Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 24, 1940, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday erening july 24th 1940 i our farm page junior farm boys and i iw rlriq raising fund f items of interest to every farmer girls raising fund for ambulance have already sabacrlbed 575 of s175s afeeded for ambulance to be pre sented to bed cross junior farmers and junior barm women are not only doing an excel sent job on the farms of ontario but hey have already subscribed 575 toward the 1760 needed to provide an jtmbulaaoe for the red cross society states a h martin assistant direc tor of agricultural representatives ont dept of agriculture who is in charge of the fund the suggestion that junior far mers and junior farm women pur chase an ambulance for the red cross was first made in the june issue of the junior farmer news which goes to all junior farm organ mtlons each month from the agrlcul tural representative branch and was enthusiastically received by the juniors all cheques and money orders ahould be forwarded to mr martin ont dept of agriculture toronto and made in favour of the junior firmer and junior farm women ambulance fund no contribution will be too large and none too small mr martin states it is expected that every juii or farm organization in the province will contribute to the fund the ambulance a standard fully equipped four bed vehicle will be purchased through the red cross and il carry a name plate indicative of the junior farmers and junior farm women the week of the week poison rvy they know their jerseys mary and bocles mcclure children of mrs w a mcclure of georgetown werewmtkrs in hie halton county jersey field day held recently jfci georgetown mary took first place in the women s- judgingcompetition and bocles won the competition tor bovs underpin veers f age picture courtesy parmer s advocate crop conditions satisfactory throughout dominion poison ivy may be found growing trad a yariety of conditions through out old or southern ontario every one should be familiar with it and should take immediate steps to eradl cate it it is sometimes mistaken for virginia creeper though is easily dis ttnguished by its leaves which are in groups of three whereas those of the virginia creeper are in fives the leaves of poison ivy are quite smooth glossy and firm poison ivy has a distressing toxic average season however growth action on the skin the active prin backward and warm fry weather is ciple of the plant is an oil which is urgently required in ontario crop prospects on the whole are promising the bank of montreal releases an other rnmlnionwlde crop report on information received from its branch es during the past week general crop prospects in most sections of the pra rie provinces have been lm proved bj light to heavy rains and cooler weather wheat in manitoba ts headd out and heading is well advanced in saskatchewan and al berta both wheat and coarse grams in manitoba and alberta are develop ing sajsfactorily in saskatchewan summerfallow fields are in fairly good condition but stubble crops have suf fered severely from inadequate mois ture retenes and heat isolated points lave experienced hail but damage nas been relatlveli light pas tures are in good condition in most districts in quebec higher tempera turts durirg the past week have prov ed beneliclal and crops are making good progiess as compared with an sowing seeds of biennials biennials are plants that flower the year following the sowing of the seed and then die july and august are the best months to sow tye seed a cold frame or open bed can be used or if there is only a small amount or seed f a variety pots or flats are comenlent a suitable compost is made up of loam leaf mould and sand complete a teat or obtain satisfactory scores with one of these litters are sufficient good to justify the effort and expense of further testing other changes such as no retest of sows which have obtained pass scores or a test of sows with litters of less than eight have the same objective in lew but are of less importance be cause very few animals were involved it any ume with these changes it is anticipated that inspection starts will be relieved of a consklerable amount of purely routine work and will there fore be in a position to do inspection work carefully and to spend more ume with the breeder studying and dis cussing specific breeding problems of which there are still many in the swine industry awaiting solution let face the facta canada s director of public infor mation has launched a new series of broadcasts with the cooperation of the cbc which was introduced sun day july 21 at 10 00 pm ed6t dorothy thompson topranking wo man columnist of this continent was the first speaker miss thompson was expelled from germany by hitler be cause of her frank criticism of nazi doctrines she has been writing and speaking ardently against the nads since her return to the ub and regarded as a formidable champion of the british cause the second speaker in the series will be freder ck blrchall member of the a the open ground the suface soil be freder ck blrchall member of the snould btwell broken up and made ottawa press gallery and for nine rt or other seeds if a place jears previousl european correspon wtlb to sads irtse hottest sun dint of tre new york time i other 1 h fminri it h best but if none world famous personalities will give toavsase then some artificial shade their services to the canadlangovern srtouklbe provided the seed should men in subsequent broadcasts of oeiown7n emtaboufstx invhes apart las facr the facte and about one half inch deep the mr birchull seed should be sown very thinly address will be heard ind from ottawa sunda jul 28 at 10 00 present throughout root stem leaf flower and fruit and even the easily