Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 16, 1940, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfourth year of publication wednoday evening october- 16th 1940 1 50 per annum in advance 200 to usa haltoii county assessment would cost 4500 superintendent of municipal affairs djept wua address council on assessment problem at the haton county oouncu meet ing held in milton last tuesday the usual routine business was oompleted at the morning session among the oarrespordence was a letter from the secretary tile milton red cross branch requesting a donation toward their campaign funds a letter from nelson township sta ted that this municipality favored a system 0 reassessment the county ol lincoln forwarded the following resolution requesting en dorsation by halton county besolved that this council lincoln advocate without delay legislation to permit of conscription or wealth tsoughout the dominion tonsure equality of service during the war a letter from halton county wo men s institute protested against cha nging the names on the map ol the blxteen and twelve mile creeks and urged council to use their influ ence to have the old names retained messrs mogg and qulnlan evaluo- tors were present at the afternoon ses sion with mr h o mogg addressing council regarding the assessment of the county mr mogg outlined in de tail the work necessary in valuatlng property for purposes of assessment he cautioned council against taking up this matter without due consldera lion but to tread warily as it was quite easy to get themselves into a mess mr mogg suggested that two valuators should go over the whole county asked for a brief estimate as to the cost of such valuation and the length of time i would take mr mogg re plied the cost would be between 4 000 and 400 and i would say for this county it might easily take five years to complete the job council listened to mr mogg with apparent interest but did not com mlt themselves as to future procedure at the afternoon session reports of the stardmg committees were also read and considered in committee of the whole with mr blain in the chair special communications letteis from the red cross women s instt tute county of uncoln nelson muni cipallty and one from the bell tele phone were filed a letter from the depatnnent of municipal affairs advls ed the council that mr r j moore supervisor would get in touch with council in the very near future with the hope of assisting the council with their problems regarding equalized as the clerk was instructed to write mr moore if no further communica tion was received in reasonable time county buildings this committee recommended payment of accounts amounting to 137 19 also acceptance of the following tenders for coal a hillmer stoker coal 8 65 per ton r s adams nut coal 14 46 per ton r s adams blower coke 950 per ton hospital accounts passed for pay ment amounted to 73759 finance a letter from a e wilson represenung lloyd s road liability in surance aavised council that his com pany after considering the loss rates of halton county could not grant a rate lower than 47969 for limits of 110 00020 000 000 therefore a motion was required authorized the issuance of a policy at a premium of s479 69 mr wilsons previous tender was 439 96 this naturally provoked a good deal of criticism and in the discussion that took place it transpired that the pol icy had not yet been delivered al though coverage had been received by the county it was moved by dr heslop secon ded by mr byers that a cheque for 39 73 be sent to a e wilson co in surance agents balance or prem ium for road insurance subject to policy being delivered carried moved by c h heslop seconded u j r byers that victor hall jr be appointed caretaker of the court house at the same salary as that paid j c fleming who has resigned carried moved by mr heslop seconded by mr hillmer that the county engineer and one member of the county roads committee be sent to quebec city to represen halton council at the can adian good roads convention ca rted the i ijlowlng accounts were passed for payment finance 1 096 07 county buildings 137 19 hfftpual 13750 printing 66 07 agriculture 105 0 moved by mr hillmer seconded by mr wilson that the boys who repre sent haiton county at the provincial ploughing match be given a grant of 50 carried the agricultural co recom mended payment of fobtx to john m b balance due on com borer inspection also the sum of 670 for mileage on reforestation work toiincllagrsed that it might be nec essary to call a special meeting of council when arrangement had ben made for mr r j moore to advise and address council regarding equal lied assessment council adjourned card of thanks we wish to thank friends and neigh