Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 24, 1940, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wed neaday evening july 24th 1940 waaaatjpaammaiaaam ct mainly for women timely topics for women by barbara baines tflintlfltfb 3n the n11wb in mount- weeks anusually large ntnnber of jamous names- have m appeared in the nova the xuke and duchess of windsor are hying to the tt where the ihike will take over bis duties ae governor oie b oome 300 miles on the coast of florida are a favorite resort of many promtnont angloamerican socialites the duke and duchess fled from southern france to lisbon portugal just before the spanish border was dosed work is under way xm the british jum fortyotiith paraher which is being produced in the canadian rockies and in which raymond massey elizabeth bergner and leslie howard are starring mijsf eleanor young of vancouver after a meteoric rise to top ranking won double laurels in the canadian tennis championships held at quebec when she won the women s singles and paired with miss jean wine also of vancouver to win the women s doubles mrs laurme hodge widow df tkmlel g dodge who died aa the result of an accident 13 days after their marriage in 1938 has been wkanled 9200000 by the courts as her share in her husbands 11000000 fjn four canadians whose surnames all begin with the letter b are responsible for the increased activity of the british ministry for aircraft production they are bt hon r b bennett beverly baxter mp and j p biokle of xomnto working under the leadership of lord beaver- many wellknown persons were among the refugees who lost homes and possessions when with great difficulty they escaped from france bve curie says it is a great privilege to be in america the last country on hitlers list of conquests it took somerset maugham british author 20 terrifying days by coal carrier to xeach england from maine ea when the crowded ship was unable to dock at tqran or gabsalter the refugees aboard endured great suffering from lack of water and food andre maurois cl french author has arrived in new york he was fighting with the allies in northern france when the armistice was signed he will lecture at harvard tms fall sir norman angel british economist has also arrived in new york he lived in an air raid shelter at his home on an island in the en channel until the bri tish admiralty ordered him to move baron rothschild head of the french banking house and his wif arrived in new york with 1000 000 in jewelry after a dramatic flight from paris maurice maeterlinck one of the worlds greatest living dra matists arrived in america penniless after having lost valuable books and papers trying to get out of france oliver lodge noted playwright and poet and his wife have come to toronto robert service well known poet of the klondike and his wife have lived in france for many years but were able to escape ahead of the nazi invasion and hope to make a new home in vancouver mme schiaparelli noted paris dress designer who fled to portugal when the germans occupied france i now in the azores she expects to open a salon in n y molyneux british designer escaped from biarritz aboard a collier headed for london col vanie- canadian minister to paris escaped from bordeaux with sir ronald campbell and the british diplomatic party his wife and children were 5 days at sea in a tiny cargo boat crammed with refugees before reaching england they arc now in canada many famous names were included in ihc passenger list of war guests arriving in america the included simon and davina bowes- lyon nephew and niece of qneen elizabeth lady may abelsmith daughter of the earl of athlone and princess alice and htr three child ren lord bessboroughs son g st l ponsortb the duke of devon shires son lord cavendish who broke his arm on shipboard lord queensburys son and daughter the duke of richmond s two sons miss patricia and pamela moiuitbatten great great granddaughters of queen victoria alfred duff coopers sons a nephew and three nieces of an thony eden sir john simnn two nieces and many others equally notable was service the lojxe does fine service far tfce after a whirlwind four weeks campaign the imperial order daugb- ters of the empire reached their objective of 100 000 to buy a bolingbroke bomber at a thrilling ceremony at the rockcliffe airport ottawa on july 13th the huge shining plane was formally pre- sented to the royal canadian alrforce on either side of the body of the bomber was painted the crest of tne order with the words for king and country printed below the occasion was graced by the presence of his excellency duke of athlone and her royal highness princess alice who has consented to accept the office of honorary president of the order about 75 national and provincial officers and members were present and also an rcap unit with their band following the ceremony squadron leader truscott took the plane up on a show flight and landed again shortly amid loud applause the first war service of the bomber will be as a convoy the i o d e is a very powerful organization it has chapters in most cities and towns across the dominion since the outbreak of the war its membership has increased rapidly and is now about 29000 great quantities of knitted goods socks sweaters scarves helmets etc have been sent for distribution at aldershot training camps in canada to the alrforce navy and merchant marine over 80000 pairs of socks alone have been distributed hundreds of leather lined jackets have been sent to the men manning the minesweepers and trawlers