the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 2nd 1940 j r r raf wafces bw f the georgetown herald m leva af georgetown nerval glen wollams tsose stewarttewn i a llrpallll 01 rhn14 1w nail sns v panada balunafad and terra ostte subscription rates f 1jw a year united states single copies 3e conquest 3 00 a year advertising hates will be quoted on application walter o bxbbn publisher staff oarfleld l mogilvray phone no 8 leslie clark reginald broomhead member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and the oniarioqoebec division of the cwjta r objective we are oounting on you to help us rea h yours truly isabel m madhrmid secretary countess of strathmore chapter i ox e the value of scout training arthur e paddon jr field secretary tor the boy scouts assoc ation in ontario recently paid us a call to discuss possibilities of form tog a scouting organization in georgetown it is about five years since boy scout troop has been in existence here and we feel that lack of such an organization is a detriment to local young men scout training combines a training in citizenship with a healthy program of creation and rieelul knowledge on the other side of the ledger we find innumerable examples of the way a scout troop cooperates with other organizations scouts have aided the police in tracking criminals they have rendered valuable as stance to the red cross in floods and fires they are the first to offer their services as ushers at public functions as taggers on tag days any thing where trained organisation is necessary all this presu tiiat the local scout troop is under capable direction too often it is a fact that the man who directs the activities of a troop is not the proper person to deal with children then too a scout troop must be sponsored by some organization or group mr paddon is anxious that some such organization in georgetown bring the scout movemen back to life in these troubled days when national pride is so important we feel that this would play its part in fostering much love of country in the hearts of our young citizens post mortem the pall pair has come and gone while on the whole it was ap to its standard of other years it was disappointing to see the small number of entries in some sections particularly in women s work george town women have been working nobly on war work and this no doubt was partly to blame but even so we think a more representative show mg6oci have tjeettmade some wode wmtortors have the idea that unless they have a great many entries to make there is no use entering at all when too many people feel that way the show is not a success general consensus trf opinion seems to be that more originality is needed to put same pep into our fall fair people won t come back year after year to see the same things over and over again this year with the lorne scots on call a military display might have been arranged a pet show decorated floats wood chopping and sawing contests might jm inaugurated if everybody will exhibit something rext year and if some new teatureo are introduced to add variety to the program we think george town can put on a fair second to none in the province raids on britain reveal unex pected problems facing germany a flea for school pairs south division of tbe township the first was held at duntroon on thura- tbe dropping of the school fairs by day and the jmdoad on friday in the provincial department of aericul- ctcemore both were stncssatul and time as a war economy was prob- brought out through the exbjbtta ably well mtentloned yet it was a evidence that the boys and girls bad move that gave rise to general regret not been idle competition was i in the rural sect ay to the boys the prize winners tn many i by warren irvln the editors corner why do wetight we have been engaged for over a year in a bitter struggle with a predatory foe in order that in our world democracy shall triumph over rule by force that was our avowed purpose when we entered the war a year ago last september and it is still our aim can we help but wonder then when we glanced at yesterdays dally papers and read a confirm ation by our government of rumours that had been circulating concerning the sale of v it supplies to another predatory power japan the excuse was given tha our shipments compared with those from the united slates were infinitely small and becaue of this there was no reason whyauch shipments should be stopped aside from this warped thinking which condones a wrong act because it is not wrong enough does our government not realize what a powerful propaganda weapon they are banding to our german enemies we are trying in every way possible to convince the oennan home front that we are a people who hold no brief with aggressor nations what will berliners think when they read in their papers that canada is doing a thriving trade with their eastern brothers- incrime consistency is still a virtue and when we do not practice cortsls tency in our war effort we are doing great harm to that effort community salvage drive the local iojxe chapter is asking for support in a salvage drive which will begin during thanksgiving week your support in this worthy enterprise is asked perhaps the following etter will best explain details of the drive thanksgiving week oct 18 19 is the time of the georgetown and community salvage drive during this period the members of the local od chapte will call at every home in georgetown to collect old magazines newspapers and other articles a full list of which appears elsewhere in this issue you are asked to save these articles and have them ready for the collectors these above mentioned materials are needed urgently and the money derived rrom their sale will be used for war work therefore by giving this salvage drive your whole hearted support you are helping in m twofold manner we know that every citizen of georgetown wants to be on the winn ing side in this war and this is one small but important way in which everyone can ac ively share lr bringing abou the victory and peace we so earnestly desire we wish to thank everyone who contributed to the aluminum drive the response was gratifying and jour kindness much appreci ated we ask for your continued cooperatioi in our thanksgiving week drive that it may be an even greater succtss 10 tons is c it thank you directory c nr timetable numerical superiority in pilots