Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 8, 1940, p. 6

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page 6 tbcectetciw wlnccuy etcnlng may 8th 1940 irterntmal union i swiaysckaol lesson ford president greets cwn a head hftbftkkuk fights ifoough doubt toaia sunday mat utth 1m ooldeh tut ttae just ahaa ura by his faith- hababfckuk 2 4 sabbbon passage habakkuk 1 ii toil ood let me be aware of the inhumanity of mans preju dice aamst nan of the millions who ay for breed and more than bread for work nod the joy of life cat those who are caught in a mean ingless whirl xkf activities and who seek escape from duuriess in bestial orgies of those whose uvea are caught by fears and insecurity and know not the peace that passetta understanding and may the awareness of these let my heart not know peace tjbtil i give myself to working with thee to help them find life faith in war time to in war time when bis nation was jahreatened by the chaldeans habak fcnk won his way through doubt to ann falh for one thing the mili tary aggressor was temporary whereas the god whom he worshipped was from everlasting to everlasting with out discounting the exploits of great military conquerors their day is short compared with the hero of eternity lllis was a distinctive quality in he brew faith the shifting of political power were considered of less vital importance than the directing will of god who has a purpose for the ages habakkuk s faith foruffi future of his- own country depended upon his belief m the unseen god who had given his country a great mission in the eyes of the prophets the holding of terri tory or the winning of battles was of iwa importance than fidelity to moral standards habakkuk was supremely concerned with the principles that would govern the inner life of indl tlduals and so make possible an out ward society that would have stability and s so in this jresent war there are far reaching issues at stake upon which the very future of human ty depends that is why thinking people remain steady even when the days news is adverse amid tempor ary set backs and with an uncertain future there is faith that god rules that evil defeats itself and that right ja worth the utmost sacrifice winning or losing only such a faith is ade cjuate in days of testing social justice 13 15 habakkuk like all hebrew prophets believed in the worth of individual people he was pained to see wealth gained at the expense of submerged classes military power won by reck seas sacrifice of life or political success through deception of people with the psalmist he believed that man ha been made a little lower than the angels and he grieved to see human beings degraded to the level of creep ing worms as we look out upon the modern world we too must be dissat isfied to know that millions of people bave suffered through unemployment that over half the people in the world are in intellectual darkness unable to read or write and that so much of the material wealth and scientific skill of file nations is devoted to purposes of defence or dbttraotton a the oontemporary scene wo foal tba to make tba dream of social justice come true th et and drag 17 it la because of the dlff erenoe m motives that doubt is easy and faith is difficult business can be actuated by the desire for profit and the re wards are great dictators can be ruled by ambition and changing maps show that they have their toward amusements or social customs whjch debase mankind can produce great commercial gains but education and religion are motivated by ideal ends to work for the growth of knowledge the preservation of peace the way of love does not bring the immediate and tangible returns comparable to the seizing of a nation or the creat ing of a monopoly there is today an idolatry of commerce and of war be- cause of the profits yet in the end education and religion must supply the spirit whereby any possessions can ever be secure the watcbtower 1 habakkuk thought of his public ser vice as that of a watchman on a tower reporting news from god and speak ing to his fellowmen in our civilisa tion this function is served by the press whch collects news and gives editorial judgments statesmen exa mine the trade returns- and popula tlon trends of the nation and advo cate policies suited to changing needs patriots express themselves in poems speeches bongs and pictures keeping alive the soul of the nation every minister should be as a watchman re laying messages from god to man how is it that with the discerning service by parliament press and pulpit we have so little unity and co operation why is it that leaders do not command greater confidence in their followers is it not for lack of confidence in the ultimate morality the social conscience of hp nhryj prophets teaches us to take a longer view the vision 2 4 at this time when the international outl is dark beyond words we must still have ratth progress often comes through pain out of conflict high purpose may emerge there is no evil so bad that some good cannot be brought out or it in spite of the vanity cruelty and stupidity of man the future is bright civilization 1 passing through throes of suffering but students of history and religion dare to hope that a fairer dawn will break god has something better for our world than mankind has yet known and the eternal loe will give his greaur blessing to man when we ore ready to use his gifts unselfishly ind purposefully the vision of chris tian people of a good society on earth freed from disease crime ignorance car hate and greed spurs us on tq work for the future it is only with some such hope that we are able to lue worjilly the just live by their faith questions for dlacnasion 1 is a dally experience of god pos stole 2 how may we make human life more secure 3 is it true that business and nation allsm are our other gods 4 who gives us our ideas 5 wha does it mean to live by faith snapshot guild pictures on the stairs tba atalreaaa a often an ideal apot for anapahota at home in this