Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 16, 1940, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 16th 1940 bobn solver at toronto oeneral hospi tal on wednesday oct 9th to mr and mr sidney silver orlula a died t t his home lot 16 con cession 5 esqueelng township on monday october hth who george leslie husband of the late martha ann cook aged 84 years in memoriam jkpson tn loving memory of neville jepson who passed away on octo ber 15th 1805 sadly missed by alice and bob uno in loving memory of a dear eon and brother alexander stewar iflno who passed away october 13 1936 we who loved you sadly miss you as it dawns another year r in our lonely hours of thinking thoughts of you are ever near sadly missed by the family in our mail bag camp borden ontario october 12th 1940 gentlemen i wish to thank you very much for the copy of the herald it comes bere every thursday night and its- treat to see in fact last week i did not nave time to read it thursday night ma we were going on night tactics so i took it with me and read it the nex morning the boys thought i was reading the morning paper there are some more boys from town in this hut so those who get the pass it around to the others for it s nice to hear what goes on around home we are still here tip at camp borden and its a nice camp considering a good place for training once again i thank you for sending tbe paper and also the person who so kindly put my name and number in to you peoples hands heres wishlne the best of success and health yours sincerely pte j p mileham b74728 no 1 company 48th highlanders depot 2 itc camp borden ont what an ancient seer predicted that came true fascinating prophecies by the onl man who ever foresaw the future witn any degree of accuracy startling pre dictions by a prophet of the mldj ages detailed by the grand duchess marie author of education of a princess in the american weej the great weekly magazine with the octobe 20 issue of the detroit sun day times be sure to get your copy bomxminos many of you will remember this in cident during the royal visit to otta wa last j ear their majesties the king and queen stole away for a quiet stroll along a country lane near aylmer and encountered en route a boy and his mongrel dog as well as several farmers and their wives who will remember the day for the rest of their lives unknown to the rest of the world the women s institute of aylmer com memorated the first anniversary af this unheralded royal visit some weeks ago and the story is told in the chris tian science monitor by corolyn cox in part us follows on the anniversary of this day the aylmer east women s institute gath ered by the side of the highway where that dirt road turned off and planted a tree cars whizzed past on the high way bearing early golfers to the vari ous ottawa clubs the occupants lean ing out to stare at the odd little group of women with spades i might have made this quite an occasion said the member in charge i could have got some government member or an officer from govern ment house to come and plant this tree but ladies the little incident we have come here to remember was a private matter just between our selves ard the queen and it wouldnt be fitting to make a public show of it- the little boy was there he had brought his dog well brushed for the occasronalidisotwon51nrmaeboys who had run away because they were too shy to talk to the queen a sturdy oak was planted every woman throwing a handful of earth and then a prayer was said right there in the open beside the streaming traf fic an informal little prayer for the empire to live and shelter truth and decency just as the oak should grow to shelter the earth beneath it the ceuntrjioving queen who had stopped to pick flowers there the year before had carried back with her these women a personal private affection and respect the simple things of the world mattered the- had learned in go house in ottawa and in buck igham palace in london as well at or their smill farms then- was not a dry eje in the group they sang goi save the king against the noise of traffic and went home bell teltphone magazine ashgrove- the young peoples union held its first devotional meeting of the fall term on sunday night in charge of joy and jak ruddeu joy rud- dell read two poems after which florence laldlaiw favored us with a vocal solo show me my task leslie hardj gae a splendid talk on mor al rearmaments we also enjoyed hearing the rebroadcast of princess euxabbth talk the meeting was brought to a close by the league bene diction an interesting