Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 19, 1940, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening june 19th 1940 born wakdru peel memorial hospital brampton on saturday june 15th to mr and mre tvyd ww4 daughter elizabeth hose died knson at jmt late residence 36 juqe 17th 1040 flora macdonak coutts dearly beloved wfe of sey mour penson obituary robert alexander joe mr and mrs david joe of acton recently suffered the sad loss of their only son robert alexander thirteen months old he had been ill only a few days and passed away in guelph general hospital rev h l bennie was in charge of the funeral service auod burial was in fblrvlew cemetery aoton tennent in umehouse cemetery pall bearers were messrs 6aul bell who i dowdy mark given tina kennedy sidney klrkpatrtok and root scott the late mr meredith was a faith- i ful methoclst all his life and in poll tics was a staunch liberal floral tributes included those from the family mary gertie lore and doris and tool shop boys ol ford company those from a distance attending the funeral included mr and mrs ar thur meredith and mr ray meredith of windsor mrs davey mr and mrs saul bell mr wm meredith mrs gale mr devitt and mr and john merepjth death caued one of llmehouses oldest and best known citizens last week in the person of johrf mojedith who was in his eightyseventh year fie was born on lot 23 concession 6 of esquefing jhe son of chas and susan meredith and spent all his life in umehouse and vicinity left to mourn the loss of a loving husband and father are his widow formerly miss jennie irving one son arthur of windsor and two daughters mrs j a mcleod of sydney ns juid mrs c davey of toronto one later mrs jas grant of umehouse and two brothers rev thomas of ottawa and joseph of toronto also survive one son fred predeceased bis father some thirty years ago the funeral service was conducted by rev g c giftord of acton unit ed church on saturday last with in community rummage sale an outstanding success dresss and hats shoes dishes toys golf clubs beds books pictures and mattresses were only a few of the ar tlclj luch changed hands at the community rummage sale held on june 7th and 8th and continued last saturday june 15th the committee in charge the donors of the various articles and all those who aided the work are certainly to be congratulated the committee re ports net proceeds of 201 02 which will be used for refugee war work the empire at war make saturday- june 29th a holiday for jour whole family and visit wa terloo band festival waterloo park waterloo all day and evening 50 bands dancers pipers fleworks monster tattoo featuring empire at war in eenlng free picnic facill lies news parade j attended district meeting 1 agricultural societies esquesulg agricultural society was well represented at the district an nual meeting of agricultural societies which was held at beeton on saturday last following an interesting and helpful business session when the problems of fall fair boards were dls cussed in general a picnic lunch was mrs jos meredith all of torontoserved to over fifty delegates those mrs donaldson of colllngwood rev trios meredith of ottawa mr and mrs wm merrltt miss pearl scott and mr robt scott georgetown and mr beryl merrltt of britannia monster garden party on the lawn of norval presbyterian church 8 pjtf standard time with thursday july 4th russ creighton and his variety entertainers featuring wee clara pelly toronto s baby sur in staffing dancinc and acrobatic performance donald spense that sensational boy singer in scotch irish comic and war songs a whole show in himself joe carr canada s greatest dialect comedian ted rust ventriloquist and wee pat the dummy canada s ed tar bergen and charlie mccarthy rkorfie grant outstanding comedy juggler and national rag picture artist and plenty of other entertainment 4 admission 25 and 15 cento snapshot guild filters for better pictures present from georgetown were presl dent herb cleave secretary frank fetch treasurer p w cleave and district executive member w a- wll son decoration day held in many places the annual decoration day services are being held in many places and it seems even more important today that fte should pause to honor our dead not only those who lie asleep in our immediate cemetery but those who have laid down their lives for our tountry while fighting with the allies in france it would be most appro prlate if we could have a decoration day service at our cemetery again this year canadian legion plan big event for july 1st in order to raise funds tor war work in general branch 120 of the canadian legion at georgelo n are sponsoring a big day on the holl day monday july 1st the after noon v111 be devoted to sports and entertainment for both old and young while in the evening a dance and grand drawing for use t ul prizes will be lit id in the armouries a feature of llu whole entertainment is the fact that the price of admission j5 cents for adults admits taui person to the pak in the afternoon and uu dance in the etnlng as well its a cliantt on the aluablt prizes to be drawn for it will be a da of liuxpenmu