Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 19, 1940, p. 5

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tv g herih wedwdy evetirag june t i9hi john aja8kh john adaskln i one of oa fairly we species artist tamed badness nan with notable success bis desk at the cbca toronto stndlos would do credit to jn efficiency expert his gift for oslng layman language when sneaking to the ntuslcady uneducated rates him a place on the hat of men ideally ndted in temperment and qualifl cations for service in the dlplo snatic corps- for years he has been numbered among torontos topflight cellists be has played in pit orchestras and concert ensembles the art gallery soirees and popular air commercials commanded equal al lerfance he is a member in rood standing of canada s musical in tehigencfa but he numbers a- nong his greatest acoomptmi ment hot renditions on a four note toy trumpet groves musi cal dictionary is to him what the racing form or a hockey pro gramme is to the rest of us he wold newspapers and periodicals when he was a public school pupil and his reading runs the gamut from texts on popular mechanics to erudite studies on the life of beethoven he has so many hob- itnatbehas to take them in turn he made his first train at the age of four out of the parts of an old alarm clock he drove a de livery truck four blocks when he was seven a private deal with a milkman in his neighbourhood was a boy scout bugler at eleven made his first radio set when he was fourteen and flew solo at eighteen john names jack benny and the nbc symphony among his favour tte radio p he loves sibelius and grofe chile con ewne dancing and technical prob lems radio for bringing fine mu ih miu he has played ves freewill offering large and small asua scrauadaes every apvacawaa for a radio audition r at the taronto ttwoos andtsouy puts at ease every mn for either taunortaqty in production mr aussua lfkes to organise hla progrsanmes over a desk unto evry detail has been has driven some of to actual prodocilod to htm is the proving ground for hla ideas his longest single sustained effort was for 48 hours when h did the sound production for the royal visit colour fums last sum mer his varied interests and bis de mocratlc upbringing have taught him the essential values m person ality character and adaptability his serious musical training and long service aa a member of the toronto symphony orchestra have provided htm with sure musical wisdont his lnate good taste sound judgement and sympathetic understanding prompted the cbc to select him for one of the most important contact jobs fn the bus iness of canadian radio that of over the air at least 000 times produced 2 000 progra kept a complete file on every one of them with timing and production notes in the margin and that brings the story to his job in hand to see that ambitious young can adlans get an opportunity to pre sent their claims for radio fame pour in to ottawa to aid ganadtttcause fine musk progr while the cbc is playing cresingly important part in canada a war effort with its news and public service broadcasts it has not neglected the imirtance of entertainment lea tures at this critical time in the na lions life the corporations policy of present ing to its network audiences symphon lc music played by leading orchestras throughout the dominion continues thii summer as in past seasons al ready the weekly broadcasts of the prom concerts played by the tor onto phlnarraonic orchestra under the direction of reginald stewart have been heard on thursday evenings at 9 00 to 10 00 pjn edst les concerts symphonlques de montreal are shar ing this broadcast period the first concert having been given from mon i real o june 20 under the direction of wilfred pelleticr dr pelletler will conduct again on thursday june 27 and the first programme in july will return to varsity arena toronto with the philharmonic again on the air winnipeg announced its series of 10 concerts recently the first broadcast having been presented on wednesday june 19 at 11 15 pm edst with ge offrey wadding ton of the gbc con ducting qisnapshot guild offguard pictures provide something for the subject to do to draw his attention away from the camera and you ii get more natural pictures the best pictures as a rule ap pear unposed they seem to have been taken without the sub jects knowledge and the result of course is that the subject ap pears more natural without any camera consciousness some subjects are free of camera consciousness they can potto quite easily and comfortably for any pic ture others stiffen up and try to toofc tftefr beat or insist an- watchlng the camera and such subjects must be caught off guard if you want a really effec tive picture that doesn t mean that the sub ject most be wholly unaware of tbe camera it simply means that his attention must be drawn elsewhere foensed on some other thine at the moment of exposure one simple solution is to glre the object something to do some thing to absorb his attention com pletely so be has none left orer for the camera for example consider the picture above the small girt too busy to wmteh the camera the must watch daddy who is going to catch her therefore while the pic ture baa obvloubly been arranged there in no stiffness it is a genuine off guard bhot another good trick is to place the rampra on a arm support pointing at the subject and keep your hand on the shutter release while you engage in conversation for example suppose you want some shots of johnny blowing soap hubbies place the camera on a iasai iablilox shajt s1t belde admire a bubble as it grows and trip the