Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 8, 1940, p. 1

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is seventythird year of publication wednesday evening may 8th 1940 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa esquesing council appointed n r thompson as treasurer wm campbell appointed weed inspector deputation asks formation of union school section auditors j appointed stewarttown may 6th 194a esquesing township council held their regular meeting on monday af ternoon deputyreeve c h may councillors g w murray edwin haj rop and geo e cleave were present tbeeve win a wilson presided at the meeting the minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted communications were read from commissioner of agricultural loans department of health department of agriculture and jenkins and hardy a deputation of- ratepayers presented a petition asking for the formation of a union school section to be com posed of the east half of lots no 20 21 22 23 24 and 25 con 11 and school section no 3 in the township of ghlnguacousy during the afternoon applications for the position of township treasurer were opened and norman r thomp son was chosen to succeed mr george leslie who has retired moved by may and murray that the treasurer pay relief accounts as presented by the belief officer 40484 carried moved by may and cleave that the treasurer pay the road sheets as pre sented by the road superintendent 98556 carried moved by may and cleave that the treasurer pay j e whitelock se cretary halton plowmens association re junior farmers 1000 carried moved toy harrop and murray that the treasurer pay board t hydro commissioners georgetown street lights at olen williams 7475 hydro electric power camm brampton lights at council chamber 552 bell helephone co 361 r 21 523 the acton free press to advertising re treasurer 50c edward townsend trip to milton brick plant with assessor 600 ethel harrison to cleaning council chamber 300 i m bennett 1 gal floor oil 75c carried moved by cleave and may that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw toappolntauditors to audit the-town- ship accounts for 1940 and that said bylawbe now read a first time car ried moved by murray and harrop that bylaw no 925 to appoint auditors to audi the township accounts for 1940 having been read a first time be now read a second and third times and passed and the blank filled in with the name of jenkins hardy and the seal of the corporation be attach ed theretocarried moved by cleave and may that this council petition the hydroelectric power commission of ontario to can cel contract on united church at llmebouse west part of lot 22 con 6 owned by wm qowdy carried moved by harrop and murray that this council petition the hydroelec tric power commission to cancel con tract no 156 halton brick property tbyto of esquesing east part of lot 28 con 11 carried moved by murray and cleave that the resignation of joseph sta as weed inspector for the township of esquesing be accepted and that wm campbell be appointed and a bylaw be prepared in accordance carried moved by harrop and cleave that having received a petition regarding a union school section and in accord ance with section 31 clause 0 of un ion school act we hereby appoint l l mullin as arbitrator carried moved by may and cleave that the following taxes be- written off the rolls 1938 dog taxes 8000 1937 dog taxes 5809 1936 dog taxes 4000 1934 dog tax 200 total 18009 mary gilbert 1938 business tax 310 westby 1939 business tax 143 town- ship of esquesing 1939 taxes re dob- hie farm 7155 grand total 25617 carried that the application of norman r thompson for the position of treasur er of the township of esquesing at a salary of 35000 per annum be accept ed and that the clerk is hereby in structed to prepare a bylaw for the appointment of said norman thompson as treasurer of the town ship of esquesing at a salary of 35000 per annum in accordance with the provinciai statutes carried moved by harrop and murray that this council do now adjourn to meet on june 3rd at 10 oclock am stan dard time as a court of revision or at the call of the reeve carried grenfell mission elect officers the annual meeting of the george town branch of the canadian gren- xeh mission was held in knox s s room at 3 pm on friday may 3rd bevrmr baxte led in a short devo tional service miss ethel o qxa- lam of ottawa secretary to the mission gave a graphic account of the wort in the grenfell mission i jim in labrador flliurtrated with the officers elected were secretary treasurer mrs j b mackenzie and the committee mrs w d johnstone icss brown miss lawson mrs hurt and lars anne oreig this society forwarded a bate of valued at 8100 to mutton bar sunday is mothers day bad accident near tovvn six persons were injured in