Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 16, 1940, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening octobet 16th 1940 mainly for w aimy ror women biminnnnnibiiiiniiirhiiiiii m maxniwiii international uniform b i s timely topics for women by barbara baines sunday school lesson problem parents how orten have you heard the term problem children immediate ly you think of the child who is a misfit in his home a worry to hi teacher and a constant source- ot annoyance to all who are forced to have anything to do with him he may be quite an adorable youngster lrf many ways goodlooking clever generous but all his like able qualities are spoiled because he is a bully a constant showoff takes eulky fits or has other bad personality habits he is a problem because he always has to be managed or handled with kid gloves j yes we ire all familiar wlththe problem chila but w many of you are familiar with the problem parent they can be just as trouble some probably more so because the child rasn t the experience or the judgement required to deal with a difficult stualton many children as they grow older and become more familiar with other homes have suffered untold agonies because their mother or father was different because they showed poor taste in clolhes because they were eccentric tactless or had acquired conspicuous or offensive manner isms a child takes a fierce pride in his home his family their posses kions but he early learns to observe and make comparisons he likes his family to be regular i do not believe children are ever ashamed by ut ter lack of worldly goods as ataey are by peculiarities in their home lift tleylle then homes standardized to a pattern in other words like johnny s home or mary 3 some parents are hard to live with because they do not treat their chil dren as real per cms but rather as possessions they dominate them in every way decide on their clothes their iriends how they spend their time children like to have things talked over with them they like to think their opinions count that they have t share in making plans th like to be mad- feel that they have a separate entity from that of ther parehts f other parents are a problem bccauie they are too affectionate too attentive before outsiders children have an inherent sense of dignilv and of the fitness of things they do not like co be placed in an embar rassing situation any more than they like tl elr playmates to think thev are pampered sissies likewise children deeply resent being scolded or criticized or shamed before others it makes them lose fact with their friends clothes are a touchy subject with nosi young p ople they dreso not to please themselves or their parents but the crowd on no account must thej ever wear anything that would set thim aside as different much needless heartbreak is suffered when parei t fail to understand how important this is especially m the caie of duighters in the tarly teens another characteristic of children is tlitir reticence on bcin ques tloned manj are made quite miseiable by their parents prying into their affairs wanting to know where uie wtit who they saw what they did what was said actually they may have nothing to hide but they hat being forced to expose eveiyjiing u their elders this fact has been brought home espec ally in the case of our younc wai guest many ot whom have shown that they di like hiv 1 0 to answer so ni my personal questions the most satisfa lory parents then from the child s view point are those who keep up with lie times tn their lorn their dress tm ir con versation their outlook on hf rnd wh tn t theii childrtn as er sons with opinions thrush s ide ils intl pi ns ol the r own canadian kombv in i niform there is nothing like a uniform to give one a feeling of self con t fidence of belonging of being equipped to do a job well it l no becoming qi ite a familiar sight tc see camdiin women wear ing uniform in britain women are well organized and ahtady playing an active role in the big push towaid final victory in can id i o dau there has not been the argent need for womens serucis that iheie ls in the ola lane but here too mans womn are fmdlns that they can prepare them selves for greater us fulno s by joining up with an oifanlztd unit an i receiving icgular instruction and training foremost among canadian women wearing the klnc t unifotm are of course our overseas nursing sisters some of tl em are attached o the canadian ha pita 1 at tuplow and others are cirrving on their work of mercy under a constant threat of bombs it no 15 can idian general hospital in southern england nursing sisters weiring a similar un form of indigo blue staff military hospitals in canada the canadian red cross have organized the women s voluntary j3ervice corps to qualify for the transport section women must have motormechanics and firs aid certificates and be free to serve full time without