Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 13, 1940, p. 2

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the georgetown herkld wednesday evening november 1 3tk 1940 the georgetown herald news of georgetown nerval glen williams lbaehowae stewartwvra 300 year subscription rates canada- 160 a year united states single copies 3c advertising rates will be quoted on application walter o btehn publisher fitafl garfield i moquvray phone no 8 leslie olark reginald broomhead member of the canadian weekly newspapers association and tbe onurioqittao dmstaa oc the cwjja kfow hauwe uhciesam to- th biu8on8 fob the douu poobiieh the editors corner no food shortage in england an interesting article lp the chepstow weekly argus shows the ex- c01ent state of food supplies in the old country j r williams of qlea williams brought us a copy of his hometown paper dated september 21st thlch contains an article headed too many sheep and cattle px sale it tells or a joint announcetaeni by the ministry of pood and the ministry of agriculture stating that as a result of the heavy entries of fat cattje and sheep for sale to the ministry or food that week the minis try could only buy fourfifths of the numbers entered partners were therefore asked to reduce their marjcetlngs tj at any market more than fourfifths ojthe numbers entered arev presented for sale continues the article the certifying authority will be tllged to refuse to purchase those animate most suitable for keeping for anther improvement or for breeding purposes or in the case of young cows and heifers for milk production continuing in the same vein farmers are advised that there are aaore pigs being offered for sale than can be absorbed and a quota for each collecting centre has been devised in cases where otters- of pigs are refused every effort will be made to accept delivery of the pigs the sallowing week atlhough this may not be possible in all oases this is one place where britain is better prepared than during the last war the food situation is well in hand and announcements like the above must be wonderfully heartening to the british people hogcholera a menace the ontario department of- agriculture is much concerned with an outbreak of hog cholera which has reached epidemic proportions in the southern ontario counties of essex andkent and has spread to lambton vgin norfolk and haldlmand every ontario farmer must cooperate in order to stamp out this menace to the bog industry and last week an advertisement suggesting 13 ways each tarmer can help appeared in the herald the dept of agriculture particularly stiesses not to purchase feeder bogs except from absolutely dependable sources it also cautions farmer against visiting neighbours hog pens or allowing neighbours to visit sbelrs confine all hogs to pens or yards that have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected and remember that such birds as starlings sparrows and jageorus can bring the disease to your farm from an infected barnyard tcne government suggests that farmers destroy as many of these birds as posslble another important precaution is to keep livestock trucks off the harm- it is suggested that when stock is shipped to load up at the end of the lane as diseasebearing refuse dropped from these trucks might peed is even more important in times of epidemic because hogs led on carefullybalanced rations have the strongest resistance to disease i a twotiming province there seems to be a certain amount of confusion in the public mind wei the question of daylight saving time two or three weekly new3- jsmpers cannot understand why the whole province does not adopt the ww standard and get away from the twotime mixups which are always incurring as we do not profess to be even an amateur physicist we thought nat the logical person to explain the question would be our local hydro aaan jim gray jim explains that the whole thing is a question of peak load peak load means just what it says the period when the most amount of electricity is being consumed each town has a peak load georgetowns usually falling arousd 1130 ajn when factories are running and housewives are cooking the noonday meal similarly the province 1ms its peakload period too with now war industries using enormous quantities of power the hydro electric power commission was faced with the prospect of putting in new equipment to take care of a higher peak load and even then there feas a chance that enough power could not be- supplied at certain times tram past observations of daylight saving time however it was found flat the provincial peak load took a considerable drop during the summer snaths and it was decided to put the province on this splittime ache- dole throughout the war period the easiest way of course was to ask fltaose municipalities which had shown their approval of daylight saving ttne continue the system rather than fore other municipalities which ui opposed to it to adopt the advanced time apparently the system has worked as we have heard no further pro- notmcement from the commission perhaps in the future it will be necessary to ask other municipalities to adopt daylight saving time or e may even see the province with still another time at any