Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 23, 1940, p. 6

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raw the george htrald wednwfcy evening october 23rd 1940 our rf mi of ntcret o he local fatmm farm page urge cleanup of weed seeds should be done immediately states mm d macleod crops seeds and weeds branch ontario department of agriculture as seeds of many ontario noxious weeds may be retained on the plant atll late fall and distributed by vari ous agencies during fall and winter snontba tueee infested areas should be cleaned up immediately states v d macleod crops seeds and weeds ont dept of agriculture i carries some weed seeds long distances to drifting aou ana also ewer frosen ground and snow an ex periment conducted in saskatchewan siond this fact when it we found float six ounces of surface soil taken from a spot along a toad fence con tained the following seeds sucfaeeed m wild mustard m hares bar mustard m bttnkweed s black btod- weed 160 umasqussrters 16 and tbagweed 9 another experiment con- dmctod some years ago showed the presence of many weed seeds m snow some 82 seeds of nine speciesbeing found m two square feet of a snow drift manyweed seeds are eaten by-hlrds- dartog the late fall and early winter when other food is not plentiful these aeeds wm not lose tbefar vitality and nay be carried long distances in this way neglected fall weeds will spread plant d gather and hold snow clog duehes and thus hinder the cow of water are dangerous from a fire stand point and are a source of infestation to the entire community mr macleod points out many fields throughout ontario in fested with wild carrot toad flax ragweed etoshould be mown- at this thnejaked up and burned and the in fested area brought into the crop ro tation seeds of neglected weeds growing in vacant lots around buildings fence lines and on banks of rivers small streams and ditches may be carried long distances by spring floods by cleaning up and burning all ne glected weeds at this time the appear ance of property is improved to cities towns and villages as well as farms more pork awl veal leu beef eaten 1939 consumption of meats in- canada hi 1bs9 per bead of population is offtoiauy estimated at 118j th an tocreese of mom than ywolb per bcafrowir the 1938 consumption with reference to individual comntoruttes more pork veal and laidaml less beef were con sumed tn 1099 than to 1938 the con sumption of pork per head of popular tkn m 19391s placed at s3 lb an in crease of 43 lb on toe previous year veal consumption rase from 118 lb in 1938 to i i lb per head in 1999 and lard at 5j lb per head showed an in crease of nearly 1m lb over 1938 beef consumption dectthed tram 816 lb per head of population m 1988 to 49 lb per head in 19s9 although the total output of cattle in canada in 1989 showed an increase over that of 1938 exports of cattle during 1939 were al most double those of 1938 the con sumption of mutton and lamb at 58 v per head of population was the same as in 1938 which in turn was one lb lessthan in 1937 his expec ted says the official report that dur ing the next three or four years con sumption of beef will continue to de cline while the iuijw of cattle are continuing to increase on canad ian fnwnsthepr t to witfaold stock from markettbr the purpose of building up herds fork consumption during 1940 will probably be even greater than in 1939 a very considerable increase to production over 1939 has taken place and al though exports to the united king dom have increased there will be a large supply of pork available for canadian consumers when in need of wedding invitation calling cards etc come in and see us wb will be pleased to show you our many samples at no obligation our phone number is 8 standard potato bags table potatoes tag now that the height of the season for potato grading packing and ship ping is here the fruit and vegetable division oi the dominion department of agriculture offers the reminder that a change in standard potato bag sizes became effective last season it became illegal to use the old 80 and 90 pound potato sacks standard potato bag weights are now 100 pounds 75 pounds so pounds 25 pounds and 15 pounds when pot atoes are packed in paper bags in re- tall stores lor sale convenience they should be packed in multiples of 5 pounds that is to say 5 10 or is pounds all potato bags must be pro perly maiked to indicate the name and address of the packer the proper de qusnapsmot guild outdoor pictures at night not mean you can go out with an inexpensive camera and signation of the grade and the net weight when packed the marking papulations contain a new stipulation to the effect thai tags attached to the potato bags or to bra nded potato bagsr must include the words table potatoes this proce dure was- found necessary to prevent the sale of table potatoes as seed pota toes and to establish the fact that potatoes grown and packed as table stock must not be sold as certified seed potatoes the 1939 regulations also include a standard potato crate this crate is commonly called the argentine orate and was standardised with the dimen sions 98 niches x la and a half inches x 14 and a half mohes with a centre partition t of an inch thick for the export trade of certified seed potatoes principally to the ar gentine however this package has become popular and is now used other channels of trade the little company was pulled out by brave ajtp w ufa bombs still cfccppmg and pieces of steel a grevljr shock faced the famuy the row of houses that