Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 11, 1940, p. 3

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ft a t o wttcwomkn wub mxlon bosbt 1w tt sotiaat anas as megwsnave rjorteffjtbosibw nylon hosef ikey are aj s silk ihey appear more ibeer they donov j easflj nt mar longer they can he washed and dried tn ten inmates endreturn to their original shape they feel different rather contbe lege te they win run bat an the thread la staop- ajar and more elastic they are not as apt to sir three s yean itowrtcan businesses have been experl- jtnje fcynerfect a new fibre ao fine that it could compare favourably etk and have been testing he wearing qualities and appeal they apenv muuane of dollars and the chemists in their research bv- fcmwtorlestiongx we hours on the trail of this magic product kven aladdin imp could not have performed a greater miracle than they finally accomplished nylon is made fro from a simple mixture of coal if the women of america really wis nylon lx tney1 nylon hose in preference to silk a whole new industry will open up on this continent at present our afik conies front japan and it is hnportm hi thread form we have the machinery needed to knit it into stock ings but they have the machinery needed to spin the spk into thread if women take to wearing nylon hose factories win have to be estab lished in america to produce the thread factories jwhloh win give em- tfoyment to thousands lactorles which win produce minions of pounds bf material to take the place of the suk that has come these many years ft j intrnltc ucttes the flisl fac ar faehajopa a the m lecturers are now satisfied that nyfan is all they expeetedft to be at present the thread is being imported into canada from the states and knit here into hose but if the demand s sufficient it wfll not be long ttefore here too new factories are established to prodnoetbethread giv ing people work in an industry that never before existed already nylon this magical fibre is findtag new uses it is being need for underwear surgical sutures sewlnghrjaad jualnglkies and wove clot the uses the future can find for it can only be imagined wm nylon take women st all depends on you waft bewick the abmy likes to bead our in training cainus uuougbout osnadaneednading ma- e terial magazines and books to the early spring when such an appeal went out it met with a wide and generous response great packages came pouring- in to camps by the truckload the men had a fieldday the magazines were fresh and clean fbe contents new ask any of the boys from camp borden what they now have on hand- dog eared torn stained wornout copies that have been read and reread unto as tme young engineer saldr tbe only thing m camp x havent read are the cooking chats and as long as j bands us out the hash fee does x wont need to bother with them one group of women organised for war service that i know re cently had a showed of magazines books and games far the boys they served tea and charged 38 cents with tbe proceeds they bought new games when it was an over they had a worthwhile shipment ready i was talking to a young lad from camp niagara and he said games were very popuh with the men they whiled away many hours playing checkers croqumole bagatelle fabletennls and other games the national council of the yacoa is making an appeal for maga- ames for canadian soldiers oversaw ihere reading material of any kind is at a premium owing to tbe scarcity of paper in wirgifwii so women go through the piles of nugaatnes that have been ac- emmuaung in cottages and homes an summer and sort out anything that is sohafele the men seem to like tbe picture magasirtfs especially the yujoa salvation aimy or any organisation interested in soldiers entertainment or comfort wfll be glad to forward ifeem for you to the place where they win do the most good brj frances kdery la a young man just out of college be has had imssleawe books published he is in love be thmks be is a man of the world but he has not learned to see women as nor life as people must live it 1 born of mldjnyclass new england parentabe is without the wealth to support himself as he would like to be accustomed he went to europe as tutor to a tw year old boy he was anxious to become a successful novesef distinguished and of course rich in paris he fen in