Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 16, 1940, p. 7

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i the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 16th 1940 your eyes we can duplicate your broken lenses if you save the pieces ours is an eye service that is dependable in every way from the examination to the adjust ing of the finished article we grind our own lenses voider your broken frame using a new electric aoldcrer which means quick service you do not have to wait several days if you bring your broken glasses to us consult 0 t walker r0 eyesight specialist who will ho at his office over the bell telephone co main otr g t sec wednesday of each month you may consult o t walker at his office in brampton phone georgetown 67 brampton 599 your announces 18 tinsmithing plumbing furnace work new idea furnaces heat better save fuel last longer f l mcgilvray phone 273w john st j cooke floor contractor floor laying sanding resurfacing finishing we specialize in old floors good workmanship reasonable prices 3 new st phone 838 burlington thui id no dtfwc tbsucco just likej old chum notice to creditors in the matter of the estate oi william wesley cook laf or the town of georgetown in the county of halton farmer deceased notice is hereby given that ail persons having any claims or de mands against the late william wes ley cook who died on or about the twenty sixth day oi august 1940 at the town of georgetown in the coun ty of halton and province of on tario are required to send by pos prepaid or to deliver to the under signed solicitors herein for james david cook the executor of the last will and testament of william wes ley cook farmer deceased their names and addresses and full parti culars in writing of their claims and atemenu of their ocountjvnlthe nature of the securities if any held by them and take notice that after the n day of november 1940 the said james david cook will proceed to dis tribute the assets of the said deceas ed amonp the persons entitled there to having regard only to the claims of which ie shall then have had notice and that the said james david oook will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereor to any person whose claim he shall not then have received notice dated at georgetown ontario this eighth daj of octoberf ajj 1940 dale and bennett solicitors for the said james david st oook eouosring i a suitable form for a child s prayer dear father from thy throne above look down upon thy child with love watch oer me nightly bear my pray er and keep thy little one with care this does away with the if i should die before i wake angle to which ma ny mothers object dunnvllle chronicle there s no barm in laughing yourself occasionally you might as rail be one of the chorus marcelle barthe to be first is an achievement to be the only one a distinction marcellfe barthe has made the news bv attaining both honours in the canadian radio field she ws the first woman appointed to the announcer staff of the cbc french networks and she was the only woman assigned to the broadcast of the royal visit even a young woman as talented and well balanced as mile barthe most feel considerable satlsfac tiori vnfcnowinglhev sue occupies a position unique in ca radio but according to the things that she has done and the tasks she has set for herself there is tittle room for contemplation of her own interesting role in broad casting when marcelle was very young she had bitter conflict in choosing a career sarah bernhardt and ste cecilia altered on the pedes tal of her mind s ideal it was bernhardt who appeared when she played her first role at the age of four that of a smallpox victim i realism was achieved with the vermilllon from her nur sery paint box ste cecilia sthn ulated her longings for a life of service during convent days at ottawa but intermittent oppor tunlties to speak before her class mates brought the bernhardt flameto new splendour and when parental disapproval of dramatics was expressed the die was cast marcelle saidmaroette will be a great actress the enterprise started modestly in the family parlour under the polite appellation la theatre du salon surprised elders became enthusiastic sponsors and soon the barthe s bernhardt became a member of la rampe a drama tic society under the patronage of justice rlnfnet at the university or ottawa marcelle was again into dramatic activities up to her pretty cars her group won the bessborough trophy for the best play in can ada it wa only natural that this gifted young artist should find her place at the microphone and she did wilh children s plays and fea tures for the feminine part of the radio audience rupert lucas chose her to appear to the radio presentation of lady tweeds amirs play the vision m the inn other dramatic assign ments followed then when word got about that the cbc might put the feminine touch to announc ing in canada mile barthe did something about that too she promptly arranged for an audi uon and of course she got the job in a few days she was as signed to wilfred charettes or chestra and since then she has been heard on many cbc tea tures originating in the montreal studios for english and french network listeners her delightful voice bilingual poised unaffected suggests in dubltably that its owner b inter ested in what she has to