a crash on the 7th line esquesing five miles north of georgetown last friday night a carload or young people which included four georgetown girls was bound for a dance at erin ap proaching a narrow bridge the car driven by merle held of brampton met a truck directly on the bridge the two vehicles sldeswiped relds car smashed off a section of the guard rail but fortunately did not plunge over the bridge into the creek eight feet below three of the girls however were thrown from the rear seat right over the bridge the car a 1931 model a ford was almost a complete wreck it was removed to a eacripps gar age in town and next day was taken to brampton damages to the truck were of minor nature i it was loaded with potatoes and was driven by hugh scott of toronto donald cox of brampton was most seriously injured of the group was taken to peel memorial hospital with possible severe spinal injuries miss doris herrlngton of georgetown was also removed to the hospital the other georgetown girls ghar- lene davidson elizabeth wylle and evelyn roney were attended by dr j h baieman of georgetown and dr w w bartlett of brampton miss davidson suffered cuts bruises and shock miss wylle facial injuries and miss roney cuts and bruises driver merle reld received facial cuts and lacerations the accident was investigated by constables oliver and cookman milton and chief w g marshall of georgetown womens institute elect new officers mrs wyl1e chosen president the annual business meeting and election of officers of the womens in stitute was held at the home of mrs a duncan on wednesday afternoon may- 1st at 3 pm the meeting was opened by the president mrs livingstone and after the usual opening ode and prayer the minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted mrs w g mcdowell gave several very interesting items on current events and the roll call was answered by suggestions for next years gramme at the conclusion of the business period the officers for the new year were elected with mrs geo campbell acting as the presiding offi cer the new officers being hon presidentsmrs livingstone presidentsmrs wylle 1st vicepresident mrs w g mc dowell 2nd vicepresident mrs f mc- nauy secretarytreasurer mrs r t paul assistant sectreas mrs fred armstrong district representative mrs wylle a vote of thanks was tendered mrs duncan for w hospitality and after a dainty lunch was served the meet ing closed with god save the king barbers held conference a conference of all persons engag ed in the barberlng trade in the dis trict- including acton milton and georgetown was convened in george town last wednesday by an officer representing the industrial and la bour board under the authority of the department of labour in the near future all barbers in the zone designated by this board will be operating under the indus trial standards act an act framed for the purpose of better working condi tions for both employer and employee standard prices and wages will be en forced by the department of labour prominent brampton man passes william dale assistantuperinten dent of the dale estate in brampton died on april 29th at the age of 66 in the floral business all his life mr dale was a brother of the late harry dale wfio founded the tjhatetwo brothers thomas and edward and a sister mrs elizabeth lewis all brampton survive he leaves his widow the former lucy baxter two sons percy and harry and a daughter dorothy rouses to rent the herald office thl put week re sembles a real estate bureau sen people seem to be in the market houses and- apartment if anyon has a house to rent an advertisement in the herald would inform the would- be renters try ttl mr george leslie retires as treasurer of esquesing township a faithful public servant of the township for forty- two years he has resigned his post recently on account of iu health in 1898 mr leslie succeeded richard graham as treasurer of esquesing township previous to this time the office of treasurer had been combined with that of clerk and mr leslies predecessor was the first man to hold the separate office of treasurer former clerktreasur ers included john murray and richard tracy george leslie was born in chm- guaeousy township m 1856 the son of john s leslie and ann mc- pherson his grandfather whose name he bears came to canada from county tyrone ireland and settled near the then village of georgetown near the site of the present paper mills his mother died when george was still a youngster leaving four other children father john s served on several municipal councils in chinguacousy township and it was from him that young george first gathered his interest in municipal affairs in 1881 george married martha ann cook of glen wlllams the young couple settled on the site of the present leslie home on the lot 18 concession 