Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 8, 1940, p. 3

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the georgetown hemm wednesday evening may 8th 1940 ftga a woman is hs husbands 8bqp wi thar say kpays to advertise then every wife should see that she is a good advertisement for her husband for in truth she advertises to the world at larva his preference in women and to a i extent his cultural standards hla social background and even his it is the wife who is responsible to a great degree for the outward symmls by which a man is judged by his fedowmen for their home its shie location and fprnlshmp their friends and social aoqualntanom the manner tn which they entertain the dob church and other acttruks in which they engage ta these days of keen competition in business and industry man mere than ever before are so wrapped up m their work that they are glad to leave the details of their borne and social life to the decision of thetr wives a woman who is indtff erent or slovenly about her speech or dress v or home or one who neglects the welfare ox ber children and household for a gay social life can do inestimable harm to her husbands career and standing in thejommunlty she is a very poor advertisement for any man wash day no longer blue monday oh the other hand a wire who keeps heraatf wel ginnm and dress ed id good taste at all times who keeps her home oomfortable attractive and smoothrunning vbo gives her chil dren adequate care who takes her nlaodgrartouily and khjdblntbesor del life of the community who does her share of welfare work who above all uvea we within her husbands tn- e who u loyal keen tolerant and panloname that woman is the best advertisement a man ever had xx her husband is a professional man be profits by the prestige his wife has given him ii he is a business man he profits by the good wul she has bout up for him in the mind of the public if be has a managerial position she impresses on his employ ers his success m managing his per sonal affairs if he is a worker no matter where the boss will think he is a pretty good fellow and smart too to have mich a nice and capable little wife a wife is her husbands shop window they say nothing succeeds like suc cess and many a woman has help ed her husband to greatness net by stage ma his career but by doing her job well almost everybody gets attacks of monday morning blues and the housewife is no exception particularly the housewife who has to do the family wash in a dark and gloomy basement however there is one form of monday morning blues which may easily be cured suggests the canadian institute pf plumbing and heating a coat of gay coloured paint will dls guise basement gloom and a few mod em conveniences will do much to take the weariness out of washday if windows are smau and few as they usually are yellow ivory or white walls will brighten the interior and reflect what light does penetrate and some brightly patterned irrtatnt hung at the sides win add a cheery note a water resistant paint or other material should be used on the floor uptodate laundry equipment is of coarse essential says the institute mod tubsof porcelain enameled iron or concrete with rounded corners easytoclean gleaming surfaces of correct height and depth twin tubs are desirabl and the necessary com plement is the single swinging spout type of faucet which permits the water to be run at the desired tem the faucet may be equipped with a hose attachment for fining the wash tag machine and emptying it the tubs should be located under the win dow to allow for as much light as possi and the addition of an eleo- trio light above the tube will also be an added advantage modern tubs are also built with a handy ledge across the back lor soaps chips etc as soft water cleans clothing and linens quickly without leaving tem tale streaks of soap curds to stain and scorch hi ironing a water softener will be found a valuable asset they are manufactured in a small compact size which may be attached to the faucet to obtain soft water for use in the laundry only and also come in larger sizes which may be attached to the plumbing system at the source of the water supply to the house thus pro tiding oft water for all the house hold uses a fddaway ironingboard may also be located in the laundry and a spaci ous counter for sorting and sprinkling the clothes may be built along one side of the wan with handy cup boards above for storing soaps starch stain remover eto the odd electrical plug at a convenient height around the walls will provide extra light for the ironing board or sorting table where needed and as there is no law against a little background music the house wife can turn on her midget radio and do her washing to swing or grand opera as she chooses fbt those desirtous of making laun dry renovation easy ewrwtwy terms are stm available under the home improvement plan and are obtainable from any branch bank or authorized lending institution spe washer terms arranged brand new beatty dont miss this opportunity phone or visit your local dealer richarbsqfl s hardwabe phone 25 rsmmimm war services what other women are dots the other day i saw the finishing a touches being put on a leather lined sleeveless jacket for the minesweepers old gloves ef kid and soft leather had been collected and cut to obtain pieces that would lie flat these were then pieced together as grandmother used to piece her quills to form the lining the outside was a light brown flannel the arm hole neckline and dawn the fronts were bouud with strong tape and ties attached it was smart looking and should help protect the wearer from the atlantic gales some women i know have found a use for mens discarded woollen socks after being washed the legs were cut of and shaped like a mitt the ribbed top making a tight fitting wrist the insteps were used to make the thumbs and the whole sewn by machine one pair of socks was used for the outside and another for the lining and the tvo tacked together so the raw seams were turned in these gaily pattern ed arm mitts werebeing refugees- many organizations are asking their members to collect stamps which are sold by the pound to the wholesalers others are collecting the tin toll off cigarettes and selling it others are collecting and selling newspapers and empty bottles in each case the money raised is used to buy materials war work another women s war service group sent tobacco ill lb parcels to the men on the minesweepers many of these men are former fishermen from our own atlantic coast they are doing very dangerous work and lar seem to be the most neglected branch of our fighting forces if you wish you may adopt a mine sweeper and its crew usually of about 25 men and knit for them the heavy sea socks wind breakers scarves and mitts they need so badly some communities are organizing clubs for soldiers wives they are of ten lonely and appreciate a place where they may meet for companion ship and a cup of tea and at the same time knit or sew for their men many or them have small children and women who will volunteer to stay with them the odd evening while tb4 mother gets out for a bit of er