Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 17, 1940, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 17 th 1940 i our farm page items of interest to every farmer stray potato plants with bordeaux keep foliage qonrered from time hants six inches high advises j t cassln of qnlarie dcputmeai of azrtcwliare- late blight has been the cause of beavy losses to many potato growers in ontario during too past two or me seasons says j t cassln potato utthartty of che ontario department tf agriculture fields were attacked during august and september and in a- few days the leaves turned dark thrown in color the ctoprwiucfa was sot matured ceased growing and in many cases tuber rot aeveloppo pro per applications of bordeaux in spray rdust form at the right time before jhmgl develop will give protection during periods of frequent rainfalls and heavy fogs late ought fungi de velop on the green leaves weather conditions and plant development de termine when bordeaux should be ap pued dust applications should be gtven late in the evening or early in the morning when dew is on the plant to have protection from late blight applications of bordeaux should be tnade before rainfalls rather than after it is during the period of ex ceaslve moisture that late blight com and in the prom the time the plants are six or eight inches high during new leaf development the plants should be kept covered with bordeaux this may re quire four to six applications and fives protection to the plants permits natural maturity which creases the yields and improves quality with profit the bordeaux mixture formula u as follows bluestone dissolved 4 fas hydrated lime spraying dissolv ed 6 lbs water 40 lbs if an insec ttclde is required add calcium arsett ate or arsenate of lead 2 lbs liquid applications to give satisfac tory results should be applied witt- power sprayers developing 250 lbs to s00 lbs pressure applying so gals n 100 gals per acre the boi deaux dust formula is as follows copper dust dehydrated around vtry fine is lbs hydrated lime ground find 85 lbs h insecticide is desired add 15 to 30 lbs calcium arsenate or arsenate of lead and reduce the amount of hydrat ed lime accordingly twenty lbs to thirty five lbs of dust per acre ac cording to the size of the plants are re to give protection mr cas am states homesick for the country i want to get out in the country again where there s cornfields and fences an trees and i want to go down to the medder an wade in the clover clean up to my knees f ive said it before an i ii say it agin and ill stick to it right up and down there aint any sense in yer trym to trans plant an old hayseed like me into town f theres something keeps calhn and tuggin my heart an my eyes git so dim i cant see theres a lump m my throat i am jest an old fool but by jing its the country for me i m sartin when emily brought me to town she didn t mean one bit of harm but i m homesick fer neighbours an critters an crops an i m going straight back to the farm my ou look very happy well i recently netted a cool ten thousand co dust dust yes dost you take this man to be your wedded hus cauliflower and cabbage worm control the insect known as the imported cabbag worm is a velvety green caterpiua commonly found feeding on cabbages and cauliflowers it eats large circular holes in the leaves and frequently bores into the centre of cabbage heads control measures should be applied as soon as injury to the plants becomes evident dusting with arsenate of lead and h draft d lime is the mot widely re commended remedy sajs alan g dustan division of entomology science service dominion depart ment of agriculture one part of uie poison should be mixed with eight parts of hydrated lime and dusted on the plant in the earlv morning or late in the evening when the leave are wit with dew particular care should oc paid to the central portion of the cebbages and cauliflowers be cause teedlng ls usually most prevaj em th two or three applications should be made as required care be ing taen to appl the dust immedi atelj feeding becomes evident ow ng o lhe waxy condition of the leaves spraj ing tas not given satisfactory results if the planls have to be treated hortlj brfore being marketed dust with fresh pyrethrum powder one part to three parts of hydrated lime or flour pjrethrum is non poisonous to humin beinirs it can be bought at local seed houses drug stores or who le ale drug companies fortunately the remedies recommended for cab bage worms also control the cabbage ooper and diamond bark moth which are destn ithe to cabbages and cauli he knlw auto si lesmafi jones tried to make rm belle r that he s driven his car for mt ars and nev r 1 ad to pa a cent for repilrs cwi you believe thaf ganr man 1 11 sa i do i make the repairs big three offer newspaper 1 year aad jour choke aay tare hi rasa hart aa x before the tws jroa desire a a oee le cauda 1 t d ulnae bey moa j i e1aalaaa awe dbeaa arti kaaatooafl 1 t q ailrtiaa rnm grower 1 ye only 2s popular demand offer newspaper 1 tear and your choice on oumt patcrjoa h zraap at the price listed llfc i i ww qmtit kmw ltr 3 op head ofw stove l h 1 ylfc mm qasaewleaa om 1 yb 1 t em j bey 1 tv wealliv l t lm qmooalt mat i i r i ix i m n 1 tfc dw orewet i l inelm qohukltr uo q 1 wests i ya canadian aobi needs scientific aid canadian agriculture has many dim cult problems to deal with in the next few years said dr j m swatne di rector science bervjoe dominion de pertinent or agriculture in a recent address it needs leadership and guidance and for this it must depend in large part upon sclenuflcteclinlcal agriculture there ls an opportunity now for technical agriculture to give leadership in a more complete provisldh for pro ducing and marketing agricultural products to meet the requirements of canadian consumers the production of agricultural products for great bri tain and allies in so far as their needs can be loreseen the maintenance ot a production level from which any required increase could be made to supply the needs of britain and the allies the maintenance of the pro ductive capacity of canadian soils the maintenance of a proper agrlcul tural stability without unnecessary surpluses or shortages that will en able the proper adjustments to be made to meet post war conditions gqyernment to cooperate in securing labor for farms farmers throughout the province are to have the co operation of the on tario government in