Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 2, 1940, p. 5

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the ge herald wyi neriay evening october 2nd 1 940 art scott international 8aues ahp sery1cs ge phone 161 take care your child 15 not fireproof tund p maar of the safety research council writing to hie am erican- weekly witih the october 6th issue of the detroit sunday times points out that an average of 4 000 children ar burned to death every year largely through the carelessnesi of grown ups and lists ten com mandments to safeguard the utile ones be sure to get the detroit sunday times 1 church news f scripture text yet if any mm buffer a christian let him not be ashamed lint let dm glorify god on this behalf 1 teler 4- 16 st george church rev wq o thompson rector twentieth sunday after trinity sun day school 10 00 ft it holy conusiui ion 11 00 ajn even song 700 pjn st albans church glen williams twentieth sunday after trinity sunday school 2 00 pjn evensong 3 00 pm the united church rev p c overend bjv minister the sacrament of the lords sup- pei will be observed at 11 ajn even ing service at 7 o clock on friday evening at 8 o clock pre communion service will be held at whch rev a l sanderson ba f waterdown will preach sunday school iwlll meet at 10 a m baptist church rev e a baxter minister 2 00 pm church school 7 00 pn worship service sub ject the comforter lords sup- pei monday 800 pm bypu thursjay 8 00 pjn prayer meet ing ami quarterly church meeting fall fair dates thanksgiving day wogdbridge oct u14 arthur oot 1 2 bee ton oct 1 2 cooks town oct 3 4 markhani oct 3 s owen sound sept 28oct 1 streetsville oct 3 3 bolton oct 11 12 pure food store oxydol s valne 21c golden bantam corn 3 tins 25c really delicious christies imperial bleb fruit cake 1 lb and 2 lb cuts o r cello wrapped lb oc choice tomato juice z0 ox tins 3 for 25c kraft dinner a meal for 4 in 9 minutespkg 19c certo for making jams and jellies 25c baking molasses fresh stock in bulk lb 5c special meat values back bacon mealed lean by the piece lb 32c breakfast bacoo smoked stmaky by the piece 24c pork bologna viskinc caaed by the piece 1 o cottage rolls sweet pickled lean by the piece o lb lic domestic shortening i lb cartons 2 for 25c 1 corned beef hereford brand lb tin 119 a e farnell phone 75 free delivery news parade by garf leld watch our window worn mmt ice chum srscuu imd omracrnoin t banana royal sundae 13c 2 lor 25c 11 longs confectionery igrjesljky i the a tr e friday october 4 women without names ellen drew jadith barrett wagons westward action drama with chester morris anita louise bock jones fox news saturday october 5 my jsonmy son popeye onion pacific last chapter dick tracys g men ma-tne- at i km tuesday and wednesday october 8 and 9 grapes of wrath henry fonda jane harwell band heres hal cartoon swiss ski yodeler many cities and towns have starts a save your scrap campaign an whfle the local i o ele has been col lectmg aluminum it would seem that there are many more articles which could be saved to help in our war effort tt is our contention tha what is needed here more than any- thin else is a central salvage depot where citizens could take all wast materials that would be helpful to canada 3 war effort the fact that the rcti cross have collected quanti ties of second hand clothing and th- i ojj aluminum is appreciated but there are other articles such as tooth paste containers tinsel oil cigarettes and chocolate bars discard ed sheet metal old papers refuse fats collected in homes which go toward the making of explosives all these are needed and are going to waste because of the lack of a central sal vage depct where they may be taker and law sold to the proper source we bellne leaderthip in this connec tion should be taken by the town council although the bed cross could bolster their funds from the sale of such wastematerials at l onr merchan in town has cartons of tin sel cardboard and paper ready to start a campaign and others would no doubt be willing to help con lalners could be placed in convenient places where cigarette cartons inse etc might be placed metals ana aiu minum are so important in the build lng of planes and tanks and we must have jnoiv of them speaking a week rgo over the cbcs national network on the program lets pace the pacts matthew h hal ton the toronto stars corrcspordent at washington said we mus darken the skies with war planet but we must hurry hurry for it would be a monstrous thing if de cency went under because we had not enough machines how about it georgetown let us make our war effort as efficient as possible 1 editor note the above article was written before the salvage drive was announced b the iodj2j side glances at the fair oui fir experieii t as a director of the fall fair was a pi isant on al though n ostly connected with the puohcity re managed to be of some assistance to the judge of the pouitrj i mr jo e coonty of orangevili who ls 1 imself secrttary of the or anevlh fair board sjwnding an 1 iftrnoon with the poultry breeders we learned n tot about on feathered friends than we knew befon some fine buds were exhibited many of jiem be ng