jove but aa he moves with his charge through a series of deluxe hotels in italy m tf and southern france he bsoomee i with a number of women to the endhe maglcany gets his wish but wishes be hadnt the author describes cleverly hfejn french dttes ijurlug- ufitbme when americans acted aa nuough they owned the place mr ossens was born tar chicago tn 1908 and was brought up in toe new england states tbe theme of his most recent novel 3s light but be has a flashing command of dialogue and shows be is a keen ob- server of contemporary life let me behind you tb awaken each morning with a smile brightening my face to greet tbe day with le for the oppor it contains to approach my work with a clean mind to hold ever before me even in the dome of uttle things tbe ultimate purpose toward vhfciim westing to meet men and women with laughter on my ups and love in my heart to be gentle kind and courteous through an the hours to aroaen the night with weariness that ever wooes sleep and the joy that comes from work wen done this is how x desire jo waste wisely my days tfaomas ureter news about food evened reads ate kans favewrltes affc any restaurant owner and he wfll teu you broiled steaks and and brotted fish are prime favourites with men- so if yon ahn to gaeate serve broued foods more often broulnrf b one of the ojtnck- eatand easiest ways of cooking best results are obtained 4f tbe oven is m 10 minutes and food placed so it win be l a inches from the burner of element tbe regulator should then be set at tngh or broil tt the regular oven is used the door snooid be left t open iughtly bctwned with butt and turned st half tons take c i ste is m t j y ffisiffiif mtm pmsgftesa slwiye japped vw w ysmimawj ce slsees 6t docked m bog jalad on orruewtoi ntmwjptl iais iegv2 gtit tf ainan lofe me biber wta lose hmvano w jjtt inisaid maps our abode jefan 14 tt aflbflon fabsaob faakn 130 111 under the breath- of laughter beneath the tide of tears i hear the loom of the weaver as he weaves the sreb of the years fsaffs knswtog x i the writer of psahn 1s9 bis reoorov ed his eapertencerf and dom 1 fit in wfih our own experleneet can we have the assurance of gods reality equal to that of the psahnlstf two tacts reatsure us this confession of faith is noa jxoentmimlttnutr jother people have recorded their oonvtcsjon of a divine companlonshtp further as w read this psahn we find that it answers to our own experience we bavctffelt the way the palmist felt we tare con of an overeoul our own intelligence tewng us about oqmetves and helping us to under stand ourselves is but a counterpart cfoods ehseeing eye the- fact that we have consciousness can only be ex plained by the faith that god has shared his consciousness with us we ar not in atoms living our uvea in solitary f ashlonteach one ot us is a thought of god every mom- ent of life has been maintained by his power ttiert has been much predestination about our careers this word around which theologlscal bat tleshave gathered at least means that gcd has determined our- nationality locality mature complexion and in 0100 degree disposition alap we co n w th sustainlug power of the- almighty and tbe facts nt our dally experience indicate a divine directing jfctenigenoe 7oastesestftl many are willing to admit the pow er of the unseen god but they draw back from believing that this power is beneficent and personally concern ed with each individual the psahn- it had no hesitation in asserting that qod had had a band in his past and was having a hand in his future also tbe hebrew people did not have many abstract words when the psahnlst wrote that god had laid a band upon hknbe meant that there had been an external helpfulness throughout hismlfe tbe fertility of the earth the way in which water satisfies thirst or light serves the eye are but ex amples of the myriad ways in which gods providence has provided for us the psalmist could not under stand it fully nor can we sue knowledge is too wonderful for me it is high x cannot attain unto it yet it is a mystery of light rather than of darkness ramn back to our child hood homes our schooldays our work ing life there have been combination of circumstances that assure us that the heart of tbe eternal is most won derfully kind we live at our best when we express our appreciation and preserve