as and girls theee events are of special winning only by narrow margins the well as planes because britain can tanport they are at home and are value of theee fairs is from the side continue to draw pilots from the do- an incentive to the young folk to of education seeing growing gather- mlnions in addition to those supplied take a real interest in their farm 1k lug and constructing being necessary by the united kingdom this year not all are favored as to be successful exhibitors interest th immedlai position thoae nottssrasaga town such as that manifested in the not- oc unnmume ship there they were not let down tawasaga fairs deserves to be enoour- but these are matters that concern a committee of interested elders tac aged hence he hope is that the pro- tmr irvin noted american writer the future and we are living in the mg up w the department bad left vincial minister may soon see hta way and broadcaster and for thirteen present i have already said that i 0 axla going on with the annual to renew his support of these annual years a staff correspondent on the believed the most important result of events as usual there were two one affairs new york times spent the first eight the recent raids was the effect upon ior g nor and the other for the colllngwood enterprise-bulletin- months of the war in berlin as an ob invasion plans and have pointed out rver 1 tnat this i bound to influence the german morale t v t the amazing success or the royal i know that it is the german cus air force in smashing the raids oo i t rrlnlmlze their own losses britain should not be permitted to umte exaggerating the losses on the engender oer confidence the war other sldt in the air has not yet been won other years of experience as a newspaper md more intensive raids are almost corresoondfcnt have made me some sure to follow germany s air losses what sceptical of official figures when though considerable have not ma i was in germany we found tha erially leduced the strength of her whue tlu communiques of the oct avhtlon she still has vast reserves man high command were fairly and when an opportune moment ar truthful so far as the land forces r ves can be expected to throw them were concerned the german navy tnlo the balance with utter disregard and air force were given to gross ex tor planer and men alike that is the aggeratior the reason we thought german method was that the air force and the navy but at the same time there can be did not have the same traditions be no doubt as to the importance of the hind hem as the army rjuf s achievement here as at since i have c to britain i dunkirk british planes and british have checked carefully on royal air pilots again have demonstrated their force figures and i have reached the superiority a superiority which should conclusion that when it errs the r become more and more marked as the r geu rally errs on the other side war progresses british conservatism not only have urey rendered invalu not so long ago x met a british able service to restoring british pre roajor ln cha of a control station stige in the eyes of the world they who showed me tne figures he had have also dealt another mow to ger tabulated lor his group on one mu morale that morale already at particula dav when official figures on the 1917 level is likely to be one of german losses gave only 144 tor ail tbe the deciding factors in the present british isles the major s figures show ed that ris group alone had account it is foi this reason that i believe ror 168 german planes the mos important result of the work or course it is possible that some or of the royal air force in the recen th puota m mfc group may have been raids on britain has been its effect retching things a bit but then its upon geman plans for the invasion aso possible that some of them may of englard many people 1 know do h ben over modest like one ra not believe that hitler intends or p pllol of w i heard recently ever intended to imade great britain he took off alone rrom his field to i do no share this view eight attack i e nazi raiders and when he months wartime experience in ger returned reported that he had down many have convinced me that when ed two nax boasted they wold be in how oo you know you brougm by august i5lh they folly thcm dov n he was asked well he said i saw one drop standard time going east passenger passenger and man i0bo m passenger and mall 8 4s pan passenger sundays only 831 pan passenger daily 9 41 pjn toronto and beyond going west passenger and mail 6m am passenger saturday only 1 15 an passenger dally except saturday and sunday 600 pm passenger and mall 65 pm passenger sunday only 11 jo am gotog north passenger and mall 845 am going sooth passenger and mall 650 pm depot ticket office phone xtw london expected to be anoth r winter of war is not a pleasing prospect for the german peo pie memories of the last winter are still too iresh in their minds memor ies or hunger and hardship of priva tloi po ert and suffering or shiver ing thou ands from the poorer sections ol ti e big cities crowding into- rail way sla ions in an effort to get warm if germanj hopes to win this war i e most conquer britain quickly and completl but how ihc can attemp to do so how she can even envisage ai nvasion without mastery in the air i do not see nor do i believe that hitler does and the royal air force htu proved conclusively that gennan despite numerical superiorl t i far from enjoying mastery m the completrj out of control and i saw another crah into the sea and what or the three others his commanding officer wanted to know oh replied the pilot i oouldn t bee them they were all in little mts and piece seewre ralph gordon the versatile entertainer for your next program illustrated circular free address sub crawford st toronto our weekly poem an english cottage or mars demons of the air air they found no weak spot the object of the recent raids is falrlj obvious there appears to be no question but that they were de there s a cottage by a lane side in a dear old england spot where to spend a happy childhood was my early boyhood s lot frank petch licensed auctioneer all classes of insurance prompt service phone 391 p o box 413 spsrs nx s wu t british defences to find if possible a weak spot which oauld be made the focal point of attack had such a spot been detected miiss assaults with are nowftrg ue and the neighbors