picture of a amall girl off to har afternoon nap nota how an interesting effect of sunahlne and shadow haa been created by clever placing of photo lights in many houses one of the belt picture location and one of the moat aerleaud is the atalrway if you ve never taken pleturea on the stairs give some thooght to it now usual picture opportunities waiting for yon several feature of the staircase make it a good location for anap ahota in the first place it enables you to place a subject at different alrratlona and in the second place tba pattern of treads and banisters helps provide an interesting or dec- orattre setting if the staircase la unusual la design with novel break a earring rail carving or wroafhmnn work it ralae aa a tatting vaay ba ten greater wmh many ttahcases interest r effects can be obtained by proper placing of photo ii kb fa often lighting effects may be evolved which suggest sunlight an interesting example of how lighting can be utilised to create a novel iwpattera la seen jo the pic ture above stairs may be qaed aa a back ground to make a person appear taller and they are especially good aa a setting for snapshots of the children with a bedtime or breakfasttime theme some stair ways lend themselves to interesting angle shots and novel compositions try your band at staircase snap shots experiment with various picture ideas lighting effects and camera angles and the chances are youll and a number of good shots to add to your picture collection 279 john van guilder tour flf the fjreat manufac imi plant of ford motor 1 up i iy f can i iii i united at wilt j tun wan one of the il i it i if of tht twelfth annua mietiil of tht onturio quebec i f tin nnadiun weekly mm r a v nut n the till is weie weleumed to the tord plant by wallace r campbell president of the company and then followed the various steps in the building of the cars and trucks by the more than 7 000 canadian workers currently employed in the plant in the above photo ifrapn mr campbell wlht tmti r a gilts of lnehut quel lc who la president of the c w n a 4 news parade sunday may 12th is mothers day once a year we pause in the rush of everyday life on a sundayto re member and jjpnonr our mothers wear a flower in her honour next sunday early ciosing of provision stores in brampton brampton uivii t inell this week parsed a by law whereby all stores carrying protbions groceries fruits rt ajj ciom tllr doors at 7 00 pm terj week tiny except friday and sati rdays or when a legal holl day comes during the week or the month of december the by law was passid unaminously there being only one dissenting voice in council is olr doc at larcf if you nn the poss ssor of a canine vou are proud of and would not want to see destroyed then be ure to haie him on a leash during the summer months local horticulturists ire busily engaged planning their gar den plot and they do not intend to have them ruined by dogs running at large help make georgetown more beautiful by keeping your dog at home and allowing the neighbours flowers to put forth their blooms as the i de of public opinion along main street comes in the waves of pessimism continue to roll against tntermedlite baseball this year how ever tin local club have stemmed the tide b fore and whthr they can get enough tnu rested citizens to revive the cl ib airaln this v or ls to be seen wlii i gi i ml mc et inn will take place at ih houl mt gibbon tomorrow thtrsdty night mm 8 at 8 pm if you win b mdjiii m this summer mr tin y will hm to come out and lend a hand in r ipportmg this or ganlatlun a baseball team ls needed to enliven the town during the hot summer months that we hope to have we 1 be seeing yon at this meeting the place tlio hotel mcqlbbon tlie date thursday may 8 the time 8 pm hohtigiiltuilai so 1ty to rknf w mfcmbkrhllli drive all former members of the george town horticultural society and citltena of the town gem rally will be approach ed during hie next few days in an effort to it new r obtain new member ship to he organization the society was revived hi town last season and the yeur proved u very successful one 1040 is leoked forward to with even greater li teresl mid when you are approached to obtain mtmbershlp in this worthy organization for the beau tlflcatlon of un ujwii lie ready to sign on the dolled hue the brtst idea yet was the way one of our citizens put ll when refer ting to tl e way the soldiers comforts committee and the local branch of the canadian legion are getting gifts atroct to our- bo mjiu in england or on the battlefront both organisations have recently made shipments to each man from this dls txict personally if you desire to make a donation get in touch with the mem bers of either one of these bodies assisted at trousseau tba miss irene mulhouand rj of peel memorial hospital brampton and whose ftome is in geor poured tea at a trousseau given in honor of nurse jones who will be married on saturday next to mr rus sell howell of halifax formerly of brampton ohbysub nkwt haltow gasagb ovuatoes once more the activities of ttae hal- ton branch of ttae ontario oarage op erators association readied an all hlfn mark at their regular monthly meet ing held thursday night may 2nd inttaa farmers hall ait milton t the hardrozxdng nevertiring president mr j l moklndley presiding the regular meetings of the halton branch bave had great success since its beginning and all things point to a greater interest being taken by the members as the branch continues to grow ard progress along sound and sane lines under the guidance of its faithful officers six years water has slipped under the bridge since the on tario garage operators assocatlon was born and it ls today stronger than ev er before and is now recognized by the government car manufacturers jobbers insurance companies parts manufacturers technical schools and a great many others all because its members stand together as sel organi zation and do not try to stand alone a short time was spent in discussing the regular business of the branch