tr the georgetown herald wednesday evening may 22nd 19ft the georgetown herald ncwi of georgetown nerval glen- williams llmehoose stewarttown b and tatrfc cotta subscription rates- canada im a tear united states 2 00 a year single copies 3c advertising rate will be quoted on application stafl oarfleld l mcouvray leslie clark reginald broomhead walter o bebjhn publisher phone no fl the editors corner use the library a list of recent additions to the shelves of the public library jxt teats to the efficiency of pur library board under the leadership of miss georgina young chapman of the book comihittec the board is alwajo making efforts to securca diversified number of books to suit the reading tastes of all people the town owes a debt of gratitude to miss young and to the other members of the board rev woo thompson ralph roni j l lam bert mrs gardner and k m langdon ho give so freelj of their time in order that georgetow ners may hat the wshli lltei anil c tit their disposal suggestions from tl e public as to the choice or books aie always welcomed if there u a book ou would ikt to reid or it ou hate rtad a book which vou think others would ij mention i to tin libtirian miss barber next time jou vliil the lb uj she will b kind to pu on vfiur request to the library board will italy join germany war hysteria we mil i ion 1 11 ill muh with war in europe becoming mo tuilble ot be caitful to keep a sane and iciwu e outlook tow ira i r blrh in oui coimev it is inn ibl hut a cirtin si pi itself to foreigners and this must tx kept within tin bouu if fuin and justice during the last war things happt noil in l his rount i v w hi h siroereiy hope will not tnkt plum thls djii om inn 1 n is w h note a german born sum kteper m thr cij of toionto hid li ruined by a ging of hood urns that ui it nun i ll i n n i c a noiice stating that his onlj son had ben ki led in iction ut it ik the allies we hope tiat the canadian press wii not lime tin duwf porting such news as his during jit p l in s r igt t it comu close to being just the type of thirs aain t which u fight canada s pnoar cifst reader who enjoyed kltchenitls and retraspetion w ill bi pleaea o know iha we will be publuhlnt note xcms by ralph gordon ralph gordon lias a flair for patting the im a thmr- ol lift into light veise which can be understood and appreciated b eirou jt is refreshing to read poetrj which is poetry in this day when munj wouldbe poets seem to think that the more mystical and ununderstmdablt their ooetrv s the more it will be regardca as trui a t mr gordons work compares favourabl with that of amtricas bdgar guest and someday we hope h name will abo be a bj word to those who like their poetry in every da english a horrible exa1iple for pure unadulterated tripe of the type referred to above here is a poem by an aspiring studert at the universlt of weswm onuirio which the editor of the school paper for some reason printed here in easy chair slow darkness about me present indication ore that italy la unlikely even in the ions run to join the allies the best that can be hoped isto keep her- from joining germany numerous factors fortunately seem to force italv to look with suspicion on war against britain and france the i allan people harbour a wellrooted d sllke of the germans just as- the tmans distruct the italians the nazi wooing of the ussjl has in creased this dislike for the italian as a gocd catholic detests the godless rus an then too the influence of the vatican and the italian royal fa mlly is thrown on the side of peace partlallj because of the nazi soviet ties and partially because neither pope nor king views hitlers germany with favour nor is the italian arm at the moment well prepared for war it hns recentlj undergone ix ennlvc rc- oiganizatioh and now heeds a period of consolidation to become effective the powrful allied arm in the near l ui would of course au asan added jt ten cut the italian flitt is not in i happv ixwitlon for in weight and i numieii it is surnj sid by the al lkd mediterranean commmd while m soliiii his the adnututo of a sub miri e loice of ibout 10 many more in i it alii pohstss m those wa it the tomsi of titt wa to date iiis fautcl 10 ilt moil m lit tiiks wiild op t decuni factoi mi o mi wl 1 ho foutt tint while ire i di man k pn hit allit- in iui t t m d i in iiin p n jiir v 1 i lunis on h th nod would y m opportun t to drive italj ii in in p v iuii ot tin i i u aiusl i m i m th t is ern kuitii nit in final j ltal u fir less self sum liit iui glimim t mom call her of coil lid oil o n nothiiii i rtnotts economic position is very vulnerable jecemv afternoon when he waa wo asatnat britain and nance there it no denying that the des truction of british anq prenoh power would materially benefit italy mho could acquire new possessions in