Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 15, 1940, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening may 15th 1940 s hti vjb8t exciting story on new session as the crowds in the streets in the tores in toe hotels in all public buftdlngs governmental offices in canada s capital become larger and larger ottawa is assuming the appear ace which usually typifies that city when the representatives ol the peo ple gather for a session of the bouse of commons and the senate but this thne an experienced observer along parliament hill can note thai the density of the crowds and the increas ed momentum of their activities to- eettier with the undeniable fact that the atmosphere everywhere in the capital seems charged with the elec trtfying effects of much to be expect ed indicates in no uncertain manner that toe first regular wartime session of the canadian parliament will avoid che usual gaieties and customary for malities of such gntjwtng and it irqlj be marked by more urgent and more serious occupation with affairs of vital and historic importance to every man woman and chid through- sattfae dominion of canada if a proper search or thorough en qutry is made behind the scenes in the capital of canada the bestinformed sources disclose in a cautious and pru dent way that regardless of all ad vance publicity this session will con entrate mainly from start to finish on certain angles of the canadian war effort with a determined and stubborn reslstanoe at all times against stlffling or repression methods on the matter of tree discussion in parliament whether such smothering attempts on criticisms we made under the excuse of state secrets or otherwise it is bound to produce sensational news particular ly sincejnany questions will be asked and many answers will be given in a guarded style in fact it is a by word amongst veteran observers along parliament mil that there is- nothing like secrecy or reticence to arouse the curiosity of the nations representa lives and if any action event or oc currenoe is surrounded by any unusual degree of such secrecy or reticence these representatives will go to great limits to obtain information in the public interest though other subjects occupy the headlines and though some time has pasted since it occurred yet on parll ament hill there has persisted an un changed curiosity about the purposes or achievements of the recent visit of the head of the canadian govern ment to the head of the united states government including lottg visits and long interviews by prime minister mackenzie king with president boose velt in georgia with secretary of state hul as well as other high offl dais of that department in washing ton with john d rockefeller etc these visits were unaccompanied by an statements or public information with the natural and usual result -that- in the united states and canada there were al sorts of speculations though all practically presumed that events were connected with the obvious question of how great britain will pay for the vast supplies of the necessities of war which she must purchase in the united states nevertheless it is this verv secrecy or reticence which has created unnecessary assumptions and well informed sources point out that great ttitaln is well able finance the war without any difficulty though canada s role as intermediary between john bull and uncle sam cannot be minimized in the least in the ease of lone war owing to can adas geographical position ms social pouotea its constitution its people its standard of living its comparative se curity its prestige its economla de veloptnent its ft and trade re lation with britain and the united states and its other- interests both sentimental and material great britain can buy and pay for american supplies in four ways first britain can sell back to the asneri cans the 1 000 000 000 in united states securities which the british people now hold second britain can pay the americans in gold possessing no less thanabout 3400000000 in gold third bhtaln can pay by exporting british goods to the united states though balancing of accounts by ex change of goods between these two nations is out- of the question now since there has been a marked trend towards economic nationalism in both these powers in recent decades with a reflex of this seen in the long term tendency for trade between them to decline since the british do not have sufficient surpluses of the things which the americans can use and the policy or tradition of the americans is to sell abroad as much as possible and at the same time to buy asllttle as possible creating in this way a socalled fa vourable balance of trade this is why britain buys more and more cot ton from brazil where her goods are accepted in exchange and wheje she can get credit this is why britain buys more and more tobacco from tur key where she gets political as well as economic advantages this is why britain buys less and less canned goods from the united states all these ac tlons are detrimental to the amerl can trade due to the financial and trade policies of the americans them selves fourth britain can pay the americans by credit but the united states has the johnson act on its statute books wherein it is provided that no nation can borrow which has defaulted its war debts hough recent american sympathy with the allies and resentment against hitlerlsm can circumvent technicalities since it possible for private individuals firms to raise money in the united states including british companies individuals or institutions before the world war of 19141918 the united states was a debtor nation but clr cumstances changed its international position in the movement of capital in fact in the boom years the united states loaned fortunes to other coun tries reaching a climax in 1027 when the united states floated 1561 000 000 of new foreign loans and 164000000 of funding