Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), July 24, 1940, p. 8

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tne georgetown herald wfd rleaday evening july 24th 1 940 front quarters of young lamb lb 21c stewing lamb lb 18c beef sausage 2 lbs for 20c breakfast bacon by the piece 25- 27 machine shced clb kelloggs or posts bran flakes 10c table salt 2 lb boxes 2 for isc miracle whip salad dressing 4 oz jar 10c 8 oz jar 19c 16 oz jar 33c lynn valley sweet mixed pickles large jar 19c jello ice cream mix 2 for 19c tomatoes choice quality large tins 2 for 27c shredded wheat 2 for 23c quaker corn flakes 2 for 15c westons mixed biscuits lb 19c kraft dinner 19c monarch pastry flour 7 lb bag 25c shortening domestic or- jewel 2 lb for 25c kelloggs allbran large pkg 21c fresh fruit and vegetables sbnkist valencia oranges doz 29c medium size sunkist grapefruit 5 for 25c cabbage 5c large green beads no 1 cooking onions 2 lbs 15c large cucumbers 2 for 15c carrots 3 for 10c lemons 6 for 15c home grown tomatoes and potatoes at lowest market prices- c j buck phone 28w georgetown local news the red cross work room will be closed for three weeks beginning july 29th look cool and slim through hot summer days take slendor tablets 1 robts drug store it regain 1 1 trim rumble charm of joutti slendor tablets 1 mac- cormacko drug store it the ashgrove garden party which was rained out on monday july 15th will be held on thursday aug 1st tom hamilton phyllis patterson and rex slocum will all be on hand to entertain the crowd and everyone is looking forward to an enjoyable even ing added treat at knox church garden party it was leacned today that a section or the gvelph kiltie band would lend some scotch flavour to the garden party at mrs w a mcclures next friday under the auspices o fknox fiiday i nder the auspices of knox presbyierlan church coupled with r iss cruuitons pang of entertainers which includes wee clara pelly don- id sicnce cliff armstrong loralne hlui rlss harris and betty bryant llis will make it one or the enter ainmeit events of the season church news scripture text now when daniel knew that the writing was signed he went into his house and his window being opened in his chamber tow ards jerusalem he kneeled upon his kmes three times a day and prayed and gave ihajiks before his god as he did aforetime dan 6 id st george s church rei w g o thonviou rector tenth sunday af ter truiit holy communion 8 tun sundaj school 10 a m maius and luan u ajn emjii 7 pjn wednesday 2 30 pm tin minute jvlce intercession followed b r d cross work at uit rector st albans hurt h ira williams tenia sund i jjtir trim ma nas 9 jo m bun u s ioo 10j0 new advertisements for lunl comfjrt ible three loom ipirtmmt mh bi v po st smon aug 1st ap plj i hf aid onict tf 1 i i haul st hurt li t m 1 xi 7 iii p 11 ij er r run 8 nn q n trh mi in h tin t nlil bun i 1 s u six i i bib 11 i n uid 7 in t le s li d c i i w i i b ii c i h ft j bt i li 1 c i 1 it v li t 1 ma i 1 1 i i i pie jim mcgeachie writes from england a local lady has kindly given us this letter from one ol che boyo in eng land which gives a few glimpses in to army lie over there writing from somewhere in england he says i received your cigarettes this week and i want to thanat sou very much they certainly are appreciated very much and it helps us a lot to know that people back home are thinking about us i hear you have been having lots of rain we have been having real nice weather and we have a lovely coat of tan they have a great big outdoor swimming pool here bigger than the one- at sunnyside we go in swimm- bkynulte a lot and are really enjoy ing ourselves that is as far as en tertainment goes the army life is the tami old thing and we are get ting fed up what we need is action i was down to eee tom and bus nlchol last night and spent a few hours with them we had quite a talkative few hours and we are supuv xised to meet on friday and go- oacf tor tonight it sure was nice seeing them again and was like old times we have been pretty unsettled here for the past six weeks moving all over the country we started out fori france twice the first time we got asi far as dover but returned after stay- i ing on the boat all day that was during the famous battle of dunkirk when v c got home we were banking our lucky stars that we didn 1 1 go over it was quite a fight and tluit vttt likely would have been a lot of casualties the second time we i tall got into print in fact we i tot about 30 miles from paris when l were oidered to turn back wt txpected to be stopped by the huns on the way and w were all ready tor them we had all bhe windows on the train broken and had our rifles sticking out ready for action but i uetj the oidy thing tha saved us was the fact that uiey didn t know wl were there it was a great experi- inct and what we saw of prance was lovely cpeclallj the wine and mo- mt n wt managed to get a lot of wine but we wert on the train all ne tune 2 dayi so didn t get a j nee to feet