the georgetown herald wednetday evenmg octobeftnd 940 historical sketch tf glen williams united church as a fitting souvenir of tbe tooth anntveisary of den wuuamb hutted church a booklet hms teen prepared sketching the history of the church inscribed an historical sketch xil 100 years of faith it pays tribute to benajmh williams who deeded the land where the church was to he erected in those days the communi ty was known as wuluunsburg ader the williams family which built the first mills in the valley the church has had a long and honourable career since the ezectlcnjff the original building hi 1810 the i present congregation numbers seven- tyone with r k lemkay student at emmanuel college as minister mr lemkay has been stationed at the gten during the summer months and while following his university course yej tflij continue to serve as is interesting to note that the late timothy eaton founder of the sreatt eaton co was once number ed among its membership eaton came to glen wullama from the old country and served as clerk in the village store now operated by john wheeler following is the sketch or ow church as presented in the booklet the passing tears with the mention of glen williams one naturally thinks of the credit river which in the early days form ed the lifeblood of the community and an whose banks over a century ago the first settlers built their homes we recall the poem learned in public school wherein speaking of the stream the poet says men may come and men may go but i go on forever no less true is this of the church of jesus christ and with pride in the foresight of our predecessors here we icarf that three years after the first settlers had taken permanent hold 4ngs in georgetown benajah williams deeded a parcel of ground to the fol lowing men morris kennedy henry grass george kennedy charles and jacob wilxams who were to be known as the trustees of the methodist episcopal chapel and burying ground in the township of esqueslng what an inspiration it would be if on this day of solemn observance time could be turned back in lis course and we could converse with those pioneers who laid the foundation stone on which succeeding genera tlons have built but the past dis closes no secrets time rolls on into eternity and we have only the collect ed memories of the past on which 10 look the early history of the church is irretrievably last it seems men m those days were forcibly more occupl ed with realities than statistics but nevertheless we have this romantic tat the church was organized short ly after two mills were put into oper ation on the credit with the erection in 1840 of a frame building massive pillars supported the roof and the pulpit was a huge affair rising six feet from the floor and fifteen fee in width the early ministers must surely have been large men logs that were cut into lumber for the church were rolled down the steep hills to the village skidded into a pond on the credit river where they were cut at a mill owned by the wil liaxns family probably somewhere in the vicinity of tbe present dam it is with regret that we were unable to obtain a picture of this early land mark so familiar to those of earlier days not until 1868 have we any definite information as to the church but in that year the building was repaired and a stone foundation put in the interior was renovated the large wooden pillars removed and the ceil lng renewed the massive pulpit pre inimiv mentioned was also removed at this time thirty four years passed without re cord but the year of 1902 marked an event of great progress in the glen williams methodist church in that year with spiritual fervour at a high ebb the congregation under the lead ershlp of rev g smitherman under took the construction of what amount ed to virtually a new building here is the quotation from the georgetown herald of november 19 1902 sunday and monday were historic days in connection with the glen williams methodist church early in the present year the trustees decided that the old building which had done many a years good service in the past was not good enough for the advanc uh f uture and so it was decided to make practically a new building 6 it the workers in connection with the organization fell in with the proposal and all inlted to make the effort a the result is most gratify ir building has been trans inside and out the old frame chapel is now a handsome brick one pie old uncomfortable seats are re placed by those of latest design the coal oil lamps are out and electricity now does the lighting it is a thor ough transformation and all are pleased that the change made has been so radical and complete th reopening service at that date had as its speaker the late rev g richardson of toronto and his ser mon was based on an appropriate text isaiah 2b 16 behold i lay in zion tor a found astone a tried stone a precious comer stone u rare foundation he thatpelieveth shall not jnaktjiaste what an inspiration it is on jfo one hundredth annlver sary to hear such words coming from t msi and women who in all truth laid here in 1902 a precious comer stone i the building committee was as fol wm mcgregor thos whltham and w tost oontradtors stone work jos marchment still an active ttender brick work mr adams of brampton painting and decorating f voumer brampton lighting georgetown electric light and power company of glen williams furnace w p afoot georgetown seating valley