after the regular business period came the big attraction of the evening an illustrated lecture on tuneup work r by chrysler corporation the lecture was presented by mr s c thomas regional service manager hatrry parkhill service repwesenta- tive hamilton district and mr g van atter service representative toronto district this lecture was intensely in teresting and very much appreciated by all in attendance mr r m darke wentworth county branch president and mr e brawn of ontario automobile co ltd were visitors and spoke briefly a vote of thanks was given to the l- ohryatar oorpoxatton and to repreaautattfm tor tbsarafforl bringtn tot tba halton branch an tasplxmg and editnattonal lr at the close of tba moattna the ben and rtattcta enfamf a luncheon provided teay of chrysler o your eyes we can sats tod mckevt i the lowest trloea far otaaiai af quality we realfno that you may not be getting as muchtnoney for your work as you did a few yean ago that la why we bave made a new arrangement with one of the largest opti ni era to sell glasses for less money by- this new arr we can sell you qtja glasses at city prices come in and let us show you ttae new styles consuw 0 t walker r0 eyesight spbctaust who will be at ma office over the bell telephone co main st georgetown the second wednesday of each month er you may consult o t wan at his office hi brampton phone geor 67 to say hat our job printing depart ment is in a position to handle al most any lino ftf printin an turn out a clasr of work on a par with the larger ttty plants would seem like tootln your own horn but there are still a number or people who won der jusl what kind of printing can be done in a weekly newspaper office af ter the eckly sheet is off the press so don t forgt when you require print mg of any kind bring it to us est mates cheerfully given acton baseball club chocs s officer following ts the executive of the 1940 acton baseball club honorary presidents w storey dr j a mc- niven dr e j nelson j w beatty vice president w corry sec treas fred coirs committee f terry s simpson j w jones isn t it tiil truth an iante idds that advertising plad ui the local paper goes into the honn id unlike that which goes on tin el x i iep ls not gone with the w ikl joe lke editor of powassan news for thirty three years thirty three years ago may 1 joe lake as he is familiarly known here issued tile first newspaper in the vll lage of powassan during the years that have passed since that opening day he has found hs venture to have been a successful one pioneering in j the newspaper field was not an easy task and this ls better told in j b s ow n w ords ye editor got out the first two or three issues himself it was an un i pretentious affair aboutfd2 x 18 six pages printed on a job press then mrs lake arrived from acton with their infant son franklin and her brother j e abraham who has been associated with the paper ever since mrs lake and edgar were still in teens and ye editor had yet to mark his first ballot for the first few mon ths the publication was limited to size pn lousjy mentioned later it was ihlurktd to a six column 8 page paper half ready print and still later in 1530 to a seven column paper mr lake ls a brother of mrs a h feller of georgetown and this and acloa communities arc considered by mr and mrs lake as their old home towns we wish editor lake contimieel success mother of twins mnds time to knit for soldiers mr and mrs richard standih of stewarttown arc uie proud parents of twins a son and daughter born to them on sat in day april 27th din ing the mothers stay in peel mem orlal hospital brampton she found lime to continue her knitting for the soldiers this is surely true patriotism where ls the story where is the news parade those are some of uie queries we had to answer last week when these columns were absent from the paper the reason too much news or should we say too late news a flood of news items were re ceived at the last minute giving us ho time to allow for extra pages and therefore something had to be cut as the makeup man said we desire to give you all the news we can every week and readers can help by sup plying the news items they are inter ested in early in the week or as soon after the incident takes place as possible let us both cooperate mb twentyeighth annual comparative statement auditor s report hydroelectric system georgetown 1939 earnings domestic service 1793854 commerciil light service 7 627 30 commercial power service 25 759 30 municipal power 694 34 street lighting 2 736 29 miscellaneous 566 70 expenses power purchased 42282 47 distribution system operation and maintenance 1836 91 line transformer mtc 182 89 meter maintenance 150 87 consumers premises water heater exp 255 75 stree lighting operation and maintenance 296 59 promotion of business range campaign adv 39 46 billing and collecting 1767 20 general office expenses 974 56 r 129 87 undistributed expense truck operation and mtc 392 61 interest 367 23 sinking fund and principal payments on debentures 1085 75 depredation 2 412 00 total operating costs and fixed charges net surplus i 63154 18 3196 40 number of consumers domestic serice commercial light service power serlce bala lands and buildings distribution system line transformers meters street light equipment miscellaneous construction expense old plant total plant bank and cash balance secuhtleo and investments accounts receivable equity in hepc sheet 34 920 70 22 419 62 14964 82 4 570 34 256999 2209 80 2906 76 6300 56 5032 64 total assets liabilities deben ture bal ance accounts payable other liabilities 6034 70 38 26 1265 06 total liabilities reserves for equity in hjejc systems t 98529 53 for depreciation 20366 88 144m5 30 84907 84 debentures paid operating surplus total surplus total liabilities reserves and surplus percentage of net debt to total assets 69875 14 196097 m hydro electric oommisstoif joseph gibbons mayor h c dayfoot chairman j b gray bdl b 1 htootrtdan

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