meeting of the wo mens institute was held at the home of mrs fred wrigglesworth on tues day october 15th the guest speaker of the aftcrnoop was mrs cowan district president who chose thanks giving aa the title of her discourse a paper on home defence begins in the kitchen was given by mrs c b dick mfscs reta fisher and char lotte wbton gave interesting descrip tlons of their trip with the junior farmers and junior institute to mon treal a vocal duet by mrs c b dick and miss marion dick was much enjoyed after the singing of the national anthem a social half hour was snent when the lunch committee assisted by the hostess served lunch balun rev e and mrs marshall and daughter helen and dr mary baglty of toronto were holiday visitors at the canada year bi 1940 now av mr ino mrs w a mcgilvray and mr md mrs bruce mcgllvroj of toronto and mr and mn walter mc- gihia oi bmlmgton trt week end iiois with mr and mr f l mc- gihraj ttuuul 16 no otaesl tasacca just like old chum air minister speaks to aussies over cbc miss ethel swlndlehurst of bramp ton spent the week end at her home here the mission circle will hold their october meeting at the home of mrs p w shortlll hie members of the wa met for their october meeting at the h mls jancv olvcns in the abse the president mrs j snow presided a the neeting the opening exer ctses wire responsive icrlpturt read ing andprayor bv mrs a foremar several hems of church business neri dbcussed the meeting closed with singing and prayer the wms and mission circle hi 11 thel uumk offering meeting in th church thursday evening erin churchill and georgetown auxiliaries wrrc represented the devotional ex erclscs were taken b members of th erin at xjiar tin theme christi in stewardship a i milled ou hnr m lambs a cr iii wis renders d bj ihi circlt girl crcni aitktn of guflph was book iuest speaker the publication of the 1940 edition of the canada year book published bv authorization of the hon james a mackinnon minister of trade and commerce is announced by the do minion bureau of statistics the canada year book is the official sta tistical annual of the country and contains a thoroughly uptodate ac count of the natural resources of the dominion and their development the history of tie country its institutions its demography the different branches of production trada transportation finance education etc in brief a comprehtrslve study within the limits of a single volume of the social and economic condition of the dominion this new edition has been thoroughly revised throughout and includes in all its chapters the latest information available up to the date of going to press the 1940 canada year book extends to ovei 1200v- pages dealing with all phases of the national life and mere especially wiyj those susceptible of statistical measurement a statistical summary of the progress of canada is included in the introductory matter this givea a picture in figures of the remarkable progress which the coun try has rnude since the first census of the dominion was taken in 1871 six tyelght years ago special articles in chapter 1x- forestry there appears at 258 an article on canadian forest resource their relation to the war of 1914 18 and to the present effort and at pp 298309 chapter xii mines and minerals a special treat ment er titled the development o canada s mineral resources in rela lion to the piesent war effort is giv en these features along with the bpecial war chronology at pp 3640 carried down to july 8 1940 in pendlx 1 and in conjunction with the revision oi the general chapter ma tcrial reflect the economic and otnei adjustments that are now uder way other new features altent on l tailed to some of the more important additional icaiuris of the present vo ume cnapte- xiii formerly devoted to a iriaimen of water power develop m ut lias been ricusl and broadened to cover iill iwwtr howiir gmented nd its utilization this has involved uidil tudj and coordination ol miuiitl f om other chap irs of th- txingyeai book as will as from outside i chorus o nets irt n especially in relation to r equipmuil the result is more i hi iht puixse o the year to bunj together all rtlat down on the farm bout half past down on the farm four i slip on my pants and sneak out the door out of the yard i run like the dickens to milk ten cows and teed the chick ens clean out the barn flurry nancy and jiggs separate the cream and slop all the pigt work two hours then eat like a turk and by heck 1 m ready for a full day s work then i grease the wagori and put on the rack throw a jug of water