prize winners ii the cn e and otrer laiis breeders exhibit ing were fiom georgetown erin ash grove ana milton atlhough the attendance till re malned below par ccorgciown fair s ill nnik- a moms t the bust from point of exhibits and as a stoek show it is a sud state of affairs whin loca people will not support this ninety four yeai old institution better than they do however we think the fair will be carried on another year for there are those who still lend a help ing hand and are ever interested in the v ifare of the organization the sheaf binding contest brough out a large number of contestants and altho igh we did not exactly agree with judge nickell of limehouse it was int resting to watch the old timers do their stuff we d dr t see many ice cream corte3 at the fair as the day was rather cool it wa thr innings for hot coffee and hot doss sandwiches pie and cake a the iode and presbyterian wo mens association booths the changing of the guard at the war savings stamps booth and the red cra exhibit by the members of the njam tlornc scolsi was an impress v affair and gave fair vlsl tors somi idea of the seriousness of army life thcdav of the fakir scms to b pa sing pidly while there was n fairly laige midway business was bad and they pulled up stakes early in th afternoon people are now conscious of this racket but would welcome a ferrls wheel merry go round or other amusements of this type georgetown fair has always been noted fo its races and this year s events vire no exception there were twe ve horses present and whie we dldn i hear of any wagering on the gee yes they put on some good contests don t drive like ii the trenton courier advocate tells of a jililr town called leskard in durham county that displays the fol lowing sign for the benefit of motor lst leskard village this is gods country dont drive like hell another prom old bill s pen old fill w a fry in his col umn in the dunnvtlle chronicle tells this one at lunch i saw a man of great cour age wren hts tbmtnme compimtorl started making up her face at the table he said firmly listen the place for that is the dressing room upon w ilch the young woman rose meekly and departed for the place suggested man s face last from sun to sun but woman a face is never done d j hlntbb author of raw rough and ripping rhymes is xu residing in georgetown for ony a short time david john hunter had matte a dutnber of friends who wilt regret to learn of his dearth at the home of his brother h a huxoer timely topics for women by barbara bajnes toronto mr hunter had lived with his brother on maple ave on the farm now owned by e b wackharner while here the writer found mr hunter to be a very interesting con versationalist and enjoyed many chats with iim as we discussed the publish ing of his first book of snappy poetry rw rdugh and ripping rhymes mr hunter read a great deal was well informed and in recent years whiled away his time writing poems some of his poems have appeared in the herald one writer says mr hunter s versifying reveals a keen understanding and appreciation of the quirks ai a frailties of human nature and expresses a sound tf homely philosophy of life mr hunter was in his 80th year and was born at the maples near orngevlue he was for thirteen years registrar of deeds fo dufferln county following a brief firming period in aberta de ceased s wife the former annie poster died about 22 years ago and he is survived by a brother trwo sisters and three half brothers interment was made in orangeville cemetery the rqv rainson of annette presbyterlar church conducting the service re feiring to mr hunters philosophy of life whichhe hel was fu i ha mony with the teaching of christ and illustrated by the following poems then is no death what wt call death is but a sleep a char ge a passing on and when i go where i am going i can t tell when or where not know ing but bj all ethics of right or wrong i shall gv i reckon where i belong offer c p r 50 000 to abvvdon line between elora avd cataract meeting at kitchener on saturday official of the grand river conserve tion commission decided to offer the canadian pacific railway 50 000 u ibaiidon their branch line between elora arri the cataract the chief ensinter told the commission that un less the line was rerouted it would be munduted when the dam was com pie ted it ii estimated that rerouting of the line would cost approximately s250 000 work has been rather slow in the h nd dam this fall owins 1 rains it i ixpectid thi ln bo ccn i i j iu ml i did ol know ij u ol know in it murray tztarci who i ik mi was in m lion an i u j j id htkej for ac on in tlvv winter ai c baseball for georgetown in nt sumirir h b en invited lo t out with dick irins montnal cma d lis the camdlnih went into amp on monday i s hyacinth que and murraj hopes to make t j lac- w th the fung fnnc mm playing rnior hockey in toronto f the i ist two pars ezeard ins mi sln f dc eloping into cm of ho k iets we wish him cm uccev c boss v ountry rt n vtagld hire saturday without fuss or much ado the n njdl co co in try run staged by the members of the gladstone athlon club of toronto was held here on saturd ly afternoon georgetown members