Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 17, 1940, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening jury 17th 1940 timely topics for women by barbara baihes dobothy thomfbon dorothy thompson is one of the most colourful personages of con- temporary times as a columnist political commentator and lec turer the has a worldwide reputation her column on the record which appears three times weekly is published in 166 american dally papers one in canada and several in australia and england they have a combined circulation of around 8 006 000 in addition she contributes articles regularly to magazines and other publications she has received as many as 7000 invitations to lecture in a year but is appea on the lecture platform less frequently because as she admits she is getting tired her annual income averages about 100000 a yew- miss thompson was born at lancaster new york an industrial village on the outskirts of buffalo both her parents came from england her father was a wesleyan lay preacher interested in the plight of the hng miners dorothy was a precocious problem child selfassertive wilful and mischievous her mother died when she was seven and when later her father married again the house could not hold both her and the new stepmother she was sent to chicago at twelve years of age to live with her two paternal aunts with whom she got along quite welt here she attended high school and was thrilled to be living in a large city later she helped work her way through syracuse university where she became an idealistic serious intensely- thoughtful student in 1914 she graduated she dldn t want to teach and dldn t know what to do she became organizer for the women s suffrage party in buffalo and helped win the vote for the women of new york stated she worked in a new york advertising agency and did publicity for a social service organization in cincinnati but her great ambition was to get to europe in 1920 with only 250 for a nestegg she started out as a free lance newspaper correspondent on a mad dash around the continent she visited london dublin milan vienna warsaw nothing prosaic ever happened to her her melodramatlcs were equalled only by her resource- tulnes and she seemed destined to be on the spot when any important news broke as well as an instinct for news miss thompson had an exceptional talent for drawing celebrities to herself she settled in vienna and dip lomats adventurers dispossessed nobles and refugees flocked to her salon stimulated by good food and companionship the inside gossip of europe sowed across her table in the spring of 1923 miss thompson married joseph bard a hungarian intellectual the marriage soon foundered and they were divorced in 1927 the next year she met and after ft whirlwind court ship married sinclair lewis the popular novelist they have led a heller skelter life living at their farm in vermont or house in new york be tween trips abroad in 1900 their son michael was bom in 1931 dorothy had an inter view with hitler whom she despises in 1934 she was expelled from the reich because of her anti nazi writings in 1936 she began writing her column on the record for the new york tribune in 1938 she became a news commentator for the nbc she returned six weeks ago from ber last trip to europe when she visited the capitals of most of the countries affected by the wap and was practically ordered out of roumania at hitters command as hosts the lewises are famous their new york home is a rendezvous for experts on finance economics government and foreign affairs who debate the problems of the day miss thompson depends among others upon john guniher and wendell willkie the republican candidate for president for information abo it current affairs grape vine information from greater germany is brought her by refugeus no wonder her column cover a wide scope or that it is provocative miss thompson believes the war is just ont maniifstnuon of a world revolution that has been going on for some time she believes american interests he on the side of an allied victory which thej should support with all their resources miss thompsons success ha- no parallel at 46 she is tall hand some greyhaired beautifully dressed vibrant and commanding she is the centre of attract on wherever she goes for combined intellectual physical and emotional energy she has no equal the impact of her personality is both exhilarating and exhausting it will be interesting to follow her career to its end t t t war services in britain millions of dollars of waste materials have been reclaimed through salvage operations to aid in carrying on the war the value of garbage can contents alone has been rated at 5 000 000 in germany for years everything from toothpaste tubes to the grease from dish water has been salvaged to be turned into guns canadians because they have grown up in a land of plenty are naturally a very wasteful people at present there is an abundance of food in this country but there may be a scarcity in the future due to larger shipments overseas shortage of certain crops and the presence of increasing num bers of evacuees and refugees it would be wise for women everywhere to make a more careful study of the preservation and