huge quantities of new clothing donated or made by the members have been sent to the soldiers sailors and airtnens association in eng land this organization enjoys the patronage of the royal princesses and is now celebrating its 60th anniversary it distributes clothing bed ding and other articles among needy families of the fighting forces lady tweedstnalr heads the board in london to which requisitions for needed articles are made a great warehouse stores supplies on hand in addition over 2 000000 magazines have been distributed at training centres to provide reading matter for the troops three lending libraries have been established at camp borden another manned by chapter members at barryfleld camp and similar ones in other centres the iode has sent large shipments of clothing for the use or refugees and is giving splendid support to the plan for the evacuation of british children one of the chief alms of the iode is to instil patriotism its ideals are unity loyalty and sacrifice let me remind you the law of worthy life is fundamentally the law of strife it is only through labour and painful effort by grim energy and resolute courage that we move on to better things theodore roosevelt t 1 news about food something cool something prepared without wasted effort the salad below answers both requlrejrfents and yet is substantial enough to meet with the approval of swlnwers or tennis players whose appetites are hearty tuna fish salad 1 tablespoon gelatine h cup hot water 1v4 cops tuna fish vi cup mayonnaise h cup celery diced hi cup liquid from sweet pickles h teaspoon salt ca dissolve gelatine in hot water flake fish add pickle juice celery salt cayenne and mayonnaise add dls solved gelatine mix well and place in individual moulds put in refrig erator to set serve on lettuce with a garnish of siloed tomatoes and cu- buy war savings stamps ice cream and cantaloupe how about lee cream and canta loupe for a porch supper daring hot wither hake it something special cantaloupe a la mode garnished with fresh peaches and black berries for good measure the vanilla ice cream for which we are giving you the recipe la going to be one of the easiest nicest and most economical yon bare qver made mot too rich but futooth and full bodied made with only one part cream to three parts milk which is onethird to one sixth as much as most recipes call for a feature that will delight your household budget and prove a boon to those of your family who love ice cream but find it too fattening and using no eggs so you can guess bow simple it is all this because it is a rennetcustard ice cream and rennet has a way with milk as you rennetcustard fans already know but why should we tell you about lfj when its so easy to try it for yourselves vanilla ice cream in cantaloupe 2 rennet tablets 2 tablespoons cold water s cups milk 1 cup heavy cream 1 cap sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla dissolve rennet tablets in cold water warm the milk cream sugar and art or log to luke warm not hot stirring con stantly remove from stove add dissolved tablet stir a few seconds pour immediately into freezer can and let set at room tern perstnre until firm and cool freete in ice and salt mixture 4 parts ice to 1 dart ice cream salt- turn freeser about 10 minutes re move dasher repack with ice and salt and let set until ready to serve serve in halves of thoroughly chilled cantaloupes with a garnish of sugared sliced peaches and treat blackberries serves 8 week preceding christmas because of the dangers entailed but because df the profit from liquor millions of dollars ore spent annually in adver tising to inculcate the drinking habit social approval 11 12 18 u people who would never think 6f- using alcohol when alone do respond to the invitation to drink socially there ac many refinements thatseek to lend charm to the practice of drinking liquor la served from beautiful decanters and in delicate glasses colour and fragrance com bine to appeal to the senses friend ship laughter and gaiety accompany social drinking frequently music is provided fine furnishings and brilli ant lighting effects lend glamour to the scene but this is not the whole story economic social and moral cottbequcnceahave to toe weighed the question of financial waste en ters in lowering of moral standards cannot be forgotten the danger of drinking drivers upon the highway forces itself upon public attention further those who begin drinking in moderation may possibly end by drinking to very great excess fectlve temperance education must international uuform sunday school lesson weighing consequences a principle of temperate living sunday july 28lh 1940 golden text godliness is profit able unto all things having pro mlse of the life that now is and of that anich is to come 1 timothy 4 8 lesson passage isaiah 5 11 12 6 79 grant mc health o god the flash of wonder won oy walking through the wood land or by swimming or by skiing grant me swift untrammeled action of mj mind and of my body fearlessnt and proud endurance of each little dally hardship race experience 79 the human race has placed a ques tion mark after beverage alcohol ancient literature has proverbial warnings biography tells of great military conquerors defeated person ally by drink there are laws that drinking places should not be in oper atlon near schools or churches there are regulations prohibiting the sale of intoxicating beverages to minors even distillers spend thousands of dollars on huge electric lights warn ing motor car drivers not to drink