the mediterranean and also control tlu outlets at olbraltar- and buez her thb long view to the printed word vv ara in debted for the tonowlnr story that we think is worth passing on the publisher of one or ontario s leading weekly newspapers relates that one to blockade yet so great is this nes and so little the chances of overcoming it under the status quo that italy may prefer to stake allon one throw for victory credence is given to this possibility by the ardour with which italy has recently turned to a guni beforebutter policy storing up large stocks of war materials jie past six months take care of machinery at a recent auotlon sale in bruce count i binder which had seen 42 enis of continuous service was sold or 42 00 the original canvas was mill en the binder and the owner said tlia proper care accounted for the good condition of the machine each eat when the crop was cut the aindvi w t n t immediately to the lm- piemen t shed and during the winter netessar iepuirs weie made ten things for weugii no one has emil been sorry i fur dohik good to all f i is iking nil of none i foi limn before judghil 1 for thinking bttort speaking j i o holding fin antry tongue g roi 1 ng kind lj tilt dlstres ed 7 toi sking pat clou foi all wrongs h i i nil puiint low ird- ttrj uo u j for stopp ng the cars to a tale- bi iui oi dlt it inz moit of the ill general and the state of his own busi ness in particular an old subscriber came to call the latter was a man in his late sixties apparently in the best or health and vigor but evidently the trend of events or the weather or both were preying on his spirits af ter a little gloomy talk he announced the purpose of his visit which was to renew his subscription handng a dollar across the desk he said you know john when you get to my time of yfe you don t know what may happen so im only re newing for six months after writing the receipt the pub lisher sat for a time feeling gloomier than ever then he walked across the street to the post office to get the afternoon mall the first envelope he operied con tained a money order and a letter from a lormer resident of the town now a iran of ninetythree years of i lie had been keenly interested in th town eer since lit moved away inj had always kept up with the lo in iilwi by rtidint tht piper his i otc txp ised optimism in every line i uid his money oidti cohered a two i jt ir centwal iht publisher sijs ht has stopped worrjing and feel a i tw confidence i tiout i i btls ntss and the outlook t foi the world fannys title by bud overman amaoclawd ntfmpr wnu s u iliurible tu t 1 bt tin of 1 all i lum l j ond t i nd he gates ot tin i il tu md sui il in ikt ti tkidt which io ed sent i lixirts conn midittrriin ih n f midiurran- i ium i ut hi brrpr a ti ili ille reason sttnis i i ili in atuitk i r u or of fa kai the t n bio on md va etgh k hit isy isiti must not i t i thtir em iui ma out- r there is no null mttlk would be alls r win net er i dig a hole kit all tlit dirt bitk into n it should i do e- dig the hole deeimr 55 rlgtlvm bi town from liqlok control board tht town treasurer reports the re- ipt of i chi qut trom tht liquor control board to- s650 this rep nt 20 pt cent of tilt authority t collided from the two hotels in itoree own for the t ir ending mar is 1940 lost jeu tht amount collected was 2 id 83 loii in i i serious blow to iaclsm oecai le sinu i nt and rt tnt sohdarit of he twj likewlt a nazi victory ac nt tj wi lout italian support would 1 ut itnu embarrassed and germany rt tntful meanwhile germany is so i cm to ital geographical that she tin exer pr tasll nor while the italians dlsllkc german do the love bnti n propaganda has taught lum ha tht dtmocracles are wan- ng and uie badl man iged sanctions placde hii stored up resentment i a well known coffee producer says j look for the date on the can that s his way of telling jou the coffee is fresh t look for the date on the label narrow band of light from radio sense of liquid violins breathing over me soothing waves quietly now i think of ou like solitary violin or taper white angers of debuss trembling wralthlike in darkened air need we say more an idea fob our merchants the acton free press this week noteo the formation of the acton business mens association headed by g a dills the aim of the or conization la to make acton a better community centre georgetown jmerchants might well look into the posslbll ties of such an organization jkisj town needs a livewire merchants association it is only such an organization which can sponsor feature shopping dai talks on retail problems ideas for community betterment and all the other things which i will make our town a mecca for rural buyers scented advertising a st louis new paper has printed a scented advertisement for perfume this was done b