Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), October 30, 1940, p. 7

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening october 30th 1940 yithcftlta this international dambtilnoe purchased by the ontario stovtaclal command ladles auxiliary canadian lesion bsx was presented to colonel the honourable j h ralston mhrfsterof national de fence before a huge crowd at the canadian national exhibition from left to right jur j a mocleave brampton onu pilot in the scaf during the world war- who sold the truck mrs a c noriey president and mrs b j pegg secretary of the ontario provincial command ladles auxiliary can legion bjs sx who purchased the ambulance and presented it to the department of national defence photo courtesy international harvester magazine norval rifle club last week the shooting last night was very fair considering that the three high acorers in the seasons aggregate were handicapped by having to shoot on the 30 yard target at 26 yards the three me were messrs atkinson nurse and meredith and the visibility was not so good as on the 26 yard target the scores are as follows meredith 100 x 9 wilson 100 x 10 robertson 98 x 8 r w hall 98 x 5 ldsk 97 x 5 hustler 96 x 1 norma ball 95 x 3 griffin 95 x 2 mary orozier 93 x 2 atkinson 97 x 7 town o georgetown notice o court of revision of voters list notice is hereby given that a court wffl be held pursuant to the voters uste act by his honour the judge of the county court of the county of halton at the municipal office on thursday the 31st day of october al zm oclock in the afternoon d8t for hearing all complaints made against the first and second parts of the voters list of the municipality of georgetown for 1940 dated 23rd day of october 1940 2t p b harrison clerk j cooke floor contractor floor laving sanding resurfacing finishing we specialize in old floors good workmanship reasonable prices 3 new st phone sss burlington go by motor coach maes are low sound trip toronto winnipeg ls5 s399 s7l30 w h long phone 89 georgetown 120 at teachers convention in acton june frank and eight public school girls give music demonstration halton county teachers convention this year had a change of program that proved so helpful and popular that it was decided to continue the plan at the next convention on thur sday teachers in esquesing rural schools met at- stewarttown those from nasfagaweya met at sb no s nelson teachers met at fishers cor ners school and trafalgar teachers assembled at llnbrook teachers of urban schools met at burlington the morning at each centre was spent in teaching and observing in the afternoon there were discussions on the general methods friday 3 sessions were held in acton at knox church devotional exercises were taken by rev h l- bennie and reeve j b chalmers and dr a j buchanan chairman of the school board and miss m z bennett former principal of acton school gave ad dresses of welcome over 120 answered the roll call on friday morning and following routine legion- speaker to explain functions of nazi propaganda lord haw haw and sinister sam britons nicknames for two of dr gcgbbels notorious radio propagan dist- wil be the basis of the sunday november 3 broadcast of the legion vlew3 thi war to be heard over the national retwork of the cbc from 750 to 800 pjn ed8t the speaker who will represent the canadian legion which is presenting the now commentaries every fortnight will explain the radio methods by the nazis in an attempt to undermine the morale of the british people and break the confidence of other countries in britains ebility to win the war the broadcast will illustrate how the ridiculous allegations made by the germans about the rapid disintegra tion of the empire have acted as boomerang against their own propa ganda machine to the extent that it has now become more of a joke than he subject or serious consideration worse and worse the governor or the state one day ppeared before the convicts at the state prifon to make a speech porget- business inspector skuce conducted ing his eudience he began in the us- an interesting half hour at which he a manner pointed out that the most important things were not that there were 25000 teachers and 700000 school children and the annual cost of education in the province was m000000 the im portant thing was how we are moulding fellow citizens a murmur of laughter ran about the hall the gov ernor became confused and began fellow convicts the laughter increased oh you know what i mean he stammered i mean tm the lives of these coming citizens w kad to see 30 many of you here un make this a better world roar another interesting address was given by mr j buchanan bsa of the oac guelph his subject was famous bells the address waa illustrated a former inspector mr j m denyes was present and ad dressed the convention during the dinner hour the ladles of knox and the united churches serv ed dinner at the united church two very interesting reports of the oea were given at the afternoon