Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 23, 1940, p. 3

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the georgetown hanfld vcjowchyrbmiing october 23rd 1940 mainly f oi ibiglsibtgiskibwnmhikhhiarbim timely topics for women ainincniainw women awm vmmm by barbara basob intsbnational uniform sunday school lesson wai4c and keep fit octobers glorious weather invites you to dome out and walk the air is just nippy enough to be stimulating the sunshine as good as a tonic nd the everenanglng brilliance or tfie foliage a source of pleasure and delight probably during a recent weekend you did go for a tramp in the woods you saw a frightened rabbit dart into its burrow you watched the squirrels making ready for winter it made you feel young and oare- iree again to near the rustle of the leaves underfoot you came back lired but it was a nice relaxed sort of tiredness you wondered why you didnt take such a trip more often well why dont you you have too many other things to dor ydlr havent time but you have all the time there 1st and if you oould only see the glow on your checks tne sparkle m youtoeyea on your return you would plan a daily walk no matter what else was left undone we have often been told during the last year that as a people we have become soft we ride around too much in our automobiles we sit indoors too much we eat too much too often our only recreation is the movies or late parties you all knoa what the consequences are m muscles heaviness tiredness and sooner or later poor health and doctoring 4 and it is all so needless a dally walk of even a mile or two 1 enough to keep the blood circulating freely the muscles tonedup and in condition and the body functioning as it should the medical profes sion all agree that walking is one of the healthiest of exercise through 1 the body gains poise and coorijjnatioa the mind is refreshed the figure improved and the general health built up to derive the greatest benefit worn walking one should stride along with a free step arms swinging and head high end if you can remember the tummy held in ideally of course the place to walk is in the country through woods and lanes and over grassy fields but a city park or even the pavement is better than no walk at all bboes should be comfortable and clothing not too heavy it is a good idea when setting out to have some definite place in mind some point of interest or some spot as yet unexplored that is what gives your walk purpose and make vou step along briskly if you walk fast enough you may work up a perspiration it is good for you if you do not catch cold after because it helps rid the body of poisons not only does walking give health and add to your zest for living but it improves your appearance it helps to keep your weight under control to flatten the diaphragm and sum the hips it keeps you supple and your figure young looking and incidentally it makes your clothes hang better mrs jeanette mcmahon director of the women s league of health and beauty says it is not the fat people who are good natured it is the healthy and if you want to be health exercise the grand thing about walking is that it is an exercise habit that both young and old can acquire and enjoy it costs nothing but shoe so do not pass up these grand au umn days oet out and walk form the habit now while the air is cool and invigorating and nature is wearing her most beautiful robes t t t t buy british the women of canada have the spenolng of approximately eighty sj five percent of our national income probably few as they plan the spending of their own family income realize what a large sum this amounts to in the course of a year or what a powerful weapon for winning the war is in their hands britain is grateful for the gallant men who have enlisted in our fighting forces grateful too for the machines of war and m which are being sent her but we cannot all be on active service or work ing at war industries there is though one important contribution wo can each make toward victory and that is on the economic front we can buy british goods britain s export trade is the fourth aim of her defense the means whereby she gets canadian and american exchange to pay for her huge war orders while fighting for survival and working desperately to keep her war industries going at top speed her people are making equal sacri fices to keep up the steady stream of goods for export they are doing without things themselves that there may be more to ship abroad and her merchant fleet braves the dangers of the atlantic to bring to us the pro ducts of her mills collieries and factories have you seen some of the recent displays of british goods in the 3 it woula be no sacrifice on my part to wear one of the beau tiful- fiporta outfits now on the market the woollen skirts and sweaters and plaid jackets the harris tweed toncoats the reversible rain or shine coats the wool dresses for casual wear all rank high as to both quality and style wandering through the yard goods section of one of the large stores i was quite enthralled by the beautiful coatings exhmiteovboucles nubby weaves twills rabbits hair wools duvetyns suedes bweeds a distinctive display in all tne new reds greens browns and black that stylists are featuring for autumn and winter close by there was an other equally attractive selection of fine wool crepes and other dress ma terials from ngwh and scottish mills in the drapery department beau tlful bngiifth floral sateens colourful chdntaes liberty prints handblock ed linens and heavy shadow cloths vied with each other in loveliness and quality for a century mens styles have been set in london mens tog gery from bavile row