the conscious mood of grati tude complaining criticising and despairing lessen our powers and rob our years of joy oedv iwawmg 7 frequently we ham tried to shake off gods hand front us but in vain a poet has pictured hkn as the hound of heaven even when we forget god god does not forget us tbe psalnusf ranged in imeglitttiwrthrough heav en andheu the sunrise and the sea but he could find no escape from the love and care of god such faith gtves dignity to human life it to a basts for selfrespect and it is a justi fication fan belief in our fedowmen the love of god is not limited to our family circle it is cosmic the sun minions of mfles away is serving a cbndlpteymg in a jard the young facing the unknown adventures of life are conscious of a beeper and the aged spending peaceful yearn in the afterglow are conscious of the same presence to miss tins oon- sciousnebs of god is to be robbed of lifes meaning and inspiration darkness and light u tt with electric light andfauttulghts we do not know the honor of darkness as the ind did the psahnlst could not turn night into day as we hafattuauy do tbe darkness covered hkn he could only grope through it the ught of day was in sharp con trast to the gloom of night tot both to the darimeat and the ught he was conscious of the pi of god darkness couldnot hide from god because god is not seen with eyes he is know in truth ence- and win and these powers working in the darkness and the light gods providence is demonstrated by tbe darkness aa fully as by the light- constant ught or constant darkness would be a cruel penalty upon man kind thealterristlfri uf na1 orkfisar bowajgtowir and to wo filta m flw qod who over- rulat boon darkness and ught frees 1 do you find tt dtfncm to be frate- ful to qdde xrlsrtsooorlsa think h meantf the moral significance of wesson pntiines oom4abtedbr tbe toternauonal council offwiglous ed- used by pennjavion l f teiedr1xipe i s u fcjrfi fc fbpoes fob dessebt peach season lshere again there is na better dessert than ripe peaches either raw or cooked the fonowmg recipes are suggested by the oonsumer section lsarketing bervioe dominion xtepartment of agriculture- ns from anpeitloostearr the psamflst wonal net have tens to his hebrew galtbaw be had hot given a moral ebmax to his pbent it not omy iwnerolsrrt ho is tu pssmnetpad enjoy- m vntrtte was aw sodsitedfe hwsaist to ocdls nswarebbte 4fi0d wat may basurt that wa rwrsjnot qesiuaei fei itavseissep ipesbsim llt read to you like tbeory peaches i h cop water ft cup sugar select large perfect peaches do not peel place peaches in baking dish add water and sprinkle with sugar bake tt hour serve not or cold 6 peschee s tablespoons butter 1 cup cake crumbs 14 cup sugar peel and slice peaches arrange in layers sprinkle each layer with crumbs sugar and cumamoo dot top with butter bake m hour feaoh fritter 3 peaches 1 cup flour 1u tespoons baking powder k teaspoon salt r- s 13 cup mll 1 egg whfojfe ooonttu amssimto mj dhb inlmtxr comb bfcbioai thrvf- an4 ojmi 70 nmd a asm scyou vmsanoawi flosntif yoo mrfeaft pood boocyoa are besam rfiift yoo start fay aobttrtdbinifaodeirm rhtootkastffibc r mk lot jmtt tain dtngbttrlnbir wf k oo twl wimy tw iiipji c gtmf hwr maw nil ii fw 1 woo ufau k ao ml mb m yw l dnraoowunaklmaolliintbr tamt hood houi mu umob- tdl tt look iimcjk eohn hood boar ss smd in bilias iq b fir r6lan hooa trioar mum mm waited wuot a i tablespoon melted butter mlsandsiftdryingtimlftits beat egg and add muk and malted butter add skmly to dry ingredients feel and slice peaches add to batter drop batter by spoonfuls in deeptj at ssg aip uttw twrymma f cooked drain sprinkle with ejd sugar and serve r a s si rsttupbetty oe sir awimiry jam 32 jar 23c rolkd oats 2ssrwl 5 17c vdm jf1 catchup labiy a ir lushfls mir powd pfcte sfjr cuocograhams maple layer fruit loaf sk yellow sugar 5 fine zinc salt rings 74b u salaoatea 37c39c cf 8 coffee kt f 45c xxxvinegar c 37c pickling spice ib 19c mustard n33c a 5c d 5c jar rubbers par o wax certo while bd pg soap 3 10c soap flakes fmmmwax oliajutctt skvaifia- ra low stsrsanr tcbsi hahdt powdot peaifut butter 2 25c k fttys cocoa swjssjgej tteut lbsziiyi h j peaches far ratarnni l loina pricat u04 yyealthy tomaitojes temomsyaod mf sqtmtisc lijjar

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