Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 30, 1940, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday eteping october 30th 1940 ttrr enu of ntret to tae tocal format oetr farm page prepare your lawn for winter u is a common practice to neglect the lawn alter the final mowing in hw ttll there are however a number pt operation which may he carried oat to good advantage although the aratt may be permitted to go into the printer sljjhtiy longer than the normal height long matted growth la de 4britery cndeelrabje k is reoom- inended that the turf be out u long as it u making active growth say j b boyce division ot forage plants central experimental farm ottawa the removal of weeds from the lawn is dost as important during the fall as it is dqiing the growing season if the lawn is thoroughly weeded just be fore treeseup and proper fertilisation and other suitable cultural practice are started sufficiently early the fol lowing spring future lawn weed prob lems will be considerably reduced i a great deal of the wlnterultlng which takes place in lawns may be at tributed to poor drainage either be cause of smothering by standing wa ter or ice sheets or because of failure of the lawn to drain rapidly in the spring thty encouraging disease con sequently every effort should be made to ensure proper drainage m some cases wheje the subsoil is very com pact tile drains are necessary in or der to provide adequate under-dram- age it is important that there are no low areas in the lawn surface shallow depressions may be levelled by topdreesing with good topsoil ifae case of deeper hollows it may be necessary to oft the turf build up the level of the soil to the desired height with good topsail and then replace th aod all leaves and other trash should be raked from the lawn during the ian the practice of providing win ter covers of manure straw leaves or imiinr materials is not recommended since they ate not necessary and fre quently do more harm than good ii addition to betas unsightly such covers tend to mother the grass fa tout disease and harbor insects man toe and straw may contain numerous weed seeds leaves- are particularly harmful since a mat of wet leaves will smother the grass very quickly it manure is used on the lawn as a top- dressing it should be finely pulverized andu worked down into the turf so that no lumps lie on the surface any manure used should be thoroughly de composed and free from weed seeds several of the late fan operations are designed to combat the disease known as snow mould the fungus causing this disease thrives under moist cool conditions although may occur in the tail whiter spring it is usually most prevalent in the early spring when the snow is melting in the first stages of the disease areas of the turf become cov ered with a white- cottony growth latter these areas become gray in col our and finally the affected grass becomes light brown in serious cases the diseased turf is killed on lawns where the disease is known to be ore- talent it is a good policy to treat for aoowmould in the late fall an ap plication ot a mixture consisting of 3fj calomel and 13 bichloride of mer cury at the rate of three to four ounces per 1000 square feet produces satisfactory result the beet way to apply this material is to mix the re quired amount of the mixture with sufficient dry sand to spread it uni formly over the area even distribu tion is essential it is desirable to lig w the lawn immediately af ter application these materials are extremely poisonous and corrosive to mrtt and should be handled accord hog cholera spreading rapidly m bigs win medals and free trip aixtakmrrs john lister harold picket aa outstanding feature at the international blowing match held at si thomas this year was the event sponsored by salada tea company the big salada special class open to all plowmen who had qualified branch matches and to all winners of first prizes in the open jointer class i at international matches from and including 1927 brought together the top rank plowmen of the province and attracted wide attention the first ant second prizes are gold and silver medals and an extensive trip to includf areas of agricultural interest twelve cash prizes ranging from 25 00 tc 5 00 were also awarded for this event top honours went to ohn lltei and harold picket both from hornby ontario all records broken at 1940 international entry list up 200 from last i year halton well to the fore tn prize events the international plowing match held this ear at st thomas broke all previous existing records both in en try and attendance figures during the four days there was a total entry of 90s in contrast to 681 at the brock vtlle event in 1939 total attendance during the four days of the match reached close to 200 000 which was 50000 tiore than had been expected a feature of the tinal day october 18th was a march past of 3 000 re emits from the royal canadian air force station at crafts in a speci ally constructed platform on the plow lng match ground premier mitchell f hepburn took the salute other dig nitarles on the stand included col george e drew ontario conservative leader wing commander a e case of the royal air force hon p m dewan ontario minister of agricul ture j a carroll plowing match manager and alex mokinney jr president of the ontario plowmen s association halton county with a team com posed of grant baker freeman ivan taylor moffat and kenneth brown hornby placed sixth in the inter- couny competition for horsedrawn jointer plows there were twenty- shlarge sheet flocks to meet was needs btzeasine the responsibility of far mers in building up their sheep nocks to meet the needs of the country in war um dr e 8 archibald direc ter domteipn experimental farms g a th otta v three entries in this event with top stubble honours going to ontario county wifi a score or 219 points followed by bruce and haldimand counties in a umd place tie with 319 points th halton trio were awarded 211fc points and kenneth brown was ninth in in dividual ranking among the sixty nine competitors a highlight of the walking plow classes was the salada tea special in sod with jointer plows the medal was awarded john lister hornby who also received the award for the