5 esquesing at that time there was but a rough wooden building and the land was for the most part uncleared three or four years of hard work and saving money and the leslies felt that they could afford a brick building enough hardwood was sold to buy brick for the house and the bovll brothers from glen williams were engaged as builders all the woodwork for doors floorsand interior was supplied from nine pine trees which were felled by mr leslie he recalls that it was a good mornings work to cut down one of these enormous trees and one log was enough to fill a large sleigh in 1898 mr leslie was approached by friends with the suggestion that he apply for the position or treasurer which richard graham was vacating at that time mr leslie was acting as a school trustee for waterloo school section he decided to apply for the position and was chosen as treasurer at a salary of 125 since that time he has filled this position serving under 24 reeves in politics he has been a liberal mr leslie has kept a dally diary ever since he was a young man it is a real revelation into the life of this man to see these dally entries which he has made drew oats went to geoigetown bought groceries at tended funeral the simple everyday life of a good man and a good citizen mrs leslie passed away in 1927 and a son roy was a victim of the flu epidemic a few days later a son frank was killed in a motor accident his daughter mrs g laldlaw lives with her father at the family home there are three other daughters mrs w bowman mrs w torrance and mrs jamieson at queens university kingston mr leslies only living brother jack lives in abbotford bc son john c leslie lives in calgary and during his fathers recent illness in guelph general hospital he flew east to see him john is married to an acton girl who was miss bell before her marriage and they have three sons twq of whom are now serving with the cabf and two daughters an incident which mr leslie will not soon forget is the time about ten years ago when he was trapped in a neighbours field by a bull he had gone to bring home some sheep which had strayed there suddenly he heard a noise behind him and turning saw an angry bull pawing the ground the next fifteen minutes was a nightmare of dodging behind some small thorn trees warding off the- rushes of the enraged creature gradually he worked towards the fence and finally made a dash for a spot where the fence passed over a hollow in the ground he succeeded in rolling under the fence and escaped unhurt though mr leslie has been ailing for the past few months we are pleased to report that he is recently much improved in health and is able to be up and around his farm for a part of each day on may 3rd he celebrated his b4th birthday although we no longer have mr oeorge leslie to serve us in an official public position it is the hope of this community that he will be with us for many more years as a private citizen it is such men as these who make for a better community residents petition council to pave durham si a r speight offers to purchase town lots water ser vice asketl for on ann street- councillor brown host to council at chicken dinner q georgetown council met in regular session at 8 pjn tuesday members present mayor gibbons reeve cleave councillors cave browm cripps mc donald and mackenzie the evening was spent in more-or- less routine business after the read ing of the minutes of the previous meeting mr p vannatter and mr momann addressed the council ny that a water service be installed on ann and ontario streets it was decided that the matter be delayed till next council meeting when the owners of the two properties involved mrs vannatter and mrs paul should be present and some agreement might be reached with them a representative of the municipal spraying and oiling company asked that consideration be given his com pany in the purchasing or road on re quirements this year he whs inform ed that council had already made it commitments for the year and there was little chance of more oil being used the treasurer was instructed to pay the relief commission the sum of 1196 for april welfare accounts the following accounts were passed for jjayment l harding sts i 300 john emmerson ww t 240 l harding sts 5to l harding sts park 930 w h keutner son coal 2750 wmward court services 400 e c thompson court services 440 canadian national railway rent 1300 georgetown flour and feed mills sts to mr hall reeled wth tew remark hs n j e privilege of being an oddtelil ss js il i have done no more than anylss jsl llow should i have tried x 5kl j ioof entertains ladies ioof ladies night on monday attracted a sizeable crowd of members and friends the lady rebekahs were the special guests of theievenlng and chairman savings spoke highly of the cooperation which the oddfellows