securing lnex pcrlenoed but able bodied young men for two or three months for haying harvesting and general farm work in making this announcement n o hlpel minister of labour lntlmat ed that the ontario department of labour had made arrangements to register all workers who would be willing ro help harvest the crops which are vital to canada s war effort mr hlpel pointed out that there was a scarcity of experienced farm help and asked all farmers who re quired extra workers to co operate with the government by using the men available it was suggested lhat farmers would have to exercise pati ence and realize that these men could not be expected to attain complete ef ciency a first farmem who desire extra men shou d apply to the nearest ontario employment office oi write direct to a maclaren director of farm train ing department of labour parlla ment buildings toronto already the minister of labour stated imny willing workers had rt kistered lor work on farms and were available for immediate employment weed oi the week bladder campion bladder campion cow bell or blad dtr weed is one of ontario s worst weeds adaptable to high land it has become ery prevalent in the centra and easttrn sections of the province and has proxen an extremely difficult weed to eradicate especially from land which is inclined to be stoney the seed of bladder campion ls a common lmpuriij m clover and tlmo thy seed and is impossible to remove with ordinary seed cleaning machinery hence the importance of preventing it from becoming established an average plant may produce from 10 000 to 20 000 seeds it ls a deep rooted freely branch ing persistent perennial weed the root is very long thick and much branched a good sized plant will hafle a root over three feet long at the top of which is a crown bearing buds shoots and branched flowering stems the plant grows from one to two feet high often forming large clumps toe leaves are smooth and in pairs flow ers are white nearly an inch across and borne in loose clusters which are often drooping the calyx or flower cup ls much inflated and ball shaped it ls from tm6lnnated calyx that the plant draws its name the main object in eradicating this weed should be to prevent seeding and to get on the land as soon as possible after the crop ls removed purchase clover and grass seed free from bladder campion seed watch for scattered plants eradicate them with chemicals or dig out the crown and apply a few handfuls of salt toshe portion o the root that remains tmediately after the hay or grain crop has been removed plough deep using a sharp share on the plow to cut off the roots follow with the stiff toothed cultivator with wide shares which overlap cutttvatlng both watja at intervals of one to two weeks this thorough cultivation may beeonttno- ed until time to sow fall wheat or rye or until kte fall and again the following spring followed try a hoed crop a smother crop an ann hay or pasture crop a grain crop fall wheat or rye in badly infested areas it might be necessary to continue this thorough cultivation for a second year before the area ls seeded down this plan should eradicate bladder cam pion from cultivated areas livestock relish oils weed and pasturing will prevent seeding until one is prepar ed to break and cultivate the infested area v the use of chemicals is recommend- ed for areas where cultivation is im possible including roadsides rallrotws fence lines gravel pits etc snapshot quild humor in your pictures he just couldn t quite make it humorous shots such as this add spice to your album plenty of chances for them occur in any home rjumorous pictures are quite rare ad perhaps that ls the very reason they have such lasting appeal if you want snapshots la your album that will oever grow old then keep your eyes open for picture chances that tickle you- funnybone there are plenty of auch oppor tun it if a part cularly around homes lhat have childrin which ib not to say of course that grown ups don t bavo their absurd moments too and if you stay alert for such mo ments with your camera loaded and placed whore you can get it readily yoiill likely earner some much prted shots for your album sometimes it b true you ii have to reenact things to get your pic ture for example when you and johnny has been raiding the cookie jar again just let him demonstrate how he did it for the camera and his guilty look will give you a pic ture lhat takes high rank in your ollectlon when the youngest member of me family gathers his toys and tod lies off to bed finds he can t qu te tiake the gn le and drops off to sleep half in bed and half out then you have another picture op portunity well worth seizing such a shot bo comic yet so heart warm ing holds more appeal than a hand ful of routine snaps some situations merit a picture but the circumstances don t re com mend taking it immediately for example when daddy goes to hang a picture but hammers ale thumb instead in each a cse just wait until things cool down a bit then shoot a picture of him blowing on the injured member with the ham mer and btepladder in the imme diate background it a fun to think up ideas for ho rn oroub pictures recall funny things that have happened in the past then reenact them for the camera these shots lend spice to your album they 11 give extra pleasure to you and your friends especially if you do them realisti cally and meanwhile always keep your camera loaded and handy ready to picture the funny little events that may occur almost any time around the borne 2 john van guilder to farmers who need help able bodied men wilbng to work on farms for two or three months are available for haying harvesting and general farm work the government of ontario is ready and willing to help farmers who need extra workers realizing that farm crops are vital to canada s war effort the ontario department of labour has formulated a plan to register workers who will be available to harvest these crops in view of the fact that there is a scarcity of farm help we ask for your cooperation many willing workers have registered for work with the ontario department of labour and are now ready for immediate employment farmers who need extra help should apply to the nearest ontario employment office or write direct to a mftcxaien director farm training department of labour parlia ment buildings toronto ontario department of labour hon n o h1pel

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