has long been tops the best shoes in the world are made of british leather by british shoemakers canadian men are proud to wear suite and topcoats of fine english materials a pair of balmorals or brogues from one of the old english shoe nouses and eng lish socks and a liberty silk tie to complete the outfit everyone knows the beauty and value of british leather goods and luggage of british china and glass of british toiletries and cutlery many of you have bought english sheeting and other cotton goods motor rugs woollen dressing gowns english drugs and an endless list of other british goods and you know the quality is high and prices reasonable prom entirely selfish motives it would pay canadian wo to buy mor britis made goods and in addition we would be bhoppxn to win the war there ate thousands of women s clubs lodges and societies with a total membership of million in the dominion what a tremendous influence they would exert if they united to back a buy brit ish movement if communities of representative women were appoint ed to arrange for fashion shows and displays of british goods and to promote their sale not only in this country but in our great neighbour to the south let us buy british and make our dollars serve our empire t t t t book review there is always love by fhunrtt loring for those who like light and entertaining reading there is always sj love is to be recommended love and mystery march band in hand to keep your interest alhe until the last page is turned the heroine of the story is linda bourne a pretty small town girl men found her very attractive which greatly annoyed her elder sister hester whose beaux always seemed to prefer linda as soon as they met her her mother was also annoyed by her popularity and finally she shook the dust of new england from her shapely feet and went to new york to find a job and learn of life she did both at first she was lonely but soon she had three young men to help her drive away the blues the faithful swain from home her boss and a young competitor of her boss she gets a bit fed up with the devious ways of business and takes a position as companionsecretary with a very wealthy old lady who has an enormous castle which is to be sold intrigue mystery crime and love march simultaneously from there on to a climatic ending t t t let me remind you there isotyyooewayogetreadyjcrmiinoixality and tiiatia to love this life and live it as bravely and faithfully and cheerfully as we can henry van dyke news about food rod cabbage is on the market now fresh arm and crisp pickled it wm keep indefinitely in a covered crock and is very tasfly when served with hot meats red cabbage rkfcla 1 large or two smalt cabbage finely shredded 1 oun white sugar 1 frnatmwm sst 3 topilmpufllis mixed pickling apioea tied in o bag vinegar strar salt and spices to ahnost boatng point a 1m fete at low beat for 10 cod cow mast oar nsnpts tfc christian motives for abstinence sunday october m 1m0 golden text for the kingdom of god is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and- joy in the holy otoost romans 14 it lesson passage luke 1 1319 2 40 4 4 8 31 26 4346 land of our birth we pledge to thea our love and toil m the years to be when we are grown and take our place as men and women wiiti our race jclplmg child welfare 1315 child velf are la a christian most for abstinence from beverage alcohol scientists have termed beverage al cohol a racial poison because it causes degeneracy a year ago a magazine published pictures of the huge stores of liquor provided for soldiers in the maginot line in august 1m0 the french government drastically curtail ed the sale of strong drinks and a government spokesman said that al cohollsm had a large share of the blame for the fall of france before this new decree france bad the hlga est pr capita consumption of alcohol of all the nations the first line of a nations defense is not its battleships airplanes and submarines it is the morale of the nation and this de pends upon the physical fitness of the people bad health la bad business the parents of john the baptist had consecrated their son to the service of ood they wanted him to be strong in body and mind so they brought him up as a nazliite pledged not to use intoxicating drinks many parents do notusebs alcohol because they want to set the highest example and be able consistently to commend ab stlnence to their children religious purpose 16 40 4 religious devotion is a christian mo tlve for abstinence from beverage al cohol canada has twenty five tfco is and churches and about ten thousand places of sale for intoxicants the two sets or institutions work at r oss purposes canada s strength has come through national character religion builds up control while the drink habit breaks down control influential lead ers of religion must be disciplined men and women seir indulgence robs leaders of the tight to command christ said that man does not live by bread alone the kingdom of heav en is not meat and drink it has to do with the mind heart and will ood created the universe dally we are remaking it the entire universe is different for the man who lives in a house different again for the man who learn to drive an automobile once again it changes when he pilots an alrplare we have to choose wheth er we will be builders with ood of a better world or builders with the devil of a worse conservation of health u 25 stewardship of wealth both private and national is a christian motive for abstinence from beverage alcohol the official estimate of canada s gold products for 1940 is two hundred million dollars for a period of twen ty years the annual increase of can adlan gold