Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 17, 1940, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 17th 1940 the georgetown herald news of georgetown nerval glen williams llmehonse stowarttown balunafad and terra cotta subscription bates canada h 50 a year united states 12 00 o year single copies 3c 1 advertising rates will b- quotea on application walter c btehn publisher star garfield l mcollvray phone no 8 leslie clark reginald broordhead the editors corner lets give the soldiers a break i an exchange paper last week commented on the number or boys in lform seen hitchhiking over ontario highways during the week ends surely this is a condition which should and could be remedied quite easily by ottawa the canadian government owns tffi railway system and tadlrectly controls another are these trains so crowded that they cquldn t find room for aoldiere to visit their homes every now and then many of these men have given up their family life good jobs and personal freedom for a time so that this country of ours will be safe from invasion by a foreign power our members of parliament who are serving their country also re allowed free passage on the canadian national railway is it too much to ask that our soldiers be given the same privilege another victory sign newspapers throughout canada have been filled with items about fanners finding the letter b on their oats last week we told you of oe who found b v plalnlj evident now we hear of jacob slttler of st jacobs who found a hen s egg with a perfect raised capital b on the shell the facts concerning british child guests with the question of placing british child guests appermost in the minds of many readers perhaps a review ol the situation will clarify impressions which are tending to become confused in the many articles appearing in the dally press the movement is under the auspices of the dominion government which has delegated to the provinces the responsibility of finding suitable homes for the children and seeing that the children are properly cared lor during their stay in these homes the department of public welfare is carrying out his program in ontario working through the children a aw society this does not mean that the government does not want other organizations to pla their part in the scheme such co operation is needed and desired however these oiganizations must work under the children s aid society persons wishing to take children into their home should communl ate with the superintendent of the nearest children s aid society f g thompson of milton for georgetown district an application form is then filled out and a representative of the society calls at the home to ascertain circumstances and environment ir all case persons volun leering homes are asked to indicate their preference and a child as nearly as possible answering the description will be supplied religion will not be lnterferred with and a protestant ohlld ulll be placed in a protest uot home a catholic child in a catholic home each ohlld will have a thorough medical examination before being placed in a home while the host will oe expected to provide ordinary meoical care hospitalization and major medical care will be the respon ability of the government and costs will be borne by the government the government plan does not apply tc children whose transports hon and expenses are being paid by their parents and who will visit relatives in canada neither does it apply to the movement of entire schools which are locating in canada however if the parents want the children to be with relatives and cannot afford payment for their pass age every effort will to made to see that they are sent to these relatives finally the plan involves only children from five to sixteen years of age and only in very special circumstances will the program deviate from these age groups c w young many readers have commented on th spendld reminiscences of georgetown which we have been reprinting from the files of twenty years ago this week we received a letter itom miss blanche young a daughter of the late mr young who passed away april 19lh 1927 she la on the staff of the cornwall standard freeholder my father was born in georgetown in 184a the son of the late mr nd mrs james young she writes in the loe he was in jacksonville florida and in new orleans florida for several years in that city he was associated with the new orleans picayune he went to stratford about 1880 or so i imagine on the stratford beacon and came to cornwall in 1885 on the cornwall freeholder bought it from the former editor and was editor until his death although my brother w r young was editor actually for several years i suppose all the old timers have passed away in georgetown the dades etc relatives of my grandfather and grandmother young thank you miss young for giving us a few glimpses into your lathers life and thanks too to those four or five georgetowners who remembered mr young and told us of his associations in cornwall these heminlscences will be running for several more weeks and we hope you get as much pleasure reading them as we do poetry our weekly poem grouches xt there s one thing on earths green shore that geis my goat and makes me sore it is to hear the pesky way that some folks grouch and whine all day ttoey cannot see a speck of light although the sun may shine real bright they re certain sure to see a cloud and yell about it long and loud sd ram they can t see any good tfaeyre sure that it will make a flood