Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 23, 1940, p. 2

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ys the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 23rd 1940 the georgetown herald yewi of georceivwn nirnl oka williams i hnnfcniis 8tewaruwa badihafai and tettajdotta subscription rates canada 180 a year united states 1300 a year single copies so advertising rates will be quoted on application walter o bxekn publisher staff oarfleld l mcquvray phone no fi leslie clark reginald bioomhead member of the canadian weekly newspapers aaseeutloa and the onurtoqaebeo division of the cwna j our weekly poem j nazis crush belgian trade unionism tolman sweets by max buset max buset 49 years of age is a member of the belgian parliament and or the executive of the belgian how will i remember our old orchard labour party lot exsecretary of the educational or- where a hundred trees lifted their ganlration of the belgian labour par- heads ty he is also an exstudent of ruskln bearing russets and pippins and bald- labour college oxford and later be- wins and spies came professor at the- belgian labour and greenings and mcintosh reds couegf way the editors corner reminiscing again none were more sorry than ourselves when like all good things i our reminiscences of georgetown came to an end last weelc written twenty years ago by the late w c young editor of the cornwall free holder his sparkling wit and accurate eye for interesting historical data gave us an insight into the background of georgetowns past from time to time we hope to reprint other stories from past issues which will prove of general interest this week we have chosen a history of the kennedy family written by mrs j b wilson a great- granddaughter of george kennedy whose christian name lent itself to the municipality while this article appeared in the issue of may 12th 1937 there have been many newcomers since then who like ourselves are not versed in the towns past- history to these these glimpses of the past will be of value in getting to know what kind of a town they are living in to oldtimers who have read these articles before perhaps you will enjoy renewing these scenes of other years is family life forgotten gwendoline p clarke writing in the acton free press this week reviews an addrsss given by miss sybil bennett to the womens institute and makes some pertinent observations of her own concerning modern family life miss bennett referred to the freedom given the young people of today and cited an instant an instance which we all knew was very true and alas all too common miss bennett mentioned having visited a home where there were six in the family ouly two of them were home the others did not appear for supper and no one knew where they were what they were doing or when they would be home miss bennett said this was the aort- of thi that mustbestopped i have thought a jlpt about that address i know miss bennett was right as a mother ofj bwo young people i have every reason to know she was right partner- and i have always been opposed to this modem pace and the freedom of the younger generation we made our own two keep within limits up to a certain age but now well every mother knows the answer how can we put on the brakes how can we say no when everybody else is saying yes if we do say no and stick to it then we invite a case of open rebellion sometimes we even have to take that chance rather than forsake a principle that we know to be tight afte cert deaungwith young people is like trying to stop a prairie fire maybe that is an apt simile for a prairie fire as we know eventually burns itself out maybe the answer to a new social order lies with the young people themselves perhaps this war will teach them as nothing else can that the bluebird of happiness can be found within their own homes it is a lamentable fact that modern family life in ontario at least is not what it once was and the fault doesnt all lie at the young folks door too often young people dont spend their evenings at home because there is no one to spend them at home with not that we believe in a family circle which is never broken by the absence of one of the members that would be a drab existence but there 1s a certain balance which can be maintained that is the ideal state a comprise between the oldfashioned ironbound control over children and the modem toofreeandeasy lack of control new readers for barbara baines publishing a newspaper is an interesting job last april we re ceived a letter from a friend in toronto who wanted to write she is a university graduate had been a schoolteacher before her marriage and has wide connections with various womens social and service groups she enclosed a couple of samples of the type of writing she would like to do and we were impressel with the style and character of her articles and so we introduced barbara balnes to herald readers and awaited developments m the ensuing four months we have seen the quality of barbara balnes column steadily improving as the weeks go by women readers in georgetown have commented from time to time on articles which interested them weekly newspapers in other towns be gan to reprint articles which appeared in her column last week for the first time readers in two other towns were read ing of interest to women the orangevllle banner and the