1 ajllftiiia niiwembnbuif readers aabraialnwteawadaalobaintciir armrta to oionallt ana w m ltd tbeoujauv n i retook sooent oaranabw 3lnax ita w base jsofen2btrlthee skaays r-beuotd- sku to keep- ueas m fnaootio dealin that moat anoxlous of prilioi h lon1norssreroielltibs vm oataa of uiuii aa iteot5aawm wlio ina ntf uair uuu soviwooi town and out nation always aspeetmg moat syne tab ifvrrm i tfri njnat of fjood- taatsu vaai not t on with tetewrltteo tetter we raoarnd hnln kujasib aimed an old gbnraotowa cltleon- this person makaa blting sparaanalataaoa onsnaldentof oaorcatoiin vdiich if prmted imgl- eastty ie the beatsfor s lnslisult ror that nun we ham deoldad no to snwfc- hamate xrluchw us for uphoming and anporung one dttaan a z piopaacandldato iorpootmaster we wish to oomct una i ivaaiamm and bad no praferonoa wbetboever for tba eholoe of a man for ptettkb w ducttfclae tba ckdl sorrice o for what we asu ysaran error ta wfaton c for too man tophed and for our total inamba m tmllaim g ui ohiwji ywmld do tnetr chnchnr batobg any facta were made publlo wo aim fen theattwook he a much idnduer policy baeqgbts letter an old ooorgetown olttaan roekes ttda oom- insnt t ntrrtrtn yon ate a young man with a good future here out aanralaro g to wonde if yon aro not strung ontrrowing your iaer atreadr titlle towns are not like does and moat everyone knows tujiluyuur structure and the industry la totac paper nflnlns elect eared to naot ma irwraaanig dei electrormrtajturttoal mends for s rshetyof metals and the influence la also ducers of metan and minerals ln l i 1 her ml rj ere naunay and wm oon- a leooid total of imrmsm where tmue to make a hromv chasgea to the churches ts very unpopular mvoo reattaes better than ourselves that little town are not like bb and we try to gdvem our comments aooordlngly wehave dtfatoer- 5f wy wwa several mm stories whloh would txr big wm to a dty duly merely became we do not wiah to cauae unoeceeeary rw totbena 1 ct our tott but we dn not believe in carrying this policy to a point where we wffl atotd opbitona on an niatter whatooever of a oontraver- ljul nature c6 tti iitiiiu our thargea to the cfaurolie we are at a loas to un- irtnamfttf to what the writer refer shcta week we poblleh tree church itotletit for our local ehurobes we charge of course tor advertising of to daw i sales tamers tortures etc awl will continue that it one of our aourees of revenue to which no rauonal- it bright interest an old oemge ouselft to know that many weefchm in other towns make a charge tor rltillifllitt the uflis4 sunday cfaorcfe iwtices ittfc the niinlster of your fi ddburch if this senlee is oftered free by the publisher of your weekly paper tieasedcwt hurt my little girl onder the beeo fsease donr hurt my little curl phn bcenlll jbai tba aooowmc srncle in hailiarila tndey my danhtar who is saren jersola etarted to aobeol as usual- bar axaarspenlel wbose mesne is beots saton lbs front porah and emmsd hvsesnlne- bensf in oxe fotty as aba wand aoodbye and started off to the haos of are bao base una ban- m the naj aiinal asleep with iliiiaonbinsamh than a dob euddtod in bar lajht srat ton snja t nmt bar would yout you eae xm her daddy when bar don la ejillllaal ill li l- is eat or bar heed sets laaapee x can bx itbat mwe starts to sbbeol when ana wallni eiaa the atreet then shrs in htnds ahsa a rdorald she ban ran baa a dear and darts about m lb enlrsaaafc be bass to ride horses and asm and hn with ma yanlaonday aoismam bat loan brwuh bar en aw tkaa xi smaakwteiar narewlnaaa edansaon so pleese bsk me look out hfc 5 d nana drh eoauuo and nhasa laanxanar tba ot losra- flearedentjamssrntmaejrl bo really easels however ls m the towards the goal of final victory eaten and misty of the minerals closely linked with oanadar- she produees she ranks nrst in the trlbutlon to the present a world in nickel asbestos sad pant- agamst rthi sad num either first or second in radium bar great systarst of second in sine third in gold surer and communications tans of tboos and oopper and fourtb in lead the ends of nuar of ntissnuj and-inotor- dommum also produces large ausn- hlgbways pronde the necessary fad- uties of oosl gypsum salt and petto- utus for the rapid moeement ot the town the list of minerals nroduoed countrys natural l and indns- ln 7iwtwtrlal g shows eoavs trial output her inland wafer trsas- 23 metals and 90 nonrmwalhco the port system is perhaps the most out- iahcr ifa addition id s ma- slaudlug ui th w a h not- terjaki and fuels work of airlines is nwrommg an ever- attaltmknt of such inxxmnence in in asset in speeding up the world mineral production indicates uar effort not only cansdes rkth natursl ea tha course ot the next few mon- dowments but the highly organised ths millions of bushels of now grain condition of her minerel lndusa will he moving to tide water emoute cansdafe production of