utilization of food special courses are being given at jhe ontario agricultural college in nutri tion principles as they are related to war economy canadian women are wellknown for their skill in canning and already the women s institutes in affiliation with the red cross have pioneered the way in largescale jammaklng enter prises that canadian soldiers over seas may have their homemade jam as usual other groups are planning to follow their example that no food may be allowed to go to waste in many districts organized salvage campaigns are being launched regu lar collections of waste paper cotton magazines rags rubber bones bottles tinfoil etc are being made at both homes and places of business us ually arrangements can be made with a local dealer for their disposal the proceeds may be donated to the gov ernment red cross or some other or ganization to help prosecute the war aluminum is very scarce in the united kingdom an urgent appeal has been made to housewives there to donate coffee pots saucepans frying pans and other articles that the aluminum in them may be available for the manufacture of aeroplanes wouldn t a general clean up of scrap metal iron brass copper aluminum etc in this country yield worthwhile results if undertaken by the girl guides and boy scouts or some such organizations wool has been scarce ever since the outbreak of the war wool might al so be salvaged by the collection of discarded woollen blankets coats sweaters and other garments did you know that for a very small sum of money you may have used woollens made up at a mill in ontario into lovely blankets they may be light or dark colours reversible or plain or further information write to barbara- balnes co georgetown her ald any means of adding to our na tional resources is helpful and through organized salvage operations women are given a chance to do their part in preparing for whatever eventu alities the future may hold t t t plots ar d lesser themes inventions and historic descriptions well known personages and international society all handled with the skill of the true artist lanny budd son of an american pathy and give comfort international uniform sunday school lesson jobs rephsttance and restoration sunday july 21 1940 golden text the lord turned the captivity of job when he pray ed for rfts friends job 43 10 lesson passage job 42 1 is to look and see the beautiful this world holds to the view to listen and to hear the songs which nature sings for you to know to feel that god is real to live within the hour a been experience 1 2 after challenging the almighty dur ing long speeches job finally received his answer his queries were not dealt with one by one but he had an experi ence of god that changed his attitude he discovered that his chief seed was not to know more but to be different instead of self being the centre of his life henceforth god was to have first place instead of attempting to com prehend the mind of god he was now ready to have god search his inmost thoughts it is a great hpur in our spiritual liistory when we discover personal inadequacy and place our whole dependence upon qod what job s voluble friends had been un able to accomplish with all their as sertions and arguments a vision of god was able to do job lost con ceit and found peace he ceased from elf pity and found victory he ceased to blame god and by confessing his presumptuous sins received forgive- sceing the invisible 3 fi dr joseph fort newton asked what did the voice speaking out of the storm tell job in answer to his questionings nothing except that he did not krow anything and yet job is subdued satisfied and healed what does it mean did the genius of the author fail him where its light was mos neided no only his words failed as they always do in the pre mnot of unutttiable reality for what answered all the questions of job was not a proposition but a presence what he learns is that though his suffering is neither removed nor ex plained god is not a foe but a friend hi doubls are dispelled his wounds heaied he is at once awed nd exalted his old faith was un equal to the facts not only because it wait imperfect but because it vas i nth at second hand now his reli glon is no longer hcarsaj but vision it is an experience such is the pro ss by which a mymlc is made for a m j stic is not a mere dreamer much less a dafcbltr in the occult but out who in the struggle and bloody weat of the moral life has learned to know god for himself better thinking 7 9 it may be assumed that job friends meant well in what they said to him at least uiey gave time and hought in their effort to show sym they failed ivimmw mainly for women a garment who rode on a borrowed beast and lay in a borrowed tomb who became poor that through his poverty others might be made rich the book of job closes with a description of a wealthy sheik the gospels close with the story of the cross the way of service and sacrifice is higher than that of amassing property christians must seek higher blessings from god than income and possessions the church must beware lest the holding of property and accumulation of en dowments beguile her away from ministering to the souls of men questions for discussion 1 is it really