shutter casually when everything is as you like it youll and it easier and tbe subject will be more at ease than if you were peering at him through the view finder if your camera has a fairly rapid shutter that s an advantage use a shutter speed of 1100 or 1150 second and yon won t have to cau tion toe subject to hold stlll- now load up yotrr camera pick a subject that has prored dimcolt in the past and try these off guard method my guess is that youtl set more natural pleasing pictures v 2u john van golldar music for your dancing burins the summer months smooth dancing melodies will come out of the night for listeners of the cbc national network these broadcasts will feature music directed by canadas most popular maestros the veteran lulgi rotnanelll top left will be directing his orchestra from smart manolr richelieu at ajjurruy bay mart kenncy top centre and tbe western gentlemen will entertain guests of banff springs hotel high in the rockies horace lapp top ritht with bin piano and his orchestra will hold forth in the koof garden atop the royal lork hotel in toronto len hopkins lower left and his meuamunic opens in the delightfully modern panorama room of the nev hotel vancouver in the west coast city don turner lower right and his orcbtatra will be cnterltin ing visitor to the norman die root of the mount royal hotel in montreal symphmic exchanges in addition to lis own sponsored symphony presentations the cbc is bringing from the united states as exchange features the broadcasts of the columbia broadcasting symphon ies on sundays at 3 00 pm edst ind he summer sjmphonles of the nn tlonil broadcasting company w ilh guest conductors sundays from 8 00 to 9 00 p m edst distinguished musician in wert one of americas loading oboe pay ers is a member of the winnipeg sym phony orhcestra this season he is marjn fletsher former first obol t of the washington national and toronto symphony orchestras mr flelsher is a native of philadelphia mid a gmtl uate of the curtis institute in that city he was a member of sir ernest macmillans orchestra in toronto last winter but returned to philadelphia for his marriage which took place a few weeks ago his bride has accomp anlcd him on this his first visit to western canadaahd was in the aud ience for the first concert wednesday june 19 holidays for peggy even radio stars demand a vacation one of canada s most popular young ladles of the airwaves blonde charm ing diminutive peggy loder- 12 year old leading lady in mary orannans features for the children will blow a kiss through the microphone on june 29 7 00 to 730 pm edst toss away ler script and pick up her tiny suitcase it wlu be off to camp in the north country for this typical cana dlan youngster who with bobby john ny her rcdlo twin and the under standing mr austin willis has shared her many adventures with junior lis toners this seasop having explored amusement parks doll factories the zoo life on the farm and life in the circus for thousands or canada s young dial twisters peggy will go on her own persona adventure for the next two months and that means a vaca uon for the children s feature too until school opens picas- tunc it down just how madame housc ifc can keep posted on the war news and still get the family washing outontime is a problem that merits the sympathy of every good neighbour bu there is the lady down the street who has her wa n on the line and has settled down belore the open window to soothe lior soul with quiet music what must she think when the radio up the street is pouna ng in on the midsummer breeze to create a cachophonic din in great bltain this type of public nuls ance is dealt with by municipal legis la lion its a pity such steps have to be taken when listeners can control the problem so easily by controlling the eolume of their radios now when nerves jre near the surface won t all good nelgbours practise consideration canada s lovely summer days and nights teed not be hideous in sum me listening the golden rule is as has been pointed out by the cbc an excellent precept to keep in mind young recltalists three of canada s charming young r periods du the wcek sunday june 23 on monday june 24th in the music room will have as guest soloist the well known radio and concert soprano jean halg this programme of light concert music with an instrumental trio under the dlrec tton of harry adaskln violinist will be heard at 1130 pjn ed6t with philip splvak cellist and leo barkln pianist frosla gregory mezzosop rano will be heard on tuesday june 25 at 730 pjn edst and on monday june 34 at 730 run edst freda arohowetter cellist will present a brief programme market service as an added service to fruit and vegetable gro this summer the farm broadcast is beginning a brief daily survey on market conditions fur- nlshtd bj the toronto office of the canadian foods distribution council this will be ea d along with the re port on tre wholesale fruit and veg tabk market ii will outline the sup l h md lrrind lor commodities which i t in a i on it is hoped that this tdded st nice uiu help fruit and veg i ib e krowcrs in tht marketing of 1 r oducts listen to the cbc f rm b oudtast from stations cbl n cby t ronto cbo ottawa cbm miirctl chlt sherbrooke r j at 1 30 p m edst for these bullet n cbc a lor author second i titit in the now cbc ser cs tht slial not pass scheduled 10 30 pm edst will be a tribute to he 1 eroic deod of our french all it in the pa t the author of this spec lal series cwvoud to the gallantry ol nt n in post decadet w hen defeat turned into victory through courage uid ptrscverance is an authority on his subject