minerals sna to britain already a steady flour 0t meteermsywel be a- deternmung products from fl farm and lector i ii r yn dslrv ehi y lf ths metala ecnsioaredniostresfoodstufb is i e similar sentlel for war purposes the dorntn- modlues wtdeh britain foamerly re- lon produoes copper lead shut and osivod in large quantities from terrl- nickel in reflnd fonn far the uss ot torles now under oettnsn oorjerol several industries now almost snare- plans have been ooinpleted to keep jy devoted to the roonufactum of war canadian agriculture functioning in a equipment in an endeavour to pro- manner wbten w not only supply vide increased foreign ftgs se- the needs of the people of the donun- veral goldproducing convpanles have ln and great britain during the war been giving oonskteratlon to the mm- out whteb win bsava the famartian far ing of gold ores of a higher grade- mer so far as poatttue in a position thanformerly ine carrying out ot tofollow his normal program when such a poucy would have a notice- peace comes again able effect on the gold output of toe oa f oo are orgsntsed r- to mret anyji 5 tsuetaaode eusi ljasmnawr voa uau 9m pm pawenger sundays only ast pal pamenger dally 9m pm ivnonto and toyond and saturday only u pjn psuaenger dally excep eaturday and sunday u pm psjasnger and mali pin sunday only 1l30 on gataa nacth geiav seeah and man sjto pjn iffoetsttr ssjaliafo m1saa ass low and forests too will nib and fish products created by war oome a msjor contribution to the sue- conditions oswraftnoo people are oeasful oonduct of uts war toe do- employed in the pnsnary and ssoond- mlnlon possesses approximately 4n ary oocnpatlone m sad with the million acres of forested land espvbls fishing mduatry of osnsda snd tbis ot producing timber of merebsnlabla- number wilt groar steadily as tbe sua and quality a little lees than industry err tns most onebait of this vast sres now bears increase in fish eskorts to trees of usable slss the reoasmdar ath the otsvbreak ot bostuitise baa being occupied by young suowth part l canned barring and berrmg oil of tbe mature tiinber is not aeoas- but penned eabnon has also been aue at present but it is nvi1 moving m volume that the economtcany ai nesbilu area rlor can tbe tourist mduatry be dls- beers ltonoo million cubic teat of a from oenades war effort storuttng umber aliiaiasml in com- 3 it aflro an an laflow nerelal units tbis vottaue iiauialasj of foreign uuuauoj naaay fiam tba m0o mllbon board feet ot asakas suted states of ewuskuete n- puis lnj mmion cords of smste ooodoo in ttrssting such large ntaa- naterlal silttsbis for pulpwood tat- bsrs of vlstbrs from other lands tba props and fuel over trueoqusrws domlrdonk wi la park of tbe total volume consists ot soft- paa an irr part wood spelas lneiudlng spmcae pines nineteen of these national true firs nmelas firs bemlook seder bounds with a total area of and other kinds square miles tudqus hi then- setsuu- tan oaoadlan apedas srs of eaeep- unal in their cberm and appeal uonal value lor the oonstrueaon of v t part m melnlammg jar- nn tsblcb in can- tana morale and mihiaaslat tba anv i tba coast of brtt- p efaort arlth sonaga ex ist tobsntss has long ban ncegals ed as tbrbaat asallame wood for eoonoaac atranatb today teuow birch ana not only in bar greet and varied found m uw eastern presmoet la the uattoal n and m mao- preferred species for trrannrecture at f strategic veneers f or oi in alreraft plywood hkal position which sba oaass vigorous steps are being taken to en- niote from the wartorn axrope her aura tost adequate supplies of both industries can function smoothly i those breeds wm be available as oar oourttuons of tns guasdfen 1001107 industry nor- nsustade aapawy ot 1 many produoes lieaaauu lm end vxo i m dnolon board feet anrraany but pros- anon and ent plant easdnsasnt wm pennlt pre- lore in t onotton to be usjreaeed srsiernnrtr an trnmsaa large volimes of oougus fir sad u urtunata victory tor bean shipped to end bar attes ftarersaiis nhan tldaea icofe theb aneat ojse f fhltsd bngdom since tbe out jnlagrrtnes wnsdaver stout- the final ankusoabmgwv sl- pj o 5osme of tua struapa wsnartilng win nasaen bod works in s5ee j product to ttsoamvastn woodanisn are bemg made in tba uarttane fro- to meet be needs ot british ralph gordon tbe warsatne entartainar for frank fetch -jsceey- tameti f a 41 ms am uk pjn 1s pan a u am jg am lui aas- s oormecuons tor caren aotmd- h igjqg ptsqlxl lugs fun blia pjn x tb ftrateord a tb liondon sun and hol an ooaoh lul at w m jvoko nnei m radio we aptaatlzf on thbwork x it tae j sanfoctitsbson omemssssmf saw wften ilfsnrlirroms snd prayer m vain isaiaa ssbsa m the alienee to do lkvresjaujsxretura g-gj-iasgig-aa- gavaggaai saaai ataag ajsealbaaj wa baaasar u youpray tlaa aaports 1 do not loss fattb wben foe lac moss- oo of- the ta -jml- j oer you are broax tnauy- 1 ood tbttjpj