rate opponents of mr hepburn con hardly criticize him for ttds new method of twotlmlng ajid tto e is attve witto ships prom ttoe qaspe ooa to the coral t be secondary reserve tbtro b ore a tat lion dollars of paradhui investment canada is depending more art mora sjrksm on supplies rrom the united states to a2 j kn thf wheals of war industrv run- anir at k favourable- pnerlor the pre- 5ng w st isissss sn sent market values are welloelow the most belligerent countries in having so rc r lm vast a source of supply close at hand jgwjj g sstsirere we have nevertheless a serious prob- f 25 222i sls lemone that is becoming rapidly two other methods suggwtm for meet- more serious it is the problem of jgszje paying for american supplies dimjmsn tsls in peace time canadas problem of w doua c t bart finding american dollars has not been money from the united jv- at difficult we depend on our exports resent loans are- impale bemuse to provide us with dose to a third of jj american neutrattty laws toga our national income but we carry on ending of money belllgerento about 80 of our trade with two couu- there seems reason jdleve how- i tries the united kingdom and the ever that the tows swfe united states our exports to the two after the etoeuotu i and that owjada chief countries were about equal could obtain loans tf she wished many but befow the war we were buying canadians oppose securing joans as about gu o our imports from the method of flwumlng the united states and on about 20 out dtfhculueaor from great britain we made ends paying back the i loans jifter the war meet by converting the extra pounds and say that these aiherlcan loans which we made on our favourabltbal- would only enable canadians to keep ance of trade with great britain into r dollars to pay for our unfavorable bal- w kv 2 ance with the united statesduring to w tol ar mil they war time however exchange controls ouw preter to have the ckwernment are in existence britain wishes to drastic action to out down conserve her supply of pounds and we importation from the united state of are cooperating by not sending them to all products except those nual for new york thus the problem of and- 2 t s lng sufficient american exchange has thta direction to the last budget when become very important a 10 per cent customsduty was placed as far as trade with our auy great on all nonempire products stlu an- britain la concerned we are committed pf r oent cxdse to export as much as may be needed b ded to r cameras and a and to regard the matter of payment pr cent on auto as secondary our imports from the mobiles added to the 10 per cent ex- the money to pay ame farmers mother country have increased con- ch on the american dollar these and manufacturers than have the lat- i over our fence 1 slderably but our exports have gained taxea discouraged nonessential hn- ter complain to washington and make w vwsv uv i more rapidly it is possible that to p of ftl1 ds but these measures the solution of the problems and co- increase her resources and to replace h wa appeared to be adequate and operation on a broad basis more diffl- acton stocks and industries which have been there now a demand tor restrictions cult acton council at its october meet- destroyed britain may demand still on miports or fruits outofseason ve- canada might also take atm more lng decided to submit the question at more canadian manufactures already sees and household appliances drastic measures to curb imports cer the twoyear council term to the el- she has arranged to llnanoe some of those who feel that canada must tain classes ot goods might be prohlb- ectors her increased payments by selling back al1 on loanb frocq t dni ited or rationed as australia has done miss josephine louise lewis of ool- to canada canadian securities held states point out the unfortunate ef- to meet a similar situation resort lingwood was married qirieuy at formerly in britain there must how- fectfi of american opinion of such a might be had to the method great grand valley recently to mr frank ever be omits to such a policy and it resttlctlon oi imports it is true that britain has recently developed the s porce of acton son of mrs olcero is probable that canadian loans may t can be no question of a decrease british trading technique is to settle porce of gait eventually help to finance british pur- ln tothl imports from the united in advance with another country the halton union parmers mutual fire chases in this country states but merely a diversion from one amounts and types of trade that will insurance company is donating 7500 canadai trade with the united kind of import to another it is true be permitted ln any given period of to a ftmd to buy an ambulance for the a hjqctob cameux one of caaada8 beat known police offi cial oaa been appointed acting chief hnneatfsatiob department rimif pacific railway mont real during tbe absence of brlg geneval b de b pantcma ixaa lh vil on military duty as district elf leer command ing mrx no mr caddeux has been with the- caaadlan padno investigation department since 1913 he baa been assistant chief since 1925 r i nnntzwa inrthait tins i then our rutfasb6 wotfu d- mma u know tha the olwa of the cubs when they rush to defend the