detached hairs tearing or bruising of any part liberates the oil which comes in contaet with exposed parts of the body poison ivy can be entirely eradi caited bj the use of chemical sprajs one method is to dissolve i pound of sodium chlorate in l pound of elephant brand ammonium sul phate to 1 gallon of water and spray to saturation anj time after the mid pe of june using a fine nozzle prayer with as much pressure as possible wet the infested area thoroughlj use elephant brand ammonium sulphate caution do not mix sodium chlor good progress being recorded as suit of higher temperatures some crops ar 6 till backward notably to tiacco in the maritime provinces favourable weather has improved the outlook ard although crops are back ward average returns are indicated in britisn columbia crops of grain and earh poltoet will be light owing to drought and continuation of hot dry weather 1 affecting other crops which are urgently in need of rain province of ontario a severe electrical storm accompanl ed bj hall has caused some damage in middlesex and elgin counties the storing oi a heavy ha crop is well tre wecdi should be destroyed as soon as seen the young plants should be transplanted into cold frames or pro pared bed as oon as thej are lini tnough to handle if the etdlints ha e room to develop in the seed bed thej nel no be transplanted al i il o sh i is bitter to do it a dull shovierj day should be chosen for u this work if poeiblt and the plants uu should bt shaded for a few days c i some of the besot known biennials binc in can crburj bells the young are yea a genre the psychology betund great human achievements will be discussed by a prominent canadian psychologist un der the title are you a genius on monday july 20 at 8 is pan boot dr alexander wingfmd occasional lecturer at mcmaster university will tell what makes genius click your announces is cne in 1ws with mayors of tfa xjb and canada aa panrmmmin the pilot in an earlier interview vita ktwood bad promised him a trip la the bis str z passenger boa just as they were about to take off the pilot signalled to glover there is your seat i promised you a trip you know his latest outoftown asalgnmen- was the waterloo band festival with so bands participating in a natural amphitheatre ruled with 36000 peopla glovers job on the network was over at 1000 oclock but be was among the last to leave the festival away after midnight every assignment to an adventure to him and this is a- good ambassadorial trait in broadcast ing as everywhere else be is sturdy handsome measures s ft fi in and weighs iso pounds he has nerve made his radio debut ad- libbing for 10 minutes in man-nv- thestreet feature his ambition is to do a special events broadcast in a- slmple graphic manner that will ap peal to every last member of the ra dio audience from 6 to 60 he col lects nothing not even debts when he retires he wants to go right on- traveling by bike by plane or tar motor steady customer dnt of canada s most prolific writ for the radio is harry e poster prin t edward islinder who com nc d i s ries of regular script as nrnti u for the cbc just a ear ago month has first major produc n f i he cbc w u confederation id written in july 1839 that tune he has written 24 broadcast mi u rial chiefly elwood gloves elwood glover is a young man who always wanted to go places and do tilings at 12 years of age his plans crystallzed he sold papers bought a bicycle commenced his travels at 25 he ls well on his way he was bom and educated at moose jaw saskatchewan joined the radio business there in 1935 after leading an orchestra comprised of his school mates through two years of success ful professional engagements time off trom studies and directing dance rhythms for socallte terpslchore was spent largely in the company of a crack civilian air pilot around han gars and in the clouds in 19j8 he was accepted on the an nounce taff of the cbc toronto stu dlos ani has since done his full share or commercial and sustaining an nouncing worked on special events features represented the cbc on the inier station broadcast of the arrival of the king and queen at to ron to a ear ago may announced percy faiths programmes for a year and a half over an international hook up realised the dream of every young western gentleman to visit the east he hat just concluded his vacation- a motor trip to halifax which lnclud ed his first visit to montreal quebec and tht hills of vermont en route glo rs first important job for the cbc was on the night shift series three jcir- ago when he was select d to do the commentary on the sod i un sulprlte broadcast from the iiishopn- plant 30 miles south of the hoiiil town moose jaw he is cur itl kurttfied with one of her big chance mrs black poor mrs green has- completely lost her voice mrs whitedear dear i must go and call on her ive been wanting to have a good talk with her notice to creditors in the matter of tla- estate f matthew williamson me of the town of georgetown m tike cotsaty of halton gentleman de- p ants s 10 ltd be kept n a cold frame from toronto studios he has over winter in districts where the lycen tle a lthor ot lne come tocan climate is severe tht there flower 1 varieties sotm of which have single flower otl en are double the cup and sau cer forms are described bv the name the seed can be obtained in pink ma ve white or in m xt i c sneet will am with its flat clus uts of bright cooitd ilowrs ls well known tin jouiik pi uits can planted li the beds n nitiimn 11 generally sur i ida for vacation broadcasts cana dian sruphota heard tuesdays at 10 10 p in edst and produced by ian smith with m isic by samuel hersenhoren among mr fohurs m st successful scripts written for cbc productions art the yellow idol the king s messengers can and notice is hereby given thai a1 