of the club william col lier jamis and johnny emmerson are responsible for bringing the to ronto boys here for a week end out ing twt races were held in the 11 mile tvent william colliers turn vas 113 u john emmerson 11625 r stewart 118 10 f beglev 119 15 w eyi l 122 is b keefc 127 62 f bristow did the 13 mile run in exac lj tli sim time as collier made the 11 mile 113 13 o garbutt s time whs 139 17 with j potter third al 140 19 the runners seemed to prefer the rough country roads to the high way as they skirted the rocky moun in nnd quarry roads above the 8 h and 9th lines aroi nd town and flsewhere while in the vicinity of the sixth line last wetk end alf mcandrew sighted two young deer hearing a rustling of leaves by the roadside h turned around in time lo see the der scurrlng away they were probab y the same two ken mackenzie had seen the week previous pickpocket were busy at georgetown fair and wes ribb druggist lost his wallet containing a sum of money his driv or s itcei e and registration card it is believed the same artists victimized attendants of milton fair on satur day citizens of elora have raised 547 25 to purchase a 500 bren gun the balance will be sent to the gov omment for war purposes two more georgetown boys enrolled in the oalt aircraft school last week they are fred armstrong and frank car ter fred is a son of mr and mr joseph armstrong guelph st and frank a son of mr and mrs joseph carter main st north like bui armstrong of whom were wrote last week these boys have been valuable members of our band and will be missed they will no doubt be an asset o the school band now being organized in gait it is surprlsin the amount of grain still out in the fields in this district whether it is the backward weather or the lack of labour that the harvest has not been completely garnered ls hard to tell maybe mitch had something when he said the schoolboys were needed on the farms to help with the grain tampus fashions sji in reoent years campus fashions have taken en a di in l w al- thelr own whether a young miss anxious to look her best at hlgrs school collegiate or boarding school or a co ed at college teenage girl no longer ape the styles of their elders instead they have developed a delightful style trend of their own styles which are in keeping with their gay nonchalance and which flatter their youthful figures styles whlcl- are quite the envy of their trore mature sisters basic costume on every campus in city or town is the jacket and skirt swing skirts of wool or corduroy with knitted sweaters or shirt- maker blouses are always tops jackets were never giddier or gayer they are slightly longer thi season button straight up the centre front aha al ways boast pockets they may be a dashing plaid a maple leaf red or any one of a don bright interesting now shades with this outfit saddle fthois and knee high socks are popular tweeo suits of course are always in favour 4 for younger girls the jumpafore smart and snug in velveteen cord uroy or flannel is the newest thing and ls worn with little blouses or swea ters the campus coat usually has a hood attached about the only hat schoolgirls will wear it ls short and boxy often lined with plaid and re- versfle red coats are making quite a hit and may be worn with grey dull greens off blues and navy or black a chubby box ticket of inexpensive fur worn with a gay wool plaid circular skirt looks very dashing for rugby games fleece cloth teddy- bear or camels hair coats are grand for cold climates especially when worn over a wool jersey dress in one of the new colours dress up and date dresses follow the trend towards tallness and slimness they are made on simple lines with costume jewelry for accent for parties the young miss will look sweet and feminine in a white ch dre with a long very full skirt and a bright coloured jacket ga with embroidery campus clothes must be worn with a casual careless air to be suc cessful but that does not imply lack of neatress jackets and skirts must be spotless and well pressed accessories carefully matched and shoes shined a girl is never too young too learn the elementary principles of smartly dressed the red cross merits ypitr support the canadian red crass ls asking the people of canada for 5 000 000 to finance their work of mercy for another year at this crltl qal time in our empires history the demands upon it are greater and more urgent tlian they have ever been before death dro ping daily from the skies over britain leaves whole fam ilies battered and bleeding ho and destitute these people need food shelter and clothing they need serums and medical supplies at once to prevent the spread of plague and disease the red cross with their ambulances hospitals mobile canteens and all the resources of their huge sorehouscs overseas are meeting the emergency and doing everything possible to alleviate the suffering- and distress of the victims the young men of our fighting services so gallantly facing danger and hardship on land and sia and in the air are worthy of what care and comfort the red craso can give them when they are sick or wounded or lonely we in this favouied land have been preserved irom