bours for their kindnesses during our recent b edward and bella wheeler the weather during the greater part of the past week we have been favored with fine fall weather and moderate- tempera tures the maples and sumacks have taken on all their marvelous coloring and the country has been looking it best sunday capped the climax with a cloudless blue sky all day but it was followed on thanksgiving day with vl kinds of weather and a short hall storm thrown in for good measure and a shaking rath all night to start the new week following are the records of tem perature and rainfall for the week datt tues oct wed oct 9 tkufs ool pri oct 11 sat ocl 12 sun oct 13 mon oct tues oct h and l rain- temp fall death of mrs robert wheeler after a short illness mrs robert wheeler passed away last thursday october 10th at her home on church street she had been ailing for the past six months and had been con fined to bed for ten days prior to her demise mrs wheeler was born emma jane hill in ogdensburg n y a daughter of the late mr and mrs william hill the tamily moved to ltmehouse where she met and mar ried the late robert wheeler twer- tyfive years ago the family moved to georgetown mrs wheeler was a lifelong member of the presbyterian church and was a member of the wa of knox pres byterian church she was 76 years old she is survived by two children bella at home and edward with the cnit in hamilton a brother ed ward hill lives in georgetown three other brothers robert james and albert pvdeeased their sister the funeral was held last saturday from h r late residence with burial n litnehouse cemetery rev d d davidson of knox presbyterian church preached the funeral service pallbearers were andrew dobbie an gus lawson thomas dobbie william patterson marshall currle and w1i liam marshall a number of friends and relatives were present from georgetown acton guelph toronto and orangevllle legion will help educate thousands of men under arms canadian legion war services has announced that its fall and winter program of education among the for ces at sen on land and in the air is now under way and that applications are being received trom men in all parts of the dominion who wish to take up or to continue studies in aca demies and vocations according to lieut col wilfrid bo vey o b j2 or montreal national chairman of the legions military ed ucation division negotiations conduc ted during the summer have resulted in the wholehearted cooperation of every pnvinclal department of educa tlon and scores of prominent educa tionlsts and qualified instructors have offered their services on an honorarj basis it is anticipated that between three and four thousand men under arms in canada alone with hundreds more stationed in great britain new foundland and iceland will become enrolled as students for the new study season col bovey said it was expected tha a legion education officer would leave shortly for england to re establish classes among the canadian forces overseas he pointed out there would be a great demand for such activity if hitler cor fines his assaults on britain to the air princess alice to speak over cbc her royil highness princess alice seen bene with ilia excellency the earl of athtor will speak over the cbc nat ional network on sunday october 20 during a special broad cast prevailed by the cbc in eo operation with the canadian welfare cooncil other speakers will be most reverend der- wyn owen most reverrnd alexander vachon and leonard brockmgton k c l l d the broadcast will also feature music by the rcmp band and the orthwtra of lei concerts symphoniques de montreal oonduited by wilfred pellet ler and arthur carron tenor of the metropolitan opera company this canadian welfare council broadcast will be presented in aid of the canadian community welfare council across the dominion almost a tragfdy it was near tragedy for fluff cm n iminl of the ftoaf barber ti mllv who nd a visit to mrs d l h rbcrt s maple avenue home last balurdi afternoon in mid after noot f ff wis noticed in a wild len nto the valley but no attention was uaid to his antics until a fra l lc mr barber turned up about 7 pm earchlig for his dog a search pirt was organized and soon the unfo urate fluff was discovered in an abando led well behind the herbert home major j r barber was called to the ctnc- and roat made the peril us descent irto the depths on a ladder which dldn t quite reach the botton being su pended from a stout rop- nbove l itkih t pile of dead leaves had been thrown into the well which was dry a few weeks before and fluff escaped without a scratch upon lis lasc h tore rrndly about the lawn and vociferously expressed hls thanks i to his rescuers red cross siiipmfnt the following shipment is