city seating co tbe cost of the improvement totalled approxl- nately 1jbqm surety after thirty eight yean we the present congreg atlon cannot but say our fathers bullded well the years from 1902 to 192 passed with steady progress a renovation of the interior taking place in 1817 tm der the direction of rev trueblood at which time the present floor carpet was laid in 1935 the glen williams methodls church in company with all sister methodist churches through out the dominion became pari of a greater and wider union of churches known as the united church of can ada this new communion eompris ed in addition to be methodist church a proportion of the presby terian church in canada and the congregational church in canada unltyl bow much the world stands in need of it aa members of the united church of canada we can well be proud that we belong to the first interdomlnational union of churches in the world rev h caldwell was the minister at the time of union and is remember with respect by an who knew him his widow now resides at acton throughout its history the church rum hajj pge part of various charges notably that of the norvalterra till the present year glen williams was closed the picturesque little church at churchill became part of housechurchill charge at the con elusion of the last pastoral year june 30 1940 umehouse united church the ballinafad charge and glen wll hams as left to be supplied after after many years as superintendent cretary robert puthy treasurer johr united church was part of the ume- cook librarian charles williams discissions with the pastoral rela tlons committee of the preaytery r k leniuiy of victoria college was appointed student minister of the church nith a o w foreman of bauinafac supervising minister for he past we the congregation ca mot but be grateful to those who have left us such a worthy heritage for the present we are thankful for ihe opportunity of serving him the eternal god of all generations for the future e are confident that the god vho is the same yesterday to day and lorever will not fail us so lonir as wc keep the raitlrv sunday school tlir cl urch maintains an active sui day school which was organized in 1843 one feature which has been called unique in canadian church hitorv was a fee payment for mem bersliip a fee of one shilling ana three oence for the first year and seven jpd a half pence for each sub sequent year constituted a member fillip or the association and the pay ment of ten shillings in one year con stiluted a life membership the flst officers of the school wen president jacob williams se mr robert blyth reoentlv resigned present officers are superintendent r k lemkay aslstant mrs j addy secretary miss k hill trea surer mr cecil barth librarian mrs cecil barth the choir mrs jack add is organist and choir leader assisted by mrs c barth mrs addy has been connected with the musical worship of the church for over eighteen years previous musi cal directors include mr and mrs c j cummings and mr thomas ro berts all of whom are now residents of guelph the wa the wa first began its career un der the name of the willing he pers union it was later known as the ladies aid and when church un ion was brought about it became off dally the women s association presen officers are president mrs f nortel vicepresident mrs w j hill secretary mrs s beam trea surer mrs j mcmenemy pianist mrs j addy the wa has always been active in decorating and furnishing the church interior this year they have in stalled new lighting for the auditor lum some of the presidents in past years include the late mrs theo nor ton mrs joseph allen mrs james bell mr john wheeler mrs robert blyth and mrs f l white of mil internatmdal uniterm sunday school lesson luke and his gospel ton ladies bible class the ladies bible class which is connected with the sunday school is an extremely active organization this year the class financed new lighting for the church basement and replaced the piano an tvent of interest- in the class is the annual bazaar which takes place towards christmas monthly showers are held in the form of a social night by wfilch means cvry thing from rubber balloons to table ware is collected for the sale the ministry time has shrouded the names of those who first served as christ s ministers here early records lead us to believe that in the beginning glen williams was on the preaching itlner ary of the guelph circuit at a later period just prior to the turn of the century the glen was coupled with georgetown and rev davie was it eems the last of the men from that town to serve the glen prom 1900 to 1925 the church was part of the norval terra cotta circuit and the m of service- so far as can be ascertained were as follows rev a j irwin rev g smitherman 1902 rev mcarthur rev qulnn rev wo te rev zimmerman rev daynard rev trueblood 1917 rev h cotton rev w l bralley supply lng for rev cotton overseas rev w hunt rev douglas rev j m aiken rev r r hare rev h oald well following union in the year 1925 glen williams became part of the pastoral charge farmed by ume house churchill and the glen and the ministers under the newly formed church were lwett rev h oamwta xmyr rev g l stephenson 1s87m rev o j p jolttfie lsso40 rev w h bartuett 1m0 r- k lemamy stu dent 4 sunday october mb 1m golden text it seemed good to me also to write that thou mlghtest know tbe certainty of those things wherein thou hast been instructed