remuneration if called upon they re drill ng dail and tn the evenings attend lectures in military procedure mapreading a rp work etc in toronto hey paraded recently in aid or the red croi tag day in montreal the women s voluntary reserve corps have been train ing since the outbreak of the war and are anxious to be the first auxili ary detachment to get into action overseas they have taken courses in mechanics map reading firstaid and military regulations and are experienced ambulance drivers thy wear smart uniforms of air force blue with skirts 16 inches i om the ground all makeup is banned in halifax the women s canadian service corps has been organized to give every possible aid in furthering canada s war alms they have been instructed in foot and squad drill rifle drill first aid signalling and army field tactics in toronto the canad an womens service fqce has grown until now it consists of two battalions it is sponsored by the canadian corps association most of the leaders are wom veterans of the last war who served with the waacs wren s or oher units classes are given in motor mechanics firstaid ajij and military drill is stressed special classes are beinv held to train officers who are being selected from the ranks the cwsp look very smart in their khaki uniforms when on parade it is expected that units will be formed in every pro vince the canadian auxiliary for territorial service or cats as they call themselves are strongly organized in toronto regina winnipeg ottawa and other centres their uniform consists of a straight skirt and tunic of airforce blue rain proof cloth and nifty forage cap and trench coat in the same colour their training covers a broad field and includes secretarial work telegraphy field kitchen and canteen work as well as squad drill flrstald motor mechanics and arp work all members must be of british birth and british parentage and between the ages of 20 and 45 just organized are the canadian girl air cadets with member ship open to any air minded girl between 12 and 18 thej will study elementary aeronautics and receive the same training as the boy air ca w now n 2000 in canada at present the girls are quite excited about choosing utelf hew uniforms in other towns and cities across the dominion other women are being given their first taste of military discipline and their first oppor tunity to get into uniform all seem very happy about their training and very grateful for the chance to prepare for some form of national service canadian women in uniform may yet prove an important factor in winn ing the war book revifw through the house door by helen hall this novel deals with the problem of a career woman and those s close3t to her her husband dr julian downing has had to give up his brilliant career in research work because of almost total blindness he is helpless and lost his w fe bearlc is forced to become the breadwinner and has considerable success with her womens page o the air on the radio she finds herself admired and important and gradually her life with her queulous and despairing husband becomeo more and more distasteful she is attracted by shepherd blair forceful and hard but charming who is ln love with her the young daughter leslie sympathizes deeply with her father jut is the- means of his learning tc use tre typewri of his taking a renewed interest in his work and finally being offered a post with his old university other characters ln the book are beatrices mother agatha who writes books to keep her philandering husband humbert and the incom p maid pan ttthfrerhfe has run away fromunpeasant things finds herself in an impossible situation will she desert her helpless hus band julian who is still able to move lier to tenderness for another man in whom she has already ceased to belleve7 in the end she finds herself and ne happiness miss hull has handled with understanding the impulses tempta tions and motives of her characters most women will enjoy her newest book let me remind you science when she has accomplished all her triumphs in her order win cull bare to go bckvwben the ume comes to assist tn building up a new creed by wlijcinhan can live job msriejr the message of john the baptist sunday october 20th 1940 golden text bring forth there fore fruits worthy of repentance luke 3 8 lesson passage luke 33 817 21 22 lord pity all discouraged hearts to day give jiem the sweet assurance of your help along the way make plain the crooked paths and st a ght the roads reach out lour hand dear l and 1 help them bear t their heavy loads and some way let them foel that you ax 1 tar grace noll crowe the fact of bin 3 jolin the baptist was a volcanic man he did not say smooth things but erupted jets of verbal flame ht had a conscience that was very sensi tive to sir and he had the forthright power to convict others of their tns also his lame drew people from jer usalem out to