Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 19, 1940, p. 3

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the cfeotgetown herald wed neatly evening june 1 1940 jvlainlyjw j timely topics for women by barbara baikes i the glorious west mrs eforise w nellsen has not been dazzled by the splendours ol 9 ottawa or numbed by the trasric events ol europe into forgetting the platform on which she was elected to parliament or the men and women back home whose problems are so nea- to her heart- in her maiden speech in the house of commons she made a touch ing plea for these peoplt of the west once idlsupportlng independent and happy but now victims of economic depnislon and drought facing insecurity fear of tne future heartbreak and hopelessness she spoke of the demoralizing influence of relief th great difficulty in getting medical care schools closed because they could not afford to pat teachers at uiem she spoke of frusitions loneliness hunger fthich is not of the uelly kind because tere are no books no magazines no contacts with a cultured leisured world we have all read of the plight of the miners in wales of the sordid poverty of the tenant farmers and share croppers of the southern states and we have heartfelt sympathy for them but probably o one before lias brought to our attention quite so forcibly the hopeless condition of families living in our own dominion families who each spring with ireh courage plant their crops only to watcn mem shrivel and die as day alter day bright iuiro ralnl- skies pell drought ulc greatest en emj of the wheat farmer to many of us the glorious west with its wide open spaces and bracing air is synonymous with fourage learlessness and gallantry a tradition justified by the reports coming to us dalh of the daring and heroism of young men trom out of the west serving i h the rap in england and france no ojier part of the dominion to date has rolled up such an inspiring record and all canada s proud of thtm it seems all the more tragic then that rven a few ot a people cap able of serving so wtll are denied the ordlnarj things that make life worth while in a land of overflowing abundance democracy implies freedom personal frttdon of nought action and speecr- freedom of spirit but democrat ilso imj jes responsible ly responsibility foi the not wellendow d for those who are victims of circumstances of ehuiged lonjitions for which the tumsces are djr ectly responsible democrc implies co operation for the common good every man who demands libtm of action ights and prnllifcis should be prtpared to act as i responsible citizen ana be prepared to dtltnd those liberties lrom within as vnll is without frtedom is not something you get free it is something ou have to eini and be worth of mrs nexlsent apvl to parltfumnl tor a coastrucue policy m deal ing with the larve roup of povtr strutken dlspccssed farnurs in her oac course to assist ontario women in y canadas war effort canadian fresh fruits vegetables now plentiful tiimnrt and otlier droun iioa inconsistent it s lor tis i while at in me jxi m ik m is piu uie jr oui h men i pitid hit lis si makes us realui europe lo fight lor mrsnt mfluiiut in women member of the house fl non upon iii as a nation i u no is wi t when all around hay fever dj- hay- fev c be cured the larger number of cases are caused by pollen from windborne pollenated plants in cluding certain grasses weeds espec ially ragw eed and trees flowering plants suvh as the rose dandelion and go denrod cannot be blamed certain j foods powders animal dandruffs and the canadian medical association l teatim hct cfluses executive session in toronto approved plans for two special wartime emer gency courses at ontario agricultural college ouelph designed to equip on tario women to assist in canada s war errort one course will teach nutrition to 150 women selected from towns and cities across the province bo that on their return to their own communities hey can demonstrate to housewives how to prepare wholesome meats at low cojt this course will have the joint approval of the medical body the ontario government which has made the agricultural college avail able during july and the red cross which will select the women assisted by publl health nurses the victorian order of nurses and alumnae of the school of household science life in sii ranee companies operating in gan- ada will assist financially the other course to be held at tte sime time will teach 450 younger wo- nvn how to