the georgetown herald wednesday evening july 31 at 1940 mainly for women i j timely topics for women by barbara baine8 deep summer excn although you had no calendar upon which you could count s the days oven although you were moat unobservant of persons you would know that it was midsummer how could you tell m a thousand ways you would know toecaus you can see the ripening wheat waving in the breeze the oats standing tall straight lullheaded and green the meadows bereft of their earlier crop again looking inviting to the farm animals who nibble the short grass lazily along country roads there are men out cutting the weeds before the ripened seeds can be carried aloft by the wind to grow unwanted another year in some farmers oat field you can see the ny wrens on the hottest of days struggling heroi- to feed their hungry and fastgrowing families other birds whose young have already outgrown their nests are even now winging their way south to make ready their winter homes 6o many things tell you it is midsummer laughter floats from cottages empty many months of the year young folks old folks and children wear strange and scanty garb as they he in the sun on the canvascovered docks of muskoka or warm white sand along the shores of lake huron ptour o clock on a warm afternoon will find thousands swimming diving and splashing or just bathing in the many inland lakes winch nestle in clusters in so marly sections of our country dogs from vermont and kentucky get acquainted with dogs from tobermory and must have a wonderful time comparing experiences children and grown ups are maybe more shy but they too make friends of people from distant places and learn something of how the rest of the world lives midsummer is in the very air golf club verandahs are almost as popular as the fairways city streets are dry hot and dusty the verve for living has fallen to a low ebb faces look tired and strained for it is often difficult in a city to get enough sleep in midsummer in short narrow street small children play on the pavements they look grimy pale and thin maybe some kind person will yet arrange a holi day in the country for them before the summer is over behind the glove counter one girl is a lovely toast brown and her eyes are bright and clear the girl standing beside her is pale and looks limp the first is just back from the holiday at the lake for which she has been saving and planning for weeks she is full of the good times she has had the other is impatiently awaiting the day w hen she can get away and join the crowd thai helped make her vacation so gay last year gardens everywhere are filled with the exotic brightcoloured flow ers of summer the orange lilies galardla delphinium holly hocks the late roses on the shelves in the fruit cupboard are jars of strawberry raspberry and gooseberry jam standing in straight rows and your fruit merchant tells you you must do your cherries this week or you will be too late the markets entice you to buy new green peas and beans and cauliflower and the first honey is for sale the tomatoes are beginning to taste like real tomatoes and best of all last night for dinner you had green apple pie yes it is deep summer and a thousand times a thousands things tell you it is so t t t- t war service hostess houses the 7wca renders a unique service to soldiers and airmen and their families through their hostess houses many of the men of our fighting forces are married so that when men march off to only half the heartbreak is told what of their wives and children their mothers and sweethearts hostess hoises provide a centre where these women can meet and visit wrth their soldiers when they are off uty in the training camps the national ywca has already established over a dozen such centres at army and airforce camps across canada you will find them at camp borden trenton niagar falls petawawa st john valcartier windsor mlls brandon vancouver and othei points the typlcl hostess house is built in a park area where tall trees provide shade for picnic tables each contains an office and informa tlon desk one or more large visiting rooms and a place for babies to sleep often there is a large marquee on the grounds and of course a tuck shop and refreshment shop where you can get a cup of tea a light lunch or cigarettes in some places only facilities for daytime visiting are needed in others the ywca provides overnight accommodation for women who come from a distance in their own residences or through a rooms regis try bureau in many centres the boy scouts take advantage of the op portunity to render service and run messages or do errands the officers of the auxiliary services are the link between the association and the army or airforce from them the y takes its orders 8o important do the army officers consider the services of the hostess houses in keeping up the moral of the men that when a new camp is open ed they ask the y to haveone built and the y gets busy donations of mopey and furnishings are usually obtained from interested individuals or organizations in the district the y is grateful for the support they have received from the public hrh princess alice duchess of athlone has consented to be come patroness of the national council of the y w c a which