william strange authoi lecturer nd former cadet in the royal navj is writing lhis story of valour discharged because of defecthe eye- igl t mr strange chose a writing ca reer but his activities included sides the authorship of several serious studies and a novel lecturing assign menus lh cairo and a technical job with the trinidad central oilfields canada the pacific and war which he was commi sioned to write was p ibllshed under the auspices of the canadian institute of national ahb in 1937 three epoch making months the orld in review written and produced fo the cbc by stanley max id n 1 be presented oer the nation al network on friday june 28 at 8 00 j rr edst this is the second of a nes of broadcasts dealing with the newworthj happenings of the preced tnrec months and selects for t wor of a spirit of splendid sacrifice course through the still increasing ust of freewill offerings to canada b war cause large and small gifts pour in to the minister of finance john douglas a fanner of roee- dale alberta writes i have 400 acres in wheat and over 100 head of pigs and cattle ao i am willing to turn every thing ive got if it will only help canada win the war as long as x am able to get gas and oil for my tractor to keep ptoughing and enough toeat ill do my part and i believe that hundreds more would do the same gentlemen cadets and members of the staff of the royal military col lege kingston contribute 176255 ninety per cent of the contribution comes from 104 genttemen cadets halt or whom are completing their course this month and are then joining ac tive service components of the defence forcesof canada and great britain the balance was contributed by the staff of the college students of a boys school have undertaken a programme of system atic saving by purchasing war savings stamps and have donated their first stamps to canada s war budget the amount involved is 120 mrs john graver blmie man a lady of 87 sends 26 an anonymous contributor sending 5 00 quotes st matthew vi 3 here are further contributors v metcalfe toronto 1000 anonymous 1 00 j g pease boise idaho 353 in us funds edith stone toronto 4 00 anonymous 37 cents worth of war savings stamps dr lilian b yoemans st paul minn annuity cheque for 191 03 anonymous vic toria bjc 1 00 john g sutt ross- burn manitoba 80 cents george c power morrisburg ont 1000 jos costanzo montreal 3 00 h swain ino address given interest on two s5 00 war savings certificates miss joan marshall limerick saskatche wan interest on 500 war savings cer tificate mr and mrs loeppky of shaunaon sask 40 00 mrs ruby e snlaer fisherviue ont 5 00 wasyl kohut enderby bc 10 00 comment lilgldiglils music j it theatre and literature as well as tre staggering events as the world slnggles for its deliverance from armed force around the studios yoj never know where you 11 find i script writer working these days alllster grosart for instance who ui contxlbutirg to the cbcs carry on canada programme grosart is a machine gun instructor in training with the cotc at niagara and be tween his duties at camp he is dash ing off pungent paragraphs to aid canada s war effort in the realms of radio carry on canada is heard sunday nights at 9 00 pm edst from toronto with stanley maxted mach ine gun major in the last war as pro ducer authors being what they are its a rare event when one com pliments the producer of his brain child on iu interpretation two or chids therefore to leo tremayne au thor of the mark of the duke who has written to thank cbc producer syd brjwn for his sympathetic hand- theajt urwdttuk tosucco just like old chum happy mountain holidays a ba canadas great barrier the rocky mountain will be any thing but a barrier for the record number of alpinenunded pleasure seekers anticipsiwl this summer h the canadian pacific railway and its celebrated mountain resorts banff springs hotel and chateau lake louise also in readiness for lake louie a largecal le tounst invasion are the paayv chalets and lodges at emeialcl lake yoho valley moraine lake lake wapta and lake 9 hara holiday makers from all parts of canada and tbe united states will soon be converging on these popular skyward aygrounde where trail riding hiking fishing boating swim ming saotoring and golfing can be enjoyed amid unrivalled conic splen dor though located in the very heart of the mnuntainn the banff springn hotel and hntrtiu lake ixiuipo provi lc all the luxuri ius com fort of m lrop irhm hotwn the chain and lodges provi io nimilar comforts in less format settings bpccial events this summer will begin wth tbe annual stampede at nearby calgary july s13 the colorful indian davs celebrations will take place from july 1821 vhcn hundreds of stoney braves will descend on banff for their annual paw wow throe prominent alpine societies have planned their annual outings as fc- lown trail riders oi the canadian rockies july 3630 sky lino trail hikers of the canadian rockies aug 35 and the alpine club of canada july 1429 the edward prince of wales trophy and other coveted trophies will be contended for during banff golf week aug 1824 on the mile- high course at banff springs the banff school ot fine arts will be in session from aug 131 other attrac tions include the opening of the big bend section of the transcanada highway between golden and revel- htoke and the scenic highway between banff and the columbia icefields banff springs hotel the chateau lake louise and emerald lake chalet will be open june 8sept 8 lodges are open as follows lake o hara lake wapta yoho valley jtitte348ept 6 moraine lake jon 8ept

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