possible for every per son to haye a deep spiritual ex perience 2 how maj we see self as in the sight of god 3 how often do i change my mind about important convictions 4 are you satisfied with the ending of the book of job 5 what for you is the offence of the crast lesson outlines copyrighted by the international council flf religious flucatlon used by permission listener in oanlsteo ny sent funds last week to john adaskln ask ing for a copy of there 11 always be england the change was to be dropped into a red cross box mr adaskln ordered the music from the plblisher the publisher asked that the copy be sent complimentary the red cross received the full amount as a donation the lady received a letter of thanks and so it goes bvery day some kind and helpful gesture from a cousin over the way to cheer canada s war effort the real mccoy when the attnek on zebrugge was one of my shipmates he the channel and said he was listen ing to the happy oang from toronto on a special overseas broadcast from canada they were singing don give up the ship while he was la command of a motor boat being bombed by the germans t remember the popular englishr song of a few years ago everythtn stops for tea the englishman dow has a real grudge against hitler for last week lord woolton minister flf poods announced tea rationing wind- allowa only two ounces of tea a woele for each persons which will cut out re enacted during a recent production- the longemabllshed custom of tjjfif in th rat series thpv shall not noon tea munition maker is the central charac because they had only conventional ter brought up in european schools i ideas to offer they sought to explain he makes friends with other boys from suffering without having passed half a dozen countries when the through the fiery ordeal themselves story opens he is residing in cannes they were ordered to make atonement with his beautiful mother who lives their education nor are we exempt on the fringes of high society and from the necessity of revising our con- makes many contacts with diplomats vlcuons constantly judgments form government agents armament repre- ed in youth may break down in middle sentatlves and straying cabinet mini- i life the do not fit all the tacts sters lanny visits his friend rich 1 rhe convictions may have been true and becorres acquainted with the eng- in part but in the tests of life they llsh aristocratic world he visits need to be enlarged life becomes a kut and christmascard castles glorious adventure when it is a pro and learns of the german dissatlsfac- yressive discovery of the will of god uon with the trecy of versailles even wher we face the humiliation the story covers the period before of admitting our mistakes and ignor the war and a europe of cultural ance uv clarification of truth the signallers to entertain concert party provided by the r c cs at barrief jeld camp will providl a musical and variety pro gramme for national network listen ers of the cbc on friday july 26th at 8 00 to 8 30 pm edst from king- i the production will be under the direction of alan murray of th c inadlan legion war services say it with music sandj s canadian half hour will be ud frum london sund ij juu 2 nt boo to 8 30 pm edst with sandy maepherson the wellknarwn british stikc onanist playing songs for the accordi c inadlan bos in england and send- i joml inn on their behalf messages to the folk back home in the cbc series they shall not pass ah authentic ships telegraph wee installed to provide realistic sound effects toronto s famous harbour provided the telegraph after a search through all the betterknown ships chandlers of the waterfront the in strument secured was made by j w ray of south castle street liverpool and has travelled thousands of miles on oceangoing service two studios were used one for the bridge and one for trje engine room frank peddie well known toronto actor manned the bridge end of the instrument and james pinlay cbc producer the re celvlng end in the engine room tjhey shall not pas retelling fam ous moments in british history i heard wednesday nights at 10 00 pm edst it is written by william strange and produced by sydney brown every little bit helps carry on canada the war effort feature of the cbc heard sunday nifrhls at 9 03 pm edst from to ronto and produced by stanley max ted has made universal appeal to canadians citizens throughout the country have raised important sums of money through its appeal women have organized themsehes tinder its leader hip to piowde red cross supplies and comforts and latest to do his bit is a crippled peanut endor who has turned our his ne tarnings for one ili tich weeh to help canada win the war noon tea jbest word picture ot mussolini ww- have yet seen is that in the brtusbu periodical new statesman and na tion which said n duce was clad bx shining blackmall he ccrtainlj dldn t the hoppv can of toronto did t lor he dtinkiik evacuation letter from a saint rig with the royal nm he writes i had lo laugh at your eyes the public arejretting to knew our new low price fo glasses is a real bargain for the wgfc quality glasses supplied why pay more than ock new low price oar eye examination has al ways been thorough aa we hav the finest equipment