sponsors this war service each week the hostess houses administer to thous ands of canadian troops and their families and friends and are greatly appreciated by them book review mine inheritance by frederick niven mine inheritance is the first canadian novel to have been chosen 4 by the book society of london as the book of the month and anyone reading it will agree it is worthy of the honour it is the story of the selkirk settlement in the rich valley at the confluence of the bed and asslnlboia rivers in manitoba in 1812 scotch crofters evicted from their homes to make way for great sheep farms came out to the new world they brought their wives children and vestock 6n the long sea voyage through hudsons bay to york factory and thence by river and lake to the site of the colony bought by lord selkirk from the hudson s bay company but the settlement was doomed to failure misfortune and misman agement turned the venture into a tragedy promised supplies were not ready for them on their arrival they because they were farmers in curred the active illwill of the white inhabitants of that vast area who made their living by furtrading the central character of the story is david baxter a young clerk who becomes secretary to capt miles macdonneu first governor of asslnlboia he comes out with the advance party to get ready for the settlers but they were held up almost a year at york factory he watches the new arrivals take root and participate in their feud with north west co furtraders finally he sees many of them leave enduring great hardships and discouragement to make new homes ior uiemselves in upper canada and he observes the destruction of the vacated farms meanwhile baxter falls in love with and marries a scotsindian auty and varied personal disasters overtake him frederick niven has drawn for us a realistic picture of this early on childrens day we rule by betty barclay this- day la t aside for little billy and batty serve the foods they love within reason forget those necessary and good for- you foods for just one day the recipes below will aid when yon prepare tbli royal feast orange honey ambrosia 8alad serves 1 dip 4 or 5 orange slices in slightly warmed honey which has been placed in a flat bowl or saucer than dip both sides of slices la coconut arrange on a bed of let- tuoa and garnish with dots of canned or maraschino cherry pieces or with whole fresh cherries or unboiled strawberries childrens delight package vanilla rennet pow4er pint milk not canned or soft curd 4 or 6 canned apricot halves hake rennetcuatard according to directions on package whoa ready to serve top each rennet custard with a canned apricot half rounded lde np 4 f rap pod pineapple jules with fruit kaboba place a fruit kabob made by nl ternating canned hawaiian pine apple gems and red maraschino cherries on a long cocktail tooth pick is a tall blender glass fill ft full with crushed ice pour in canned unsweetened hawaiian pineapple juice to nil glass garnish with a sprig of mint patent on chickens most efficient man made machine an article in the american weekly with the august 4 issue of the detroit sunday times tells of efforts to pro tect the outstanding hens since scien tlfic human brains have built them up from a measl 12 to 15 eggs a year to about one a day and points out that hens brains had nothing to do with it because the dumbest hen the perfect thirst quencher 8eeb tea wiarlon editor helps the neighborhood workers can lay the most eggs be i the detroit sunday times to get come in and see us for attractively printed wedding invitations calling cards etc this week we have added to our txchangt list the wiarton canadian echo and we flpd it one of the bet ter of the ontario weeklies after the death of her husband some years ago mrs a c duncan stepped into his shoes as editor and publisher and she is doing a really fine job one feature of the paper each week is a column called as a woman sees it written by the versatile mis duncan we find her description of her little guuts sent from toronto by the nptghboihood workers so interesting that we are taking the liberty of re printing her column this week in rcsijonse to the neighborhood workers plea for homes tor toron to s under privileged many wiarton hornet- have been opened in recent years to these youngsters we have never been in a position to do this ana haie contented ourself by send ing a donation to help with the finan cial end of the business however this ear with two daughters at home we mere pertuaflid to take a couple oi children the girls sent in the request for two little girls aged around five and seven a grateful letter came in re sponse and the following week we were notified that out proteges were in the wiy and would come by bus the durcans were on the qui vive and ure enough at 2 45 he bus from owen soul d pullld in with the two lit ie girls doretn was the seven- j ir old girl and jcuinle the five i hey had their coats on and a pink inri a blue funboiuict topped their heada and proed that thej wert allj u ivell rs from afar wasn i i rlu i of b nmorook farm who ud in li as a rei journey if ou k jour nightdress well it was a il joui y lor dorttn ind jennnie for they had their night dresses and ntktd i i their wmrih xxsessjons