using scented ink in the press on which the newspaper was printed while this might work for a perfume advertiser e shudder to think of the consequences should the fertilizer manufactur rc follow the perfumers example poetry oar weekly poem ralph gordon veteran cha tauoua entertainer whose real dence is in toronto but who is at home almost any place in america is both an artist and a poet his poems appear fre- luy in canadian and amrl can papers and now they are to be a weekly feature in this paper readers will love ralph gordon because he is one of the most lovable characters anyone could hope to meet a kindly friendly neighbourly soul who lives by the side of the road being a friend of man full of love and laihter mayttme and you lrwhen i met you twas maytlme and green was in the trees tbe flowers seemed much brighter and softer blew the breeze the birds song too seemed sweeter the sky a deeper blue dm dark clouds turned to sliver d twas maytlme then and you old music had new richress sweet melodies then grew mba minbrrtabtoc -g- of which i never knew t be streamlet sparkled brighter as long its course it flew mm shadows seemed to vanish twas maytlme then and you that a our way of telling you your subscription is j paid up j di rectory spring fever when the blue get back in the skies once more and uie vines grow green round the kitchen door when the roses bud and the robins i stretch myself and i say ho hum i ought u work but i gubss i wont liiougji nie want riches today i don t i this look to me like the hort of day j that was made to idle and dream awa when th suit is high and the air just right with the trees all blossomy pink and white and the grass as soft as a feather bed with the white clouds drifting just ovot head i stretch and yawn like a school bo then and turn awa from the wadcs of men and tell rryelf in a shamefaced way im going to play hookey from work today today 1 1 turn from the noisy town and just put all of my burdens down i tl quit the world and its common sense and the things men think are of con sequence to chum with birds and uie friendly trees and try to fathom their mysteries for here is a day which looks to be the kind i can fritter away on me edgar a quest i c n r i time table standard time going east passenger 6 16 am passenger and mall 10ot ajn passenger and mall 6 46 pjn passenger sundays only 831 pjn pasnger dally 8 41 pjn toronto and beyond going west passenger and mall 8 34 am passenger saturday only 1 15 pm passenger dally except saturday and sunday 6 09 pjn passenger and mail 6 46 pm passenger sunday only 1130 pm going north passenger and mall 8 46 ajn golnf south passenger and mall 0 50 pm depot ticket office phone 20w sbe old mm wheels dull creaking wa like some sylvan song river too seemed singing truing still it ran along isw night moon seemed mucn brighter it took a golden hue whole world gleamed with iov- foj light t gta maytlme then and you kalph gordon i st toronto a neighbour wanted u grandpas new rope said grandpa no ive got to use that rope today to to up some sand aftealtbe neghbour hgdleft a friend said grandpa you know you cant tie aandwtth a ropel remember my boy replied the old man you can do pretty near any thing wlt a piece of rope if you don want to lend it f r watson f dp 8 md s t georgetown p oflloe hours 0 to 5 except l thursday afternoons 1 radio repairing we specialize on this work 13 tear experience j sanfordson ralph gordon thr versatile entertainer for your next program llltisirited circular free address 628b crawford st toronto gray coach lines f time table standard time leave georgetown for toronto i 614 am 4 08 pm 9 18 am 6 06 pm 11 48 am 9 03 pm c223 pjn for kitchener x 936 ajn x 6 00 pm 12 06 pm e 750 pjn t 2 05 pjn dlojjft pjn a 4 05 pm el 135 pm x through to london a dally except sun and hoi b sun and hoi only o sat only d dally except sat sun and hoi e set sun and hoi g daily except sun all coach travel information at t h long a t4s4www4 dr j burns milne dental surgeon s xray georgetown phone 80 frank petch licensed auctioneer and all classes of insurance prompt serrieo phone 391 ge p o box 413 mmm free enlargement with every 8exoosure roll film developed and printed for 380 8 reprints and enlargement 38c enclose 36e coin and se stamp t for return and mall to the photo ub milton a m nielsen f 26th year of practice chiropractor xray drugless therapist lady attendant oflloe over dominion store oeorgetown hours 26 730 930 pjn closed thursday phone 150w leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba barriatetb and solicitor rd11 street georgetowv phone 19 t kenneth m langdon banister solicitor notary public first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bldg mill street phone 88 georgetown monuments markers and lettering pollock ingham