Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 26, 1940, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wed nesday evening june 26th 1940 i born sotdt peel memorial hospital brampton on sunday june 33rd 1m0 to mr and mrs lloyd boyd nae pat edwards daughter in mbmorum boyd in loving memory of a dear ii david almmvboyd who passed away june 28th 1937 through a long lane of shadows i am wandering alone but a hand is gently guiding me through the world unknown a voloe keeps ever whispering be brave and be true at the end of the lane of shadows m be waiting for you sadly missed by a loving wife mcorekshtvin loving memory of a dear daughter and sister marjorle mccrelght who died june 26th 1936 deep in the heart lies a picture of a loved one laid to rest id memory s frame we shall keep it because she was one of the best sadly missed by mother sisters and brothers mcorheoht in loving memory of my dear wife marjorle who passed away june 26th 1936 treasured thoughts of one so dear often bring a silent tear thoughts return of scenes long past time rolls on but memory lasts ever remembered by husband mrs william ciiave martha chave widow of the late william chave and mother of miss mabel chave manager of the local bell telephone office passed away at the home of her daughter mrs wll 11am richardson in toronto last thursday she leaves another daugh ter mrs john kennedy and a son william the funeral servloewasheld -from- bt clares church on saturday with burial in mount hope cemetery george a penson and isobel penson toronto mr and mra harold penson and mls aima penson port carllng mr and mrs t w hand hamilton mrs edgar coutts freeport mr carey baker st catharines mr and mrs charles avery mlmico mrs oscar macklem port nelson mrs port nelson mies muriel stark ronto rev p mayes niagara palls miss jessie parquharrbon toronto mrs fred cunningham hamilton many beautiful floral tributes came from friends far and near v the funeral service in st oeorges church was conducted by rev w o o thompson and rev p mayes burial took place in greenwood ceme tery georgetown mrs seymour penson mrs seymour penson flora mac- donold coutts daughter of alan coutts ard isobel macdougall was bora in chatham ont in 1850 her people were pioneers in kent county her grandparents mr and mrs john coutts having settled near tilbury in 1834 her great grandfather captain john macdonald saw military service m canada many years earlier than this but did not settle here mrs penson spent the early yeans of her married lire in toronto and after some years at ferndale house muskoka removed with her family to hamilton where she lived for many years in the fall of 1938 the family moved to georgetown she was prob ably besu known in muskoka where her hospitality and kindness were very largely dispensed surviving her are her husband two daughters arllne and elizabeth and one son george alan of toronto there are also two grandchildren and two greatgrandcntldren among those attending the funeral from outof town were mr and mrs sister of mrs john meredith dies in toronto rebecca- irving irwin wife of j f frwln of toronto and a sister of mrs jolin meitdith of limehouse passed away oil tuesday june 18th at her home in toronto she leaves a family of six daugh ters mrs victor sinclair hamilton mrs george oliver detroit mrs wil liam blythe fergus mrs donald de- mllle woodstock mrs james pellow and mrs sydney smith buffalo the funeral service was held at zlon united church with burial in wood land cemetery hamilton 1 in our mail bag i glen williams ontario to the editor g eor geto w n herald dear sir kindly allow usa small space to your columns to reply to a letter in your last issue signed by the mea- dowglen co they are misleading the public when they try to shift the blame for blocking the public foot path leading from the glen to georgetown to the railway authorities the path was probably there before the railway track waa laid and the company has always given every facility for the public to use this path we assume these people inspected this property before purchase and must have seen a wellworn path three fee wide through a field of alfalfa with a fence at either end which permitted free- access for bi cycles and baby carriages as well as pedestrians surely mute evidence as to the use being made of it if they think that a public right of- way can be stopped or diverged by a few strands of barbed wire and trying to scare a few working girls by putting a notice on the time clock of a near by factory they are sadly mistaken we can assure these gentlemen thai we have no desire to interfere in any way with their business or to make use or the street running through the middle of che property we are sorry if they have been mis led as to the true state of affairs as they undoubtedly have but at the same time we shall not allow any ob stacles to remain in our way any ion ger than h takes to remove them by ronstltu mortal methods there have