in an old grain sack hitch up the horses hustle down the lane must get the hay in for it looks like rain look over yonder sure as im born cattle on the rampage and cows in the corn start across the medder run a mile or two heaving like im windbroke get wet clear through get back to the horses then for re compense nancy gets straddle the barbed wire ferce joints ell aaehing and muscles in jerk work allsummer till winter is nigh then figure up the books and heave a big sigh work all year dldnt make a thing got less cash now than i had last spring now some people tell us that there alnt no hell but they never farmed so they cant tell its sometimes discouragln close to- a sin wlh everything gotn out and nothln comin in when spiing rolls round i take an other chance while the fringe grows longer on my old grey pants f give my s pendens a hitch my belt arother jerk and by heck i m ready for a full years work wejdo printing cor every description auction sale norval and mr hon c g power canadian minister of national defence for air addressed a message of welcome tn the first contingent of the royal australian air force when the group arrived recently at a west coast canadian port in his address broadcast over the cbc national network mr power referred to the contribution to the empires war effort the boys were making by coming- to canada to complete their air training under the empire air training scheme mr uid mrs j l ash o fturlxioih tn tiwstv at the pr w rnn m him this ixist wk mis alrrit bendlck from tarns i forme si visited rectntlv will iii mr and mis ljtit mr jack laird of pilo mo uid man itobi vis ltd with rt limes in norval on silui li he s with ji rova camcli i i armv stivici corjs and ls nov s nt ond i c imp bord n mr lairds bro her ls with tin army ji jam ale i vlaitini with m mnv mcclur norv il l mrs a mccl in f toron to id info rr lion from ollltial sources m j way mcut umvinlcm ind accessible to uk r udtr hit chapter ls intro tut d bv i sk nl lrticle on water f v he ouilts more toinprt htntve i mj ii tin j ibjtct that hu ap i d hrttolort in the ytar book co i on bit isd tint md rtarranti m n hi bii nidi r akt n in chapter viii agriculture w i it special fca j in s a ir on agi il il ur il marktt ii lot anon u pj lijl l8o a review i fio inua agricultural colli gu and txhool it pp 190 198 and a trta nun f fajkcia ijixs of farming n it pi urn prowniis at pp 2j0 2j4 in chapei xviii iya importation kj 1 con munlca tlons stitral of tne 1 ioun i hut lotntrly could not be bndvd 1 nvt bun more tomplettlj in kdd ii and i sixciil section on he si illou il harbouis board is prustnttd it pp 67j 682 in chapter xix libour and wagis the more logical irrannnuiu now followed will it is ti jxd bi fo md lu lpf nl b the reader i lit c rrtnev and banking chapter i tout tins at pp 888 892 a pertinent ar- licit on tlit rojal cunadlan mint md uu in iraoee fit id chapter xxiii ls broadened in scope by a summar j treatment of insurance as it allecu j the balorce of international pay i minus th chapter on education chapter xxv has been supplemented b a special article on the back giound of scientific and industrial re- seal ch in canada in former edition under ubjfci heading of each chapter daughters 1 the result has been that a oomplc e of- household furniture in glen williams property of the late thomas mullin saturday october 19th at 2 00 o clock d s t dining room living room bed room and kitchen furniture frank petch auctioneer i do you know that of toronto vnr iw tliinksgiviiir miss foilh lons sitv was homi ovi i wkcn i mlss htltn brow ahlle with friends week mr william carnev vi lied with friinds in norvil on s mda and sixnt mot daj it tin homi of his par cnls mr and mrs c w carney alna a nun ber of ska tnj enthusiasts from thls vuinltv motored to ouelph and mjjed a nights ska ing while then that certainlj was early in the season rev mr and mrs leggett motored to wind or to sxnd thanksgiving restarch has been dealt with with friends mr mpheron 7e a week gives vou possession of a new singer electric sewing ii uhinf ilh a libenl illcmanct for our old machine in eluding a free sewing course thai the average woman will sav- ihi cost of t machine in one year of ordinary bewing for information singer sewing machine co r- 21 queen street brampton phone 696 saiis no sfrvice to all makes for i r lu bitter fat prices advance i this is no time to let milch cows slacken off fresh cows need balanced feed to make a showing balance your grains with shurgain 35 concentrate cows like it dairy it not only supplies the kind