Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 8, 1940, p. 5

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ajw cross swkty itasl lie praparetlto t fjihu 1 iliil tainmt wutidftta asm id ts aodlftty muttt j to utrtcnto tnwihtlrj dsomen tft cgottnm t oilcy of bold- tug usappeal for tonda aapaxate from that otany other body it was an nounced ttwtetda by dr prad w- boutley tbess has been some suegosuon that an wartime appeals should be combined hi one joint effort to satt tnit th trw ntttfirmv tfaifttff ft bed cross cannot join this communi ty chest idea 7uimgaf the govern ment we have assumed the unique te- spondblllty of carme for the alcfc and suffering white the wotfc of most other organizations engaged in wartime activities is recreational and educa tional wehaye no idea how lag the de mands maqe tip us will be in the man- ttisfo toomei and so it is impossible for red crass to have a fixed budget we must be free to undertake a cam paign at any time often on abort notice we dont know how many cana dian prisoners of war there will be our job is to took after them all for bd cross is the only organization per mitted to provide for prisoners in belli gerent countries during the last war the canadian bed cross cared for 2500 canadians interned m germany at one time the total number during the whole war was of course much larger we cant tell either how many ca will he wounded to hospital our hands must be free to act at a moments notice in any emexgency there is the additional consideration that our contributors must be free to designate the purpose lor which they wish their money used through bed cross huge sums of money have been sent to lland and finland dx routley pointed out qiat in peace time and war red cross acted immediately when disaster struck any where in the world and especially ri here in narmrin faich as the tra gic explosion in halifax in 1817 for estfires and so on he referred 1 also to the relief and rehabilitation work done in pest years in the western canada drought areas and tbfloodstnckaa districts of western ontario the extent of bed ctoel services ban only bmnmwund by laadabfltfcroltbaci ipteitovpnnm th j they want us to do out t ul would be defeated if wt onnbmed oar dp i t of y deny different type of wort ft i itw people of oar mia have been right behind us j tnium have done tiny approv j our wartime action right from t e start when we cabled sioooo to b agsztd br titte 4w of victims of tt atneniaton ing the day war was declared w we had tentton ready for their return to c tied cross is missionary organiza tion because the work of every branch goes far beyon j the confines of the community in v mich it is located bach branch does 1 ts part in meeting all emergencies s ach as recent earth quake destruc don in turkey it helps to the upkee p ot all services peace time and war provided by red cross- health outp- ast hospitals and so on 1j ff or to by nina 3u0an snell mrs al fx grlffa hostess to mi oebers of i oj-e- i the ret alar monthly meeting of the countess of strathmore chapter lo de wa t held at the home of mrs alex o nrig mondaj evening may 6th the regent presided in the chair the n- eeting opened with tiie mem bers r fpeating the prayer of the or der the minutes of the previous meet ng were read and approved and the f ireasurer gave her report the wool convenor gave her report finis bed work handed in r ed cross 12 pair socks 2 large sea rrefc 4 small scarves s pair wrist let h 2 helmets l areo cap 7lodjs 1 sweater 8 small scarves 2 large scarves 6 pair socks 3 pair wristlets mrs lambert gaie a splendid talk m the refugee problem a molion was passed to join the boktters comfort committee mrs a besmmoat being appointed as repre sentalive from the iojxe the correspondence and business be ing attended to the meeting adjourr- ed with tile singing or the national anthem herald advertising pays silvers we call esery day spring leaning suits coats drapes dresses curtains la cleaning done the 1940 way m tost l watson phone 375 quality chicks at the right price barred rocks 1050 per 100 mixed barred rock 90 pullets 1800 per hundred white leghorn 90 pullets 2000 per hundred a quantity of barred rock pullets six eight and ten weeks old at xeosonable prices rawatiiaw rtro raunnrr turkey pomrs fob sale at tum per hu1tobed jamesway poultry equipment colony douses wood coal electric and oil brooders jamesway spagmos peat litter at s2m per bale thompsons hatchery and poultry farm phone 48 r 5 georgetown rr 3 auction of sale household furniture and effects property oi the estate of the late mrs jj mcgill church street georgetown on saturday may 1 1 th at 2 p m d s t dining room table sideboard 6 chairs new bed couch new congoleum rug 9j2 x 10 2 walnut occasional chairs chesterfield suite walnut living room table floor lamp fernery 5 rocking chairs smokers stand 3 small table axminster rug 9x12 steel bed springs and mattress iron bed springs and mattress wooden bed springs and mattress 2 wash- stands 3 dressers 3 congoleum rugs walnut settee bedroom dishes good cheer kitchen range que bec heater enamel top table 4 kitchen chairs 2 odd ghairs clock 2 mirrors pictures odd dishes