say and not how she says it and if her public is charmed with marcelle barthe her confreres adore her honest laughter and a generous heart are the things which com mand hr a host of friends on her own side of the microphone when she glances back at her earlier ambition there is no dis appointment radio has filled her head and her heart whenever she has a minute to spare that greater concern of women can ada s war service claims her at the present moment she is organ ixlng concerts in aid of wireless school no 1 and when a script teaves her fingers knitting needles take its place princess aids charity drive hjth princess alice will speak in the cause of charity during the cana dian welfare council broadcast which will be a national network feature on sunday october 20atfi00to6d st the wife of canada s governorgen eral has graciously given her patron age- to the nation wide drive for funds and she will address her appeal to all the communities participating the broadcast arranged in co operation with the cbc will originate in otta wa a number of distinguished speak era and special musical features will be heard in addition to princess alices brief remarks there will be short talks by the most reverend derwyn t owen pmnote of all canada arch bishop alexander vachon and leonard w brockmgton kc lld les concerts symphonlques de mod treal under the baton of wilfred pel letter the band of the r c mjp and the gifted young metropolitan tenor arthur carron will furnish the musl cal part of this programme it is plan tt w c wi p t su music from the capital s carillon the press under nazi yoke by j a spender to ascertain the truth about life in german occupied territory or territory in which german terrorism is at work is almos impossible at the present time what is possible however is to be on guard against perversions of the truth disseminated daily under varl ous disguises on german prompting it may help in this if we consider the various methods adopted these differ it the occupied countries and in the neutral countries t in occupied territory in thf occupied countries what the german would prefer would be to kcj established and highly respec ted newspapers in existence and to die tat to them what news they shall publish ind what opinions they shall express bui they discover that highly res pected jcumalists will not consent to be used this way the utmost that these will do as to refrain from openly expressed anti german opinions and hev often qualiry this negative atti tudo by comments which the censor oercelvo to have an antigerman ten riency rhcy are then subject to a special mililary censorship and if this does not- bring them to heel they mav be interned and the newspapers em they were forbidden to mark news as coming from oerman sources and the aughtest fie of comment brought the military censorship about their heads but the one titling the censor could not do was to induce the danish rtbllc to read the papers thus handled their circulation dwindled their readers turned to the foreign broadcasts which the invader tried in vain to smoke out norway in norway explicit instructions wer- issued to the newspapers that they es an or shap- stronghom oi the press is almost britain delivers the goods one phase of the nazi propaganda barrage which is misfiring right along is that which claims total blockade of british ports just to keep the records straight the cbc has scheduled a special feature britain delivers the goods this programme which will be presrted by the features depart ment from toronto on friday october 25 at 9 00 to 9 jo pm will be a tralghtforward review of the british export trade in over a year of war showing the almost clock like preci slon with which the merchant marine of brlta n moves in and out of british ports set forth upon its busing ac the seven seas lwo mayors montreal gazette when in the quiet of the post war days to come historians move soberly to the task of recording canada s con tributim to the salvation of our way of life they will necesarily et dowi the names of two mayors or metropol itai centres one mayor it will be written re nounedd a promising political career and joined the canadian active service force as a buck private because he found nis duty to himself and his duty to his country were impossible of sep aration he arrived in england on august 2 1940 and together with the lowliest of his constituents took his place tn the line of battle th other mayor it will he written mate a vain attempt to salvage a crumbling political career on august 2 1940 hv appealing to the most self isb least patriotic element in his con stituency to dissociate itself from the national war effort and where he looked for support he found only scorn because bis constituents could not find treason in their hearts one mavor will do honour to a page of canadian history the other will live only in a shamefaced footnote their names are david croii of windsor ontarioand camllllen houde com mander of the british empire of montreal holland ther is no censorship in holland aid the nazi deutsche allgemeine zeitung foon after the occupation of tha country but the newspapers are supposed to take account of th- new situation the hint seems not to have been ta ken as quickly as was expected for a little iaur the president of the so called council of enlightment