and if its dry they drop their mouth because they know there 11 be a drouth jkod if its cold they know they 11 freeze or get rheumatics in their knees tad when its hot they re frald theyll sweat and get their underclothing wet and if the hay crop should be light ttoyre sure the stock will die some night it business isnt up to mucn they whine to beat the very dutch mam what s the use of acting so t3ee things will come these things will go xi weathers cold and food is dear jost grin and bear it with good cheer wviui everj rose that ever grew a hundred thorns were grown there too tor every cordant note thate played jk hundred discords will be made jftar every week wild flowers bloom ja bah a hundred seal their doom ant thats no reason we should growl and weep and wall and raise a aurwl jtar fret and fuss because we m y jtafcjiafe u good things come i reason bright spots have luchl worth they re scarce as hen s teeth on this earth thats wn their value is so big like diamonds they are hard to dig so do not grouch and whine all day twill jet you johannes prophecy the following remarkable prophecy was made nearly 400 years ago by johannes an itinerant scribe who was well known through middle europe for his devoutness and apt sayings the records in many french and swiss towns contain writings and let ters bv hltn but among them all not one 1 f emarkablo as the pro phecy close students of political history will see a wonderful picture part of v hlch has ben fulfilled be fore our own eyes and partes nearing fulfllmen johannes prophecy about j600 aj part of an extraordinary prophecy made by johannes 10 1000 quoted in i a recent iaue oi 1 he figaro and i copied from that paper by the new york lvcnlng standard key to the prophet france is represented by a cock england is represented by the leop ard russia la represented by the white lagle germany is represented by th black eagle austria is rtpt c stnted by the other eagle the lamb standi o justice mercy and trutn toward ue year 2000 the antichrist will manifest himself and his army will surpass in numbers all that can be imagined there will be christians mong lis legions and mohammedans and savages among the defenders of the lamb for the first time the lamb will be all rea there will not be a single spot in the christian world that will not be red and red will be in the heavens the earth the waters and even the air for blood will flow in the domains of the four elements at once the black eagle will throw himself on the cock who v ill lose many of his leathers but will strike back heroic uly with his spurs but would soon be crushed were it not tor the help of the leopard and his claws the black eagle will come from the eountry ol the cock and will invade the counirj of the cock up to the middle of it the white eagle com ing from the north will surprise the black eagle and the other laijle will nvade tl e eountxj of the antichrist fiom on end k the other the black hagle will see himaell toreed o udli ut tlit cock in aider to fight the white eagtt- ind the cock will pursue lit black eagle into the countr of he anticl rist to help the white eagle the battles fought up to uiu time will be as nothing compared to those which will take place in tne counirj of the lujiejana for the seven angles will together pur in their censcri on the impious earth which signifies that the lamb will order the extermination of the race of the antichrist when the beast mts that he is lost nc will become furious and for many months he beak of the white eagle ihf clavi of the leopard and spurs of the cock will cross the rivers tier the bod 1 li of the slam and uiese in places will change the course of the waten thej will burj onl the mn of noble families and leading com manders because to the carnage made o the armies will be joined the whole ale death of those who will die of hunger and of pest the antichrist will ask many times ior peace but the seven angles who walk in front or the three animals de fending the lamb have declared that ptace will only be granted on the eon ditlon that the antichrist be crushed like straw on the barn moor the ex tciitors ol the justice ol the lamb annot stop fighting as long as the antichrist has soldiers to fight against them that which makes the decrees of the lamb so implacable is that the antichrts has pretr ded to be a fol lower of chri ui o act in his name if he ojes i in leto the fruit of the redeem r will be itst and the doors of hades would cfl against the saviour the fight which will take place where th antichrist forges his arms will not be in any way a human fight the three animals defending the lamb will exterminate the last army of the antichrist but they will be forced to erect a pyre as largl as city for the bodies of the dead will change the aspects of the countryside as there wilt be mounds of the dead the antichrist will lose his crown and will die in solitude and madness his empire will be dh ided into 22 tates bui none of them will jjossess iortrcsacs arm lea or vessels the white eagle by order of st michael will drive the crescent irom europe and will irustal hlmsell at con hiulnojt then will begin an paroled chxb by g m bassaman mcclur syndicate wnu sorvlc i m o 6780 leaned against his hay rake to mop ihe sweat from his wrinkled face to the left lour fields away the stone towers of the farm prison glinted tn the rays of a setting sun a hundred yards to the right a careless old guard back turned to the con leaned as 11 asleep over the tow wooden fence