session miss june frank of george town gave a music demonstration as sisted by eight girls from the george town school mr g mckenzle ac ton gave an interesting review of fea tures ne had noted election of officers at the afternoon session resulted as follows honorary president j m denyes ba inspector l l skuce ba b president miss d polater acton tpresldent mr r hopkins secretary miss m s oemmell mil- mlnty mil- treasurer miss on executive mrs j m plnder nassa- mlss a eraser esquesing black trafalgar miss j p nelson and the principals of urban schools delegates to the osa miss edna j a harris closing address was an lllus- mcmuuerrr paed principal of hamilton normal school his subject was birds and their importance dominion stores are of age dominion stores limited officially attains its majority this month hav ing been founded just 21 years ago beginning with a small group of stores in toronto dominion has grown into a chain of 337 outlets from win dsor onl to sydney nova scotia the anniversary finds the company engaged in a farreaching store reno vation program involving modernlxa- tlon or stores equipment and merch andizing methods to increase still fur ther the companys usefulness to com- musutlea whic it s a decentralization policy giving greater rruonslhillto pjatrtctman4 jflfeaflflluoi agers has been successfully developed during the past year this policy as sists the communities where stores are located by still further increasing do minion stores puiyhastng in the nei ghborhood and by catering more effi ciently lo the ootnjttnlty special re- gi starting this week al dominion stare win celebrate their slat ama- versary in a special coming of age ales event the local atom under the nrrmgr nun of mr jack watson to eooper atipg in fcfih special salewfcaftbawxs lie bftthday of one of canadas most prevention of throat infection thymol a substance allied to phenol carbolic but with 25 times the antiseptic strength of the latter is strongly advocated as a gargle and mouth wash in the prevention of raw sore throats and of tartar of the teeth in persons subject to these ail ments in every mouth left undisturbed for some hours for example during sleep a varying amount of white sub stance grows on the tongue and other mouth surfaces and accumulates around the teeth this consists of a threadlike plant called leptothrlx in the meshes of which may be numer ous germs and cells this plant u not removed will grow rapidly and fdrm a hard tartar on the teeth which can be removed only by a dentists sharp instrument such removal is neces sary otherwise the teeth and gums will suffer people otherwise meticulously clean in their habits habitually neglect their teeth the brush used in a perfune- tlonary rub is allowed to become fil thy and possibly does more harm than good many persons are continually troub- led with a raw sore throat aggravat- ed in some cases by smoking particu larly if cigarettes areused in these individual a systematic use of a satu rated solution of thymol in water as a mouthwash and gargle is a roost effectual preventive the solution is prepared as follows the crystals of thymol placed in 1 muslin bag are pot into a wide- mouth bottle and cold water added soon there will be a saturated solu tion of i he drug prom time to time more cold water is added until all the crystals have disappeared then more crystals are added thymol is inex pensive an ounce costing no more than a few cents will make nine gal ions of solution if the solution appears to be too strong that is if it bites the tongue or throat- water may be added the drug is slowly soluble in wm to the solubility when ready the aouition is used as a gargle and mouth wash several times a day fktguah c of experience claim th the remedy is vera- effective in the pre vention of throat colds and tarter-fffl- ed mouths bealdea no other antisep tic la so useful in keeping ones tooth brush in a healthy condltian oon- smrlng the cheapness and afcmpuuty of this drug it la worth whde trying oated in o for about eight een years tha original atom wag- k- eaud m the ptsmlam which how hou se tba oaldam ome oaxa aa from tftfefw t wa aanaxt fc i kt- news tor the north onoe again the cbc announces its northern messenger for the seventh successive winter this friendly broad cast to the men and women of the northlantt will carry a weekly budge of news of the home folk family gos sip and- good cheer the 104041 ser ies with sydney brown at the micro phone as in years gone by commences friday november 8 at 1300 midnight and on each subsequent friday night at the midnight hour until the land cf the midnight sun feel the warmth of a kindlier sol six months hence this year more than ever before the lads and lasses of the outposts will want thatfclose touch with home and for this reason cbc is advising all those with friends and relatives up on the rim of the arctic to hurry their messages so that they may be in time for the opening broadcasts all mes sages are to be addressed