care tor the refugee chil dren which governments expect soon 11 arrive in canada ji ever fcocreas- mg numbers it will be open to any jho wlsi to attend as distinguished rom thf first course for which only i e or two women from a community will be ar copied f canada is to become tin pantry fo war lorn europe more ol our wo inn folk should know how to get the utmost health out ot our foodstuffs w hivi an unple supply of food in ci nijn or our own rieedi but who kiuws how soon we shnll br required to slii our stocks with our allies in e irope which mnn authaiilus be 1 1 ir ls oen now thrra ened by wide spread limine we must not be tin ijitpiuci fct nr em iu i explain iddr t c rouup- ti in ral seen tary of uu ciiwiliii m dieal association ir c 1 chr ti his dint it o 1 c fttl thit pu o f it is t uly i imini md lin cm th mis bi piepired slin i jr i 1 1 1 e amount of iood extracts for protection change of xaimate sensluvederj sons should get away in the hay fever c to resorts on the north shore of the st lawrence on the gaspe coast or nearby lake superior or rainy river oomfortabe places to stay will be found in either area desensltlzatlon treatment a series of small cratches is made on thesur- lace of the skin without piercing the true skin on these scratches rracts of pollen animal dandruff oods or dusts etc are placed if a hive reddened area is produced by one or more of the extracts used it is an in dication that the individual is sens but everyone does not contract hay fever it occurs in persons with an inherited stnsltlvltj to on or other of the causes over 80 per cent of per sons who suffer from hay fever ox as thma nav inherited a sensitivity to the varlm s agents chief causes hi grasses such as timothy red top blue grass pnd others 2t tries such as the cottonwood oak bf many specie 3 weeds of which the chief often der is ragweed it is said that 70 per sjfnr jf all hay ftier victims in amer- ually ocrui if the attacks are due to a rve 1 inr tro ve lo common rag- pollen it will be necessary to contlriue wied and related species the desensitiation for three or four hay fever seasons grases and years most of the sufferers will attacks in the say that having gained a cure it has for the next few months canadian grown fruits and vegetables from sev- eal ftartsot the dominion will moving into the markets at their best and cheapest carlots of strawberries grown in british columbia are going to cities and towns in- the prairie provinces and limited supplies of raspberries are on the move from british columbia so too are cherries new potatoes and xt n cabbage in eastern canada strawberries from southern ontario are now available in quantities and from the middle ol june until toward th end of the month will be plentiful from commer cial growers in other parts of the s rtnr and euly si mm i whtreae weeds ar the ciuse of late summer and eariy fall attach in cur ma in comnon ragweed th chiff offender is found at its vors n lh soul i we urn mnsum o on tirio an i a most eqi ally so in the iet cl set ed on ario and south ern q eb c tii al the piijstly settled iv rth fro n cispe to rainy rier an ewi en h open prairie t lie rn jo nj is usually tin lea ltd jkiinniil n wee l of the wcs or ihe na n witd bo h of which oc- i ir rulli r spanngly eistward rcjt1 depends on ifi jettii bjjnd he bo mb ol the plii te kiu the mdhidtnl is sen ni tti hiuinj ilc e ni ned what pollen live to hat partlculif product hav- i provmce the crop in the maritime lng discovered the cause or causes p will be on the market about the next step is to desonsitlze by in- lne ent rf jime ark t early days of jccung a rmall quantity of the offend july unt normal weather condluons ug agent or agents ontario raspberries will be abundant treatmtt should be begun 2 months dur ihe hecond and third week in befoe the season when the attacks us- ju new potatoes from southern on tario airl the niagara district will be on the r arket before the end of june though excessive rainfall and cool wpa 1 ayed development of all fruit and egetable crops luring may th eceit warm wea hei las prom pted rapfd growth and has largely off- c t the eie a on the while crops of rent md vegetables refered to are well up io the average of recent years it ls eipcted more home preserving canning of fruits and regetables re- i wortl while a window i m glad i have a window ni rsmtr illd cloud wsj that ehance lo wander by and pay with slher seconds tor uj dieams arifting high r nt your sibscrlption