entertainment and the legion will expect and upprtclatt vour support awarded certificate for mlr1toriols sermce during the past two lean the on uu io dt purtmetit of agriculture on recomm ncntlon of the fair boards of the v mods socl lie in ontario hm aw irded a certiflcau ot merit to one o their rrcmber for service rendered d ir n uio jear or tars preceding w a wilson past secretarj ol tin esq if ing airricult iril s 1 ml the first to receive this award and iru uie past muuii i w cuhl who has htld tht po it on i r is urer of the societ smc 1923 recriwd honor in txtcndmit our con gratulaiions to pw we mlht add that wo think those responsible for recommendation made no mis take in u lr choice ns mr c eavc ha believe it or not seeding not yet finished wltir the month o j gone one would naturally think that seeding in these parts would be all done however on a drive around the rural districts of the township on saturday we observed at least one farmer who was late with his seeding due either to the wet weather or tardl ness on his own part no doubt it has been a trying time for the far mer in order in order to get his crop in between the showers this spring isnt it the truth someone has said that june is the month in which lady teachers resign because they are engaged orangeville rotary club vvill care for 00 refugee children p at the regular meeting of the or iiievlllc rotary club a motion was ptissed pledging the orangeyllle club to find places for 200 refugee children n orangevtue and district if and when it was decided by the british government to send any number of these to uiis country until the end of the war while english speaking cliildren would be preferred it decided not to attach any restrictions lo the ofler the secretary was in structed to cable the offer to the president of the london england ro tary club the orangeville rotary club us to be commended the task which thej have promised to under take of finding homes for 200 child ren may possibly prove quite a difficult here and there the maple ltaf hotel in totten ham one of the old landmarks of the village has closed its doors and ht proprietor is moving the furnish ings to a summer hotel the fltsher 11 ad incc has entered upon its tuli u ir of publication wei luii ton duflerin and ptrth district n w s j ihi s association has been in uted to 11 eel in paris the invitation i is extended by editor w g pickell or the paris s ar and the date set as juik 21s ri o h thomas of fcrin in i hillsburf united churches lii icl j ted a call to hirrlston special for the weekend woraens and misses sheer chiffon dresses-with-slips- sizci 14 to 20 special while they last 298 d brill co phone 167 corner main st at mill been a laithful worker ha ing best interests of the local fair alwajs at heart wise and otherwise somt men art born meek and others c t m irried ideals kill some men j n xiitics but politics kill more dials in in 11 tlit man who starts out o borroa txoubk finds that his credit 1 ilw ij good to have the last rd wi h a woman apolorize it is impossible to enjoj idkness thor i outhlj ui less one hiw- pknty of work 1 to no the seiinw perillani a are times wht 11 tl m lkman ought to be whip xd inst id of the creim inspector praises i scnoo bom athletics would be ns progressiveness of i isted ihe ntroduction of manual public school training 1 nd agriculture for both continued trom pace 1 i of which mr wrlgglesworth is quail ance of miss hume ghts them a very co ld be tmdtrtaken more readily excellent start in th ir school life ho ild al o likt to see the in trod uc their acadmic work l of ten hlth lnn f lcon tn m standard the ver klndh nnd tin un b t he derstandinp way with which mtss i these so hume alminlsters the class gives a i sub a v lm personality development of ermanent l r n n u r u ialue the classroom environment j t ife with resptct to plants and gneml at i m ir h c tractlvna has a ronmant though si f t zz lent infhonce in developing attitude f i n th m in taklna thl shot a alter was used to reproduce the ttcy tone to that th whtta smoke would stand out try alter theyll improve your pic tures and sdd interest cilor filters almpla little del vices that slip on otst your camera lens can add a lot to the quality andvalue ot your snap shots if youve never used qlterb now is a good time to start all the experts obe them and they 11 mark ft big forward step in your own per aonal photography slip a medium yellow k 2 filter on your lens load the camera with any good chrome or pan film and you get pictures with more mathral tone value or in technl cal phrase more accurate render tog of relative brightnesses as seen fcj tun vyv which briefly me that your picture of any outdoor abject will come closer to ihowlng things as you saw them when you dapped the shutter slip a deep yellow o alter on jonr lens and you 11 get clearer batter pictures of distant scenes that would look naxy in an until tared shot youu also get skies sttsbt look deeper than normal in som tary effactlva in some plcto- caslahots for spectacular effects rery sink gklas and exaggerated con tnu load the camera with pan film or infrared film and