been three precisely similar cases in this locality in recent years in each case the buyer of the property dls covered i no amount of invest ment could purchase a public right of way we remain yours faithfully the interested residents of glen williams breath is gone out of us we are the same as an animal when dead in john 3 16 i read for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever be- lleveth in him should not perish but have everlasting life how can they pretend to put god first asihey teach and not believe in everlasting life is it any wonder that the treatment they received at kennebunk me on june 12a and other places was severe and it is they claim for right eousness sake are they going to be allowed to go around deceiving people until they take the law h their own hands and treat them as at many places what are they doing to help win the war are they trying to teach loyalty to our king and country not why do we have to tolerate the like in our towns and countries and us at war in isaiah 35 8 we are told the way of holiness the unclean shall not pass over it but it shall be for those the waj faring man though fpols shall not err therein mr editor are my views foreign to christianity and its teaching so will you or some good person with proper education trained for the sav ing of souls tell me as i am a man of ordinary learning and would like to know if the sect who calls themselves jehovahs witnesses are teaching god would have it anxious pure food storl mr editor will ou gie me space in jour column ask mr brodie to please reply ur explain the whole inlorma lion asked for in my letter you so kind prnted and whose reply you printed in tin herald of jum 5th the eply did sound well ind did not apjxar at all sivored w tth dli like or hatred as their teaching does toward olluis as lor install ci the church of christ which the tench is only a man made organization which is jus u inspired as the word of god ind i do btliee ery woid wils in spired the bible was not hnnded down from hi in tn bound in st itrur bind inif with paper and prtnirs ink as wt have them toda but the loc which was found in hls teaching pired mm to make the whole book complete for our com en enct just these christian men who ciused er to be b h w news from the nyal drug store extra special 50c prophylactic tooth brush price sale 25c never before offered at this price handee paper towels 150 toweu in a roll 6 rolls towels s spec offer 89c this offer for a limited time for better pictures leave your films with us maecormack s drug store phone 327 we deliver georgetown another red cross shipment the following large shipment is be ing made to red cross headquarters this week 45 pair pyjamas 3 bed gowns 4 bed socks 3 hampton pads iiraclhffliip salad 1ressdg i9c domestic shortening 1 lb print 2 25c grape not flakes a breakfast treat special for 3c lard 1 lb print 3 for 25c tomato juice 3 for 25c oxydol safe sure speedy lute pkc 21c palmolive soap n qit fvorft- 3 for 17c special meat values cottage rolls br the pine b 20c back bacon hj u pi lb 32c breakfast bacon b u pfoe lb 23c visldhg bologna bt u- u lb 12 fresh fruits and vegetables at market prices a e farnell phone 75 free delivery c secrated gods houm in the 84u psalm i rend how amiable are thy tabemnebs o lord of hosts my soul lonith yet im fiinteth for the conrti of the lord mj heart and my flesh crieth out for the living god plcase itad the whole chapter and as we come to the 10th vrse it says for a day in th com s l belter th in a thousand i had ntlur be a door keeptr i the houv of my god than to dw 11 in the tents of wickedness suret the psalmist d d not find i the tabernacle of god only a man nnd organization our mlrlsters are not hypocrites but mn ailed or god to the ministry itucitwl ind rained f r the work whose dtiu often calls to sacrifice their ikes fo the cause ihey represent who is caucd on to sirvi the people more hnn the minister when we come li to tlie world we are readj for bap tlsm beet use christ aid suffer the little chlldnn to comt unto me and forbid th m not for of such is the kingdom of hcnen the kingdom of heaw i is their birthright and they should be taught where to find l as will as in the home so we send them to sunday school to the hoilm of god to bt taught christian principles tht foundation for life nm juccess in this world and life everlast ing 33 pillow cases 1 bed coat 1 surgeon s gown 88 handkerchief 12 ptlr seaman s socks 59 pai- socks 12 sweaters 1 pair half mitts 8 pair wristlets 7 helmets 8 eamans scarves 34 army scarves 2 cartons of refugee clothing wo d hao readied the various bran dies of the canadian red cross bo ku that regulations regarding knit ted loods art being tightened up at hi ndquarters and thai in future they will bt returning to the branches all socks not propti ly finished the knitting commute wish to inform all knlturs tint the rtd cross are very particular and wlsh all instructions to be