champion ridge for walking plows in the entire four day event harold pcket of hornby followed his neighbour placing second in the sam vent this was the first time in the history ot the international when two competitor from one county and com munlty and from adjoining farms ac complished this outstanding achieve ment other halton young men in action included harvey nurse of george town who placed second in second class tractors in stubble spncr wil son norval fifth in first class tractors in stubble angus mcnabb george town seventh in stubble open to those who had not previously competed at the international wm lucas free man eighth in stubble open to boys under 18 years claude picket horn by twelfth in the tractor class in hog carcass grading throughout canada alarmed over the rapid spread of hog cholera which is said to have ne cessitated the shooting of thousands of hogs in rentsounty alone premier hepburn gmveftwructlons last night or warnings to be seat out to farmers of the province to exercise the great est care in preventing the spread of contagion the premier communicated with hon p m pewan ontario minister of agriculture suggesting action far mers will be warned that the disease can be communicated by farmer from an affected area visiting a farm in another area the premier expres sed fear that the hognuslng industry ot the province may suffer irreparable damage and canada s muchdeeded bacon supply to britain have to be cur- miled if the cholera is not checked according to or f w schofield and dr r t ingle of the staff of the ontario veterinary college ouelph hog cholera which has been prevalent i in piggeries in western ontario this year and necessitated slaughtering most of the prise herd of the oax3 was chiefly spread through the med ium of small pig sales outbreaks of this disease occurred at many points in the western part of the prov ce and in many instances the outbreak was the first recorded for that particular area the disease was chlelly spread through the medl um of small pig sales which in recent years have sprung up all oyer the pro vince operat ng in conjunction wth the salts are the livestock truckers who be come effective agents in spreading the disease many a farmer bought pigs from a trucker only to find out in a day or two that the pigs were diseased and that hog cholera had been intro duced to the premises the veterinar ians report during the past few years diseases of awlne have become a matter of ev er increasing importance most far mors now realise that pigs raised in a qcitntitlc manner may be quite a pro fitable undertaking they are alsp al ert to the serious nature ot disease and are usually willing to cooperate in methods of control and prevention however the veterinarian is greatly handicapped by an inadequate know ledge of the coinmon diseases of these animals it was sated i sw ne erysipelas is definitely on the increase and is occurring among wine to a much greater extent than is a present recognized in one outbreak the owner lost ten out of twenty pigs and mas of the remaining pigs exhib ited a dry gangrene involving the skin of the back and extending from the tall to the ears hemorrhagic les ions in the skin or- presence of numer ous hhe like elevations of the skin wl h or without stiff or painful joints are the symptoms most frequently seen and the infection seems to per slst or a long time in a piggery the report stated acute and fatal infection of swine with hemorrhagic septicemia does un doubtedly occur in both young and ma ture swine the organism is by far the most common to be found in cases of chronic pig pneumonia available evidence would indicate that it is nut lesponslble for acute outbreaks of di sease among swine with anything like the frequency attributed to it the practice of inoculating swine with an- tl hemorrhagic septicemia bactertn has become widespread among farmers it is purely empirical and should no be encouraged only a few cases of genuine salm onella infection has been recorded but swine flu has been quite common ano in one large piggery every utter be came ill at about two weeks of age ihe mortality- was not high but the pigs failed to put on weight and re mained in very poor condition during winter months a number of cases ot sows losing their litters a day or two after birth occurred and death was due to septlcema in almost all cases the feed had been poor in quality the absence of vitamin a being chief cause for the lack of resistance annual match iwihftattvl 1 on friday of this week the w r hume farm of nelson township wfll be the centre of anjeultural interest not only fox halton but also for neigh bouring counties the annual match of the halton plowmen is now recog nized throughout the province as one of the best county matches in ontar io we understand from secretary j k whttelock that entries and applica tions for teams are already ronjpg in the prise list is up to its usual high tandard in fact there are several new features sponsored by halton firms and individuals which add in terest and educational value the re cent achievement ot john lister and barry pnket at the international has demonstrated unmistakably that hai- oast nan tnnmw m vbw 4 a real fvt 4 otion th dinner inthe event belismimujmoaanoaltaiwaillbwnwv in addition to the uruatsa4nu ot prl- j ses the programme- wm laehale num bers by the lowvttls quartette and the mr x am not bound to win but i am bound to be true x am not bound to succeed but i am bound if up to what x have i must stand with anybody that stands right stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong abraham linonth greatness anything which elevates the mind 4 sublime greatness of matter space power virtue or beauty ere all sub lime j ftuldn j cheep breeder association at the penhif of th third annual sale of rams and selected breeding ewes at the central experimental farm ottawa veeemty dr archibald said the sheep b had every reason to be con fident in building up the sheep in dostry because canada at present was heavy importer of wool and lamb he spoke of the responsibility of the aheep farmers towards meeting the war time needs for eastern onehalf treed type wool which is in the great- st demand for war purposes although the