now beatrice e godby iad iadeb in ipprojiti lit v int to be uiankiul lor that uls s slufl has come and phone 283 tiu ii is times journal vvood for sale choice beech and maple at 93 00 a load mixed rails 250 a load mixed wood 2 65 a load j brandford arieoll it i 1 n get not c c or tw whai f tin to biumc ii cii lc her co up attn n tuahl cs united t i bo for oiir i wthv i may fee that aimru t ijt mt rlmim lol iook i i ni hhi bl li 1 of demotii i il tin i i i tat tmj r england sli a of the swilt aim tt rrible mir li of rvr hoeur uiuivli uie mistifti of toe iltertd now a wt 1 t t md r and uus ls no ini lor post morum icism ai d dele win a war wi uium look li you wui find hit ihr h r iiirte it c mad i and right v i inn ni is in mi w all iwakci mi to the wide implications nts u pi ma hic be n they cannot md 1 wi ho u be is at stake wi mw t lo on from to day cn t iti ttn s tt us dowii wi not tui kfep blfay rloomiest peo ili are uicx t who art idle therefore do soaielhinz uijiuil jii wi 1 bug clor he dai of nil mate vtciorv thii war will rot be won wi hout hit kreitest of effort and sacrifice we cannot urn back we must q forward if wc arc to hold on to our wa of lh ng our traditions ind our beliefs we mn redlw the consequenceo of defeat but let us not lose aight of um victorj that must at anv cast be mm 1 the crisis is too atute the lakes too high for the luxury of self piiy acilon is needed thr concerted action o all to defend our com men henuvce a ion gives confidence confidence gies courage cour 1 jrod ict 1 in norw i i ovl lrom r i mam the i n nu il d in rm i old la l null faith with keci bus ion i courage and faith we cannot book keien by pearl buck other gods af er reading peail burks stories of cninem- life some readers may 9 feel sliuhtly disappointed in her firt american storv which deals with the american capacity for herj worship and the great wrong it does to it vlrums the stoy opens on a loft j peak on tht himalayas where a joung american has just gone to the top in a bnl lant dash it shifts briefly to pelting whee he meets kit tollant the daughter of an old and hon oured family married qulckiy the sail home to america whieh goes wild with aaini for its newest idol bert holme is a simple athletic tjp a hapless human beine who by a mere chance has been made a god hls ordinal lifeamon men ls taken from him and he becomes a slae to ihe ad u la lion of the crowds his wife who finds she has marrlea public hero no one umwares be pins to despise him but she ls comincsd he can exoect no separate dos tiny of her own ind that she must liic up to what is expected of her vo keep tne fans from oeing disillusioned one of the most interesting sections of the book tells uvidlv of the journey througn india ind tibe its harctsh ps and tragedies and he conquest of a great mountain peirl buck has a deep understanding of the human heart and a way of makinc her characters at once unique and universal t it t news about food a wartt wfatfler drink nothing is more refrcshlig in hot weather than a long tall drink of fruit juices wi h ice cubes tinkling just to look at il makes you feel coou- ipe for a drink wltch may be kept stored in tht i basic refrigrator 3 pints water 5 pounds sugar 6 lemons juice and rind 1 ounce tartaric acid 1 ounce citric acid to serve it add wa er to taste and any fruit juices ou may have on hand beside orange juice graperrui juice or pineapple juice i like to add the crplus juice from fniils 1 hat preserved such as cherries rasp berries s ir a w brrles plums peaches etc in thls way you may vary it tiom time u- time as th- season goes oi bring the water and sugar to a boll to make i syrup add the lemon juice and grtucd rind and the tartaric and citric acid let simmer 5 minutes strain and cool the salad bowl of cour e the common one and green i leaf e tucc has more flavour and food not veryonc is privileged to watch alue than the bleached varieties the first shoots of green coming chinese cabbage watercrefi through in a vegetable garden but young shoots of swiss chard beetr fops of spring in city markets are spinach and delicate garden cress are bunches of crinkly fresh lettuce crisp ted radishes little white scalllons green cress and tender asparagus tips there are a few points to be re- memberel in creating a salad from uiese fresh foods greens should be dry crisp and cool l the dressing should be thorough ly chilled and added just before ser vtog 3 if other ingredients are used they tfbould be cut in