acquainted with anj of it girls all we could do was wave j them in mo day- we were in our dlfftrent ports lwo french and wo english we got a nce boat and uain ride out of it now we are back n england ready or whatever maj hapjkii and its pretty hard to sd w hat it will bt ihty kind of expect hitler to drop rarachut troops hert and believe me lit 11 sure get a hot reception wo ii all rttd to ko o work tisin now wi t in h irdl get a eliance get a good n tfht sletp air raid wrnm go tiearl eer night is i s rttth iitlii ind makes an iifu hoim la injht it went twice t ilwil 12 otlotk md lgam about 4 i m 1i lit iril sonu i plosions but i i i knt w i t v is bombs or our it ii lii a jit plant haftulr w i i mi il done ntai lib h i hi 1 roi jen to get i i ii ink t ire com- grand garden party will be held on the lawn at the home of mrs wm a mcclure ninth line georgetown friday july 26th 8 30 pan dst under the auspices of knox presbyterian cburch programme by russ creighton and his variety entertainers betty bryant specially girl dancer fn spanish military dutch and specialty dances lobaine hills singing accordionist gold medalist canadian national exhibition 1d39 russ harris trumpet and violin soloist cliff armstrong that black face comedian and comic singer wee clara pelly torontos baby star in singing dancing acrobatic and comedy donald spence that boy riot inscotch irish comic and yvat songs and totssaobef entertainment kiltie band in attendance refreshment booth on the grounds admission 25c and 15c par uivtlj safe personally your correspondent 1 wt wtre in a beautiful town up in slightly suspicious that these people nt midlands and it was very nice come from georgetown si perkins thty liad never had troops before and reports that on at least three oooa- i s canucks went ovtr big there slons one of the party took a tape were all kinds of girls there and line from his pocket and measured a tht really changed a lot of our opin- tato plant in the garden si says ions of england they at least talk- id civilly to us which is more than the aldershot girls did r have some more mail to catch up on so i had better sign oil for now so cheerio slncerel jim thc must be some kind of an investi gating committee because while they first asked about ats and show some interest in potatoes that since satur day they have really concentrated mostly on his apple crop last year in the liquid form in his cellar mr eben switcher proprietor of tha local smithy tires changed reporta that due to the increased demand far scrap metal he is offering a new low nfwsy nuggets from p fot shoes mx horse teams icwoi nuoocio riwm frovldlng he ges lne old 0 neplusultra b elmer mogurk a party of ihret men that arrived here last saturday but whose names our corrcipondenl has been unable to ascertain is still in our midst whether these snoopers are govern ment or subversive agents is some- wliat hard to determine some people edit them with being a purchasing them j commission for a new airport others 1 imagine these unknown are building i some plot perhaps against the lucal pea canning factory on their irnial they inquired for our corres- i ndtnt and then one asked about lit oals ind re and barley without i l i rs on the leaves tills must have bttn a blind as when tht wtrt dl s jiikms ddlr factor was just a iv roct jwn they did not seem to more iiiu n st in the oats dr prooner is on vacation so dont get 111 this week t golf news the members of cedar crest golf club held thtir monthly social on morrda evening the winners of the mixed twoball foursomeswere mr ted fore acton and miss margaret humberatort several games of bingo followed the prize winners of which were mrs willoifchby mr graham acton mr h ldmnnn mrs forct lacton miss yvonne adams miss june frank mrs hcldmnrm miss ma hicken mr jim ijiii md mis- mirjorle gauil close oj t bm tip the s comrai sntd i dtlit ous lunch in future mrxod foursomes will be hi id on tut i t nininy at 630 girl int d c 1 1 ml win cd for u neril hou f rk app itr jul 2lh to mr c v willi ims c orsi town 2t 1 io e wlio n td llii ihn 0 i m u n i l t s ii nt lioi- h i w 11 b flottnj tu tin c 4011 nn i w d inms lnitil chi o s i nu s nod it nn will bt pn j k ii ii l u i a mil tl ilkhtock j s y i id us li ikii l hi r md u jo i i fori in ail j 1 li midi in t i in s i i 1 work wanted farrr v ork or ail otlit work want ed b lit diy apilvj multer nor inl si n or h i ild oltlce i i are r rbsoeethe u h basket on for rent house for rent in glen wil ll ams tlm n cook stove for sale f or ln tion till 300 o 5 r 3 it i hc if su i ir iti reuinld denny c ibr sm i b i n 1 i ily treat i voir building up to j it hi dm ix whn jn inl h mmi- 1 it kk 1 ion i iu d li or vnvdivn rltllts b i i 1 1 s t for a i it iniimmnt doh t c i d n wn iru x 11 b m t s iu x a it in cimory next m k fm v n jl su w anted orinlsf and choir leader for the uni ei church georgetown applv p b hainson cliairman music com mitlee ll iwim and w llmi robi no m li i ill for tin si i irt than of to m tin i 1 