the actual shock of war we have felt no privation of any kind ancrhave been faxed with nothing mire so far than the demand to give a little of our tuner and some of our money to hitn dcfiat the hordes of hillei the tted cross boo ih of its eotablishic organisation and wide experience in dealing with emergencie- and disistor mer ts o lr s ipport the ebdnt of its services 1 tr i ii by t ail uifc and ability of the canadian pofcple to p v ihi moai lit us be generous the heart is a lm i card of thanks mr edward mcwhlrter and family wish uvtinhc friends and relatives for their kln expressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended them during ubelr book rlvieft pi by carson mcc tillers t it il a o i v hun i l thi first novel of a girl of y p pis i nbel die so dee 1 does shi probe human j i t is and human relationships the reader feels that it nas a ptrttpuon and knowledge of the human heart given to few t book o xi s with tlie story of lwo dal mutes who live together n i coup oi ii mi and 1 id solaci in itch others company one is a gi asy ingiinly mintallj irresponsible gr ik a candymaker whose un- i h ii s ibl r ait him to u nl red i an institution for the insane tin ottitr l john singir employed aa an ei graver in a jewelry store a pontic spiritual character who is lost in a world of alien pople when his eck friend taken awhy he takes a room al kelly s boarding house and arranges to get his als a liiif bronnon c ho lie comrs i contact with jake blaunt i rant ng rebellious drunkard who strangely comes under the influence of i s centimes and godliness as does dr copt and a negro physician who i oal the sick but is torn from his faith and lc t in his frustrated dream of i lallty mick kelly ls a good kid who care for her young brothers and si ters but likes to go off by herself when hc is f ec of them but she i os to singer and pours out to him her dreams of music and her loneli- nrss all these piople strangely seem to find peace and understanding in j hn singer altnough 1 e mi d s jeak 10 thun and through no virtue of h s e ip hl s mp icily and kindliness tl t heart of a lonely hunter is a remarkable book forceful and foule s one that stirs thi imaginations and the heart let me remind you we live in deeds not years in thoughts not breaths in feelings not in figures on a dial we should count time by heart throbs he most lives who thinks most feels the noblest acts the best philip james bailey news about food it ls fall again and cooler days are best what could tempt the appetite more than delicious savoury chili con came besides it is an economy meal chili c on parne p pounds cubed beef and pork 1 tabspoons fat 1 cup celery diced 1 cup cooked rice i cup onion chopped t 1 ran kidney beans cup green pepper 3 cups ripe tomatoes i cup water 1 teaspoon chili powder salt pepper garlic to taste sear the meat in hot fat add the celery onion green pepper tomatoes salt pepper and garlic if desired and water simmer one hour addk kidney oeans rice and chill powder and simmer 15 minutes longer with it serve hot rolls or tea biscuits norval special services in notts chnrchea messrs edward townsend and george sharpe mr and mrs jos harris and miss joy laird motor to caledonia last saturday afternoon to pay rev norman and mrs mac- mlllan a short visit mr and mrs t l momeeun open sunday afternoon with mr harold cation at the home of mr and mrs albert breadner among those attending the hum berstone roberteon wedlngjiiqeflrbe- town last week were mr and mrs oeorge brown mrs prank hustler and mrs william hustler ail of ner val mr and mrs oliver hunter attend ed the wedding of their niece miss marjarle hunter of georgetown hut saturday afternoon mrs hunter played thr wedding music for the hap py oot uoq a party of friends and relatives visited aver sunday with dr ekftwards mr bob gouop has returned to the village after having spent the sutc- mer in port elgin mlas charlotte madpherson has re turned home after spending several weeks in tbranto general hnspttsi w all wish ctwktotte a very speed recovery last sunday was harvest some ha the united church norval the church looked beautiful decorate wtth flowering plants ouquet 1 illlea the main holr and boys choir rendered several pleslna as appropriate nutben at both santoes- rally day was observed last sunday- in nerval presbyterian church a large sunday school attended spe cial musioal numbers were p by the children of great value xwl lnterest was the address fvriktrtnr for service delivered by mrs ploe of brampton baptist reft mr murray wilson is now ortaeaaw and will be ready for service tbtva- mrs b g arnold and bevkhley honorco at iovol the acton free press cards fbar f oowing regarding a farmer ctam-tre- town resident last tbuadajr wu lng a group of ladles gathered jul tte home of mrs p beatty wttw 8- to spend a social evening b q arnold prior to her i still hi 1 1 montreal as mark of ttfstsssw in which she is hold she mi pre esnted with a beatnftil wrist wtc that same evening group of frusi of beverley arnold held a social i lng andfrwell for fairn and ed him with a pen and many friends regret

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