slip a red a filter on the lens don t use the red filter wllh other types of film than panchromatic or infra red it s for these only from the effects described you can see that fllterb open up an interesting new range of pi tnro possibilities the k 2 1b ibp t nt all round filter bo start with that adding the o and a when you are ready to branch out into dramatic effect snots every filter of course cuts out part of the light to which a film is sensitive so exposure must he in creased accordingly eac filter a factor 1b eobblant for each film and exposure adjustment tofiot hard to calculate but the easiest method la to ose a pocket filter guide of the dtal type these cost but a few cents and readily indicate the exact lens opening needed in a particular situation if you would improve your pho tography make use of filters the results will surprise you in fact youll probably want to know why didnt somebody tell me about this beforaf 2s8 john tan guilder the general spirit of your school in no smill ay due to the influence of mlss hume when the pupils first start to chool the above common is deil with iwo most important phases of school life the first nr i ch ind the i ear in which uie are looklnr for ward to stepping into another phase ot school ife the hltrh school cone r ntng the nst of the smff i will con tent mself with making more gen eral comments with the conviction that you have a hard working forward looking and competent stafr the spi rlt of progrewsiveness whirrr t have observed stands out rather prominent ly especially considering the average experience of your teacher in dealing with the more formal course of study preceed ng our present one high stan dards are being maintained in the three rs on the other hand the have not been permitted to work to the detriment of the fo irfold develop ment of the pupils through the more cultural phases of the programme of studies your school ls fortunate in having two such capable co operative music lenders in the persons of miss harrl son and miss prank it was a prlvl lege to hear your pupils singing on se vera occasions including the music festival on each visit i have been impressed by the orderliness and tidiness of the school and its surroundings vou are indeed fortunate in having a caretaker who lajcs such a keen interest in the schools welfare by keeping the build lng in a comfortable and cleanly con dltlon at all times by assisting in the care or plants by maintaining attract ive grounds and in general by his genial and pleasant manner your board is to be highly congrat ulated upon the very excellent electric lighting which has been installed this year the iftmhty orthetixturesancl the efficiency of the illumination must be a source of pride to your citizens and of comfort and sightseeing for your pupils the bulletin boards have proved to be of great help to the tea chers you are fortunate in having assembly accomodation second to none in the urban schools of the county there are a few matters which i wish to mention which doubtless have already taken your attention when tt becomes necessary to make another appointment to your staff i would strongly suggest that you consider en gaging a mate assistant for mr wrlg- gleaworth there are many ways in w irk in general the teaching f anr culture will also bring to jour boird thi privilege of spending 50 00 imually on approved equipment ma trial and school ground improve im iits b wa of shrubs flowering i hints etc thls expendlturt to be re paid in full by the department of ed ti ntton there would be in addition 1 grant of 5 00 per ear on each of grade vii and grade vtti teaching ii his been a pleasure and insplra hon to be associated with your school uif li so far as opxrtunltv has af forded with the members of your board i shall look forward to being if any strvice of which i am capable through jour board and jour staff to jour pupils i have the honour to be your obedient servant j a partrnx3e in pector of public schools norval juniors meet the june meeting of the norval junto institute and junior farmers was held at the home of jean oor don and oeorge fisher with a large number of members and visitors pros ent the new president charlotte wll son presided at the girls meeting a report of the olrls conference ouelph was given by marjorle charl ion a delegate for the institute isa be wrigglesworth gave the current events bringing us news from home nnd abroad dorothy cleave told of the girls work at achicv ement day in milton and had on display some of the reference files and record books made by the club girls a contest was then conducted by mary mcoee with helen young winning the prize the new president of the junior farmers lome lundy took charge of their meeting jack lawson then gave us a talk on the feeding of pigs and outside colony houses this was followed by a true and false quiz on farm stock a talk on mortitis was given by dan charles the joint meeting then followed irene leslie giving a reading and a report of the achievement day at mil ton was given by craig rem john bird favoured with a piano selection our guest speaker of the evening was mr h j heldmann