situation was not ur gent at present with regard to meat supplies said dr archibald a9 avail able meet would be rwuxred whet oreat britain could import to larger uanttues the apparent end ot it atfftngft to flrri to and ewea sctt the general application of rail or carcass grading of hogs became effec tive about two weeks ago through regulations prescribed under the live stock and live stock produote act this was not an innovation in the method of marketing hogs since sale na purc on dressed grade had already been m enict on a voluntary basis for about five years and prior to its general application more than sixty per cent ot the hogs sold at yards and plants were being offered for rail grading this enabled the tran sition to be made with less incon venience than would otherwise have been the case any difficulties en countered were largely of a physical nature and solutions are being found by the trade the criticism has been made in some quarters that rail grading tends divert hogs from the stock yards and to increase direct shipments to pack ers the experience during the first two weeks of complete rail grading does not in any way bear out this contenltai it to held trial as in hog runs during the weeks which have elapsed since jail grading becasne effective have been of record volume for the period atd this coupled with the fact that supplies were not even ly distributed over the market days of the week caused a certain amount of peak periods on some wftvjm people who were buying lc stock as a sound itffesfc ment y a the urban population ted conrkupne in tama farmer ttsmtva sjkxud be lipinr than erer totaprsomthe sfllllssr jhe srwjgpjwt through ttatu ot venal rail grading during the flljft two weeks of its operation has been that final seulement was not as prompt as mader hre gradhsf there has bean delay m asms to the atom mentioned ofjmg msrtwun during the mvp the week laaung tt in to km all bom on the day of and jthu dstsjwf onal setsss x lias of the solution is i the past the efficiency of the service provided by the selling agencies at stock yards will largely determine whether hogs will be shipped direct to slaughter or through stock yards the service of stock yard operators is in no way reduced and faculties exist whereby the small butcher and oper ator may continue to do business in a satisfactory manner while hog producers as a whole have had ample opportunity to become familiar with rail grading there are some who having been used to selling their hogs ori live grading find it somewhat difficult to understand the detail of rail grade settlement and to relate the rail grades to the former live grades for then information the following ootnparisons are mads rail peel junior farmers held judging competitions bolton manjw1ns free trip to chmago tsrinttt l b bsbskjdt ests tar mom eohirol of hs than is at presen pra held for staugbtar rsndre fsjedsng and the bacoc grade bog and b3 b3 ci c3 and os the product of the but cher grade light and feeders have been separated sraot feeders are pure ly a live weight sale and the ramatn- aradw earnr approximately the lamactade dressed a under gradng the refutation require that shall be marked prhdqosr u in a the sdttmtiooei factor iwaognawd un der urs prate as one of the molt graomg isa opflh truer tocuvatlon baoon type and quality than uve i lng end tharsmra mom ts t is loamlssaaaoeba npsmwflawlmvlwaerrtll as th result of the peel junior far mers judging competitions bert westlake of bolton gets a free trip to chicago the annual award tor the high scorer the oakjane farm trophy for judg ing the beef cattle went to jim car ney ot georgetown following the judging a banquet was held in brampton baptist church when j e houok was guest speaker agricultural representative c d gra ham was in charge of the uons vi make bigger profits 1p0m laying hens with shur gain 188 laying mash keep your hens healthy supply the balance needed for urge production shurga1n 18 laying mash is fresh no loss of vitamins keeps body weight up georgetown flour and feed georgetown qtesnapsh0t guild picturing halloween uatm to uie producer toe itrons and iu-4a- bm an h ur fore s urther atep tomd hot to- ha4low provwnetai although there are proapeota for an alt one record in hot oarsatlnt dur ing the next waive months he g increased proporoon of ttoem required for eapprt wl make u diffi cult to maintain the i ot ex port qualltr m our txupn unmaa the quality ot tha market hose la former itlea moetld of a looal char acter majr be mat with from that to tax in the operation ot ehsno- h ajetebut the rperteocvj- bxsoulema of a wsj jsveaa jid vam ot cr- graobjc am be msnttsst tnle waa an eaay ahev em small skate bulb inside the bumpkin sill and tar7en in reh eutjlex hlgb aseed mm in tbe camera get one like it tor hellowe en hjuxowbin is or should be a nood bult in rosectora about tn very special occasion for the amateur fefaotorrapber probably none ot ua would like a ateady rear ronnd diet of weird grotseque pie ture but for occasional aploe and variety theyre line and hallow een setlvltlcs provide plenty of opportunity tor such aftota there are in fact two kinds of c costumes and etunf ebots with odd or extraordinary llsbungs the beat alunt hthtlng for many halloween shots u to have your photo lights low that la down close to the loot so thst the light shines up lato tbe athletes fsee this smg- tasmt th ttshttnt you get trams avnay tire or a witchs cauldron funosstts shots are also s goo halloween etunt and taking tbsm cube psrmf tbe rulowees party- last etntek s white sheet over a doonrsy ulsmttsts 4t crossr- sstftawffji tarakjtetetalataw test back ot the sheet pnt the cam era on a firm support and take quick open and abut time exposures on high speed him try some stunt lightings with the jackoiantern too for snapshots with a box camera use a small photo bulb inside the pumpkin and a large and small bum in reflectors outside as tor anapshots at night hiitliebilbiiiide puupkjn high speed flbn ot course is right tor all these halloween shots in taking the party pictures place your photo lights m adraaoe atraujic spots aea utwi hobmng tab or tjaamluem i oppcrtaaitieeset keep a i hauoweeai

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