talnment may feel assured they are doing a worthwhile service for men overseas you can always send cigarettes which canadians find- it dl to get overseas to the unit you are most interested in or home made fruit cake if cooked in a tin and the lid put on as soon as they are cool they wll keep fresh and moist the com mandlng officer will always see that they are distributed among the men who appreciate being remembered by canadians at home maybe you have no relatives or per sonal friends in the army and would like to write to a lonely soldier and send him the odd box or pair of socks if so write to the director of the ym ca huts ca8f england or any other organization interested in the welfare of the men tell him a few personal things about yourself and what you would like to do and you will be given the name of a soldier who is usually missed when the post man comes round note i am certain some of the readers have good suggestions for raising funds to carry on our war work or can jeu us ways we may aid our fighting forces or their de pendents if so please write your suggestions to barbara baines care of the georgetown herald and they wul be published in this space at a later date book review no anns no armo by robert henriques i am sure this book which the all nations prise novel award for 1940 win be much dis cussed w j proarious story of army life the hero is tubby wlndross a typical british young man of the military cjassa gallant fellow whose elegant careless ease wins all hearts hls chief interests horses pololnd hunting later th po fluences enter his iifiwadhv whol tvely and wealthy luiserylndbpen- dent sammy his major who askahta some very disoracertmg- questions and starts hltt thhiktagfof hunself dady wateon a toreahle character outcs whose life has gone awry no longer the simple young jn hy faces the rautof arw the problems of civilisation h7 to wwm to the need of man for ptfnud as wan as emotional and ptoademl wealth he knows suffering sf 5rs srosntiort but he does at last find the causes jjpwservw for a man hi spiritual j anas no armour is an ehmwnt of passion ad compassion nd weakness sentiment cvvvkvvwwvw2wmimivanznsnn2v ainly for women the fire of youth and the reflectiveness of maturing into one great book there is hope in it for tubby wlnd ross and hope for ab humanity and the reader feels that he too has learn ed and developed as the story unfolds robert henriques is an army man he was born in london in 1905 and educated at rugby and oxford he entered the royal artillery to 1836 and served tn england egypt and the sudan during which time be made a trip up the blue nile later back in england after ups and downs of far- tune he joined the territorials as a captain and at present 14 serving once mare rather thin this tlmeof year snovaje glad to cut down onentertalning ex- 1 t t let me remind you happiness in this world when 1 a comes comes incidentally ms it the object of pursuit and leads us a wildgoose chase and never attained follow some other object and very possibly we may find that we have caught happtness with out dreaming of it but likely enough it is gone the moment we say to our selves here it is like the chest of gold that treasureseekers find nathaniel hawthorne new in poop a springtime luncheon bridge for the budget wise many women like to take one last fling at entertaining before summer sets in in earnest but they prefer less formal affairs than those earlier in the season why not have a spring time luncheon and bridge what with income tax new spring clothes extra housecleanlng expenses and now gardening just beginning most families find their pocket book so with cost in mkt order flowep far your tablecentre try lcngvtem- med deep ptnfc sweetpeas with a few baby irises for contrast you will be surprised how quaint and at tractive they look flanked by tan pink tapers on either side lacepaper tallies fit in with the quaint keynote set by the flowers make them yourself of square lace- paper doweff the fiveinch siae fold them in four line them with pink tissue paper and in the centre slip a piece of white note paper cut to fit to be used for the bridge score punch a hole through the folded cor ner and tie with a slipknot with nar row pink and blue baby ribbon au your friends win exclaim arent they just sweet- next you must thlna food buffet luncheon is the simplest for the hostess to prepare and serve if you have a set of grandmothers dishes use them to keep to the old fashioned note and be sure your sflver is gleaming here is your menu on your lar gest silver platter arrange the follow ing first asparagus rolls rail a thinlycut slice of ham around an asparagus tip place a stuffed olive on top and hold all together with a tooth pick then devilled eggs decorate the tops with a small strip of punen to with tiny sprigs of asparagus ca either side and finally quarters of tomato garnish the platter with water cress on another platter have individual fruitmolds in lettuce cups you may like to use orange jeuo for a base with pear cherries and pineapple in it or your own favourite molded fruit recipe then a tray of relishes if you still r ave some of your own home made pickled peaches or watermel on rind or gherkins they wttl bet appreciated and of course eelagy and green and ripe olives are always popular with a plentiful supply of mayonnaise and tots of your own special hot teabiscuits or buns your first course is complete let each guest serve herself the wul probably find it more comfort- able to sit at the bridge tables and baa use their tallies to find their partners for dessert rd like to suggest yotra favomlte sponge cake cover f thick ly with wtdnped cream and over tha top sprinkle plenty of crumbled pesv nut brittle serve tn thin slices and i am sure you wfll make a hit minks and hot coffee round out your menu and heres hick at the bridge the follows i hope you haven t forgotta the prises thdr golden strangerr a new serial novel a stirring serial story of adventurs bidden treasure and romance in which exciting sit move handlnhand with suspense and surprise to a dra matlc climax begins in the mayls issue of the american weekly ths great magazine with the detroit son- day times the author of this love story is s andrew wood who wrote bright angel hoodwink house and other popular novels be sure to get the detroit sunday times the stumfaung block a couple of girls were talking in a bus one night and one said why did you leave your last place well the man of the house kept on kissing me oh xsee you co atandt well i didnt mind it was ufa wife who didnt like it ri i e circles butter tarts 2 f 5 ckrbtoea dtawoad top layer cake 20 bruce bird seed t 17 tea 7 r so woqdborya faciei soap s eke 15c sani white toilrt tissue 4 roll x5c special our own peanut butter zzs tomato juice 3 special chocograhams i9 special pwm sweet tea cakes 29 bananas 3 pounds nsw shabir brand carrots 2 bunches 15c new green cabbage lb 5c new fresh spinach 2 lb 15c labgb size juicy lemons dozen 23c nm tmtwfth fries to kseet pnlfl uliit meat oaw carrolls umtjslm najb mrcct gesffetotvn free delivery jg

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