loans being a total 1 725 000 000 and in that same year britain loaned 495 000 000 to british possessions and 240 000 000 to foreign nations lth the observation that the united states has become the center of the worlds movement of capital it is the sound belief on parliament hoi that hidden within these facts may lie the real secret of the visit of premier mackenzie king to the unit ed states and in face of all the con wishart camfbellto be soiioist at union church smart family saves with studebaker champion a suit of clothes by maky keeling aaaoclatod nwppr w mr wtshart campbell canadas favorite both services in union presbyterian church an t u much in demand as a singer of sacred songs i reputation for his interpretations of religions i week he is heard on the radio and he has p will sin at mr campbell international times each in hundreds of churches of all denominations in both canada and the united states i thovstm drat i was swsvfmd whan ha q h bmvttfel nw stvd- w afford mtr cbwbpion 1 ddnt rallz bow srifet towmttt prfca erp mni la wa know wondtr how a sru fretting i oioxoplon costs and how qwm ss eyeer tot loot owo ront 01mow to drtv and i sod to for im th hti champion is so o drtvo- nd if dadshtfuny free jourseif from con stant worry abouc the cost of running your car enjoy real p o mind with this thrifty good looking restful riding studebaker champion come in now and drive this car that decisively de seated all other largest selling lowest price cars in gas economy in this year s gilmore ybscmite sweepstakes you don t need a lot of ready cash if your present car is in fair condition easy terms scott ssszr fusion excitement noise and general activities centering around the opening work of the new regular wartime ses sion of parliament this history mak lng episode is the piece de resist ance or chief dish on the political menu with the closing remark that the coming weeks in the nation s cap- lai will be witnessed by vital occur rences w lich will reveal indispensble informa ion to the man in the street about cai ada s role in this war in eluding its national outlooks its fu ture policies and its likely develop ments though a number of complaints were made in the early days of this war and which have since been in vestigated and corrected the newly arri ej members of parliament in ottawa arc surprised with the dis closures that during this war there has been co profiteering and no shoe lage of any commodities in canada removing all possibilities or ration lng such as it has been forced on other nations at war there are two reasons for these unusual disclosures first the wartime prices and trade board in ottawa has received the complete co operation of the business communities in all parts of canada and the general population has will ingly acepted the enforcement of that small measure of regimentation made necessary by jtie war sec ond there has been no marked in temiptlon in the adequate shipping facilities to canada from the rest of the world in other words the al lied control of the seas and the can adian spirit of sacrifice are easily observable in these disclosures reproduction prohibited 1940 ln0ur mail bag legion in favour of united appeal for funds provincial chairman r v lestjeur who has been appointed by hon j l ralston minister of finance as chairman or the ontario com mittee of the war savings com miuee to launch the sale of war savings certificates dear sir during recent weeks there has been increasing evidence of the press and public favouring some form of coor dinatlon whereby the five targe welfare organizations operating under the directorate of auxiliary services de partment of national defence the red cross the salvation army the knights sr columbus the ymca and the canadian legion war ser vices im would pool their efforts jnjcanadan resources war savings oer war saving certificates to be issued ottawa may 14 plans for the sale of war savings certificates and the widespread acceptance of trnttnhhlsl i thrift programs as a war effort are now being organized hon j l rat iton minister of finance has an nounced the appointment of w h somervule of waterloo ont and de gaspe beaublen of montreal as na tional chairman of the national war savings committee r v lesueur of toronto has been appointed ontario chairman of the war savings committee provincial committees to be announced in the near future will be representattve of agriculture labour industry finance education and the professions war savings certificates to be sold in multiples of 5 are designed to give everyone including school children an opportunity to share in the war effort in canada s fight for freedom in addition to making a very effective contribution to the mobilization of tphere are certain tempera j- ments the professor was re marking blandly of which it is look out daddy cried pat the professor nimbly sidestepped to avoid the string of motors that suddenly started when the green 1 ght changed there are temperaments my dear of which it is r oh daddy do please look ootl pat cried again as a car whirled around the corner the professor sidestepped one more but not nimbly enough this time to avoid a splashing of muddy water as the car passed through i ddle close to the curb oh daddy wailed pat as shsv nopped away at the professors coat tails whatever will mother say and your second best trousers are quite too too unsafe for wear in public there are temperaments pa tricia began the professor i do wish dearest said pat reproachfully that you d try to re member your own temperament how careless you are about crossings streets and spoiling clothes and i henry remarked the profes sor s wife at the breakfast table th next morning you simply must or der a new suit of clothes at once j your appearance is a disgrace tor the family that reminds me my dear said the professor cheerfully i have a distinct impression that l ordered a