a nazi controlled organization made a peech in which he warned the dutch newspaper proprietors society the sands were running out this clety he said had been treated with indulgence in view of the useful woik il id done in past times and had delivers british been b another opportunity to re tings and thrrnttinlnsm for the nazis refuse to believe that governments cannot control newspa pers if they phoose to do so staunchly as some of tries govern ments have upheld the freedom of their press the natural desire of jour nalists not to make trouble for than has undoubtedly kept plain apeaklnjr on the side bf britain within bounds in europe for full and frank expres sions of opinion by neutral observers we hav- to look across the atlantic a warning the general conclusion is that the earta and does it all in its stride war or no war the li flnlteslmal effect of the b itz or the world trade and com mr e 1 ich has made britain mis ires of he seas these long years will be one aspect of the broadcast th- herotc devotion to duty of british sea men living in dynamic times hast was made but by the ger mans who proceeded to suppress three dutch newspapers for a period of eight we ks on the ground that they had systematically maintained an m friendly attitude to the occupiers and undruwptasant attentions h unftb lnelr 0ne of the mdzis will be another the story ped propaganda in favour of th- jf hew brilain delivers the good i al t will be u id in dramatic incident recor their offence apparently was that ded sound pictures and with music ar y failed to take seriously the ger i anted and directed by samuel inn whit book which endeavoured herseihoien j frank willis will m to tnat tne a1 hrd bcn a r erv i nt iroduclion o it to attack germany through hoi ind and belgium one of the sup pressed papers was the famous con i servatlve a ally the standard edited bv dr collin who was for many years prime m nlster of the netherlands denmark ing opinion in the manner laid down by the c crman news bureau they were forbloden to publish war reports coming from countries hostile to oer many to report speeches made bj talesmen gentrals or members of the royal families in these countries or anything else likely to cause friction between the german troops and the norwegian people on the ooher hand german war reports had to be well displayed france in france the difference between occupied and unoccupied territory of fered a special problem and also a new opportunity to the germans manlpu iatlon of the press many well known paris papers ceas ed publication when the germans en tered the city others like the matin the paris solr and the d- nieres nouvelles de paris were annexed and turned to german uses under its new management the matin became vln nrt t and gnttttftc sometimes the names of contribu tors were used who were known to frenchmen not to be living in france but would be supposed by foreigners to be th authors of the articles a trlbuted to them the only safe as sumption is that all french newspa pers published in the occupied terrt tory are olrectly under german con trol the german controlled matin in occupied territory complained bltterlv that nothing is changed in the un occuolcd and chat the newspapers there are providing too much english news others deride or discredit the p tain government and contrast its pt tudc and inefficiency with ger man efficiency to discover the special purposes o these manoeuvres is not easy at anv given moment but we may take it that mischief making and mystification arc the gneral objects in view eltral countries the reutral countries provide wide ana vanea opportnnlty the nazi propagandist in these there are german owned or german subsidt advice for housenlfes a gooj dtal of tht information con a ned in food facts and pood faoi dm come from last minute reports of fn is and vegetables sent in from cath rines hamilton north bay the procedure has been the same in sudbury kingston london montreal denmark where the newspapers were complete in europe nothing can come out of france belgium holland denmark and norway except with the consent ct the german censor mucb that pretends to be impartial neutral opinion is of german authorship the object of the nazi propagandist is to deceive and mystify and no ex posure of the falsity of the facts he alleges aeters him in his pursuit of it he hat continued to repeat that wlnt ston churchill ordered the sinking of the atheiua and that mr chamberlain incited the attempt to assassinate hit ler and apparently he still hopes chat ii i dual repetition may cause these stor es to be believed no proof to the contrary will pre vent him from multiplying the losses nr british ships or aircraft by five or twele or any figure that may occur to him it is enough for him if he causes some neutral or british obser ver to doubt the veracity of the brit ish figures ing m which his hand may be suspec ted at its face value about all thi the question to ask is not whether it is true but why he says it and toronto this new series of con s imr b andcasts goes to un mid easl n iwork every friday morning 1003 to 10 15 am edst these are auheitic reports or what farm pro duce is ava lable in those cities at that time from this information dor rairbairr oqc farm commentator can get a pretty good idea as to what s li e mos plentiful commodity