luke 134 lesson passage luke 1 14 collossiana 4 14 2 timothy 4 11a but the thousandth man will stand by your side to the gallows foot and after kipling lake the writer great writing depends on right living it grows out of deep expert ences the author of the third gos pel did not write theory or fiction his own life experience provided the material for his pen he was a greek living in the roman empire he bad studied medicine and practiced hla profession he met paul and travelled widely through paul and others be learned many facts concerning the life of christ he collected sayings and incidents and wrote his gospel he lived through the heroic events of pauls life as the we passages in dicate tmd wr a peter- nd- paul in the acts of the apostles his own life had been enriched by faith in christ and he saw the way in which the gospel transformed peo pie the two longest books in the new testament are from the pen of luke it is beyond the power of cal culatlon to estimate the christian in fluence of these two books by luke lake the historian 3 4 luke was a master literary crafts man who attained his skill by pains taking toil fully half of his gospel is independent containing materials not to be found in either matthew or mark out of thirty three parables eighteen are gjven by luke alone but for his recording we should not have the story of the good samaritan the prodigal son the pharisee and pub lican luke alone gives the infancy stories oi john the baptist and jesus he alone tells che brief stories of zac chaeus of mary and martha of the walk lo emmaus luke has collected the fhe hvmns the ave maria the maznttioai the bcnediclus the glory in excelsis and the nui c dimittls among tl p four evangelists luke is he only one who records all or the se en greatest events in the life of jesus hs birth biptlm temptation tr nst juration deail resurrection ascension l ike sought to set forth in order the facts in tl o clin tian na rative h s book i as boen c uhd he most beauuful book ever writ ten luke the christian 1 luke wrote from the heart he had found splri ual cerlaintj ana wrote to help theophilus to rind as u ranee also matthew wrote pri marily for the christians in jerusa lem mark for christians in rome but like wrote for greeks whtrcver thev might be theophilus was a gentile either a roman or a greek perhaps enly a b pinner in the christian faith luke wrote to tell him all that jesus began both to do and teach it took two books to cover the record the gospel of luke and the acts of the apostles what rich biographies luke ha1 to explore in writing of jesus peter and paul he found his own christian experience confirmed in the lives of other christians he heard stories of the healing ministry or chris rrom eye witnesses he was able to set forth clearly the con census of opinion held by the rirst members of the christian church he was so convinced of the truui of the christian gospel that he became a missionary witnessing by tongue and pen lake the doctor 14 paul called luke the beloved phy slcian the two menmayhavemet in the first instance because paul was sick and needed medical attention luke became a companion of paul in order to keep him in good health for his work doubtless this called for financial sacrifice as puny tells us that a good doctor had a lucrative practice and became wealthy luke uses med cal terms such as bound up his wounos and poured in oil he also records christ s ministry of heal lng with interest and detail luke has more to say about the part of women in the christian story he showed the utmost sympathy with sufferers and he has given us a universal gospel rising above the barriers of race and class the example of luke has had a profound impression upon medical missions when norman duncan wished i tell the story or the services of wilfred greniell he entitled his story di luke of the labrador lke the friend ha doubti v paul thought of luke as a friend rather than as a physician luke had been with paul at troas had gone with him to phillppl and other cities and finally had stayed with paul when the great apostle was a prisoner at rome demas had played safe but luke stayed till the end luke had learned of friend ship rrom the life of christ the friend of sinners he had also seen friendship at its highest in paul who had a gif for friendship it may be that paul either before or after he wrote it talked over with luke his ny of love which we know as the tttirteenth chapter of first -corm- tkians luke was a doctor an edu cated man a friend of the honour able theophilus a literary artist of the first order a great traveller and an earnest christian but perhaps ws get the quality of the man best from these five words only luke is with roe qtteouon ror dtecmsian 1 why did luke write tns gospel 2 why is biography profitable read tag 3 how did luke become a mission ary 4 robert louis stevenson physicians as the hucamty do you agree s am i meeting the d sniw of friendship acton 8ttjdsnt gkjtu bonourablf mention in pobnty contest rena braida student at acton con tlnuation school was among those r ceiving honourable mention in a poetry contest sponsored by the on tarlo horticultural association the contest was for an original poem ol not more than twenty four lines on ontario s floral emblem the white trillium mlleana matuska of patterson col legiate institute windsor was award ed the gold medal while second and third prizes went to mary