suit of clothes last week why daddy i exclaimed pat is astonishment however did yon come to order a suit all by yourw self p tt is true allowed the profes sor that i gave the order to i young man who c upon me aftj er class time ifeel reasonably certain however that it was cloth ing he wished to sell henry porter cried his win despairingly do you mean to say that you gave an unknown sales man an order for clothes without seeing what they were like my dear you quite distress me expostulated the professor the young man seemed of a most su perior type and now that i consider the occurrence i remember mention of a club it appears that his firm is most particular whom they admit to its membership i was selected in order that a name somewhat fa miliar in educational circles might head their list how much did you pay downt asked mrs porter only 2 if i remember correct- iy and when is the rest to be paidt asked the business manager of th firm relentlessly the professor squirmed a little inl his chair just as the doorbell rang thus relieving him of the necessity of making an immediate reply fataj was pursuing him however for pati returned to the dining room with an ag paasrva ort of young man what demanded of the professor his 2 in- stallment due the suit club may i ask said mrs porter with great dignity when my hus band s suit will be delivered oh most any time ma am said the collector with a sly wink at pat some one is chosen each week to get a free suit and the old gentleman may be the next lucky one the matter of future financial appeals t should like to emphasize here that the canadian legion war services is fully in support of such a move in fact during a meeting of its board of directors hell at ottawa march 6 and 7 a resolution to that effect nas passed copies of which were to the secretary of state and heads of the organizations mentioned above the res was as follows whereas appeals to the public of canada for funds to carry on volun tary war work have been and are be ing made by various voluntary organ stations acting under the authoriza tion of the war charities act and whereas the coordination of such appeals is desirable with the object of reducing the demands on vol luntary canvassers limiting campaign costs and avoiding the confusion and vexation of too frequent appeals to the subscribing public be it resolved that it is the considered opinion of the directors of canadian legion war services inc thai all appeals to the public under the war charities act be- coordin ated and made through some one suitable patriotic agency or fund act ing for all approved voluntary organis ations already approved under that act it will be seen therefore that- the canadian legion war services inc whose own recent appeal met with such gratifying response has already 4inluated a move to combine all fu ture calls for pubue support of wel fare work among our active service troops we sincerely hope that a sat isfactory arrangement along these lines win result john a chum president j r bowler hon secretary canadian legion war services inc tiftcates provide an opportunity by which every canadian old and young may build up a reserve of purchasing power the ontario chairman of the war savings committee mr lesueur native of samla and a graduate of the university of toronto and of hall mr lesueur represented west lamb ton in the house of commons 1921 25 in 1933 he was elected vice- president of imperial oil limited and vice president of international petro leum company limited mr lesueur began his active asso ciation with the oil business when he went to england in connection with ttae purchase of producing fields peru for international petroleum company limited subsequently he took charge of negotiations with the peruvian government in addition to a number of director atea when he holds mr lesueur also takes an active interest in public af fairs and in philanthropic matters great nations nations are not truly great solely because the individuals composmf them are numerous free and active but they are great when these num bens this free and this activity are employed hi the service of an ideal ht than that of ordinary man ta ken by himself matthew arnold tjuum u no otfux toftueovm mm old chum daddy whispered pat as she opened the door for the professor there s a perfectly beautiful young man waiting for you in the library the professor adjusted his near- sight glasses as the young man rosaj from a chair you 11 not remember me pro- fessor porter but i m the man who induced you to sign up with that suit club i ve found out that they are a bad lot but i want you to be lieve that i honestly thought it on the square if you 11 tell me hear much you ve given them 1 11 be glad to pay you back myself you were so white to me that i can t bear ta see you fleeced i i see no reason in the world replied the professor mildly why i should allow you to be the loser the amount is inconsequential for i ascertained some weeks ago that tha plan was fraudulent however i am exceedingly glad to have you re store my belief in my sound judg ment of character i confess it has been somewhat shaken of late this my dear he added as pat en- tered the room patiently for the pur pose of meeting the caller la mr samuel salter you may perbap recall my mentioning him in codh nection with the purchase of a suttj of clothes my daughter pabida mr salter daddy darling said pat squeezing the professors arm rapj turously after the young man had reluctantly taken his leave for tha time being its no wonder poor dear that you fed for that suit club it is indeed gratifying re- markedthe professor to know that mr ah salter s countenance of nobility and refinement mirrors tha sterling character that t at onosr credited him with what a tunny old pat you i daddy crooned pat usatng boontobe bald spot on tap i irae head m

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