persons having any claims or de mands against the late matthew wil liamson who died on or about the twenty second day of may 1940 at the city of guelph in the county of wellington and province of ontario are requied to send by post prepaid or to de iver to the undersigned so licitors herein for alice elizabeth cleave the sole executrix of the last will and testament of matthew wil liamson gentleman deceased their names and addresses and fuu parti culars in writing of their claims i statements of their accounts and the nature of the ecuritie if any held by them and take notice that after the twelfth day or august 1940 the said alice elizabeth cleave will proceed to distribute ttie assets of the said de ceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard onlj to the claims of which she shall then have rad notice and that the said alice elizabeth cleave will not be liable for lie said at sets or any part thereof to anv pefon of whose claim she shall cbcs then have received notice chief wareffort programme carry dated at georgetown ontario this cm canada hiard coastto coast on i ninth day of juijtajj 1940 sunday at 9 03 pm edst strangers take to glover witness daije benjneftt his good fortune during the goodwill solicitors for the said alice eumbetli night of american airways to the 3t cleave inter ate and ammonium sulphate lndry i advanc f is maturing j tartn each ingredient should be put salisjllcto and harvesting will soon see can be obtained in mparate col eparately into the water immedlatelv commence leaf rust is prevalent in ours or m mixture hf i vsattnj iwnn nimn rnrlov onh nntx nrp i 01a i- wfillflnl before spraying a second method ls to spray with afladde weed killer 2 pounds per anon of water apply this solution in the form of a fine spray any time durin he growing season it new growth appears late in the fall a sec ond sprajing will be necessary thorough cultivation will eradicate poison ivj hand pulling is ofien the aknplest way to eradicate it from very small areas trailing parts abould be pulled or grubbed out gloves should be worn and precau uons aken to prevent transferring the oil to the skin persons highly susceptible to poisoning should leave the work to others cattle sheep and goats relish poison ivy and can pas ture in it without any harmful ef lects space does not permit a lengthy dls cussion t f treatment for poisoning so it ls suggested that all interested per aons should write the crops seeds and weeos branch parliament build pgs toionto for the pamphlet pol on ivy it will be sent immediately tree of charge ontario with its thousands of chll dren ard its enormous revenue de rived annually from tourists afford to neglect this weed pal councils organizations xebort owners park chool trustees areas barley and oats heading out well and show promise after a lot start com roots and to matoes are progressing under favour able growing conditions good crops of raspberries and cherries are ripen lng apples are sizing well and an average yield is indicated tobacco plants erally are backward and re quire warmer weather for satisfactory development pasturage continues plentiful cannot munlci summer commissi on ere road authorities and the general public are urged to com pietely eradicate this weed raspberry crop about 11 000 000 quarts report from growers in the areas which raspberries are grown in canada in commercial quantities in dlcate that the 1940 crop will be as large as in 1938 when it totalled 10 000 quarts of which ontario ac counted for 5 073 000 quarts quebec 2 217 ooo quarts british columbia 2352 000 quarts and the maritime provinck 119 000 quarts the quality of this years raspberries is notably good the crop is now on the market and large quantities will be available particularly in ontario and quebec until about the end of july bant county farmer how to conserve pasture liost live stock when on pasturage tramp down about as much as they eat no so j a tellers hampshire hep when the brant county sheep breeders club had their field day on the farm where this well known rep resentative of the federal department jol agriculture enjoys country living and plays with sheep on the side his pasture hurdles attracted quite as much attention as the scheduled ac tlvltl of the hfflfwyn ptirhapr he accompanying illustration will jgiw a pretty fair idea of how the trardles are constrtlcted and how they ofc the pastures are fenced in narrow strips the hurdles make a cross fence that is meed forward as tfee pasture is competely eaten off the sheep have no opportunity to walk an the pasture before it is pas- tared mr teuer believes that bis are tbe only hurdles of the type ever used sn panada here are the tomatoes grown out of doors in british columbia and southern on tarlo are now available in limited quantities before the end of the month they will be on the markets in abundance and will continue to be until well into september this year the unusually cool and wet weather in june delayed the growth and rip enlng of tomatoes in ontario sl4eria- wallflowt alltonli 1 as orange which ore very howv n j mt or later according to the size of the plant thej self sow ind the plants mav spring up in unexpected places beddins violas and pansies should bt mn nt tills time at ottawa these hints are wintered in cold frames tvv require rich soil for beat results and some old manure should be mlxeo with tht soil wlitn filling the cold frame in which ihey are to grow hollyhotks have tall uplkes of showj flowers if tht seed ls wvn now the i nts should be large lough to put out in september alur the ground l frozm some brush or cornstalks lio id be i lie our them to protect tliun from the alternat freezing and thawing which ls so harmf 1 to plants ida calls ce i mt itlrms he and lottctown pj3 1 the why vie like