Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), September 11, 1940, p. 6

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st fc ur 1ti5ei a nfehi rfi 6 p 00 sin 8 00 ier tr jqttm por mm agtaiftijel 4tlplll by im i nncriob good ma warm by omi bto- thare0 no on value tut wijj o nark favor ww tuo u 0 ob 0 00 jljbutliutstn foal hi tim bnnnens horse to to deduct ed oft mii fee soo 4 00 300 g jjpfe wfvpw4tuinm dsfaieurjuf bqsjili flktmt 4dd hold oni from a tire t44pataus dopaytm jfrharoet to pnymtiveeds irom it on mwtadeejahojniojrjli cattle 900 i bat jars jraato by a 8- v otmr up rbmcjltltiln mule in t i utile a 00 i beat aenhbe piiinelii by but psbh 3 00 h o mrufatrnt at one mature oner 1 yea old batter and one yearnhg teeter to to atred by purebred bub apodal t at t bason oo tonmo surer usb don so valued 1 00 i ibest can flinam by toy or gtrl a manlier of a calf dub to battqdyand feel founttae entry lee 30 lmiimi nmtooewdth of prise money tonwataln trfcetaiimlencotvm let firth 3nd h0o 3rd ism 4th wj 6th oijoo oth 0100 its lo0 sth aun bear brant elan 1st hjoo hal u0 3m u0 4th 0100 sth tlao 0th mao 1th euro cm u jersey and ouenuey oses 1st 400 tod ibm 3rd tarn tth loo sm n 6th sun h lj 8th 01j0o i beet beet animal a years and under 3 00 beet dairy celt male or female bom 1m0 by pblbp barly brampton 1 bag calf meal value 3 00 if ncayto iston rotldp edjtfflttg ffarfr pro- party auchwotfc miouitt oottdd trod ak a war mature and snould re- earn the consideration and attvpdrt of every pro 0rwnertr mae leod declares a w attractive roadside is ex fadetttemejttoiadje4nu frfmn he pomtf out and may be considered as i belnff the- show window of the farnf1 the removal of old fences and fence bottoms mdleati0n of weeds and brush removal of stumps and stones and plow levelling and seeding down of roadsides la suggested as be ing one of the jobs to be undertaken at an early date this vul by fouowlnff thia plan the appear- nce pfones pim win be kn- proved the valne will be increased the seeded area may be pastured and hay crop imy bff- mae- 6 sheep l- beet in at fine wool sheep not less than 4 1 male and 3 females 1st by j beaumoat don 3 3 best pen of four ufcrket iamtv by n a rofatnson open to hilton county only 4 00 s 0t 2 00 hgs 1 fwtfsii baoon bog selected from ihlmalb eapmlted in section 9 let by o j buck 3 00 2nd o0d32a9 5 pdultry 1 by v w stay ucvfbr tbebest display of chicks of 1940 purohssed fom braya ltd to be shown by tbe original purofaaser 3v bexed cnkfcs taliie fl 00 by w tt 4 jr the baavlegbom oocawel and pullet 35 mixed ducks aloe 3 00 for the best baited bock obekerel and pallet x mixed 3 00 oeunofls haveasfef of eco- when weeds and brush are eradlcal ed snow will not bank up and the expense time and labour of keeping roads open will be reduced consider ably wrieh are locethar wlt the somuiion and provincial depailnkika of 4tl cultue snemben of the cnad in i i ownnrll oi boya and tit a cab untathe ojtfmak of wf in jaib 1vhihl ttunal d t ooottau ifcdar uie fls uii j aw ad qjia itprobsble stalest jt- some secis h 1942 atth md tfthe the eontta as nnfk by itseu ptotlded tha4na iwur condi- mons wanmntad thb map vby aligust jkt no obanga had occurred in the prospect of onenutg tbe fair the oouaell planned to bold the to jnbnya1boory u pw 19tl oanteeta to start on monday morning f november 4 at tjoroote and the re mainder of the program partly at toronto and vicinity and partly m ottawa tbe 1m0 contest regulattous are those which werr approved for 1939 with the exception that tms selected in tbe 1936 piorlnelal eliminations may if so desired be catered for ltmo provided however that l any province may not enter more than four teams and not more than one tea in any membeis ol uuu one project content teams entered under this arrangement will beellglble for tbe imocontesu with respect to age if they were eli gible for the national contests plan ned for 1930 the contests will lnclute the pro jects of dairy cattle beef cattle ewme poultry ated grain and seed potatoes the contest in each projeci consisting o a jud competition and an oral exatninauni tlieie wulbeoioexhibit