had been the home had been completely demolished the women and children spent the night at a school in the morning they were told to go to a nearby centre to ooueot clothing for themselves and children n was canadian red cross clothing that stood ready in bundles every mother remarked on its good quality one women the wife of a builder remarked frankly these are the best clothing my children have ever had many have been the comments on the use being- made of canadian red cross bjnketof donated by the people of canada in londante safe but uncom fortable and draughty undergrounds canadian red cross official have been working day and night filling the de mands which continue to pour in as families are left homeless ftd with no belongs but the clothing they stand to farming in scotland apparently the fanners to england and scotland are chafing somewhat under the rigid regulations they are called upon to endure a scot who signs himself the yokel penned the following unas andthey appear ed recently in the scottish farmer it is too bad the verse was not writ ten in e but some of our read ers may be able to interpret part- of it the yokels complaint follows household storage fruits vegetables all fruits and selected for household winter storage should fully grown and free from damage caused by insects rough handling me chanical injury freealng and chilling states rebobtospnj3hlef fruit and vegetable field services dominion department of agriculture in a bulle tin on household storage of fruits and vegetables great care should be exercised in grading and sorting the produce for partly decayed speci mens samples of such products as apples potatoes and turnips should be selected and cut to determine to ternal injury apples are subject t internal defects caused by railroad worm bitter pit coreflush or corky core and water core potatoes may have black heart mildew blight and internal browning and turnips may be affected with brown heart all fruits and vegetables with internal in jury should not be stored useful information in connection with- successful storage is given con cisely in the bulletin how to arrange the storage room selection of varieties of apples potatoes onions cabbage and other vegetables in storage it is essential that all specimens be thoroughly dry and clean since if moisture is allowed to remain on the produce decay is bound to fol low during the storage period the fruits and vegetables should be sorted regularly and defective specimens completely removed from the storage rooin as refuse if allowed to remain causes contamination of sound stock the bulletin may be obtained by writ ing to the publicity and extension di vision dominion department of agri culture ottawa pwgin of sports csttshsthifcr ksoeipts from a broadcast over the columbia broadcasting bys- oae i jfwp ixnmer day doubleday cartwrlgbt were playing bail la field near ooonefstownnaw york it was a very simple game one boy threw the ball and the other tried to hit it with a board the boy who could hit fee tsdu the most times in so many tries won the gjsioe say alex said abner on this par ticular afternoon tm tired of this- ijs a wn6n cent more energy fcan lying ti t tow the rtattoember li to keep the pack straight by kneel- 4ng down rather than stooping over miss brooks said every time a homemaker can ait to iron to prepare food or wash dishes she saves her strength since most night aoenesrequlre time ex posure of a few seconds up to several minutes with the camera on a firm solid support even so these are brief exposures if you will consider that once it took hours to photograph any afterdark subject the light varies with each sub ject but a little experience enables to estimate the exposure with a box camera and high speed pan ch film these are some av erage exposures brilliantly lighted street scenes 4 to t seconds average street scenes 1 to minutes average street acenes with isnowen the ground so to 90 seconds floodlighted buildings 6 sec- to 1 minute depe on the brightness of thetlooahghl- tag electric signs onehalf sec ond or about as fast as you can open and dose the shut ter thlss shows only the bright lettering otthe sign not the siirrounelags moonlight scenes on a clear night with full moon 30 min- for a daylight effect 15 for a more subdued effect halve these exposures when- there is fresh suow on the i night views of a dty or town a hilltop of other van- it towrantesena i- expenslva earners ttavb you aver taken ptoteres of outdoor scenes at igfgm- great seaues aoodngbieg fraud laps lan ughtoi by the fall wasptmi a fssciasttsg part of detail in landscape and sky lights atone will record in much less tune these expos will also work out satisfactorily for leases sat at fu and if you use a larger lens opening the exposure um esa be out correspondingly do not try to picture moring subjects and if an aatomobfle approaches just hold year hand over the ian unto the eeadugata pass out of the seen tesrr eajoy sight shooting oat debts ra not at an dlmcult and youll gat aaantl platan that are john van c princess aids charity drive london special oct 15ui a letter appearing in a london newspaper re cently ended with the words ood bless the canadians it was one of many ccmxnunlcatlons appearing in the newspapers of england qiese days expressing gratitude to the canadian red cross society for its contributions of food clothing and blankets to air raid- victims the letter written by an official oj the charity organisation official socie ty handling the relielln the distressed