go p f ward to headquarters this woe 60 surgical dressings 19 x 12 160 surgical dressings 9 x 10 240 surgical dressings 9 x j 800 wipes 2x2 1200 compresses 4x4 100 face masks 50 bias bandages flannelette 6 100 si might binda s factor ci ton 4 anniversary services at knox presbyterian church annfar ervlces were held in kno presbjterian church last sun raj alti two toronto ministers as k est pr at hers the morning servic as coitucted by rev ross k cam ro i t dovercourt road presbyter an church a former georgetown boy rtv gilbert little of chalmers pres bjterlan church was speaker at the veiling crvice c music was featured by the holr i noer the direction of s t taram with mis june frank at the iran at both services mr william young accompanied miss frank on i i lolln during the offertory mr w chater oflfred a baritone solo d rin the morning service while mr a hayman tenor was soloist in the vcnjig on tiesday nlirht a hot fowl sup r wts erved to a large number of d t i mr ruthven mcdonald w ho has a nation wide reputation for his character sketches was unable to b ptesent and as this was the only ttirtjfiirrf nl scheduled the evening i nded ea llcr than anticipated in his ibscnc mr param obligingly sub stltuted with vocal solos accompanied by mlss june frank local w ctu asks government to restrict beverage sale mr and mrs william bullivant receive friends on the occasion of their thirty fifth wending anniversary mr and mrs william bullivant were at home to friend last saturday afternoon from three till five thirty pm mrs bullivant assisted by mrs woo thompson received about forty guests includln members of st oeorges w a of which mrs bullivant is a mem ber those present included mr and mrs bullivant s lhiee daughters mrs gordon pass of preston mrs lex schrag brampton and mrs wiulafbj clements brampton mrs george s len glen williams a sister of mrs bullivant a sister inlaw mrs james woods georgetown and mr and mrs harvey c 1 annln of shrewsbury wor cester mass the bullivant home on charles street was attractively decorated with pink and white mums delicious re freshments were served which iticlud ed portions of the 35th annlversarj cake rev w g o thompson dropped l during the afternoon congratulating mr and mrs bullivant he wished gqds cortinued blessing on the fa mily doorth jean macarthur eldest laughter of mrs macarthur and the late william d macarthur was mar ried last wednesday to harry wood- row norton eldest son of mr w r norton and the late mrs norton th ceremony took place in knox presby terian manse acton with rev h l bennie officiating the bride was becomingly attired in navy blu wool crepe with matching icctvsorits and wore a corsage of purple cchids bent by the grooms brother mr howard norton from ei centro columbo her attendant mlso mary doig of georgetown wore a wine colored costume and corsage of orchids mr john mann attended the groom a reception was later held at the home of the bride the couple left for norlhern ontario afterwards hie bride travelling in grey wool dress with gryn accessories mr and mrs norton will reside in acton i norval rifle club ov in to the hollda and a wet i vht ik attendance was very slim onk six members attending and u jr tggregate scores are as follows i atkir on 100 x 9 c c meredith i 100 x 9 a w wilson 99 x 9 chas cavs 90 6 marj j crozier 95 x 3 c g cai telon 94 x 4 canadian corvette takes to the water lorne scots at erin fair last monday thanksgiving day c company of the lome scots reglmlnt held a parade in erin the ccmpany was under the com mana c malor i r barber and con slated of unlls from georgetown mil ton acton and grand valley by far the largest part of the company came from jtorgetown who contributed not only wo full platoons 13 and 12i but also the mortar platoon and a large part of headquarters platoon the company paraded down the main street of erin into the fair grounds w here they conducted march past the regiment s manding officer col conover the inspecting officer by mrs c b dayfoot press becty friday last the october meeting of the wctu was held at the homer of mrs c b dayfoot market street with the newly elected president mrs r h wright in the chair miss ellen mckay assisted by se veral oil w members conducted very htart searching and inspiring bible stidj entitled building the city of goa ine thought of the coming of the kingdom of god on earth runs like a golden thread throughout scrip ture abraham seeking for a whoe builder and maker is god was the f of a long line of those who dreamed of that hdty city cometh down from god out i ven if christianity is true the hops of the city of god on earth is no naredreaintnelthep make it a reality such visions mean not work accomplished but work re- veald