al ways receive from the sister organiza tion the early part of the evening was given over to an entertainment chalr man savings introduced mr ralph gordon who delighted his audience with crayon sketches impersonations magic recitation in the approved style or the oldtime chatauqua e tertalners mr gordon has spent lifetime on the professional stage and though he is by no means a young man he still has the art of holding the attention of an audience little miss shirley harrison dressed all in green presented a novelty tap- dance mr joe young was wellrecei ved with a piano solo a highlight of the evening was the presentation of a smokers stand tt brother hall for being a good odd fellow and a good citizen mr wil liam long who made the presentation tecalled that mr hall bad joined or ion lodge twenty years ago and since that time he had been a conscientious worker for the lodge we are to lose him said mr long ai hope that he will come oyer oftentrom his new home in alton lions play hosts to midgets the regular meeting of the lions club on monday was featured by the presence of most of the members of georgetowns victorious midget hoc key team each lion adopted one of the boys lor the evening and this boy sat with his father at dinner lion bill orant gave a report on the proceeds of the recent draw for the stiver fox fur and the mlxmaster proceeds amounted to 16835 and ex penses of 7880 left the sum of 7955 to be used in child welfare work the sum of 5 was granted to four local singers who are competing in a music festival in warren ohio this week it was reported that lion bill king is progressing favourably in guelph general hospital and is now able to sit up in a wheel chair each day the speaker of the evening was lion ed mcwhirter who gave an account of the early history of the paper mill in georgetown he told of the four barber brothers coming over from ireland in 1b22 landing near dundas ontario two of the bro thers came to georgetown and the other two settled in streetsvfde they took over an old sawmill -arkitnodern- ised it into a paper mill the first business office wasln the-brktk-oot- tage which adjoins the home of dr r t paul m those days the payroll was v pounds shillings and pence and later on the employees were paid in ameri can money when william barber died the business was left to john joseph and jim eventually john bought the others out and became sole owners of the concern by this time the original paper busi ness was broadening soda pulp h by hand was a new product added and soon sulphite was being produced in 1868 the business was faced with the problems of lack of water cor power a power house was built and it has been established that the first electricity transmitted in canada was used in this mill in 1911 provnclal paper took over the plant from the barbers and to day it is one of georgetowns most im portant businesses ed mcwhirter has gone through the mill starting in the humblest job until he nchleved his present position as superintendent of the lower mill mr mcwhirter was thanked not only for his remarks on the history of georgetown but also for aocom ponying the hockey team on ithelr successful jaunt to copper cliff lion harold mcclure announced that gold and purple crests for the members of the hockey team had been ordered and the team would re ceive them sometime in the next week or two the meeting closed with short re marks by jim sargent bill ritchie frank fetch and walter blehn georgetown soldiers- comforts committee met the georgetown soldiers comforts committee met in the library on wed nesday may 1st and the secretary mrs rouyot r that 800 cigarettes had been sent to each of the following local men overseas oap- tain j 0 sutherland lieut j a early staff sergeant ow moretoxi 1ui pte a a bowey pte w beam ish pte j r graham pte h perry pte f m grace pte thos b given pte j kendall pte j mills pte reeve pte r blair pte o huts pto oddfellow follow our principle of friendship love and truth if every individual and every nation followed these three principles the world would not be in the terrible condition it is in at pres ent mr e v maccormack made a presentaton of ronson lighters to bros savings walker and buuivant for their attendance at the saturday night dances during the winter thus strengthening the finances of the lodge lunch was served at 11 pm and the latter pan of the evening was spent in dancing annual dance georgetown choral society held in arena last friday georgetown choral society held their annual dance at the arena on friday evening may 3rd everyone present reported a very pleasant even ing of dancing which was interrupted at midnight for lunch a feature of the evening were novel ty spotlight dances prize winners in these were miss mary feller mr r duncan miss june prank and