section f se gra co aact potatoes the national club contest careful invesugaakm of seed stocks on handeed imports and exports and conttacta for delivery in 1941 and ims indicate a probable ahortage in 1943 of certain wnnlal held roots vegetable crops tadudno m swede oarden beet osltoage oauli- flower parsnip and also two annual crops eadlsh and epinaob beepective seed abortagea from these crops are due to the cutting offof supplies from holland t rw and t uncert as t qu program in made possible each year by the contributions of tha business organiiatlona and the associations esquesing fall fair j wed and thurs september 2526g thspecial prize ust continued misceuaneous caah xl9 best pair of dressed ohwcms by a r fameu 4 00 b x20 best pair of dressed ohickens by b carter norval 4 00 g x21 beet dressed oblcken by f o thomiaon 2 00 rx2b beat dressed cfalcken by p b harrison 3 00 4 x33 best dressed chicken by 3m ouboos 2 00 3x34 best dressed chicken by clarence benham 2 00 ietkboard soreak of war last oatjao tta l 7alvnaaria hiinmniiim wt t canadian see supplies of eereajiv r flax forage crops t field roots and garden vegetable seeds for foe seed atssoii of 1040 i7rrfwi seed tupnties wer found araflaue mod the ptospeob may be imported from great that britain tmshrituauon was repoedtb agricultural supplies board at tbe conference with lepresentatlves of provincial departments of aghculture held in ottawa july 19 to 207 ft was agreed at that time that as an inntr anee against possible shortage in 1942 the pioducuon of seeds in from approved seed stocks of these ixrop certain definite aosntttlesl under a joffir plan betweenpvotdnclal departments of agriculture and tbe board shouidjk mnlertaken under the wkr measures act order in coundi pjo 3308 has been psssed giving approval to this plan of increased seed production steps have already been taken to increase the supply- of seed roots to put in storage in the fall of 1040 to preparation orl increased acreage plantings for seed producttou next spring tb rtiqshnfwm cfakfca purchased from tnompsona htebesies in 1940 and shown by the original msctllaneous good j tm ii toan to be placed in hab by 10j0 ajn seeondday of mr sept a j tbiawil obkkaa most not wemoi lea than la ti i 1 beat naar miand omeiana by mrnean n oo ajpeda 4 00 j a beat r i gbkfeao by bc ikclore deo no b s beatajtpdlepesby iappte products oo don m 3 50 beet 1 hattakple ajmienon by baiaaell kirby ok of hoayrelne r1tvi a 00 beet imajlir ot oram in sheet not lea than tare btimw to be not lea than 0 inches in 1st prist by carroll good tame uw i aoo ex2o bait dreued ohloken by john williamson 3 00 a x30 beet pah zlresaed cmckens by qe gkamery 9 00 a37 bet pair drened docks by georgetown oresmary 3 00 x2b b9t 44 pail of glover honey by garfield ifegumy 1 00 x30 best bushel of snow afjplee by hume ourrie applea to to delivered i 100 96 best decorated baby or don carriage for gliu 13 yeaia or under by a o pattenon buvmreek garage to be shown in front cr grand stand aso l 80 i for ttoridnf man on iouplay 1st to atalaya boom do ua gdon u goodvalae 1 seat imgiiy of t grown from barnovs eeeds dmt d goods value 1 00 sett aahnvltm at vagatabus 1st by d brill oo ataa m a 0 fhm to btoos and wadtaiton mmarlas hm of irniaw stoefc wlnnara own maottoo tnaman jtnua to to deurarod to 4 ysgfia- bmj kronto 10 00 it jbaat ims at b m braad bated with mooarthy httto 0 mur bill showing where hour pur- bmaf tote presented with entry don aea tt w mhng ru ut layer pake oompettl i ut mm mtoloadi made with hade b w iriaa oa i tocza usgic baking gm apae tew be dellvased to donor 0 oo mwm ik ouriua com fc ffc jrarymaa imnyjtmhljlb mm wi notice to in tbe buuter of the maw jat tbomas afdulm late of vj tbwnslilp of hfirfa tothe r ty et ralfob qantle in t notice is hikzbtotv apeaons hswing any ojaim ot j sjida againat the late smmm tb sixteenth day of august 1m0 city of detroit in the state ot j ganron o the united state ofai erica are required to sebd by prepaid or jo deliver to the undxslgas ed solidtat herein for wttumn c don iculbn the bneator of the 1 will and ttatament of jnes th m uliin gentleman deeeased