rjtenen utensils triflt jarst wasn tubb wringer and stand garden tools coal ofl stove 3burner new perfection 40 gallon oil drum other small articles 995 terms cash frank petch auctioneer lutf lut recks snunq mntjb y ft outalda buddy t qleasons voice was ingratiat ing the younfjer convict put down bis magazine i havent but its a cinch you have he mumbled re signedly vou been stalling for an opening to talk about her ever since i came go ahead brother get it over gteasenlaughed sheepishly i guess it was your coming from her town started me thinking about iter he said not that i dont do that a good deal anyhow its whats kept me from blowing my top these nine years that long you arean oldtim er does your girl visit you often well buddv she aint been to see me yet i aint encouraged her to x figured it wouldnt look too good for a tich society lady like her to be running up here all the tune a skeptical snicker came from the bunk whats the idea of rib bing me 1 aint he protested earnestly my girls among the highest hon estl why she s so up m society they put her picture in the papers sometimes i cut one out lest week wait he rose and went to a shelf returning with a newspaper portrait of a beautiful woman the new prisoner took the picture he squinted down at it a moment thtn handed it back uh huh he assented grinning this here dame s a swell all right but o s mrs roosevelt and the queen of greece why didn ja pick on one of them stead of katherine van stone because they am f neither of them my girl and catherine is gleason avowed firmly howd yuh come to recognize her he asked have you seen her face before a hundred times whatever mrs vanstone docs is front page bluff 1 guess h s partly because of the talk there v as about her at rhe time her husband was mur dered gledson swallowed queer you d rlmember he murmured 1 dont not all the fuels you never knew all the facts nor anybody else didn t t- kept inj mouth corked and i reckon i bctler keep on keeping it corktd pshaw shoot the works brother this is getting hot i m interested and i won t let it go no farther lets see wasn t you the van stont s gardener their chauffeur the older man corrected 1 d been working there a few months and it was funny he went on musingly that i didn t have an inkling katherine had fell for me until the the night of this this trouble gosh i was dumb v hadn t she said nothing to let you on she never spoke to me exoept to give an order then this par ticular evening she called to me over the house phone she wanted her car hrought around said she d be waiting at the porte cochere and she was but i didn t hardly recognize her at first why she looked younger somehow and smaller and well sort of piti wth te advance of spttn one a natural dcttre for the food ufahti appear on the market at this season and for meals which ham a sprlnv- thne appetite appeal tbe oonaumer section marketing service dotnlnkm department or agriculture tbetoaowl d f to the menu at this time of the year tered bakm dkfe beat ear unta eofl gradually add the tt maple syrup and ipread m sake trrermodwsm wri 3 tekcfcfef6ftfc eff in tamate aipte 1w tablespoons gelatin m cup cold water 2 cups tomato juice 1 teaspoon onion juice 1 teaspoon sugar v teaspoon salt 6 devilled eggs soak gelatin in cold water combine tomato juice onion juice sugar and salt heat to boiling point dissolve gelatin in juice halfnil individual moulds with jelly mixture when par tially set place halt a devilled egg yolk down in jelly when jeuysets add remaining tomato gelatin mixture allow to tet tjnmold on crisp lettuce garnish with watercress or asparagus tips to devil eggs remove shells from hardcooked eggs ciil eggs in half remove yolks mash yolks season and mix with a little salad dressing pack yolk mixlure into wmltes serves 6 to 12 rhubarb sponge with custard sauce 1 tablespoons gelatin cup cold water 2 cups hot stewed sweetened rhubarb 1 tablespoon lemon juice 2 egg whites pinch of salt soak gelatin in cold aatcr add to hot rhubarb stir until gelatin is dissolv ed add lemon juice when mixture is partiallv eet fold in stiffly beaten egg whites serve cold with custard sauce htade with 2 egg yolks serves 6 custard sauce 2 egg yolks 2 tablespoons sugar pinch of salt 1 cup scalded milk teaspoon lemon kdee beat eggj s ijrhily add sugar and salt gradually add walded milk cook o t r hot w a ler stirring con stantly until mixture thickens and coats the poon well she put her head down on my shoulder and commenced to cry i i couldnt hardly believe i was awake well after a while katherine let out that she and vanstone had quar rtled about me she d told him straight that she loved me and it sent him off his nut the row ended by his rushing out of the house threatening to get even with her which he did the skunk the young convict made a ges ture of protest youre going too fast for me brother he objected lets turn back to the page where you and mrs vanstone are driving around discussing plans for our fu ture gleason resumed think of it buddy 1 she was willing to ditch her rich husband and give up her fine place in society and all her high toned fffends just to marry me i could have listened all night but she