attractive little pieces a a green salad should be lightly te with fork not stirred a var iety oi freeas p7 pp nwa lettuce is ill excellent salad greens the variations are innumerable sli ced radishes scalllons raw or cooked asparagus strips of celery and car rot cubed potatoes hard cooked egg crumbled cheese bits of cooked meat or flaked cooked fish may be blended with any green salad the amount of these ingredients should be small in proportion to the greens to keep the salad of the crisp rather than heavy type 6ome special salad recipes are re commended by the consumer section marketing service dominion depart ment of agrjeultut u t ibi in p t tn i the t uitud toods kip in h i in hm ilr nd w n t tixl to lit n ii armj lint is tin uiwlopm in in m opium whieh f hit n in riskim tr him on a iiiki knorkotit bl w his od ls nt u lj lon and he knows thit cunda tan hip abroid to our alius itesd dr chrlstii italv of course u alw is in semi stirvatioi can illtii o ceuld spire no crop surp is to h 1 enn tnv i is i mwsibl for our pro m roit d minion to sit id i b in the mids 1 of suin ng nitons i toll jou it int lx doni tit eland ilr christ it who is sblsiam u fa scr tar of i ne in tht last w ir helndi herber hoocr feed blclui rtfiiktes well have to shnit our food we cant wai until mxt januar tiuxt i wt 1 nue to pnpue i ow 1 nee before have c madians faced sith i situation in ihe last war wi out aid across tile ocean w 11 hae lo io ti at again but in tddition wc ro hit nu our iesionsibllttits in tic form of rt f uget cliildrtn brouuht nht into our homes and these chli dun til bi rusid b elderly folk u s a un iar job one for young peo 1 1 w irnd dr christie ihe iiitrltkn tonrsc for which l0 wnen will be picked b their locil rts1 cross brandies will be based on tm nfoimatlon in pood for health in peict and w ur prepared bj the canndim medical association to pro t tt c i ladian families agajnst the d seises wnich so often weaken mtions m wartime i he book ls being dls trlbuted to 1500 000 ca homes with the aid of red cross and lift insurance companies called the war emerg ncy course on nutrition it will i mphasizt practical instruction and actual demonstration in the cooking labontories at ouelph so that those taking the course will be qualified to go back lo uielr home towns and show other women advanced methods of cooking and meal planning drawn un by dr christies s staff and incdl cal men cooking lias been included in the course for ti klnp cire of refugee chil dren but u will be taught less inten lv other subjects however will include s so that used ganncnls can be made over for uie little stran kers girdenlng and several phases of child rearing there will be no charge for the courses the only cast to the applicant endive e charge of 2 for room and board at the college plus trans portatlon to ard from ouelph courses will ihsr tonr weeks beginning july 2nd lettuce roll salad 1 package cream cheese cup ground cooked ham 2 tbsp chopped pickle mayonnaise 6 large lettuce leaves mash cheese and mix thoroughly with han and pickle spread a thin layer of this mixture on each leaf of lettuce form into rolls and chill cut into oneinch lengths and place three or four of these rolls on a leaf of lettuce serve with boiled dressing very special our dande tea a 47 special maxwell house coffee 4 drip or regular grind special quaker puffed wheat 2 13 special kedoggs cornflakes 2 ti 19c carnation neetles or bordens evaporated milk 15 special harry homes powdered custard 25 special e d smiths pure damson jam 3 25 special aylmer golden corn kernels 2 19 chrulics fruit christies date sandwiches mclarens pinocchio peanut cw but 19c soups on soup cereal pica ioc small apple blossom biscuits n 15c special carrolls sliced sicfe bacon 25 mother parkers tea 32c rinso sup powder p 9c xjc 45c old dutch ivory flakes is pis jc woodburys is ci 15c lemon oil bu 14c zjc special aylmer tomato c at sup s 7 very special victory sweet gherkins 23 special carrolts pure peanut butter 2 special lobbys deep brown hi auc ruqubror m i6o 25c 25 special for summer doner ti durham corn starch a 9 special h o powdered ammonia 3 13c bananas tomatoes oranges lemons grapefrnil golden ripe fresh texas good site larst sixc caluomu o rounds c l ponnda zoc zoc doz 28c do oc each lfltooe radish coc ambers green onions strawberries frail and veretable specul tjatfl saturday sight only main street gebrgetowd free delivery phone 35t

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