before driving through various lie ensing c hemes there is government supervlson of the sale of alcohol the hours of sale are restricted n a custom to have all places selling liquor closed upon election days and certain rolldays temperance educa tion is included in the public school curriculum by statute criminal law has lis provisions for punishing those who tffend by drunkenness these are but ndlcatlons or race experience for thousands of years pointing to the dangers of drink parents in the fa mlly circle also warn children about the dangers of beverage alcohol these facts are not due to innate prejudice against conviviality but are the results of long experience of acci dents and crimes caused by drink facing temptations 10 who makes your decisions do it makes a nicer cool drink m sis ie is tea vised to leave it alone many young people feel that it is an admission of weakening intellectual power jo de mand for social gladness upon a drug disguised as a beverage relentless law 79 the la of cause and effect works ceaselessly habitual drinking of beverage alcohol will in time change the chemistry of the brain there are certain mental diseases such as hpbi trt tv n r dvpsomnnja delirium tremens hallucl- i tlon which can be caused only by prolongjd use of alcohol proval so many people drink not because they wish to numb their brains with alcohol but because its being dore empty pride 2023 the ti ings in which people take pride ate a curious commentary upon bly have these diseases ex it pt b habitual drinking no one need have them if he will leave be verage ucohol- alone worse however tm than the physical effects of alcohol human tature certain men dragarl arc the moral defeats and spiritual the amount of liquor that they can penalties which inevitably follow the consumt- others glory in their skill to sepate wages from wageearners by means of the drinking vogue the positive cure for this kind of pride is to teach satisfaction in the worthy purposes of life young people find richer rewards from building strong bodies cultivating their minds and undertaking high purposes than from seeking constantly for new sensations prolonged use of beverage alcohol wesley s mother wrote to him that anything that exalted the body over the mind was a danger to be avoided the higiest achievements in life are in the realm of the mind and spirit to cultivate deliberately a habit that will result in physical craving is folly jidged even on the basis of physical pleasure the ancient ro ntlflc knowledge about tfal i of beverage arajgota 80ffl the questions for discuuslon i is scientific effects clem restraint i who dwcidea what you do 3 distinguish between social and ion drinkers 4 what does it mean to drink like a gentleman m how may we teach the relationship between cause and effect p on outlines copyrighted by tha interna tic rial council of religious education used by permission and exciting thrills personal conduct i mai ldeal of a sound mind in a must be decided in the light of the welfare of society as a whole when young people ask the counsel of sea soned dnnkcrs about the use of bever age akftno they are frequently ad- sound booy still holds good but the bus local women lose only brother in england a cablegram received by mrs fred laws on monday brought the sad news that her only brother j w reynolds had passed away at his home in plymouth england serving 22 years in the royal navy mr rey nolds was retired on pension he was 52 years old and had been in hi health for the past few months he leaves his widow and seven children his eldes son is also with the navy serving at present on hmb colum- highest motive for temperance ther feai nor selfinterest but rather 10 b lhmg victoriously and sacrlflcl ally for the service of mankind three sisters of mr reynolds live in georgetown mrs fred laws mrtt c chapman and miss annie rey nolds people dictate your choices many people are trying to make up your mlno for you liquor advertlstsnents on billboards in magazines and news papers over radio on ashtrays sweaters jackets and aprons are sug gesting that you become a user of beverage alcohol social custom also such aa toasting the bride or break ing a bottle of champagne over a new ship lends ccmtenaiooe to the chink hsjall parties in business offices on christmas bve or the serving of liquor on ho tearsday tempt many people who do not wish to drink certain stores have to ask their ygjmi not to offer delivery men drink in tbt special carrolls dandee 4kdz3l bordens nvatlea carnation evaporated milk z tr 15c mb pkg ifrankford new pack peas 16oz tin y laings thirst quencher candies piv- ioc christies cheese tangs pk14c loch lomond sandwich biscuits ib- i5c butter tart or iced cup cakes z f sc cfaristiea jeur rolls ea 15c quaker puffed wheat 2 pkg- io quaker puffed rice a pkp- 17c ayhner pore chicken soup atmssse free bowl with keoona allwheat riajc amtralian seedleu raisins ib ioc eauufirat shortening- or domestic aia5c a ylme tomato s catsup 2 21 perfumed health soap odex s crte lie concentrated super suds jii 18c lux thrifty luxx19ca23c white naphtha soap pcfg s bar 19c soap flake jif i pkr 19c blights tomato juice 2501 tin 9 moe btls c cheese for jams and jettm c e r t o btl asc red jar rubbers doxsc ayhner strained baby foods 7e i s crest red salmon 1s lemons doz 30c homegrown no 1 potatoe bsk 19 oranges doz 24c golden ripe bananas 31b 27c fruit and vuntahu special until saturday night oar carrolls pbrae 3b7 free delivery prsmpt elivery

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