finally decided wed best no home and it was after we did that the works got gummed i dont sabe you will it was the servants night out and the house was dark katherine asked me to go in with her because she was afraid it was good she asked ft for the first thing we seen after i snapped on the lights was vanstone body the dirty coward had shot himself at the inquest they said it happened three hours before we found him oh so you took the rap what else could i do buddy vanstone had used his wifes gun he d fixed things so she would have had trouble proving her innocence if somebody hadnt took the blame an look what shed been willing to do for me im not forgetting brother but did she really give youwell so much as m kiss before you was sent up gleason shook his head sadly no ive always kind of wished she had but she couldnt hardly you see they tobk me to jail sure i see thanks for the en tertainment that dame certnly copped herself off a bargain maple rur- pudding i cup rice 2 cuts milk 2 tablespoons enmstarch 1 cup mapl sjrup 2 ckk yolks 2 cbt uhitf ci p mupli sjrup boil rlc in salil ner until tender scald milk in double boiler stir cornstarch and add gradually to the hot mlk st ui i mixture thickens and cook la miniiie add rice and wcllbtaun tf jolks phce in but fresh trout at suistoffs qulshlng combatting shown in the decline hat jias been brought about in tbe incidence tuberculosis in recent years the health league of canada pointed out today but non when tbe dominion is en gaged with the rest of the qnpire in a more spectacular warwith a voci ferous and blatantebimy there is need of a reminder that the insidious white plague still lurks in ft war periods are always favorable to the spread of tuberculosis and more than ordinary precautions must be us ed to prevent its advance of flrtit importance particularly la the case of children is an adequate supply of nourishing food not neces sarily expensive food but a diet which will contain all the essential minerals proteins and vitamins par those who are ignorant on such subjects the do minion government and the health league of canada issue instructive and valuable leaflets sunshine and fresh air are of al most equal importance and children should dl encouraged to spend as much of their day as possible in the open air during the brighter months modern schools are so built and ar ranged that the child is almost al ways in healthful surroundings while at his studies and uptodate educa tional methods preclude the probabili ty of his being overworked there is moie possibility of his being over played both exercises and rest are needed by the growing child and too long and too strenuous play should be guarded against a child may be injured by indulgence in games and sports which are beyond his strength even more easily than his father may by long and arduous labor windows of bedrooms should be kept open at night but at the same time the child should be protected agalnsl draught and don t think the child does not need a good breakfast one of the most important meals of the day taken after a fast of perhaps fourteen hour or more and it must provide the child with strength and ntrgy until noon his breakfast should awnjs include milk a cereal inrhapj an egg and if possible raw fruit a child ii better if he is not pam pered but unobtrusive supervision of such matters as health habits cloth is and companions should be exer cised phone 293 be sure o ittrnd the baseball meeting in the mcolbbon hotel on thursday to morion i nighl try- i grimwoods j- beauty parlour for permanent waving special prices oi waving for school glrto the lajest in stmjng jcmb cutting open all evenings except thursdays mrs c cjrimwood norval i phone georgetown 90 r 5 i have several good buys 9 jused see me for a square deal a c patterson suvercreek garage phone 395 r 2 chevrolet oldsmobdz por finest types of job printing sea us we can give you finest workman ship at lowest prices phone no and our lepresentatlve will call whether you live in town or in the country heres a combination offer to please yourreadmtastca ourpperwd yonr faoritemagaztnes at really huge savings make your selection and send us tile coupon now big three offer this nbwspapeb l year and your choice any two in group hark an x before the two you desire h macleans macacln ilk rj bod a gun tn canada l yr fj american bey hoa o fareota magazine hoa q htwna arts needlecrau 1 tr i american frott grower 1 yr 0 national horn monthly 1 t nchamaln magarina l ts r c horn journal 1 tr 1 canadian horticulture and horn hagadna s ytk all thre only 25 popular demand offer this newspaper 1 vw and yonr chohxrflne otter pob li sjroup st the price listed tl couter- woekl j r fut nlir sana i ir a o maclean- hasaalaa i tr sm n opo road for bo i t qoaaadlaa horn jonm i t m0 qamriean olri i i naatlata masaua 1 n im qamarteaa 1 tr national ho muu71 t u d kocfcir hataaaa 1 tr qftti starr mat 1 tr ug q qmacmata dtgaa 1 tr 145 qbas boat masaatoa 1 tr am q nnii upaa i n u a is a- it okriatla halau 1 tr u qrta html 1 tt nwaav has ooiapaalaa 1 tt sm qcblla ufa 1 tr a m 1 tr w n waaava woim 1 taw us 1 tr

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