thi wiie thrilled with the bus ndi ind w hi ihc kindncbs of the bus m i who had trmled noblj to pop md corns unci n ih rn ide a good fel low of himself and is looked upon as one of tae hcroo of the world by our little gucts who were the proud pos sessors ot a enir apiece i unheard of iftlitne to fi i nd seven year- olds ajrxir ulv thi all absorbing inter est in the toronto cirles in which the girls move was a bolo bat to those not initiated these ire the small bats with a hall attached b an elastic which brings the ball back to take another butting every time it is rtruck the girls had evidently long ed with all the aidour of their being for n bolo bat and here they were with the wherewithal to satisfy their longing o the first words spoken when they landed were we are goin to buy a bat and the first store they saw that looked like a ibat store in baby heaven by ila lewis mccurr syndicate wnu sarvtc they went and both made purchases and started in to bat with vim and vigor alas bolo bats are not endued with endurance it was no time until the bolo separated from the bat and every few minutes either jeannie or dodie came for a repair job on the fplaything the woman s handy tool a bobby pin was called into service and the bats were mended with wan ing enthusiasm finally jeannie batttod hr ball into the woodshed and it sunk into oblivion among the sticks such walls as rent the air i there was no comfort jeannie had- nt had her fill of bolo batting she would not be comforted then dodie who may become a capitalist sold her equipment to jeannie for the sum lof ten cents and jeannie went to bat again but there was no doubt about who owned the bat jeannie had pos- c ion and never a single hit was al lowed to dodie jeannie had bought out her tghts and maintained full possession she put the bat under the cushion of her chair at mealtime and ate her meals with it safely beneath her the piano is a great source of en tertainment at least to our guests when dodie lsn t playing with thumps and trills jeannie is they are boti musical and can carry a rune splendidly their repertoire onsists of jcus loves me jesus bids us srlne away in a manger what does lhue birdie say and roll out the barrel the latter with gusto the older one was homesick for a tew days and we feared we had a problem child on our hands but car ride trips to the bathing beach picnic hupers and rides out to how- denvile with a boat ride included has finished ihe homesickness and dodie has assmed us thil she is contit jtamuc was never homesick butj uinounild light awij that she would i t iv litre all summer and so we are nni enjojmg their visit belns oi school mo am propensities w ir- tryln to comb down their we don t want no and i doncs and i ina and already thej are cor- 1 olinp- themhes which shows how i lie effort it takes to start young sters on the road to good engush vie are late sleepers but they have hanged nl that if you take them from five to seven you can make up i otir mine that that is the time they urt up ts well as their age their mummv writes that it is so hot in toionto thai she can hardly j get am rest and that she is very busy there la n younger sister who as a tumor on her back and so is in a hospital and there is another older sister daddj is in the army and in deed dodie tells us so is granddaddy how old is he we ask with surprise and dodk says oh hes in his 40 s it is a long time since we were seven and longer since were were five and we find it a strenuous age settlement and its first inhabitants t t t t let me rfmind ov do jou fear the force of the wind the slash of the rain go face ihem and fight them be savage again go hungry and cold like the wolf go wade like the crane the palms of your hands will thicken the skin of your cheek will tan youll grow ragged and weary and swarthy but you 11 walk like a man hamlin garland t t news about food at no other time of the year is it so essential to have the cookie jar filled the children are home from school and they and tlieir small friends arc always hungry after their afternoon dip or game of softball the following recipe makes from 6 8 dozen plain cookies if you prefer you may serve them with a date filling between pairs 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup shortening v cup boling water 1 teaspoon soda oatmeal cookies 2 cups flour 2 cups rolled oats 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon salt cream the sugar and shortening add the boiling water and vanilla sift the flour salt and soda together stir gradually into first mixture add the rolled oats roll into small balls and arrange on a greased cookie sheet pess each flat with a fork dipped in cold water bake in a moderate oven 376 degrees for 10 minutes or until they are a golden people in town might remember that it is it ill not too late to give some kldrmc a real hummer vacation a letter to the country homes depart ment neighborhood workers associ ation 22 wellesley street toronto describing the age and sex you pre fer and a letter from your clergy man and you will help a olty child escape the summer heat judith robinson in the weeklies judit i robinson tempestuous ex- columnist in the toronto globe and mail is now writing a syndicated weekly column which is