to the can adian broadcasting corporation 80 york street toronto canada mark ed northern messenger brockmgtonon war effort leonard w brockington kjc ttn cne of canadas leading barristers and likewise one of her most brilliant speakers will address the audience of the cbc national network on wed nesday november 6 at 1130 to 1200 midnight best mr brockington who recently stirred an international audi ence with his speech before the am erican bar association will devote his remarks to canadas war effort what hai been done and what is to be done as the dominion plays an in creasingly important role in the fight against barbarism a rehroadcast of mr brocklngtons talk will be present ed to th stations of the cbc eastern network the following day1 thurs day november 7 at 730 to 800 pan edst payload the cbc drama department an nounces the presentation from the montreal studios under the supervision or rupert lucas of payload a story in prose and blank verse of the striking development of canadas north west the script an original work for radio deals with the ro mance ol aviation in a rich vital young country and a treasure from its soil which is proving a boon mankind radium the authors are margaret kennedy and sheila marryatt of winnipeg and it will be presented with a special orchestral jcore by another winnipeg artist bar bara penuand payload will be presented to the national network friday november 8 at 900 to 1000 pjn edst berlin correspondent one of the youngest american newspaper writers to achieve out standing success as a war correspon dent is to be the next speaker on the series lets pace the facts he is richard o boyer one of pms shining lights mr boyer was born in chicago 33 years ago and commenced his newspaper career when he was 18 this past summer he spent severa months in germany and now home again he is telling what he thinks of hltleriand he has already completed a brilli ant analysis of conditions as he saw them ano his findings were carried by pm- in a series of 11 articles he is accepting the invitation of the director or public information to take part in the departments important series of broadcasts which has been given wetkly since july he will heard on sunday november 3 at 830 to 900 pm ed6t when boyer was 35 he won the am erican mercury award for the best es say on american journalism and his articles have appeared in various year books ever since canadian book week protestor j f maodonajd who for several seasons conducted the obc rupert lucas supervisor of drama far the cbc will be in charge of production of payload a special documentary drama to be presented on friday november 8 at 960 pan edst this drama written tn prose and blank verse will trace the development of canadas north west it wax written by margaret ken- ncdy and anne marriott with a special musical score by penuand au of winnipeg tmbelltohmenu from the atftgof its obo playhouse at the ward mtt oalleries in toronto kaon atondot night an invited audience will jbfit in the songs of the alia and ppt the stellar perfennancos of such l od impreaslonllts aft ottpgv fatt red newman pat rfjn9 xx muler tom hamilton frank old- flem andho supporting out th programme is produced by oeorg temple and the music is under th direction of simeon joyce book review from the toronto studios is to make one of his welcome ap pearances before the microphone he will talk about canadian book week in a broadcast scheduled for friday november 8 at 745 pjn ed8t pro fessor macdonakt who is a member of the department of english univer sity of toronto will review a number of outstanding canadian books during his broadcast let- go dont forget lets go to the music hall is now scheduled mondays at 800 to 830 pjn edst comnaenoing november 4 the old chairman will introduce his cast with elegance and canadian legion will not forget fallen comrades canadas soldier dead will be hon oured by the nation oh remembrance day november 11 as a result of decision by the secretary of state to proclaim the day a statutory holiday as usual art appeal to all citizens to partici pate in the ceremonies that will ba held throughout the country ismada by alex walker of calgary dorata- iorr president of the canadian ttpgiory who announces that provincial conv mands and branches of the tffglnn have been instructed to make plans suitable to local conditions in spite of modified arrangement necessitated because of- the war it ft expected that thousands of- btthestisf everywhere and egcserrioe men in cluding local detachments of the vet erans guard of canada will take part in the ceremonies theajlunoottuir to6tuoo jmt like did chum i oseta feed ktfurnace that much too pefbre i insulatep mv house wrm red top o- m tew res i and vooll have a much more comfortable ifttme if vov fix it with red top insulating wool seuby j b mackenzie son geobgsttown acton canada turns out more planes eatkhmt nil 1 1 i j natk kwar thi ta c than i mix te

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