followtd very closely the three sscnttais for knitting- good wearabk sock art d cast on loosely 2 never joir wool with knots this ap plies to all knitting 3 make a s moot j i lot yon docsn t understand how soldiers families in need of holiday when daddy is away at the war and mother isstruggllngr tofeedand clothe a family of seven on the maximum to join wool or how to graft tht comrriltee will be very glad to ivt insu uctlons nj friday from 2 o o cloi k in the rooms the east ts way to grajt a toe is having 20 stitcht- u ft 10 stitches on each nimdk break wool leaving about ten inches which jou thread into a darn ing needle or bodkin and do the fol lowinif front needle isl stitch knit ind take cfr 2nd stitch purl and leave on back needle 1st stitch purl and ak off 2nd stitch knit and leave on always crry wool under knitting needle tlie leg of a sock should be no more than 16 itches in kngth there is a grtat waste of wool when this length exceeded soldiers alowance which provides for two children there tsn t much prospect afil any member of te family getting a summer holiday the neighborhood workers associa tion of toronto has again opened its country home department and plans to send as many children as possible out of town during the hot summer months last year more than 1250 children got unexpected holidays in the country through this medium this year the need for vacations in many homes is more urgent than ever many homes are undergoing severe strain tnrough the absence of hus bands ana sons giving war service the country home department has onl been open one week but to date 204 applications have been received rom mothers who are desperately an xious to send one or two members of their family away for a holiday there s marys mother for instance she xpects to go to the hospital this month and shes very worried about leven jear old mary if only mary could be sent to the country about 24th for two weeks holiday marys father is overseas with the tor- 4 dancing hottonvule park every wednesday and saturday special midnight dance commencing 1201 am july 1st hal davis and his music howson reunion the descendants of john how son under the leadership of harry how soil toronto held their family re inion at georgetown park on the af ternoon of june 22nd 1940 j ihn how son emigrated from eng as much as possible from outside temperatures remove rooster from laying flock brampton boyfftmed consul to greenland kenneth p kirkwood who was bom in brampton has recently been ap pointed canadian consul to greenland danish island off the canadian coast mr kirkwood a university of tor onto graduate served in the last war and since that time has been with the diplomatic service in washington to kyo and the hague he is a son of john c kirkwood whose column i read and writ for you appears ia the peel gazette each weekll wood for sale choice beech and maple at 3 00 a load mixed ralls 250 a load mixed wood 2 65 a load phone 2b3j georgetown j brandpord onto scottish there are six brothers and slsteis in the family but mary is the one who really needs the holiday she has to have her tonsils out some time this summer but before this hap pens she must have a quiet rest and some good nourishing food if mary could be looked after in some big green country home her mother woulo rest much more easily in her hospital bed seventy four country hostesses who took chldren last year have already written to the neighborhood workers association asking if they might have have the same children back this year but a least 1 000 invitations will be required to take care of the vast throng or little ones that should be sent out of town this summer the families on the neighborhood workers association list are not all soldiers families of course there are many hon eb where poverty illness and trouble have caused great distress through the long winter there will be some soldiers families hoping for holiday a d trom the neighborhood workers association because auxil your eyes land in 1831 with hls wife five sons laries of many of the regiments are nnd daughter after 10 weeks and working in close cooperation with da on the ocean and four weeks this agency then we come to the time when most important step is to be taken and we ask our minister to perform the marriage ccremonj and without hls scr lie we would be heathens then we come to the end when we ire kolni to die we want our beloved minister to pray with us and point out the way of salvation to com fort us after saying good bvc to the dearest on earth 1 would say to that seel please don t bear false witness against our ministers for we can t do without them europe mav be ablt to do wijiout god but ours is a christian country and should not a low law and order to be attacked by any sect whatsoever i read hi the dally paper under date or june 12th in pembroke where ome of the school children would not sal pie the flag the thought comes to my mind found in st luke 20th chapter 25th