tweed news have incorporated her column into their pages we hope that this is only a forerunner of bigger and better success for a new writer in canadas weeklies but the one tree for me stood down near the end whose leaning old trunk up wed run and wed pcrchon the branches and swing on the limbs it afforded us oceans of fun since the nazi occupation of bel gium dnrkness has descended upon that country little is known of what going on behind the chinese wall erected by the conqueror but some information reaches the outer world through the stories told by belgians and a robin would build every spring wn0 nave succeeded in escaping from in that tree the nazi inferno while those who her mud home and there rear her know the country well may occasion- young ally gather some hints of the truth while from a top branch in thebright rrom statements or omissions of summer days th nazi controlled wireless broadcasts an orioles nest always swung from brussels one fact emerges quite clearly from oldcarlo our collie would sit on the i we have heard and that is the ground complete destruction of the trade and looking up at us each time union movement such- as we have we would sit in the branches his face known it up to may 10 when the seemed to smile nazi fury descended upon my unhappy and say how i wish i could climb country as the invasion and bombardment but the reason i liked that one spec- of belgium proceeded apace those who lal old tree had any leading part in the labour whose branches fanned ariel seats ana socialist movement left the coun- was its fruit oh what joy in the life try most of them for prance while of a boy some of them went to britain they twas that dear luscious brand tol- knew of course that had they remain- man sweets ed at home the gestapo would have ralph gordon taken charge of them theh- deliber ate intention was to carry on the stru- c n r timetable standard time going east passenger 616 am passenger and mall 1003 am passenger and mall 646 pm passenger sundays only bjl pm passenger dally 941 pm toronto and beyond going west passenger and mail 894 am passenger saturday only lis pxo passenger dally except r saturday and sunday 609 pm passenger and mall 645 pm passenger sunday only 1120 pm going north passenger and mail 845 am going south passenger and mail 650 pm depot ticket ofboetphone 2hr 628 crawford st toronto the royal air force bestrewing the skys with glory and piercing the clouds with flame in the hour of englands danger the sons of empire camel came at the call of the homeland sons who were nurtured afar some oorti and bred in the island winged and accoutred tor war like godi reborn from valhalla rising on wings to repel repel and hurl to gehenna the spawn of the prince of hell are myriads of satan stronger than the legions of the lord who taketh the sword for plunder he p by the sword and we who are of the many saved from the many by few will know those few as our saviors will know where honour is due will know as they move among us young and so gallantly rare the gods the machine has flung us are truly gods of trie air grace pollard in the montreal star snall freedom dd2t ggle against the enemy behind front which they expected would be stabilized somewhere near the franco- belgian frontier unfortunately ev ents took a different courte after the collapse of france the germans is sued an order prohibiting all labour and other political leaders from re turning to belgium unless they made a formal act of submission in fact the belgian labour movement was completely deprived of its leadership by the invasion especially of those lea ders who were most definitely opposed to nazi ideology these suffered of course the loss of an incomparably greater treasure their liberty not a single public mee ting was permitted the only news papers still allowed to be published as well as the radio are in the hands of the pronazis whether of thefle separatist or the rexist variety who are themselves subject to german con trol the kid glove ostentatiously displayed is only a thin cover for the mailed fist which imposes a ruthless order in the best nazi spirit strikes are not tolerated the only one that occurred in a coal mine of the liege basin only lasted one afternoon the threat to send the strikers to a con centration camp in germany sufficed to put an end to it what is worse the demoralization of the rank and file is being deliberately secure ralph gordon the versatile entertainer for your next program illustrated circular free address 638b crawford st toronto gray coach lines timetable effective sunday october mb eastern standard time leave georgetown eastbound to toronto f 14 am 408 pm 918 am 648 pm 1148 pm 913 pm cs23 pm westbound to london- 935 am 600 pm x1209 pm d7j50 pm 205 pm dxlo35 pm ay405 pan exll36 pm a except sun and hoi b sun and hoi o saturdays only dexoept sat sun and hoi e sat sun and hol- f daily except sun x to kitchener y to stratford w h long phone 88 cm frank petch licensed auctioneer and all classes of insurance prompt service phone 391 georgetown p o box 413 leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba barristers and solicitors mill street georgetown phone it shall freedom perish from the earth organized with a view no doubt shall liberty be tombed an attempt to introduce some form of shah christendom beneath the crush