ol feed they need it also helps keep them in good health while producing heavily keep the milk cans full gettttsuttsfrtwrvour grains try shurgain 35 concentrate georgetown 1 flour and feed georgetown the horn ph orson mrs bob oollop isid with her sluers in- toronio sundaj afternoon miss d hankinson reg n who accompanied miss charlotte mepher son from the toronto general hospi tal has i turned to toronto lo con tlnue her duties there dr r l noble spent thursday of last week in our village reviewing the haunts of hi boyhood days mr and mrs will townsend visit ed with the former s parents mr and mrs edward townsend on sunday mr and mrx frank huxuer visit ed with mr and mrs will hustler on thanksglung day mrs j morroson his returned home from toronto western hospital the many muds of mrs morgason hope to see her up and ftround soon miss elizabeth klrfce of toronto spent last week end with mrs ida hewson mr bignell of brampton is enjoying a weeks holiday with her daughter mrs ray pomeroy mrs e reid of ouelph has been visiting friends in our village trie past week miss prairie magulre ls spending two weeks with her aunt mrs adam cor mack of buffalo while there miss magulre attended the funeral of her uncle the late adam cormack mr and miss beavls and dr and mrs martin toronto were thanks giving visitors at the mcpheraon home mr ano mrs george macewan of gcderlch called on friends in nor- val oils past week mr george sharpe motored hatotdey tat sunday tovtttt his 3a- ter urn poatlu mr- ray pomeroy 1b holidaying at rice lake oobourg ray ls on a fishing trip but while there he will also be visiting his parents mrs donaldaon and mrs philip hfcrfy of brampton visited one after noon last week with mrs cliff more- ton mr and uts w n campbell to ronto called on miss helen browne last ittunday dining the day they enjoyed a motor drive to ouelph mxsmb e moreover tfloi seirch field ls so inurlockcd andin i icrrtlaui that it can no longer be dnilt with satlsfactorlly in iucli a pietemtal fashion it is felt to be more useful to introduce a complex article along the lines of that which now apmfars at pp 979 1012 at in tcnals of about flt years uian to continue he former disjointed method or treatment since chapter iii constitution and oovernmcnt went to pross informa tion on votes wiled etc at uie do minion oeneral election of mar 2fj 1940 lias been issued by the chief blcctoral officer this la piihlishedltl tabular ftrm as appendix iii ont julj s 1940 the prime minister the rt hon w l mackenzie king gave details to the house of commons re gardlng the reorganization of the do minion cabinet the constitution as at that time is shown in appendix vli the report of the royal com mission on dominion provincial rela tions th rowellsirols report was tabled in the house of commons on may 16 the recommendations made therein are far reaching and are charged wth significance for all can adians a summary of the principal recommendations is given in appendix v and certain summary financial sta tistics of all governments in canada in appelant vj in h present edition a complete list of special articles and of signifi cant historical or aesfirtpuve fcxt that has not been subject to wide change and is therefore not repeated is giv en following the table of contents this lis links the 1939 year book with tnjits predecessors and indic the ex tent fcrwhloht theyear book nuwt now be regarded as a series of publi cations rather than as a single volume persons requiring the year book may obtain it from the kings prin ter ottawa aft long as the supply lasts at the price of 9160 which merely covers the cost of paper printing and binding by a special concession a limited number of papertoound oop- les have been set aside for ministers of religion bona fide students and school teachers who may obtain copies at the nominal price of 50 cents each fflvv- 521 ginger snaps 3 b 25c monarch pastry flour 70c jurys cocoa s u9c p g soap 1q 39c peas 3 tins 25c picnic brand slie 4 16 ol tin rlrh fresh ground coffee lb 39c pea soup habitant brand uptons tca red labr 2 tins 19c 36c jewel shortening 2 lb 25c currants 2 lb 25c frah stock oxydol 9c and 21c chipso 9c and 21c camay soap 3 for 17c bread flour xxxx quaker 98 lb bag 279 taxaonc apples cabbage choice firm turn each 5c head lettuce 10c celery stalks 5c 6 qt basket 25c each 5c pepper squash ea 5c radish 5c celery heart 10c carrots selected choice crisp 6 qt basket 18c spinach choice tender green lb sc 66 dominion stous ltd prer dsauvbly 66 c

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