being syndi cated to canadian weeklies this column which first appeared in the fort erie times reiew is now be lag offered to any paper which sub scribes to it this week the kincar dine news joins the group much as we would like this column for the herald we find the price beyond reach of our budget we don t always agree with everything miss robinson says but even so her col umn makes interesting reading rlmovr causes excitment somehow or other a rumour circu lated through town a few weeks ago that laurence olivier and vivian leigh were negotiating to purchase the lovely farm home of col d h c mason near georgetown now we learn that vivian has purchased a farm near bronte and will bring her parents out from england to live there rrim pie ih m tmkl tit f t ctnfnt ttrtthts wilt til inini nm nj til it 5i ittfirmtot tfmftrtr m 4m mlvrarjmrmrakrmr lm irtrtlltfimtutt m w h long ffcone 89 i have just the place you are rooking fori confided the real estate agent no radio playing after eleven p m no saxophones no dogs or musical students allowed why you couldnt ask for a quiet er place than bayberry havent what was the name inquired my wife in a startled tone oh i see she added for just a mo ment i thought you said baby heaven 1 a ha ha laughed the agent in what i thought at the tune was a- rcm ark ably hollow tone hal bat ha and so we moved to bayberry haven a little farout but sun light in every room an outside en trance to every apartment and real grass lawn in the middle welcome to baby heaven cried the iceman ayly as my wife let him in at the front door the- next morning and baby heaven it was as 1 ran for my train in the morn ing i would leap over a toy auto mobile broad jump over eight kid die cars in a row pole vault over a scooter bike and roll merrily down the sidewalk with two roller skates under one foot true there was no radio playing after eleven al night there were no dogs there were no saxophones there were no musical students but there was no law against the infant above us and the infant be low us and the infant to the right of us and the infant to the left ot us taking regular turns all night to disrupt the peace and quiet for which i had come to bayberry haven j sometimes when starting out fir ihemorning i would look about me at the beautiful sut shine and at the little porch of ii i n lawn and i wm determine t isk some of the 1 mb from the o te out to dinner t idt night so the poor city bound oafs could see what a blade of grass looked like but ah the kiddies the kiddies r by dinner time what with their abandoned dollies and their lost caps and their paper airplanes you know you fold up little pieces of paper and sail them all over the place and hear the janitor swear well what with them scattered knee deep all over our little green lawn space i don t believe the boys from the office ever did get to see a blade of grass and the chalk marks on the walkf how my friend hobbsnotch of the- evening graphonews used to pore- over them he was writing his book then you know m our back alley- and of course he wanted to get it suppressed in bos ton he needed the money he has claimed ever since with tears ot gratitude in his eyes that his suc cess dates from the first time i asked him out to dinner and he read the words that the innocent little kiddies had chalked on my front steps one saturday afternoon i went to the grocery store on an errand for my wife i thought at first i was back on the east side but i soon realized that they were not push carts they were baby buggies a sea of baby buggies i counted eighteen of them in one block you can depend on the number because i am a certified public accountant if you saw a young couple stroll ing down to the grocers without at baby buggy you just knew that they had one at home with a nicereli able colored girl bythe hour-that- loveschildren wheeling it up and down the sidewalk or if they didn t have any baby buggy at all you knew that santa claus had them down on his list and they would find one in a stock ing on christmas morning i should have known it would be like that i should have known that every couple with one or two or three or four or five children or even those young couples whose mammas are still squabbling over which one shall make the bassineu i should have known that they would all move out here it s so- good for the children you know and so the stork hovers over bay berry haven constantly its not his fault its the sunshine anor the fresh air and you know how it is in an epidemic of that sort you begin to get panicstricken fear of contagion force of exam ple power of suggestion and aq that sort of thing you too may fall a victim 1 a stork after all is only human or inhuman whichever way yoo look at it he might some day get mixed up in hut chimneys and frankly speaking being a man woo ls fond of his peace and quiet i hot pened so that is why last week we gavo notice to the landlord that we wer- leaving bayberry haven on the bra of the month but only this morning my wlfe whispered to me that it might bo lust as well to stay refining t petroleum may now be refined economically without the use ofje- oessfve- beat by using llcjoid 4ro- pana as a pra agent unr the heavier parts of the oo tt wa chemical aockrty moats