nazi ooopexation belgium is com- of pagan zeal be doomed pletely cut off from the outside world the incessant and onesided german tonight tonight the clouds of wax propaganda has naturally a depres- hang low along the channel shore sw effect on the public the bel- tonighl from belgiums ravaged coast voices that are still allowed to be are heard the foemans threat and heard are completely subservient to boost germany they ore of those tiny fac- and isleward through the night fog tlons suspected and loathed by the runs people before the war flemish nat- the thunder of combatting guns ionallsts and readsts whose fascist upon the tossing channel main idealogy was always rejected by the the kingdoms seadogs growl again masses of workers and communists from scotlands brow to hastings who never obtained more than 6 per cent of the votes in elections and kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary public first mortgage money to loan office gregory theatre bldg mill st phone 88 georgetown radio repairing we specialize on this work is years experience j sanfordsoi phone georgetown s4w f r watson djds mj6 georgetown office hours 9 to 5 thursday afternoons dr x burns milne dental subgbox xrat phone tt 41 square her falcons perched to take the air her legions poised to meat the blow of flame and death by ruthless foe and oer her bristllny battlements waving defiantly the union jack proclaims anew for god and liberty whose parliamentary representatives now go with the permission of the german authorities to occupied france to address meetings of the bel gian refugees belgian workers have now the choice between the most wretched and unas sisted unemployment or working for the torch of freedoms steady beam the against their own country her empire lights with fiercer ir choose the latter course they pi have 25 per cent of their miserable and from those farflung furiedshorw wages deducted for the building up of the four winds sweep up to her a system of social insurance after the doors nazl mooel their own organizations and on their wings is borne the cry u their best leaders exiled hold fast we come it shall not condemned to silence all rights elmer c thompson insurance service fire auto windstorm c p railway and allied summer exoubfilonb phone 119w or j die daniel b sraley he who whispers down a well about the goods he has to sell will never reap the golden dollars like he who climbs a tree and hol lers and liberties have gone to be replaced by an authoritarian discipline under the foreign occupation a whole na tion lives in constant fear of spies and informers while traitors triumph un der the protection of the invader such is the boon nazi fascism has brought the working classes of bel- glum may the workers of the coun tries that are still free heed this warn ing after so many others t it is not yet too late the dictators must fle struck down the magnifi cent forces of the british empire will see to that together with allies whose numbers will increase as time goes on a m nielsen uth year chiropractor xray druglesa therapist lady tlhait office over dominion store georgetown hours 2 6 730 930 pm phone uhr clifford g reid lds- djks dentist phone 410 main st georgetown concrete work firstclass workmanship sam walker ton 3s1 george si oboroktown monuments markers and lettering pollock ingham gait ont designs on request phone 204 inspect our work in greenwood cemetery far over the sea she awaits not knowing which mes- sage will tell of the battle at dawn and how her son fell all she can do u hope and pray with the passing of time that her son will return safely from dear sir the firing line i oh u sg h in our mail bag f condition and am very pleased with them i am not with any of the boys irom town as i am with a new bunch of the lome scots pte jones ob from milton pte dseaon and pte hamilton bom orangevllle abo also enjoy your paper and will tnank you for them also as they uwto read the news very much obliged w ji u p8 flulu could b7s865 ke r rayner bwstms tcbiflrbwastika 1st odn recce squadron your life is a gay one and your cares are few compared to your mothers who is waiting for you you will fight a great battle to keep our country free but let us think of our mothers who pray for you and me base post office panada aaarticjejattajnmioaa weekly with the october 37 issue 6xtherde troit sunday times reports tb com plaint of the fourth bride of a marry thb following poem written by pte lag nutaonalre who claims she bad to h i abeo bt4016 46th blgtilaiiaers he under the nasi qag amid nlawi oabj no 1 botdhv xkm base boot booae black eye a broken nose post oooe canada has been reoarmd nd a tank attack and aba wants it to be divorced back to democracy be tire to get the detroit smday thnet cement and cinder blocks brick and tile bunufactulum with nptodsto pomr nwthlnii all slaes any qtuntltr 3 nkw st fhonz us mutunqton brush- wout shot south op i bun villm1e afternoon harry tounc ahot a 1 oli in the woo in nfcat 1 1 villaca tae anknal weighed and mr young will apply for ttie i mment bounty offered for the 1 of wotvee he iraa accompanied in tfce c oaorga sandera and uoyd iods- on thursday nigrjt of laat waek i turfeayi one old htrd and 1 of f yeafa hatch wan 0mknwa farm of jaa a hahartr oa what waamanaevtowa oc a

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