany by about twelve uiinsdimrvcantan lnoreasewhlah yould btf astonlshlng- chromium probably be obtained in adequate quantities ifxora owilwiond eastern europe- r othft jninerals -pf- importance in- heavy manufacturing and in chemi cal and lclelca industries which germany cannot nowobtalo are tungsten and -vanadium- tin has largely- been cut off although lead is available -in- sufficient quantities apparently oermany baa no large reserves of any ot- those metal but altemptlngto substituted aluminium 2uic and magnesite for many of them since these three minerals can be pro duced extensively in germany mom aluminium is also available to hun gary and yugoslavia the effective- ww manys disposal yet this coal is at great value in producing goods- buch- asou an l 4w leayi conquered polish territories contain ttw f xmm exported to pay for muchneeded sup- plieaitbir p poaluon he duringptmu past houfieholsrs si gree tafltus cemieamhr in obtain coal for these other purposes the jieeds of industry and br export were filled at the expense of the homev the labour probata oifesflinrtj by avowing to llzatlon of coal miners as general rtaa imomsntfo at stry anathe block ade jbfifc crt off jnirjetsoeiwia copper supplier which came largely fjfom overseas sources the uflbjl has no copper to spare wmlbwhat little yugoslavian copper there is la frryihoned gripany herself can produce only a itfiau pipporiioa of hec needs yec hpe lf lflcdli qarn should ek 7jnor- dlfflculqes huougri lack fuiesny kaig peilodpi are available only from sources over- luotion lncreajp9kodauewhllvw nues lh consumption may be effected but even so this is a serious weak- in laajyfl discrepancy between supplies needed able russia has- export surplus al- iv producing it is report- adalouisfcthreequarters of her needs kwf dt i rtaftlixuo tir a- dmei tuefdoy to tuesday jn ter route froth the swedish lapland ness of the substitution may not east- mines to germany is spoiled by the my be judged but it is claimed that blockade and some ports of the re- resultant products are pf m t awrb oxerp0jn rahe abtmcenhefwin jen her block- oerrsairy lsewiasized ia as trie iristlgator at ttw te that of ttie talis upa renfoof bopresthhftt qd tbqulvatent for jsrprn tjwotq thfeo yoajps l8vpx with increased wartime consumption she vpuld notbeseripysly hampered by lak ofj cqpper for gonatlme tp oomg w textjxji b7 ant of caretui saying of wool and cjhtmirag 1j dsyntrhetlcjffpduc- tiontote oeraiahy tui supply slightty ovef fbrtypev nt of her soythlextlle reds ihtiinfe oftoai ahecan cnrtali exports and rerjtrtct- fsivtuakk oonsumptmngb thatfihelslprcfll over tlfty per cent ehjuhthnt tet she cannot make nip balam ftax and hemp are bboalniwe botlsat cot- con and wdolln siimwenlf qilantttlfa o say nouilng yr jute t sltal the ussr tiasno wool hoexpobt and on til recently- has been- an importer of cotton- the balkans can supply a lltue wool- and cotton ttut net enough and germany will probably be thirty per- cent to- forty per cent short of her neos for textusa cot ton it may be added is used in- the making of munitions to make the best of the situation germany has losed down older and relatively in- wwrtfrttfrt dire cnr time table standard time geweart paiseegar ftafl aw ifmsfnger and mail 1009 aon passenger and mau 646 pjn pfieooer susmuye ooly b3lvm pawenberliiuy j m pm toronto add mmtd s3 them im a uod ot a ihero f oqrae as you knew- its all rot but ma was so set on a family and il seems- 1 wajrau that- they vet and then camp the war and that pranged thlnga to me nurse it didnt jeem right that t should stay home aijd do nothing while my friends all went over to fight poor ma she just cried something awfpl but pahe6 an old vet you know just put his big hand on my shoulder hf knpw how i ialt i must go what inonth is it nune you say apr why then lts just sjpriag over there the flowers are out in the woodlands theres a t fresh ort of smell in the asleep lo x guess i was dreaming the letter alhete ias i oh yes just tell ithem at home that im happy ithey knowhow i miss them i guess going west passenger and mall 834 am f4i4 saturday and sunday 6pm passenger t tail fiu45 pm goinx north rlssehfeer aid lail 845a4n going south- passenger and mail 4 50 pm defkh ticket office phone 20w e imol i-m- nilf n 4e 4 a fr watson dds- imlds jqeoigetown ootet hours b to 3 except thursday afternoons 3e nurse vhfw leaf sent fgae tis that they r towftlo- havnw we tend our aomnnsna till ottr fidds trtui itfn imi ii rssinwwcfflc