valkntyne of brentford collegiate and louise miller of collingwood here are the priaewlnnlng poems the white trillium by mlleana matuska trillium graceful trillium white star of the woodland lad of fight lo how she proudly stends in the glade tri sceptred sovereign queen of the shade stately she rises slender stemmed tall gracious response to springs early call lifting three leaf arms high from the sod gazing with pure face up to her god ontario s emblem by mary vallentyne it la a scentiflc fact that white is a composite of all colours and can be broken up to produce a rainbow ef feet as light is broken up by a prism this trillium in my hand white embodiment of colour dazzling splendid white pure ivhlte with the scarlet of the maple and the crimson jjt the rose with the purp e shades of evening when the mrd thistle blows with the em aid of the shamrock and the td of fltur de lis and the custy blue of twilight 11 is this and more to me it has turquoise of the heaven it has yellow of the un ii baa orange of the dawning when tbe dwjr it xtat begun there are greys of misty mornings as the fisherman sets out there is sparkled flash of silver at the leaping of the trout browns and blacks of towrlng forest and th sapphire of a lake ah the multi coloured fancy that this simple white can make white trillium by louise miller what gem is this heer treasured in the depth of woodland s secret dryad guarded vault o masterpiece of natures peerless art this flower perfect flawless void ol faults its chalice white and cool aa morn ing snow has in ft captured pure sweet golden dxopt of ecstacy from robins first spring trill that bursts with rapturous melody from the tops of tree whlch guard the forests dark retreats the leafy tans with gentle rhythm breathe and just as gently swajs the waver lng stalk a hint ol lragrance hovers like wreath a perfume wafted from a night moths wing this floral madrigal this moonlght drop thf white trillium bj rena braida when april leaves with all us r and may leps ii o ake its p ace the wholt world starts to live once more nd pouciy open summers door and witl this natures glad event t o ddlnx maples tall unbent ouite setr as though they swell wi h pride to have tht rilllum by their side this flower in its velvet hood fill meadow fcreen and somber wood or on the banks or rivers grow where all day long calm breezes b w a whirl o silvery quivering leaves among each snowy petal weaves a i in the shaded woods afar 1 a ftflir wmijtll sj distinctive charm and grace it to landscapes till its pure life no more to feel the loving kiss of soft winds and contented busm may it eer rise from leafy cot not crush or pluck with little thougmw it represents our country free what does it mean to you or mst eob1n hood flour plans fob enlisted ehpiayyl canadian companies are giving g crous support to the struggle 1 hitlerism by assisting employees wish to enlist generous plans been formed to care for the den s of men who enlist in any i of the services a plan has just been announced by robin hood flour mttls tip which makes it possible for evexy qualified man to assist in the coun try s war effort without financial sa crifice the general outline of tta plan of pay supplements and job gu arantees is aa follows to those who are in full time mili tary services and have- certified de pendents the company will pay m supplement representing the differences betwee 1 army pay plus allowancesw and the earnings of the employee afc the time he leaves the company fesr military service in the case of tl who have no dependents the pay t plement will represent the diherenesr bedwosn army pay and allowances junft threequa ters of their earnings at tbst time of departure to the many men who are already membe a ol the non permanent ac tive militia and to those who will b calkd up as trainees the compajw will give full pay for the first j days in training camps and thereaf ter a pay supplement the same as to those who are in rull time military service tne company is undertaking to re turn any employee who ts away tem- ro an v in lainlng camp to the anna job that he left and to those who aa into full service the company gym at 1 jobs after a man is mustered out r purpose of seniority the hme spent in military service will be ots-h- sidered as having been spent in tb company s employ robin hood flour mills limited is m national organization operating frcssn 10 a md the policy that has been adopted will affect employees uk tviiv province of canada carrolls campbells new pack tomato soup just arrived i new prunes 8090 bakin pow ch and 16os carry un chrttbe angol cakes a 20c chrtabo a chocout rolls j 20c dots plfmftpplo juice n2 15c habitant pa soup 2 currant crmm biscuits 15c harvest cream biscuits 15c 4 ins 29 ttatp- cowans cocoa 14c 25c chocolate zet 15c coffee s 45c stuffed olives aylmer catsup iclaron of hamqtoo peanut butter t xl aylanar c ttinatorui ce pie cherries l 21 quaker puffed wheat ft snlmff luhus jwuy powowa or sweet mystery 3 19 aylmer or clark a pork and beans x 2 17 quick cooking quaker oats- lo special 1 sale new glnt palmolive l super suds 18 crisco 18s4t tomatoes ajlmer no 2h ix jar rubbers orei 5 sf aylmor all for 19 peas i polifloor m wax 2q 49 i o tm co 8jlulo 3ss fels sweet juicy oranges 27c large green cabbage oc each golden ripe bananas 3 a 25c tokay grapes 9c ftritand vlikk pam eamln um3 satvdsr niata only phone 357 free delivery mat st