his rifle stood against a post beside i im they had come out to the outlying held to finish raking up no 6780 and the guard that is old bill morag to wield the rake and tiro o dowd the rifle it had always been that way with bill morag always someone stand tng guard years of harsh discipline had tamed morag years in which he had struggled vainly against the shackles society imposes upon its mcorrigibles age creeping stealth ily upon him had taught him the wisdom of penal obedience on the prison farm things hadn t been so bad and the guards treat ed prisoners like human beings he had only two more years to go had morag unless he received e parole parole his past infrac tions had forever doomed the hope of leniency he d have to pay up in full at any rate the prison farm was the best thing yet no 6780 put his handkerchief back in his pocket and looked off across the fields the convict couldn t help thinking how easy it would be to drop his rake and run a glance toward o dowd showed the old guard still e uiing over the fence like a sea ick steamship passenger bending ver ihe lee rail he might get clear across the ad j lining field before the gray haired irishman turned around he d be almost out of range then and maybe he d reach the highway morag wasn t really considering these things seriously he was only toying with thoughts as a bank clerk surrounded with stacks of money might toy with the thought of grabbing them up and making for the street the convict many times in the past could have over lhe powered the guard and escaped morag tried to resume his raking bul the clean smell of the hay seemed a challenge inarticulate yet disturbing the rake handle dropped unheed ed from his hands with fingers convulsing at his sides morag noved slowly toward the uncon scious guard slowly as if the awful ness of his intent were like a ball and chain dragging against the or ward thrust of his feel there wa no furtiveness in the convicts advance the dry brown grass stubbles swished peevishly against his heavy shoes as the swing of his legs bent them forward and down o dowd did not turn around at his approach without a glance at the aged guard morag made straight for tha- post against which the heavy rifle leaned he picked up the weapon hefted it in his hands a moment then let the stock drop to the ground for an other moment he stood swaying upon his feet indecision mirrored in every line of his drooping figure in ag ny of yearning wistfulness in his eyes his next act seemed charged with t jste as if his muscles had responded to son c other command than in impulse of the will for with i suddenness that seemed to spring fr m no volition of the mind tie thiust the rifles muzzle to his vn he id and his thumb pushed back it e trigger ruled illegal as is viewed subversive jehovah s witnesses was declared an illegal organization in an order in council tabled in the house of com mons by justice minister lapolnte the witnesses are a religious group which distributes tracts and carries 6n actlv missionary campaign in other ways the o der in council read in part as follows whereas the minister of justice reports that there is an or ganization known as jehovah s wit nesses which is considered to be of iubvci sive character and which should be declared an illegal organi atjon now therefore his excellency the governor oerneral in council on the recommendation of the minister ol justice and pursuant to sub para graph b or paragraph 1 of regu lation 39c of the defense of canada regulations is hereby pleased to de clare juiovahs witnesses to be an illegal organization section 3jbc of the defense of can ada regulations was approved about a month ago when a number of ger man and other organizations were de clared illegal it authorizes addl tfcons to the list by order incouncil a person who remains or becomes a membe or officer of an illegal ganizatlon after it is declared illegal or who professes to follow or defend its acts principles or program is guilty of an offense a person is presumed to be a mem her of an illegal organisation u be attends ite meetings speaks publicly in favor of it or circulates its litera ture by mall or otherwise red cross blankets go to england blanket contributed to the cana dian red cross society during it re cent appeal have not been sent to france dr fred w routley said yesterday although these blankets were in tended for the suffering refugees and wounded soldiers in france we could not take a chance on their falling in to german hands lhe national com missioner said the first shipment had been authorized before the french armistice but we were able to divert the blankets to england where they will be stored until needed the re mainder about 60 000 will be held in canada dr routley gave assurance that every blanket contributed would be needed in the days to come already he said the canadian red cross had been asked by the dominion govern ment to loan a quantity of blankets to equip the colonist trains carrying refugee children from britain to des tinations in canada we shall have blankets sheets pillow cases towels and so on wait ing for the children at the port of arrival dr routley said among the blankets contributed dur ing the canadian red cross appeal were 20 000 from the paper companies of canada directory c n r y time table standard tim going east passenger 616 am passenger and mall 10 03 am passenger and mali 6 45 pjn passenger sundays only 831 pjn passenger daily 0 41 pjn toronto and beyond golnjr west passenger