verse where jesus said to the pharisees render there fore unto caeser the things which be cacsera and unto god the things which be gods they also refused to sing the national anthem if you turn to 2nd samuel 16 ib it reads ii carne to pass hushal the archltc davids fritnd war come unto absolum that hushal said unto absolum god save the king god save the king is i trior tjur national anthem apetjttorrto god7 do we not need all the sin eerily of our christian teaching h this time of trouble why do we have to see that sect going through the neighbourhood on the sabbath day selling or giving away their literature they left a pamphlet at my home eh titled temperance is it of god or the devil and it went on to prove in their way that temperance is of the devil isaiah 520 verse says woe unto them that call evil good and good evil tha put darkness for light and light for darkness but the most terrible thing they- teach in my opinion is that thel breath is the soul ana when the from qiubec by wagon and boats hauled by horses on a tow path the tamlly settled at hornby basebill races etc were enjoyed hv all thr refreshment committee led by mrs arthur ruddcll ash grove served a vary tppetlzing supper it uk moved and seconded that a ktter of thanks be sent to mavor jos gibbons for the u e of the beau liful park the election of new officers and committees was proceeded with mr frank howson wingham was elect cd president mrs r t rabjohn to ronto vice president and mrs geo dtwson muton secretary treasurer one hundred and ten represcnta tlves of the family were present and these included mr and mrs clifford lush of winnipeg mrs alex brun ton and 1 er daughter mrs oscar pin dall of calgary mr howard lush huntsvlllc mr heber howson mon real mi frank leslie editor the niagara falls review mr and mrs john sklrrow mlmico dr black to ronto and the numerous repecsen ta il ves of this and adjoining counties including those from hamilton dun das toronto arthur mount foresl nnd wingham georgetown was repre b misses emma and edith howson mrs arthur ruddell and mrs wright charles st and mrs mccoll emery during the summer months here is one way women who live within a radius of 150 miles from toronto can help send a letter to the country homes department neighborhood workers association 22 wellesley st toronto state clearly when it would be convenient for you to take one or two children into your home tell what age and sex you prefer and en- dose a brief letter from your local clergyman the organization assumes responsibility for transportation but no remuneration is offered the public are getting to know our new low price fob glasses is a real bargain for the high quality glasses supplied why pay more than our new low pricef our eye etamlnatlon has al ways been thoro as we have the finest equipment and over 20 years experience the people- whom we have served are com ing back to ns because they real- ixe our eye service is best come in and letans show yon the newest styles to glasses all at city prices consult 0 t walker ro eyesight specialist who will be at fate office ever the bell telephone co main st georgetown the second wednesday of each month r yon may consult o t wat at his office hi brampton phone georgetown 87 brampton 698 f l meguvray g shofjohn st george simple rifles to have quality eggs the summer decline in egg quantity ls again making its appearance and usual ls presenting a serious problem in the disposal of the increasing per centagc of low grade eggs say officials of the poultry products inspection and gracing marketing service do minion department or agriculture thor hree r th flrop 1jj summer time st job printing neatly executed at this office plumbing tinsmilhing eavestroughing phone 273w egg quality at this season one offers no ready means of control that the quality of eggs produced by individual hens- declines towards the end of the laying season the second ls type of feed which hens pick up on range the third is heat the last two cause are controllable and to the axtont to which they aro controlled the problem of low quality summer eggs can be lessened certain simple rules for the produc er if widely followed and if supported by proper handling by distributors would do much to correct the situation these are 1 keep um hens confined to the house at least until after the first feeding 2 provide balanced rations and clean fresh water 3 gather eggs at least twice daily and allow them to stand in a well vcn- tllated container in a cool place until well cooled before casing them 4market eggs often dally if possible 5 in transporting eggs protect tht table efjpctlve jtnas 29th leave georgetown to toronto a 814 am 9 18 ajn 1148 am 333 iwnm pm 608 pjn 913 pjn a except sundays to london x 935 ttm 2 05 pjn b 600 pnu- x 750 pjn x- connections for owen sound b sundays and hobdays standard time tickets and information at w a long gray coach lines

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