the way of the city is the way of the cross the glorc and pain of building the city of god is that whenever we are and whatever we do we axe either i bringing down that city of god out or heaven or v are barring 10i entrance in the words of the poet we find the meaning of our faith la the cross dreams are they but ye cannot stay them nor thrust the dawn back for one hoij- truth ixjve and justice though ye slay them return with more than earthly power peace is not just the absence of war peace is a condition full of positive corshuctlve tasks ji which all the energies and resources now being us ed and perverted into instruments of destruction shall be converted into means of building among the nations the holy city the kingdom of god on earth tha very beautiful message in sons the nirety and nine sung by mrs a h fel er echoed the keynote of the message of the day speaking as it does of the good shepherd who known not happiness while one sheep is away from the shelter of the fold the crlef item on the program of business was the discussion of how best to co operate with the canadian temperance federation which is at present endeavouring to arouse the people and government of canada to the serious menace to our war effort of the waste involved in the use of beverage alcohol the union decided to follow the suggestions offered by the central or ganization and write individually and continued on page 8 businessman joins casf mr w b tyers proprietor of tyers creamery on main street signed up for active service as a truck mec hanic with the rcasc last week and is at present stationed in toronto he expects to be moved within the next few days probably to camp borden in his absence mrs tyers will loo after the business assisted by gordon com- powers and wilfrid kirfcwood both was former employees of the acton cream ery i prominent esquesing resident buried this aiternoon canada tnor naval programme involve the construction of about 68 speedy va and worn m alne- at a cost of approximately 52000000 one of those sleek cerrettas la here shown taktor to the water at a recent launching a large number of relatives and friends attended funeral services this afternoon for the late george leslie who passed away at his home near stewart own on thanksgiving day the funeral was held from his home lot 16 concession 5 esquesing town ship with rev f c overend ol georgetown united church conduct ing the service pallbearers were john leslie thomas l leslie george leslie w torrance and w bowman burial was in greenwood cemetery georgetown george leslie was born in ohingu- acousy township in 1856 the so of john s leslie and ann mcpherson his grandfather george leslie came to canada from county tyrone ire land and settled near the village of georgetown near the site of the pres ent paper mills his father john s leslie who farm ed in chlngacousy served on several municipal councils and was a prom inent figure in township affairs of the day in 1881 george leslie married the late martin ann cook of glen wil liams who passed away in 1927 the couple settled on the site of the pres ent leslie home in esquesing seven children v ere born of whom five sur vivemrs gertrude laidlaw mrs w- bowman mlldredt mrs w torrance jean mr anna johnston of king ston and john of calgary alberta nnd two sons roy and prank died several years ago mr leslies only living brother resides in abbotaford ac the late george leslie was for for tyfour yeans treasurer of bsquesdng township a position which he resign ed last april on account of 111 health he served faithfully in this public posrion with the unique distinction of being in office under bwentyfour different reeves in politics he was a liberal on may 3rd he celebrated his 84th birthday and though ailing he had not lost the keen wit and solid commonsense which were an integral part of his character he will be greatly missed by his many friends throughout the township george leslie who died at his esquesing township home on monday community salvage drivk is underway yesterday marked the opening of the fiveday community salvage drive sponsored by the local branch of the iodj3 articles wanted include the follow ing papr newsprint magazines boxes bags- map paper rags all kinds clean or dirty in cluding burlap twine carpet canvas lead sine etc metals copper brass cast iron wrought iron miscellaneous rubber toothpaste and shave cream tubes etc all these scrap aruoles are valuable contributions to canadas war effort and dtisens are urged to add ttistr contributions to the salvage drive complete canvass of the town will t made if you are nttasefl phone member of the loixe- or bring yottc scrap to the town hall 4

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