children near now my heart goes back ln longing to that lane side cot so dear thousands of planes participating pro i through the field to the hymn the churchchimes yied but the people in the cottage live ir deep and dread despatr for that landscape now is cratered by mars demons of the air have beer accomplished by invasions from th- sea and air in the best blitz fashion known to german tec hnlque but with each pass in ay the like ii hood ol such an lm on becomes more and more impru ole by au tumn it may be too late by spring it a m karten for a thatched roof cannot save from a despot diabolic whose work leads but to the grave still id like to see that cottage by th lane side over there leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba barristers and soudtera mill street georgetown pbonk u gray coach lines timetable effective saturday june ag4b leave georgetown to toronto a 6 aj amui4s t 223 pm 4m pm 0s pm 913 am a except sundays to london ab35 am 305 pm 750 pm a connections for owen sound to kitchener 13 06 pm- x4a5 pm a6jx aa 10jc pm blljs pm x to stratford a to london sun and bbl b sat sun and hol only standard thus all coach information aft w h long 1 radio repairing we specialize on r this work j sanfordson phone georgetown j4w may be impossible german aircraft production has not only reached its peak it is under fore ed draught all available workers are true germany now has at her dls posal the aircraft factories of france but she hasn t the men to operate them unless she uses french workers and that can only be done at the risk or sabotage i don know exactly how man pi am- lh germans have officials of the propaganda ministry assured me they had 30 000 at the beginning of lhe war that i think is an exag ation my guess would be around ere it mj meet dire destruction from mars demons of the alr ralph oordon 638 crawrord st toronto kenneth m langdon barrister souckor notary fmbue first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bwg mill st phone 88 georgetowa olr unity all racial we are canadians now n fires 20 000 including commercial raf land must j l0 meel ln onc abso training planes but even then doubt tr the number of rirat line oer man wa planes exceeds 6 000 germany lost machines and men prom reliable german sources i know trat about w0 oennan planes were destroyed in the polish rm paign losses in norway probably did not exceed 300 and may have beer considerably leas in holland name we shall rorgo our pasts merge our desires and forge the strength we have in england s name this urgent hour denies all leaser with peace a rugitive on land and sea and in the air the beat of deadly wings elmer c thompson insurance service fire auto windstorm c p railway and allied steam summer excursions phone 119w or j georgetown 1 in our mao bag in connection with the drive to raise 860 000 to date the school has been with- j out glum and france including the action we fortify ourselves in unity at dunkirk the oermans may have this is our cause no faroff battle lost another 1500 and i believe their line losses in and around the british isles can hold us safe when justices self since the start of the war are some be slain where li the neighbourhood of 1800 the loyalty within us shall define so far as the planes are concerned our attributes of sacrifice and pain these losses whue considerable are though we give all is it too much to not ne essartly serious they may give have been compensated by new con that christ may rule the world and structlon but the pilots are not so england live easily replaced as the planes that is another matter lucy g clarkin charlottetown germany is none too well supplied with pilots fighter poote la pmrilce young men are needed for this where cows come up my lane a m nielsen mth year of fraction chiropractor xray druglest- therapist office over dominion store georgetown hours 2 5 7j0 00 pm gait the georgetown herald of great enjoyment to me saturday tbe 28th should see the wnpttian of the enrolment of boo oalt aircraft school students at the oalt aircraft school oalt ont more than 500 cadets are now regis- ill and tbe remainder are arriving cordially yours bui armstrong ont sepvwrl 19 jtri ttptwa tfiey have been too regi- the fnnles law behind we -fiff- 3m wa t-tjl- m then- mdidwaty has baen the hush of evening rails es z not aceasfa to the night hawks and the whip-poor- georgetown ontario rjl sltn f- r thtaaserres and walls wills nor gun nor g nor battles stain jn klrjdsa7m sdj di alit conunence their drowsy calls totrude where cows come up my lane oentlemen sst 8endlng me b andefended towns and helpless em nor guns nor gas nor battle slain i was very much pleased to receive rrmun liana tbetr ardoar awlcktt cools when intrude where cows come up my lane to humble hearts at close of day this week and it was a cordially yours ewifroiited by poess af sanerlor and eearage a thin white mist is hanging low hence as regards the future the above the dewdrenched fields odds are all ln britain a favour brt- a pungent odor cloversweet ih aircraft production is rising stead tilt pregnant earth now yields lly sod it has behind it the produc- km p nor gas nor battles slain hon of the united states which also intrude where cows come up my lane jl to making appredabto strides against the aircraft cadets will be taking- these germany cannot hops to com- and far across the pasture brook wi bl tbe parade whleb wfll precede be wiser than other people if yon pete it is only a question of ttme tbe lon dark shadows creep ie raqr the is bn- staged can but do not tell them so when eren numerical superiority in as one by one all thing turn boms l park in oak oa 8y oreterflei the air must pass to the atued side at dusk for rest and sleep life brings a sweet content and i am glad gods road for me down country byways went nor guns nor gas nor battles alain xntrude where cows come up my lane ulna m titus for best results try a perald small f r watson djs blds georgetown office hours 9 to 5 thursday afternoons dr j burns milne dental surgeon x bay georgetown phone n clifford g rexd lds dbs dentist phone 410 main st georgetown concrete work firstclass workmanship sam walker tone 321 ges georgetown monuments poixock ingham gab ont designs on request phone socb inspect our work m or cemetery j cooke cement nd ctnder blocks brick th uncfactc d anr quntttar s nw st mnzjiraion