noi itliim will of w hose 1 rl boarders wanted comfortable rooms with board cen trally located main st south next presbterian church tenders wanted tenders will be received for the purchase of 8 ton of no 1 stove coal for s 3 no 6 esqueslng tenders to be in rands of board by saturday jul 27th the lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted w r cromar secretary- treasurer it i d no tit patfu at georgetown ontnio tills ninth ii of jjil ad 1940 dale bennett soli ors for the said mary ann binglum and william robert 3t bingham lj mill will ill id i notice to creditors jn the matter of the estate of mar garet bingham late of the town of georgetown in the county of halton spinster deceased notice is hereby given that all persons having any claims or de mands aainst the late margaret bing ham who died on or about the twelfth day of ma 1940 at the city of guelph in the county of wellington and province of ontario are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver ndffrslgnf solicitors for mary ann bingham ancl william robert bingham the administrators of the estate of margaret bingham spinster deceased their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their ac counts and the nature of the securi ties if anj held by them and take notice that after the twelfth day of august 1940 the said mary ann bingham and william ro bert bingham will proceed to distri bute the assets of the said deceased among the peraons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had no- x ad that the sdd mary arm blnc- uce notice to creditors in the matter or the estate of fred c bqnathon late of the town of georgetown in the county or hal ton gentleman deceased notice is hereby given that all person having any claims or dc- mmds aatnst the late fred c bona- thon who died on or about the sixth day of april 1940 at the town of georgetown in the county of hal ton ind province of ontario are required to send bj post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors herein for will am goodson appele the executor of the last will and testa ment or fred c bonathon gentle man deceased their names and ad dresics and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of th swuri ties if my held by them and take notice that aifter the ri in h rvi 1 guttlobrot augllst to ulc said william goodson appetbc will pro ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons en titled thereto having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice and that the said william goodson appetoe will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person of whose claim he shall not then have received no tice t datftd at georgetown ontario this ninth day of july ad 1940 dale bennett solicitors for the said wmuacn 3t goodson appejbe horn i ii a t niu u i ubles ixn ik uid pi mru food valm mint l lining nimrul flaoiir to our md iiipi c mning whether in kii s jji or tm ains meets hits til ii ieti nt ts riit degree of per itenon dtptnds on tli cnu taken in tht pi tie v roin can ful s lection and eleinsiiig to uie last dtuill of oiat tnlv strict attention to every su i will ussurc ittfecl result the liemeniaker maj htort cini- dnn frui in a variety or forms ready fjr insum use ui winttr meal fruits canned in thin svrup or made into thick smpy preserves or jam are ud in most home jtllj clc ir md sparkling in its jewel tones mikes a nserul picture on main shel vis bu the home canntr does well to rtmonber tint variety is tht spice f life fruit juices may be canned for use a- breakfast appetizers or olink c rinks tluse juices may al si bt made into jell as required by using commercial lectin or mav be mide into svrups and used in drinks or thicket ed with cornstarch for muccs fruit in its own juice wiui no suga is to breatefast- fcr jeclai diet- or for pies mixtures or fruits are good for salads or fruit cocktails fruits chopped coarsely and cooked in heavy syrup may be used as sauces on ice cream or pud dings or added to homemade lce- i earn whips or gelatine desserts purees of berries peaches apricots or plums have many uses these products may be prepared by simple methods described in the publications canning fruits and vegetables and jams jellies and pickles which are available frse on request from toe publicity and ex tension division dominion depart ment of agriculture ottawa whether you lhe in town or in the country heres a combination offer to please your reading tastes our paper and j our favorite magazines at really huge flalngs make your selection and send as the oounoa now k big three offer this newspaper 1 year and jour choice any two b group mark an x before the two you desire bod gun id canada j yr all thbef american boy 6 hoi only fj parents magazine mo rjhom arte eedlcrrt 1 yr american fnrtt grower 1 yr qmacieanli mrzln 1 yr q mmfcmnl horn monthly 1 tr qctwitrtalrw hafaxlna 1 ix f canadian home journal 1 tr j25 popular demand offer this newspapeb 1 year and your choice one 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