canada reginald englebert an englishman j w ho has dont special work for ihe qsnapsuot guild your vacation pictures chelranthils colourtkiwooms lo mctropouuui police travelled lor tht paper tradt in india and the near east studied economics in rus sia and hi central european coun tries and had published many of his observations as businessman traveller and journalist will tell why he likes canada in a broadcast to be heard over the cbc national network on friday august 2 at 7 45 pjn edst mr englebert will speak from toron to where he has been living for the pa t six months changes made in advanced registry pure bred swine changf in the procedure with re gard to advanced registry for swine have recei uy been made by the do minion department of agriculture which art of lnterej to commercial swine producers as well as to breeders of pure bred swine thee changes are intei ded to reduce the time and 1 expense o making inspections of nows and 11 un enured in advanced registry while maintaining the ac 1 curacy ol the performance records thry like cheddar it has become apparent lately that one war effort of canadian farmers should be the production of more cheese recent communications from the british ministry of poods indicate that the untied kingdom will take all i hi cheest canada can supply the british people arc very fond of can adian cheddar cheese according to don palrbairn farm commentator of the cbc in a recent farm broad cast heard 130 to 2 00 pm edstl in q loied figures to show that the average briton eats 2 times as much cheese per year as the average can adian all hands to laurence olivier and vivian leigh were two other welcome visitors to the cbc studios in toronto this man they appeared in a special pro overall height 35 inches height to ewoopd croas bar 21 inches distance between feeding rods th inch centres length of each section 6 herald- why do the scots wear a sporran kilts did not contain pockets so a kind of loose pocket was worn tn stead and this developed into the sporran in future only two litters of a sow gramme supporting the drive for the be inspected and tests will only be made of groups from the litters inspected identification of later lit tcrs wi 1 therefore be the rcapon slbility of the breeder by this change sows will only be permitted two chances of being tested but this number nppears reasonable since it is doubtful 11 many sows which cannot round trip bargain fares t from georgetown august 1st to cnr stations in fie iwarlume provinces provinces of qaebee new brunswick prince edward island nova scotia aug 2 3 to ottawa 695 montreal 25 trots rivieres 1045 quebec city y2j2s 1 ste anne de beaupre 1285 tickets fares transit limits and information from agents t3lsb canadian national stnlc rl view r b ion t ovriook clou lun p nd hot of th otlon group in holldy dr gt vrloty in your vacation record purchase of war savings stamps and charmed everyone with their unaf fee ted and busi ness- like manner miss leigh was hatless and minus any theatrical make up mr olivier was voted even more good looking off the creen than on and the tally lnclud ed staff members of both sexes in ciden tally cbc flooded toronto stages with a roster of fine talent for the motion picture industry b great night in the same cause on july is nearly every important artist beard on the network made a personal appearance for the cause and many had the pleas -tire- of a wlthmr ouver- mlss leigh and mr ned sparks our method or thefts alan sullivan the canadian novel ist who baa recently returned from england where he has been living for some years will be beard in a broad cast talk on wed july si at 7 46 pjn bdst mr sullivan will dlscuas- the p of canada s war guests of school age how they should be educated during their stay tn tins country many youngstea ham come from schools whose traditions are rooted in antiquity wknauon kng- lisfa or canadlanf will be the pertin ent question of this tsjfc- th1s is the ieason of the year when most of ub tarn our work over to someone else nss the fam lly lurkhjre into the back of the car and net off for icreen vacation pas ture the camera of course goeii iionk tor without pictures what would we have to remember the vacation by and how could ws how our friends were we went and what we did on the chance thai they 11 be lelpful here are some hints for vovr vacatfonautetretrer ttratr remember that the only good vaca lion record 1b a complete one not tost a iihot here and there snatched in odd momenta but a trul well rounded picturestory of tbe ton the interesting places the people you met and the experiences you had second take the complete kit with you if you have photo bulbs i reflectors at home tuck them in a corner ot one suitcase there may be opportunity for night shots at some interesting place wkers yea stay u yon have a tripod slip it in the car trunk or under the seat maybe you won t une it at all and maybe it will be ebsentlal for a twilight scenic that you re just bound to get another hint take au adequate aim supply thais very important if you re going to outofthe way pots or if your camera takes an unusual film size hi no fun to get stuck with an empty camera and no film right in mid vacation in taking your pictures aeek va rlety scenlcs and general views ro an bt t nvftrlopk close- upa shots of the group in vacation attire pictures of unusual spots yon visit even snaps ot novel signs and hlitortcal inscriptions these add interest and iplce to the vaca tton album those then are the essentials variety ta the pictures a well rounded record proper equipment and an adequate film supply and herewith i my hearty wish that this years vacation is the best both tor fan and tor plcmres t yoa hat ever had 87 jobs tan oclmtr c

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