the jordan valley where he tola tl om to ltpent and receive re mission ol sins there is no external way to bo freed of guilt something must haj pen in the inner life for giveness is a fact just as recovery from skknss is a fact a troubled cons elence c in find peace only by confes sion g 1 u ne reeniance tirid a rlt 1 about iacc in conduct this is ni a make txllcvc process it can be a milium puice of the soul so that th love of iil is lost uid the capacity foi beinj si cked by wrong is rest 01 nl on the dj of pi iyr throughout tin brit 1 fjnpiru tlitie was a deep no 1 of wni tit in tin public seivict guilt r the wru w is traced down llish 1 h 1 h it irdlv justified in nd 1 hi could bi it wi a d iv ol rm ir 11 jxntai e the test of iruilfulness h som- the who f joll lies p hearers ophet w tho 11 if 11 1 i ir table tn hvr 11 bit 1 jmjo he sud that m iili n had to do with one s piivalc life flu v wer ph in es dcsctndmi s ol abt ham uid they could sun k bt excus 1 from making v 11 tonft smn mid t 1 mif tlit 01 h the watt rs of baptism john relkd tint ra 1 u piidt did no mak up for moral fallurt his l was thil of fniitfulness live art u fruit tries it thty do not lx ar fi nit tin j must mak w for others thi will today democracy is btlii tesuil aain tl c axe is laid to the roots o the tiec ii democricv continues o mt sol and undisciplined if it ls a form of collective irresponsibility it will 1 ass away it must justify i- tight to endure if it ls to be allow d to cont nut the same test allies to the church beautiful ritual and aici itecture are worthv in their place bill john the christian religion is ethkal to ti tn core and unless the christian churc can solve the evils of illiteracy pov ertj unemployment racial hate am war it will have to give away to an othei organization unit will servi 1 is the see reason for survival carrolls bright solid pack pie cherries 15oz tins 21 special pure lard lib pk 8c eulfirst shortmiins or domestic in pk age wagstaff es red stoneleu plum jam aymer pork with pectin blueberries 15c and the alway be an enund jelly 12-ox- si 15c canadian chicken haddie z 25c beans 2 2 15 xo 49c m 6070 medium sized regularly 10c iprunes 3 xsi coo tunc figs x ii 25c westons butter waferettes n 15c christies rainbow cake zoc campbells new pack tomato juice pearl naphtha soap 5 19c soap flake jif ll pki 19c infant delight soap 5c 19oz tin handy powdered ammonia z pk 9c cocoa z5c lifebuoy soap 7c 3 2sf golden ripe bananas sweet juicy oranges dm 27c tokay grapes 2 17c cholw and crisp celery hearts m swtet potatoes 5 17c no 1 ontario potatoes f21t fruit and vegetable prices until saturday night only phone 357 free delivery main st georgetftwir fi j in ilhng t tile sei ond pi ice the 1111 1 1 w 1 lium j1 ip i ot ni t 1 ci n i mil do what he hi tl 1 ti 11k wo k ol john was f chr emphasis on conduct ip 14 as i bipi t i ni hw who h is t tin chri llin fi i preacher john the baptist was efcctlvt his hearers did not crowd i ound to compliment him on his trm u but they asked him siying what si all we do his fcaruss ex posurc of their sinful heat ts madt them ieady for action john the d monsi baptist haa a ready answer for their ml iht tnw dr que tlon ht told thi people who wtre ifud th iiintrii prosperous to share with those in dt need the tax gatherers to be absolu o tey honest in their accounts the so- dn rs to be contented and not to at cu falsi ly or resort to blarkmall john said that religion without mor ality was in vain the revivnl of roll rfion neeoed today to prepaie for die ullei oming of the son of mm inn trar earthly lire firta io secure that r cher baptism of all our relational in the d ine spirit is a revival strong y ethical and genuinely social rather than ecclesiastical or emotional le the call issue north vouth east and west fo- an about face toward right eousnes in the common relations of every day life then all flesh may see the alvallon of god taking second plwe 15 17 when peaking the word of the lord i of ulm i t mom tin 1 f i f cd his plii it nt tins st r lit l god s lx u fort n i a mnskii john wnli witer but chris i fin incl with the spirit i ki i well u- strength h ni isu in his words h xwt r i f loe to u j h tow h i tli thus tin om w hi eh ii his tp ing withi he mf in l rslnp ih firf now in tike i comer ed in i and vou fmd f nonntt phrases b io glv t t pr sslon to this i fetl a burn what dot s hi mem tlm sense ol icy dlscl- luis btcome changed s less of warm discip son ii was baptizt inptlzed with o a princt of eie ind not i i i 1 idtr the svmool was the th i pn sen ed pcae he woula i it i is ng the ir thtxls of cdu hion and religion during his bap- i in l is prajtd in this rite he nadt ti unt omprumlsmg surrender of il aill it cot hls public ministry u it i o his complete surrtnder furshons for discussion how c ttn should wc engage in ntr n il ni scarchinc v i l the relation ol character to