hmbmmliiilaiitoaa itoo krlo-im- wtftt ofbinemll aumrtvt faia tin frmmm nidleeoieith tutt 4uai otattaa wore frank fetch ockl8ei urnove3t all classes op in90ance proalpt service gtnrceum box va ll vmjehi fax knt jkn for me r itie pain gone ltfltuer sa4o jjetsi shiisii tlu letter borne mffkmhitl jlfrfx t i jn miue leaves in a strajme jap- 1 vjn 13 trni t uolr pey hbtf rofrrlt t w wtuai evorfsmfv pjinr ov- vrhead it would be herd o the tftb rwather tbem dajk m 1 1 1 i u teart bnrfcbeic j sanford son f gray coach lines vtibetcabte ptillimtitt for toronto ia 2jfi rear of practice chiropractor xray druglem thctttpist lodyr attriwmtnv- ofbce ovbi domtnioh store goottoiht hburs 2- 5i t30- 930 pm clobd tlturaday phooe 150w 9 t tt 1 4 atv lpaj3t tives will meet ofi my 13th to choose a- temporary ieader id jhe itouse fprc the n0s sejwsldii itls beutved thtrt af tei7je sssioti efi bopict mfltrtloil nrni yilv i tfeflgl ftnseejc fr spat- rtlirtien y embht7vlsits xbesracnt premlsr king last week confepne4 privately with president oomvdur- tag a ylstt to tht tja runjors weee that thestlawiiwafaway tfam possible canadian occupation of greenland yere jhechler tppics of the cwnfojeiiee j votes tok womelf ft the lrevc of quatoec gave women iherlfiht tovotftiln provincial- elec uons and hold seats in the provincial parllanacnt thlrtoi at- tempts a- the passing- pf such a bill were overcome ljut preaaier adelard godjbaj was iwoesful in thigatr tempt whioh he had prganlsed in his ejectipn pjatfpnh last fall 0 j314 aja 4q8 pjn- filb aa 06pm 1148 tin 03 pjn e 223pj- x bifr ahi x4fpm 1205 pm e 7j50 pm x t05tpm dlo vmi a406 p ell-prn- xrfhraugttrtolj oatly except sun and hot to un and hoi anly onry ddaliy except- sat and moke set- sun and hoi gjaey except sun ah obactt travel mfbrtrintldn at wihlon phone 89 ait for 4swbden allied assurance of aidhas been felven to iswodenjhi tibe event of- at tack or interference srom -germarry- leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba bitrt4sters and golwtors u strve qeorgetown phone 19 4-e- monuments mautks an lfcllrjtuno pottock inghawl -clt- e i oogptm jveqaa- phone -0e- iniipect our ckreowwooct getnetery mm xm ri k tilling ijaa trnr i st s- trfbcffeice w 111 ijatto rlb 3 x t m a t korea m lhjn butue souclorljj psmie pinit mortce uoney te loan oaoe oeeory theatre xug m1u street phone n oeotfetovm iinmittm iru avtjali m 1 li ii alimb iwja cpwli and rwtht iblpartrtwb j 8ptlalit f j wsv- botlex taidts ijtcv ft puuo00l v- tce box ftowers tears old a rtew lmustry basepwrtg into ingor totherarf auoidsluhi teelbp- hjent avery- owlmdtetlry it the xaajcbi oti4eeboxjwiwett yeans eflo ther4s w jhlloaky in tellmei whethwv trkmhsm a jadjrs ccwage w the ncue meeorution in the apea verttqemairs eetnhg voabfcter0 artificial ornot eveta at a dlstam treetws a- amerettoe tor the thli tfttog wfitetf aca fc night wove on tmtthi aiihutheavartmyrettahed sprightly there 1s i an toe bojcflbwer factory in torontdwhldtl so ftur as he bttr- eau off sbxttttlcs ikrwows la ttfe only bne of dta kind in caada tt is sasd to be the largest in th british em- pre fttie mdustry is only about six yean okl it begari in aprrvate nobe trjth a larnily of three th worktng- taff toda the bualness i hotfted m a- factory andthero ore about ohe hundreds wnrkeasi these- new atiflolal flowers are as close an iaritattcm e tht- real- thing as can be made ti bkwokns are perfumed a wiuittrtia twiigi about them is that when trie flowws ant crusried- as fiowers- wul be at a dahce uiey can be festered to their pristine elegance by xtanrilngtbeiljl the- re frigerator for a little while thus there s another- use for ffliuft modem eomplenverit m the- kttcben this ability to afthe baok- life under coolabdj moist conditions as what has given the name ice box to those artl- flfeial ftwess what has made this tocvustry pos- jible was the dlsoovery- unit the pith of the tushla tree douk be- used for making petals ttl toshj tcee grows- on the t island ofrnuosa off the ooatt of china- jaraffltr butarrjr canadarls aaa cwite of thsrjotitry actltlty ttje pith ns a ifof t tilve textureiiarid wrten lel rfeetttdes natural flowers both tooaohttnd ap- pearancev- anacieticjan iohiattmfiypen jto mri hit rawrtsj ht t3nr1 mub ink 4i tfuevnd iiec5t5rrfaiab lb l j j- gnptblkiu wqeltgeiexx whenc t4 evloto 3f9vsana rwrnre paw aa n ma 1 m b aerla imwmii u r mrlaoi wyaiaab 0g mhr i ifafity tr j npitioaicttri sqtoe tn1v- j 4

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