and mail 834 am passenger saturday only 1 is p m passenger daily except saturday and sunday 6 09 pm passenger and mail 6 45 pjn passenger sunday only 1130 pjn going nortti passenger and mall 8 45 am going sowth passenger and mail 630 pjn depot ticket offle phone 30w secure ralph gordon the versatile entertainer for your next program illustrated circular free addrew 62sb crawford st toronto 928 cnwford st toronto the god of nature if you re feeling a bit downcast and aul care is pressing hard you can be rejuvenated if you wander in your yard out amongst the fragrant blossoms when they re shimmering with dew for you 11 feel the god of nature is wa chlng over you rheres no place where he is nearer than amongst his flowers and birds you wont need to call upon him he will come without your words for he walks in every garden vou car meet him if you re blue and he 11 tell you not to worry for hes watching ver you willa hoey p gordon j and prohperit for the earth ind tnre will be no more wars each lation b rg govtrmd according to its desire and lhlng according to he rules of justice there will no longer be lutherans or schismatics the lamb wum reign ind th- supreme happiness of human ity will begin happy will be those alio escaping the perils of that period will be able to enjoy the fruit of the reign of the spirit and of the purging of humanity which can only come af ter the defeat of the antichrist today a young man lives in the future an old man lives in the past for youth time is moving too slowly for age it is moving too fast a young man dreams of the gladness the years just before him will bring an old man dreams of his pleasures when life held the magic of spring but youth and age are in error i the present alone can convey the joy and the cheer and content ment we seek as we journey llfes way today is the time to be happyl no matter how young or how old its always today that must bring us the blessings our fortunes unfold lawrence hawthorne norman r bamford member of he bamford family of listowel which publishes the listowel banner re ently diet in listowel after a year s illness bom in streetsxllle in 1682 he moved to listowel as a boy two brother v c bamford and b bamford are still associated with the newspaper a teterait enite last war mr bamford was buried with full military honours do ycra observe or merely seet in the american weekly with the july 31 issue of the detroit sunday times you u find listed 140 questions to enable you to find out exactly how observant you are an instruc tlve entertaining feature by judith p chase wellknown quiz expert be sure to get the detroit sunday times wai rnir st od lesk am dead tridge ei baine leaned back in his id looked at the convict who jn asi at the edge of the ou saw old o dowd was 1 ei you went fo take a car ut o his belt he prompted thought it was heat postra l frank petch licensed auctioneer and all classes of insurance prompt service phono 391 georgetown p o boi 413 kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary public first mortgage money to loan ofnce gregory theatre bldg mill street phone 88 georgetown gray coach lines timetable standard time effective saturday june 29th leave georgetown to toronto a 614 am 9 18 am 1148 am 223 pin 406 pm 608 pjn 913 pm a except sundays to london x 935 am 203 pjn b 600 pjn x 7 50 pjn x connections tor owen sound b sundays and holidays standard time all coach information at w h long phone 89 radio 1 repairing we specialize on this work is years experience j stanford son dr j burns milne dental surgeon x ray georgetown hut it was his heart and he d l een ded for hours the ther tried to interrupt but the v irden birred on don t tell met he snorted i knew about hu heart just as well s i knew he alway carried his gun empty and then when you saw he was dead you knew it was useless to fire a signal he rose suddenly and placed an arm coaxingly around the cenvict s shoulders old timer he said and there was a curious pleading in the warden s voice this la more than just a job to me it s a pur pose this place where i m trying to bihld- wholemen o o wreck age his eyes strayed through the win dow to the lawn outside where two men one in uniform and the other in prisoner s garb were grinning at each other over a bed of larkspur you covrid have smashed in one stroke all it took me years to build up if you d lammed out or or quit i can get you a parole now but 1 need you here i wish you d stick around some of the frustration and de feat went out of old bill morag and his sagging shoulders even un der the burden of the wardens arm fotune is said to knock mrt once at any mans door but misfortune baa seemed to rise perceptibly more patlenoo t u tick around he said leroy dale k c m sybil bennett ba barristers and solicitors mill street georgetown phone 19 f r watson dd vldj georgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thursday afternoons elmer c thompson insurance service fire auto windstorm c 9 railway and allied steamship summer excursions phone hsw or j georgetown a m nielsen teth tear of practice chiropractor xray drugless theraput lady attendant office over dominion store georgetown hours 3 5 t90 930 pm closed tharaday phone lmw v clifford g re1d z i ld5 d j s x dentist j t phone 410 x i main st georgetown concrete work bridges ptrstclaas workmanship sam walker pnoitt 321 gevg st qsqootown monuments maskers ui urmsra pollock ingham gab one xnjqpect our work in otmmoo4

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