production has been ten per cent this has been most help ful during years of depression and even more so now in view of war expenditures yet every year canada is spending nearly two hundred mil lion dollars in the retail purchase of beverage alcohol practically the equl valent of canada a gold production there is a great difference however between the mining and alcohol in dustries the stock holders of gold mines sometimes make large profit the workmen make high wages manu facturers of machinery get orders and gold is a commodity of permanent val ue the owners of distilleries and brew tea make large profits but relatively fewer number of workers are employed and the consumers of bever age alcohol have nothing lasting or tangible to show for their spending it is a waste or grain money and efn cienesr skills and scholarship 43 44 selmmprovement through education and the acquiring of scientific skills is a chrlstlar motive for abstinence from beverage alcohol canada spends 135 000 000 annually upon education and nearly 3200000000 upon beverage alcohol let a morning paper tell of the fruits of the two institutions on column tells of high school graduates who have won university scholarships the awards will make it possible for doaens of young canadians to go on to universities another column heed ed before the magistrate begins thus two men who pleaded guilt to driving while drunk were- sent to jail for seven days by magistrate a in city police court today both had own fault tb bmr ufa 41 character is christian motive tor abstinence from beverage alcohol booth trrtdngton said that men drink 6 forget life by living for a time in comedy the whole structure of so- efel drtowng custom sung briln- ant repartee and the hiccoughing challenge of the sidewalk drunk m based upon the pleasure of illusion the cure is to be found in the sub stitution of reality we may develop a satisfying thought life we may have a circle of friends whose com panlonahlp gives us pleasure or find hobbles with which to begiiile our spare time we may consecrate our selves to ihe purpose of building tbe good society on earth and jose au selfindulgent desires in one great in spiriting passion for a better world in tbe long run qureonduct is the index of our character questions for discussion i is alcoholism a hereditary disease 3 what do you observe about social groups on saturday nights and sunday mornings 3 how would voluntary total obatin- enoe conserve wealth for war ser vice 4 is it constructive social engineering for canada to spend more drink than on education what positive policies do you sug gest to curb the alcohol evil international council of religious ed ucatlon used byermlatlon our mailing list has been corrected up to date please check your label we do printing of every description her loaf of white bread at thi canadian national exhibition mrs w c ahdftlw slubtsvul out when i took my pjrizewinnlns loaf out of tbe oven says mrs andrew i thought it was the nicest loaf of bread fhad ever made bat i did not dream h would get rst prize yet in face of stiff competi tion mrs andrew did win the highest prize and now what does this champion say about her baking methods has she any secrets here are her own words 1 measured tbe ingre- anced shape so that it will bake out as a wellproporttoned loaf with an even golden cojour i enjoy baking foe local fairs but this is the first time i have won first prize atthe big exhi bition and i certainly think robin hood flour should hare lot of the credit for high quality floor makes high quality bread every time why not follow the example of this champion bread baker ics33gw u tj m te robln tio now carefully and of course i used robin hool flour for six years i have used this flour right along and i bake bread every week when i first began bak ing with robin hood i noticed an improvement in my bread immediately not only in the ease with which it kneads up but in the flavour and texture of my bread and rolls after kneading dough carefully i try to nuke each loaf a nice bal- yourself order it the very next tune you need flourl the firsv second third and fourth prizes for white bread at the canadian national exhibition were all won with robin hood flour so it must be good every bag contains a moneyback plus 10- percent guarantee certificate 4 howt baking service komn hoodcotnrmiustimrrar robin hood flour amtdfam waiui wud carrolls candy kisses n jelly beans o popping corn pumpkin faces km butter tarts chmtv fruit loaf cake cuuu mincemeat fthpk uf velveeta cheese 12 lb burford ontario reaches isoz tin six months and their cart were order ed impounded for half that period it wat mure ot m juke than am thtnff elae explained the lawyer who appeared for a jounc nan who plead ed guilty to ft vnaive of aaaeuk lite aeoomd had gi a tranter m a bear parlour and rtlatacfttcd tbe man elbow tie joke net co john a btt drunk and 0t into the wrong home audoot to get poueeho the ntaobe as aoon m poatfbift ne tornftd in a fixe alarm- won au the i hka- war fato a amen otoelt omb cool o awliwwt v tawawv maiarlar net peanut butter n- s5e frys cocoa mtn tm 19c pork and beans cu ic c s coffee dhp or iurda 4c swansoown cj roar p s3e a quick quaker oats u p 17c v heinz ketchup tw heinz infants foods s c carroir soap flakes t 25c i spaghetti or ready cot macaroni 3 11c ii singapore sliced pineapple 2 23c i old cheese n 6c heinz vinegar t w 4c tomato soup asase princess flakes ci 034 sticky sly coos 3 chat matcbes 3 t 32c chipso flakes pt 8c xoc rnm flat wax 33c 430 rinso powder 9c xzc woodburys soap xs rweei teuow turnips- per ft 2c c or parsnips psft 3s7

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