who spoke on our british empire we then had oonununity singing which was followed by lunch the w c t u mis c b dayfoot press sec the june meeting of the wctd which was held at the home of mrs harvey clarke cedarvale thursaay atfernoon last assumed the character of a rally gathering both in numbers and interest testifying incidentally to the ippreciajlon of our members of the opportunity to visit beautiful cedarvale which in june is more than usually lovely the meeting was presided over by mrs a reeves who conducted the opening devotional period the study of which was based upon the subject as a good soldier of jesus christ just as the characteristics that mark the soldlor are submission to discipline and lo t ik guidance of the higher command as well as personal courage in time of danger so the will of the master must be the ruling power in our lives that we may become more than conquerors through him that loed us courage in action is often described in scripture as boldness h tve we today that boldness which dart s to come out and face the evils of our t m our command is be e not afraid of them for i am with iu prior ui the opening of the main progi im the uce president mrs c b dayfoot welcomed to the gathering 1 ral guesls from outside points numbe ed amongst whom were a dele gallon fr m oakulle and acton rep ieseniin the county executhe the milton member of which body send ng re cts that thej were unable to bt pn suit oalng to a previous en cagement a ir special welcome was accord ed m our lormer president mrs a r vnnn liter who after several weeks of absence due to serious illness is able on mor to be with us in tok 1 of the loving esteem and rautud in which she is held mrs c pre ire on behalf of the gcorge- town bn n reid to mrs vannatter an iddress of appreciation of her work sinct th formation or our local so ci and pai icularly of her leader ship of the past six jears mrs nelson tuck mid the presentation of the in signia cf county life me a gold pin cl with amehtysir on behalf of the county organlza lion mrs r l gregory oakvllle wel corned mrs vannatter to the ranks of the county life members and express ed the thanks of the visitors for the privilege of being present on this sped il occasion ml s e crossley and mrs t a blakelock oakville and mrs h caldwell of acton also spoke brietlj mrs f c 0 crend concluding a strles of lessons based ipon our study book alcohol its effects on man by dr haven emerson dealt with the subject alcohol in relation to com munity welfare pointing out that community health is rightly given great consid eration in the life of today the speaker reviewed dr emerson s dis cussion of the relationship between the use of beverage alcohol and the problem of 1 tuberculosis 2 the social diseases 3 certain types of mental disorders and 4 the under mining of the general health and efliciency of the individual drinker of alcohol which is a direct and in direct cause of a large amount of avoidable illness and many prevent able deaths referring to the economic side of the question the speaker quoted dr emerson s statement that there is no other large industry in which so few ncn are employed per 1 000 000 in vested in the production processes the wage earner tngaged in liquor production gets about oneeighth of the cost of production and distribution that the wage earner in the production and hanaling of milk receives by forceful illustration and discus sion of receipts and expenditures mrs ovcrtnd stressed the gravity of the dansrer of tolerating at any time and especially in the present national crisis a business which in the words of the late viscount snowden a for mer chancellor of the exchequer of great britain is colossal waste in the discussion which followed re- f rtnee was made to oeorge own be verage com expenditure which last year ieachd a ni high level of over 35 0uo in spite of the establishment of a brtwei s warehouse which it was claimed would reduce beverage room sales a very pleasing variation in the afternoons program was provided by miss june clarke whost two delight ful piano solos were much enjojed by all a so lal half hour gave opportunity lor a chat over the teacups bringing to a clost a happy and profitable ses rhe mxt meeting will be held in septcmbei job printing neatly executed at this office which it would be profitable to the king meeting ended wlui gbd save lijmiiipnik salada tea coffee 47c grapefruit juice 3 25c domestic shortening 2 25c b 39c 1 78c red rose pickles swlet mixed is am tomato juice aylmer ox tins 19c soap specials 3 for zoc lemon pie filling shirriffs l pkgszc 10c 15c chicken 7 ok tin haddie 14 os tin certo rubber rings cheese mixd canadian pra1rif n trl i toilet c rolls tissue chipso 9 and 23c ivory soap mrdimn 7 c larje 1uc ok soap unwrapped iu bars zjc crisco 23c and 59c 25c doz 5c 19c 2 tor 21c 25c peas lynn valley 20 ox tin ginger ale domino dry a p 30 ox 1uc deposit soda biscuits wc- graham wafers 12 ox pkr i- pux- 5dc radish 2 for 5c green oruoni 2 for 5c head lettuce 5c new beets 3 for 10c pineapple 19c 27c phone 66 free delivery

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