areas said it was not only that the canadian red cross supplies were just what we needed but they reached us when the need was greatest the peo ple of canada should know that their generosity has saved the lives of babies who might have suffered sadly from cold and hunger arid it has given thousands of people a fresh start ood bless the canadians one story is quoted as typical of the cases assisted by the canadian red cross in one of londons working class districts mothers put their babies to sleep in a ooncrete shelter they were wrapped warmly in blankets sent from canada a bomb tended above blew in the doors and walls there were casualties and bad bruises and cuts escape seemed impossible but finally if tenners dont ken boo to term nno- adays its no for the want o advice they are papered wl ways boo food stuffs to raise as easy as shakto a dice just get haud o a ploo wl a tractor to pu -and- plowter the grun till its red then sprinkle some seed wl some manure to feed and wi confidence gang to your bed next cut a the grass and put it in a press wl a wee pickle treacle to taule nae bother at a makin feedin for a wl stuq that they used to let waste next talc your young nowte and win ter them out where the reaper has rumpit the braes though theres little to pluck it will save wheelin muck and the land girls frae filln their clres keep the treaclemade meat to make milk tor the teat and beef for the graders to grade and send safe and sure on a mystery tour run by an official brigade nxt hunt a the sheep where the deerstalkers creep and fcrep tiie ploo gaun in the glens its as easjls ocht wi a wee bit o tbocht to those that can ferm wi their pens feed bracken to hens that are shut up in pens it will loster and flavour the eggs this will work at baith ens if it works wl the hens and the glens a get stockit wi tegs when theres tatties to lift gte the schule weans a shift and a change frae their lessons and honejrnairibrtnid falifo no the vork but the way it often is done gives ttornemaker baefcv achesand rrialces her tired main- tains feis fannie brooks extension specialist to fleelth university of tjhnolg college of agriculture filvery time a homemaker stoops over 4a put a pie into the oven or to collect dirt in the dustpan she uses 59 per cent more energy than she does lying down setting re quires 4 per cent and standing is education noo claims that they canna hae brains unless they hae meat for their wamcs i can easy see noo whats been taiglln the ploo th wrang mens been haudln the stilts the cleverest loons hae been a in the toons and the land has been stockit wi dolls noo ive nae doot ava twad be better for a if the toonsfolk were a on the land and the own frae the soil got a snell or a while at reddin the mess thats on hand an olden time benediction may the sun be warm and kind i you the darkest night some star shine through the dullest morn a radiance brew and when dark comes oods hand to you the bau you have to run so before i can get hold of it and touch you with it all right replied alexander but where do we run bee that- stone over there lets run to thav t soon two more boys stopped to watch the game we want fco- play too they said so a game was made up with two- on- a side this game the boys called one old cat more boys wanted to play so another base- was added and they called the game two- old cat then stlir another base was added and then the boys of coopers- town gave the sport played on their diamondshaped field the baseball one bright sunday typing- in the year 1888 a scotchman named robert lockhart was walking along the bud- son river in new york city lock- hart made frequent trips to europe in connection with his importing busi ness and often brought novelties from scotiani on this particular sunday morning lockhart with his two sons was carrying his latest importation a set of golf clubs and balls coming to a broad open meadow he teed up a ball and selecting a driver whacked out a long drive the ball whlzsed right by the ears of an iceman look out dad cried one of hisi sons you almost hit that man and there is a mounted police watching you at this the policeman wheeled his horse and came charging across the meadow but fortunately for the fu ture of american golf the policeman smiled hey you said the officer let me try to hit that ball soon after this lockhart explained the game to a neighbour named jock reid held owned a small pasture lot just enough for three holes of golf soon with other friends the two were playing daily when winter came tliey painted the golf balls bright red and continued to play thus began a great american in dustry today over 5000 american golf clubs occupy half a million acres of land with property valued at close to a billion dollars at least two million american men and women are enjoying the great outdoors as golf players in colonial times a favorite sport with pioneers was rifle shooting to day thonrands of american marks men who- never met each other per sonally conduct rifle matches by the postal symem sending their scores to each other through the malls at the close of the american war between the states two confederate soldiers maurice and will thompson returned home broken in health in the dis turbed conditions of that day it ed almost impossible to make ing will said one of the brothers one day guess well have to take to the woods and live off the wild game but we cant do that his bro ther replied because as former con federate soldiers we are not allow ed to carry firearms maurice thought for a