trniift i wei john bthaiour standards w jim 1 nnin niwer to fulfil i what did christ hae that john the hip i t lacked dis ns the doe of peace m a world in ix outlines coprlghted bv i lionil count il of religious used b permission im of jesus 21 22 biptism mean to je the bapll wnnl old in i i w s i rclognition or the i of j hn niu lnine ft was an idn ificititn of hlmstlf with his fcl low nin who were srrklng release t m n ii iso broupht to him a sn c of i linr favour and it confir med his cumrifon that his activity nfws abott food the season for fresh fruits ls almost gone but before the peaches and blueberries disappear fiom the fruit market do try this delicious dessert t teaspoon vanilla 3 egg yolks 2 cups milk 4 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons sugar teaspoons cornstarch fruit costard t it spoon almond extract few riins nutmeg 2 cups drained and sweet entd fresh fruit i peaches blu berries strawberries rasibeities or cherries combine the cornstarch sugar and salt atd miligradually- coottn dotate ixuer- stirring con imtd stighuy thickened beat egg yolks and add hot mixture slowly cook again until mixture coats spoon add vanilla almond and nutmeg pour into serving dish cool cover with one cup fruit chill meringue 3 egg whites e tablespoons sugar pew grains salt beat egg whites until stiff but not dry adding sugftr and salt gradually pile meringue ln a ring on a greased pie plate set in a shallow pan of water bake to a modermte oven 335 degrees p ao minutes vfbea cool slip on top of costard pill the ring with the remainder of the sweetened fruit bervea six booze and bombers iii this time of our nationil emer nency we art asked to take care of 1 dir t sources and avoid all waste or iinnti sary expenditures pi op f s are urged to buy war sav- i s t iniiw and mam societies ha ck k o and destroyed them so that the goternment will not be called up en to redeem them cnildren are opening their pennv and dime saving banks to buy these tamps and are asking that instea 1 of having picnics or prizes the money be used to buy stamps if you want to go to the us for n vacation or to visit your friends or relatives the banks are not allowed to let you have american funds we must conserve our expenditures if you owe a dollar debt in the ob and have tmamertcam hill and sent tn a payment in a letter the censor will return it to you and you must end it through the channels by which the government will get the 10 ex change on it the cou moneyl we are warned on every side against unneceasrxy expenditure and rightly so but how about an item on expen diture which seems to be ignored so far in the last year of which we have recod the canadian people spent ln the govonrmnt uquor stores about 174jjoo000 in round figures let us do a little arithmetic a few months agdthe daughters of the em pire ln canada from coast to coast raised the sum of one hundred thous- md doll irs to give the government i n i bomber which wfla give fit lu tni only kind of an an swer the nazis seem to understand if 100 000 would purchase 1 bombev 10 times 100 000 or 1000 000 woulfl bin 10 bombers and 174 000 000 woulf biv 1740 bombers in o it words the people spent last vear in the government liquor sto e money enough to pay for 1t ht mb rs which would be a tremen dous asfot to the empire just now this takes no account of the monegpr p n fo- liquor in other places artf siv- nothing of the results of th results o the liquor and the loss ot efficiency it causes w inch is another wt alst know it may be said that hum purchases help to keep cana- alan breweries and distilleries goingl true but this does not alter the fact that uit purchase aiuf use of thur- boozt ls n economic waste and the cause of a great amount of trouble which the country might well be spar- ed booze swallowed the price of 17 bombers in one yxar for 1939 the expenditure was 17 million forward tea is becoming s i avourtte drink of troops abroad canadian soldiers overseas have e veloj d a undness for tea and are im bibing in the national beverage of the old cfjunti with typical british reg ularity tea or in king has become such custoti among the men in fact that the overseas organization of the can adian legion war services is puton into opemtlon early next week anoth ermobile- van to follow the troop during route marches and night man oeuvres when they are away frona thefr own regimental kitchens hot tea which is served free of charge is greatly appreciated especially now that cooler weather has arrived according to captain charts wl evans overseas manager of the ci wb the van will also cany suppliee of cigarettes af and cakes it win be in charge of captain the bev w t r cnpps former rural dean at baft deer alta who is one of the 10 le gion supervisors now with the latan 2nd canadian divisions subscribe now for your local nu

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