and over t9 yearn experience the peopts whom we have served are earn ing back to ns because they aval- lie our eye service is best come in and let as show jum the newest styles in giassas att at city prices consult 0 t walker ro eyesight specialist who will be at ms office over the bell telephone co hani su georgetawn the aw wednesday of each month you may consult o t wa at bis office in brampton phone georgetown brampton 59f i carroll s waxwi end by upton slndair tjpton sinclairs latest book and probably bis best is a bewildering mase of people and peoples minor flowering the war of 191418 and world of violence and treachery of bewilderment agony and sorrow and europe of the peacemakers when old values conventions and standards go by the board it is worlds end when the people of our story are a homeless set and a new world comes into being with new problems new despairs and hopes lanny has a chequered career his father sei ds for him to come to am erica and he is fascinated by the country he returned to prance as the youthful interpreter for the am erican delegation to bhe peace con ference he falls in love first with the daughter of an english earl who will not marry him because of social rank and later with a budding ac tress in new england who prefers a sugar daddy who will buy her into a part and not interfere with her career a number of other characters art- introduced lanny s uncle jesse who is a socialist mr robin who is a jewish trader marcel a french pain ter whom his mother marries it is a highly diverting story covering a wide variety of scenes and interests upton sinclair has lived long and experienced widely and deeply for many years he has been america s leading author in europe in volume of sales his latest book on munition makers and international affairs is both illuminating and entertaining t f t let me remind you slaves and free men if a man does only what he has to do he is a slave the moment he does more than is required he be comes a free man we all have work to do n this world it is the doing of just a little more that leads to hap piness and contentment a w robertson t t t news about food are you fond of chicken broilers and fryers are now at their very best do serve them as often as the family budget will allow the following re cipe will make even a small rhyft serve for a company meal chicken hawaiian 1 can sliced pineapple 1 medium onion 4 tablespoons salad oil 1 5jfo ctbioken 2 slices cooked ham 4 cups cooked rica alt truth strengthening of convictions and im proved personal relationships recon cile us to all the readjustments we have to mike jobs restoration 10 11 the book of proverbs stresses pros perity as one of the rewards of god s favour the book of job teaches that there ar- higher evidences of god s love than material wealth yet the book of job records the return of double prosperity to the hero of the drama gifts were showered upon him and he spent the remaining years of his life in the security of plenty it is interesting to contrast this point of view with the vows of poverty taken bj many religious people in the nine teen christian centuries st francis of asslsl for instance left no such estate as the patriarch joo could fa- job their experience was part of through sacrifices and apologize to queath yet we are agreed that st francis made a distinguished success of his life judged by all spiritual standards christian people must soon come to a definite understand ing as to the limits of acquisitiveness too often we idealize renunciation but practice the gospel of getting on in the world it is stern discipline to love god for himself and not for the sake of expected gifts jobs greatest heroism was displayed during poverty and pain poetic justice 12 13 as a story the book of job has a happy ending the tension is relaxed and job is richer than at the start the last picture shows job surrouna ed by sheep and oxen camels and asses another family was raised seven sons and three daughters the mood of the postlude u alls well that ends well but that is not the high est test of life the new testament tells of one who worked in a carpen ters shop who often had no place to lay his head who left no estate but mince onion cook in salad oil until tender disjoint chicken dredge in flour and salt and fry with onions until a delicate brown drain syrup from pineapple add water to make 2 cups pour over chicken cover and simmer 1 12 hours cook rice dice ham and toss with rice saute pine apple slices to serve arrange a portion of chic ken on each slice of pineapple around the outside of a platter fn rice with nam in ok centre thicken gravy and serve separataly very special pure lard 2 lib ire pkgs iw queenland wckf if i9c s8ws5s2 1 11 hlb salada tea v lushus jsuflsjs 37c s2pi soap pk ogixvie blelkjwy jrv- 15c chntie p fruit loaf ea 25c christies fluff cake each ioe mmuam bin oranges 24 new celery isufi 5c 6c 7c ea new beets 6 bunches 15c new carrots 3 bunches 10c green cabbage iw rbm head 5c ftoh blaeberries grew vv poutocs beam cmllllower bte fnrit nd vacatebfe spcuu on ssk unts smbrimj niffcl ojy lmi jaier lemons 30 main street georgetown freedelivery phone 357

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