moment and then said 111 tell you what well do well go out in the woods and make bows and arrows and shoot our sup ply of food and so these two brave exsoldiers fashioned bows and arrows and ruled euough game to maintain a liveli hood sion the news of their experi ences began to spread others took up the idea of shooting at station ery targets and within a short time the ancient game of archery had been revived in the united states last ear 6 million bicycles were in use in america more even than dur ing the days or the gay nineties when the cycling erase swept the country and there are at least 8 mllmon am ericans who today enjoy bowling in door games such as billiards and table tennis are enjoyed by old and young badminton and horseshoe pitching are rapidly increasing in popularity a few years ago skiing was an unknown sport throughout the standing straight takes less energy than bendingany eorjment which enables the homemaker to maintain- an erect posture will forestall fa- ggue thus m long handle on the room or mop and a high oven in stead of a tow one are devices to- mjnimlte energy output mora backaches probably occur because the kitchen tabled sink and the laundry wash tubs are too low than for any other reason miss- brooks said these faults can eas ily be remedied by having the table sink pr tubs raised on blocks of wood hanging out the clothes also becomes a less burdensome task it the clothes basket is placed on a medium height portable cart or a- coaster wagon x fatigue not only affects a home- makers physical wellbeing but in directly affects her mental wellbe ing miss brooks pointed out thus the familys happiness may be de pendent upon such small factors as too short a broom handle or an un dersized table 4 ci homeloving sex now has wanderlust this is a womans world and in planning jur titosnevcrujees we first ask ourseivstvhettne head of the family will think says rob- ert r mathews of the american express travel service over 80 per cent of all those who travel for pleasure belong to the socalled homeloving sex and in making a choice on travel we figure that feminine fancy is a directing if not the deciding factor in the majority of cases the average woman traveler is very tolerant of the shortcomings of her fellowman up to a given point says mathews she can take her dictators or leave them she doesnt mind rags or poverty as long as its picturesque or lack of plumb ing as long as it is somebody elses plumbing but heaven help the unfortunate- cruise director who brings her to sn hotel- that hasnt all the latest nickel plated fixtures and if even so much as one humble cockroach should in advertently cross her path why the- trip is off r all fish caught later by the various colintryietroept for-v-few- -professional- groupsoffishermen will bereporv and college athletes on the occa- vcontinued on page 7 sold fcy rsttabt deafen ryut ptliiinaswanre wwtfnewear and bea chess are three ttopeswaol points to consider when you are buying a new raof d rood ensure enduring protection against rain snow and sleet extreme change in tera- will apt make mam curl or warp bvantsord ttooci will add distinctive beauty and charm r he biatdi are iwd tn m w that can be blended harmoniously with any type of home the bcaonord roofing ccmpany 35 yean of canadian experience has produced the quality of bvantsord roost mat ghres canadians economical service and mwdmum drotectloh fax all types of weather thenamebranrford ttoosrt is your gnaemtee of superior roofing materials bfing company limited ontario bk the geopfietown lumber co ltd plan census of salmon one of the first steps to provide for a continuation of the salmon in dustry in oregon waters is the es tablishment of an experimental sal mon culture station at big eddy the construction and operation of the station is a result of coopera tion between the canning industry the state and federal fishery agen cies the state of oregon took the first move in stocking the station with fish by delivering 200000 young chi nook salmon these fish win be held in the pools of the station for a pe riod of time for study by members of the federal bureau of fisheries the oregon state game commission and wilus rich internationally known ichtyologist of stanford uni versity the fish will be tagged and re corded for future checks as to mi gration and loss through activities- of salmon fishermen and predators fish of the ocean ed to the fish commission when all figures are compiled at the end of the fouryear perio the difference between the numberoi originally and those which return to five mile creek will represent the totalloss of fish during the period spent in the pacific and caught by t fishermen colored rain and snow white show and rain water are occasionally varied by the most un usual substitutes about 12 years ago yellow snow fell on the northwest coast of japan and everyone was curious as to how this strange phenomenon came about some japanese said it was brimstone an sulphur as punish- rnent lor sins -ft- w u t t y low dust that had been whirled up from the gobi desert in central asia and carried in snow clouds to the japanese districts where it fell yellow rain too has been known to fall it was discovered to be caused by flowarpoqenrblown b the wind up to the rata clouds black snow has been known to fan but this too was no magical mani festation being traced to a vftuent eruption of mount etna in scoy where dust and ashes had cot raised up eh cloud tiny mue inat

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