mr a swackhamer the committee in charge of ar rangements for the evening was com posed of mrs r t paul mrs dun can mrs e thompson mrs e em merson mrs w peck and miss r shortill the orchestra was under the direc tion of lloyd henderson of bramp ton among those present were the fol lowing mrs r paul mrs a duncan mrs e thompson mrs e- emmerson mrs w peck miss r shortill miss eva harding miss irene faram miss jean mackenzie miss margery mackenzie mr and mrs c sinclair mr and mrs h heldinann mr and mrs p thompson mr and mrs e sanford miss margaret evans miss betty rit chie mes jessie hill miss kathleen lyons miss betty lyons miss june frank miss mary feller miss mary bludd miss dorothy anderson miss dorothy cleave miss jean mcallister miss mary paul miss annie buluvant miss moreen palmer miss ruby allen miss madeleine erwin miss hilda erwin miss marion leslie miss irene young miss greta capps miss phyllis capps miss jean macdonald mtm floria feller miss betty grant yht olenna leslie miss laurentla ar- chambault mr bruce kennedy mr hugo lyons mr m mclntyre mr ross duncan mr lloyd livingstone mr l humberstone mr s j faram mr k mackenzie mr c bradley mr r early mr r peck mr a swackhamer mr hartley mr j ritchie mr graham famell mr a mcdonald mr w e capps mr h tost mr r wheeler mr a toung mr elmer mccumber ml- l dark mayor jos gibbons bam bams i- a man in alvlnston a village near glencoe went to a nearby farm for a visit he left bis car on the driveway where some sheep were grasing a ram took exception to the fact stat another ram presumably was gaslng at him he went peu mefl into the side of the car leatma a urge dent in it golnc around to the other side he again aanr the other itm an other laxge dent went in the ear damac was oonatderatole fatrotta advertiser-toplc- hydro electric 8732 g r muckart ww m f c whitmee sts ll8f halton county grader sts 1050 k c mcmillan sts lsou canadian brass co ww 407s wc anthony s p ztzsojo sawyer massey limited sts 4j4 p b harrisdn postage etc 630 w t evans insurance 21906 c g benham insurance 11701 e c thompson insurance 7034 georgetown herald printing 1649 w c cunningham sts 640 w g marshall- postage etc 445 mr a r speight approached the council regarding the purchase of 9 lots across from his garage on guelph street he pointed out that the park ing problem in that vicinity especial- ly on wednesday and saturday nights not only led to the- loss of businesi for him but constituted a dangerona accident hazard he proposes to fill in these lots and use them for park ing facilities to alleviate this condition the fill would be under the supervi sion of the municipality he offered 50 for the lots and council suggested a selling prloebr 100 council moved that we seb to a r speight a strip of land m- central park along no 7 highway 66 ft wide from the clark prop to the river for 100 and that the mayor and clerk be authorized to alga the neoessary papers and that a right of way allowance be included in the deed mr speight increased his of fer to 75 and the matter was left for further consideration by both par ties a petition was received from a num ber of ratepayers asking for a hard surface road on durham street no action was taken on this petition communications were read from st josephs hospital guelph and guelph general hospital in regard to pay ment of accounts incurred by resi dents of georgetown a communication from the ghbf clerk kitchener asking that this council show itself in favor of re stricting the hours of women workers- was pa ov as counci f local conditions were quite satisfac tory mr e c thompson and mr a k wilson asked for a renewal of insur ance with their company it was moved that the tax couee- tor be instructed to return the 1938- tax roll on may 27th a court of re vision consisting of mackenzie crippa brown mcdonald and gibbons wffl meet at 756 pjn on may 27th to hear appeals against the 1040 assess ment roll this will be followed by a council meeting afte the meeting mr and mrs norman brown were hosts to the council chief of police clerk and press a chicken dinner was served to the guests and mayor gibbons thank ed the browns for their hospitality some new trimmings gwreetctra main street presents- nice appearance these days with new yellow bars for angleparking painted neatly on the cement the confusion of old markers has been removed by painting these over with dark paint tendered shower in toronto miss tnehna orlpps a bride alset of this month was feted with a ana ceuaneoua shower by a group of bar friends m toronto recently ids e bryce and the girt of the medi cal department of the north ameri can life assurance oampaay were the organisers of the shower vddk was held at pembroke house ywxfc a refreshments w brides book made

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