gait ont designs so request phone 3048 inspect our work in greenwood cemetery the problem of 4ihe bridal couple is how to elude the guests after the ceremony without eluding the photo graphers elmer c thompson insurance service fire auto windstorm c e railway and allied summer excursions phone usw or j georgetown mmmmt m concrete worn sidewalks foundation arstelasb workmanship sam walker aoboktowir canny regal had always lived 1 with her aunt and uncle in a me dium priced apartment she had studied music and art and elocution called expression which was too strong a word entirely for the in struction she had and had been prepared hopefully by her aunt for a legacy that had been long looked for and now the legacy had cornel uncle regal quickly bought in fan ny s name a beautiful country es tate some thirty miles out of the city according to the genial realtor who closed the deal and now fanny said aunt renal your estate is much much larger than we hoped nt might bef ind there is no use m letting your self 6e married off to some com moner vou will marry a title you can well afford it dear and ill ret you the title see and sure enough they hadn t been in the new house two weeks before a prince was invited to visit them for the week end so lucky you ve been trained to sins a little and play a little and peik nice pieces said her aunt to funny it will stand you m nnd stead now that you are to marr into roalty my dear oh but aunty expostulated r anny with pretty blush noth ing is bet tied yet ou know why f h iven t even seen this prince of yours and he hisn t seen me well i must say admitted her aunt he certainly isn t much for looks skinny old thing to tell the truth but when he sees jou my dear you re remarkably pretty you know and then with the pen nies you have it a a pity that the head garden er isn t a prince mused fanny she looked at the gardener wist ully she found occasion to ask him how hollyhocks were planted and taken care of you like hollyhocks asked hie gardener gravely oh yes said fanny when i was a little girl sims we had a book at home showing english gar dens and they always seemed jo have tall hollyhocks nodding m such a gracious manner of course that sounds silly but they did look like that reallyl it doesnt seem a bit silly to me he replied as he bent over some very fine bulbs he was plant ing himself weston wheel the borrow over fifty yards west there to that bed ive been having smoothed dont talk to these gardeners child scolded her aunt they charge us an incredible sum for the work anyhow why that head gardener has a college degree if youll believe it and so fanny found that sims would talk a bttle about college and hollyhocks and the bugs that bother rose bushes the night that the prince arrived found fanny weeping stormily in the garden pergola skinny old thing she wailed between sobs who demanded a voice at her elbow and then she was telling sims all about it and some way or other his arms went around her to comfort her and pretty soon well well these things will happen he kissed her i and fanny having been brought up very strictly by her watchful aunt considered them selves engaged immediately and sims willingly agreed to hustjenght off after a wedding license in fact he was more than willing and when they came back next morning to the estate fanny expect ed her aunt to marvel at the ro mance of it all instead her uncle told winneld sims that he was a rascally fortune jiunter as far as that doggoned prince was concerned said uncle regal to fanny quite as if her hus band were not there at all you didn t miss a thing it seems he gave his real name all right but i had some detectives look him up and say he didn t have a title any more n i have the faker why hed served time in a peniten tiary and he oh oh oh laughed fanny i believe i m going to be a character reader or whatever they re called i didn t like his looks at all and win didn t like him either did you win winneld sims did not hear his new wife he was staring with hor ror stricken eyes at a telegram that a servant had just put into his hands my my brother has been killed hunting they cabled the new york lawyer and he telegraphed that i i must go home at once did you think so much of this brother asked aunt regal uneas uy as she looked at his suddenly deeptined face i haven t seen him for eight years confessed winneld but you see it will take fanny away from you 1111 inherit the title now and ill just about have to live at home to take charge of things you see i wanted to make my own way and i decided on expert gar dening i never thbught of inherit ing the title because there la only eighteen months difference in age- between steven nd me poor stevent win roe 4f0adrimmh- living abroad fang and so artoritt 1 her way and rhi marrttttl ijitamlm