in any given week and can therefore advise listeners a to whats best to buy he hopes in the near future to interview men and women from the vaxloun ctntres on farm produce methods of prestving and preparing rood etc 1910 rhythms today s music is to have a spot light all its own on the new tall sche du e of the cbc under the direction of albert pratz canadian violinist and director the toronto studios will laun n a new popular presentation on tuesuay october 22 at 8 30 pm eds t todays music will present gall mtrecllth as singing star four bovs and four girls in smart choral effects lie lwd piano wizardry of snider anj ross and the smooth sophlsucaux arrangn ents of robert farnon a icrtnlgiilj date on tuesdays begin ling october 22 produced by jaincs finlay looking over the news the wek end review s uhiay oc obcr 20 at 730 pm edst will hae w speaker john bird south african born newspaperman who studied in britain travelled extensively in th united states and lectured across can ada before settling down as editor of hl winnipeg tribune in 1938 a pmel of expem rotate on thts news review henry f angus will be the cak r on october 27 followed by ed gar mcli nls and dr el stewart told to carry on but warned that any expression of antigerman feeling or contradiction or the official german staiemcrtf about events or public feeling in denmark would expose them to the severest penalties ed papers with little or no circulation which can be quoted abroad as if the expressed a genuine opinion this is the old german trick which las bee i played all over the world since h days of bismarck but the tzis have been more systematic and profuse n their expenditure of mone in it development than their prede cessors the general object is to present neu lras knewn to be friendly to thf ml gs as shocked or depressed by thelr proceedii pi and in despair about their prcpects these are daniels come to judm nl but in manv neutral countries such as switzerland and sweden there are honest and courageous journalists who write what they think about hitler and nain germany this however txpase3 their governments to dlplo colonel h s g letson mc who ha been appointed military attache tc the canadian ldgaton in washington before his appointment to the new post col letson a com mandant of the vancouver area it s easy eno mht to be merry when there lsn t a jolt or a jar but tne man worth while is the man who can smile when iris wife is driving the car victoria is popular in the winter for warm weather and summer sports here 5 another editorial from the typewriter or frank irwin of the dur ham chron cle we pulled down our copy of josh billings the other day and tutted haphazardly toward the centre of the book josh was giving hu ideas on preaching and in the course of his remarks made the state ment that a preacher who couldn t stride oil n twenty minutes must have a darn poor augur or else was boring in the wrong place a day or two later we were reading in another book on the same subject and wer glad to note that n leas sme agfectt with josn for one of ihem rev a a ashmore was telling of the closing prayer by a colored pastor after an over garnished sermon by a visiting brother the old darkey prayed we thank thee lawd fo ouah brottiah and fo his ministry but oh lawd hep him take a few feathaws out of his imagination and stick dem in the tall of his jedgment weve heart sermons like that too opposition a certain amount of opposition i a great help to a man kites rise a gainst and not with the wind anon canada has an evergreen play ground where snow is ai ephemeral novelty flowers bloom every mouthof jneyoar amt-aven- h th only resort t totjpkma in mid winter the day it recreatlbn can include yachting tennis blk intf lawn bowling fishing or a round of golf over the fast green fairways of any of a half dozen outstanding courses victoria centre of this beautiful british columbia evergreen play ground has become in recent years an outstanding canadian winter resort this year it seems to be on the verge of its busiest season with international ex change offering americana an at tractive financial inducement of ten per cent on their dollar while canadian lovers of mild weather will find that vancouver island on the continent which they can visit now that holiday trips to the united states have been banoed the main competitive sports event 61 the season is the em press winter golf tournament which la held on well trimmed grassy fairways and greens at a time when other canadian courses are several feet under the snow drifts this years tournament the 13th annual will be held on the oak bay course march 9 to is the outstanding social event of the season is christmas at the empress hotel where canada a most english city celebrates with the timehonored boars head 3r bowi-ana- the contrast between victoria and the rest of canada in winter time is particularly marked after a train trip through the canadian rockies then at their loveliest tn a mantle of ice and snow van couver island produces such rari ties rarities to the rest of can ada that is aa strawberries in december salmon fishing 11 win ter long new born lamb tn jan uary and rosea in february th pictures above show the empress hotel and typical win ter scenes hiking gotflng and yachting

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