wnfs and addresses and fuq i culam m writing of thar cwms t stateme of thefa- aec andi ja o tbe securities if any specials by peorgetown horticultural society 8 ttvoo to the person winning the most points in the floral section and who is a member of the qeo hortieultuial society s sitoto the ptaeon winning the second higbest number of points 9 1m uemberablp card for 1941 in the oeorgetawn hortteuttunls society to the person winning the third highest number of points b spboialss to pupils of oboroetowh fubuo school k the fonomng grown from seed donated to them by fhe o fl 8k zinnias best a bloom ib 80 asgl marigolds best 6 woom 78 50 353 beeu best 8 ts so 339 oarrots beet fl 75 50 asfi x23 best arranged bouguet of flowers by browns bakery qeorgetown 3 00 i x donor gets articles vw2vvl2kvwjvlnminmnku umehouse f r f orlast wek recent visitors in the visage ha- duded mr stanley wright mr and mrs u wright awl little daughter d of toronto at mr and mrs a m wright mr tom packer of sodbnrv was m the village an sunday mrs 8 wright is tislting in to ronto messrs wm and gordon orieg of brantford and miss w pouagbozne of toronto visited with miss laena and the oales ontbe week end mr and mrs earl scott and little oarry of toronto were with his par ents on monday miss sally dickie of toronto visit ed with tbemhls tanhy mr and mrs b morrow of to ronto visited her anther mrs r lane over the week end the girts lookout club held their august meeting at tbe home of miss shirley wright on friday evening with lorene sanford in charge of the programme showers se tb be the order of the day here with two miscellaneous ones being held reoeotiy at ttw home of mr and mm f shefcourae mr kany knight and miss iullan bug- gins who were married last hturrtay were the honoured guests at one on thursday night last week tuesday night mr r packer and miss mar- joey otobs were tendered and both couples received many useful and lovely gifts by thenar and take xotxck that i fifth day rf october u4ft ibe l william gordon mhi vrtb to distribute tbe assets of the eajdtf ceased among the pranaia b tfagrrto having regstnl only to rvfriw nf whmi he shaff ww have hi notice and that tbe said gordon muffin win not be the said assets r any part tbeteoft any penon of whose dan be j not tbai have received notteel dated at geoqetown ontartsy 4th day of nni a3 m dalb bbnerr soudtofs uk the said wu 3t muoe puntih simniua the following for hitlers tombstone this is definitely my last territorial demand notice to creditors notlck isbbrbt ofvbh an peraoos bavtag anydabn m manda agatnat tbe late tiafnfls 1 jlaw hmne who coed on afsf threntyeeventb dky of july tbe town of geoagetown to thec ty of haikm and provmoe c 0 are reouired to send by post i or to ddiver to the i udtora herein tor hume the bxecutadx of thejaat i and testament of leebed writing of their elahns and ments of their aooouha and the l ture of the sooortties if any hadt them and tajoe notice- that after i filth day of october 1m0 the sam3 beatrice bvelyn htase wlh gooeea- dlsmbute the asseta of tbe said ceased ainons the pen thereto having regard only to claims of which die shall 1 had notioe and tbw the said x bvelyn hume will not bejaimfr the aald aaseta or aiayjjart 1 any person of whose olakd not then have received notice datbd at fmofigetowb ol this 4tb day of bepte ajx i daub r bbohstt sducltom for the- said bamblbo st bvelyn hume ploughing match to be at stthqmas the 1040 annual four4ay mterna- tltnal ploughing i and demon stration of farm machinery under uw enspioes of the ontario nowmans askcuuon will to held at st ihomal ontario on october 10 10 it and 1- already appuoatloiu for eirjabit apace earned thow of any pcovlous year and taklni into oonsldemtlon the pngraulvareoordtonklng oapanelon m aoopa and att ot the pert ttw years uoo at braoktllloi ibm at mlneaiig lmt at jergus and ims t oorawauthe 1040 meeuhg is likely to reach the highest record partlni- 4ajly4n r the popularity ot sl thornae as an agrlnatvnd oe fntmat ae mil to u to lulai dlqod fihe jowttarw dttdhted y4soel j i- oma ears all r

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