mother land and the oceans in between our- foes are aghast when the air is filled with lions who have taken wings they flinch from the are of the cuba who come prom the land where freedom clings italians and huns go muster your gun you will need tibexo all i tear for britain ngfetti with her back to the wall for the tilings that men hold dear gloat now mthe crush of your gxind tacheel thais poised oer this vast daman t it will never descend on britains aofia nor trample the world again par youve roused the ire of toe whole empire and the eons of freedom tawpr like a wall of stone defending the throne in this our finest hour epked c wiujiams publisher creelman csaskj gabbtte- rmllted m any given pcrwu w i u by this means canada and the red cross mutual fire insurance slas odumxnrioi ume by uu max- oaao mn rtifjiraliii w nnrmrtubm lr erenl allowii or mlslod by onlted 8tales would setua betbrehand companies in ontario are sponsoring more rro o nelahoour thaitwe seu p u i k- way advantageous to botn just the scheme with a total objective to to her bs if must tafystm mor be- comm kreit- neverttaless the what the nature of bade and payment be raised of k1000 cau at our esenllal dcdendence on exporters of oranjes and headlettuce between the two countries would pte leo close and miss maiearet rodirtton tor war materials uvl relngerators are apt to see only be these are methods which many sinclair both of acton were severely ulv ir uit as ili united states whal w s bleach ln the consider erratic and tyrannical but injured when oielr car collided wttto hif wint nn hpr industrvfor s a trade agreement certain which others consider necessary if ca- a telephone pole a week ago saturoay ztlrljz t ihe k ininortliu more quarters ln washington seem to feel nada is to face squarely the serious night the couple were travelling from rrom canada but is ret our imports thal lh would rauler e canada problem ol keeping her books straight georgetown to acton trtc with the united states i j too saying he was just a friend of the family tju aittumitix called loihg distfuvce flv ine were engaged a jl to be married yea long die- jfjjpwl prayer when ah gets her man i rv lv in fact it meets erery aitoation in life when yon must and can ignore dialanoa for a real eartoear talk after 7 pjn- and off day sundmy rale are lower as every little aabur knowat trom thp uhtteabtateshirvrbeentn creaslng to a much greater degree the great danger comes from the fact that as canadians are now earning more money they want to buy more non- miutary products from the united states for the nine months ending ln september canadas imports from the united stales increased from 330 mil lions last year to 5m millions this year and her exports to that country from 233 millions to 315 millions there are other ways than in pay ment for imports by which canada ends morey to the united stales canada annually pays a considerable amount of interest and dividends to american investors who hold canadian securities or who have made direct in- vesunenu in this country with can adian business expanding this am ount may tend to increase if these payments were not made canadian credit would suffer and we might find it difficult to borrow money when we need it perhaps to carry on the war or post war reconstruction fur ther investment of canadian capital ln the united states is of course checked by the restrictions jf the for eign exchange control bcud a smal ler item on the debit side a the am ount which canadians n i pay to the united states for frent chargea and miscellaneous services ol all kinds an amount which will probably in crease with our import trade on the credit side one can put gold and tourists production of gold has been stepped up somewhat virtually the whole of canadas gold production goes to the united states which is the only free market left for gold left ln the world the other credit item is the tourist trade in 1939 american tourists spent 262 million here while canadians spent 95 millions on tra vel in the united states with europe closed to them and more canadian money available for their dollars it was hoped that this year americans would spend at least 300 millions in canada so far the tourist trade has been somewhat disappointing it was recently estimated ln ottawa that this years intake would not exceed 250 millions nevertheless as canadian aourlslexpenduut in the u states have been virtually prohibuedr the next canadian balance should be somewhat above last years a very rough estimate based on the results for the first half of 1940 would give canada debits for the year on her commodity trade of perhaps 300 mil lions on interest and dividends of u5 millions and on miscellaneous services of os millions against this might be put a possible credit of 180 millions on tourist receipts and 310 millions for new gold production these fig ures would leave a deficit of close to 300 mlulons many changes might take place in this situation but even under the most favourable circumstan ces there la certain to be a heavy de ficit ln canadas balance of payments with the united states for 1b40 tbx situation the need to increase on a large scale our purchases from the united states for war purposes means that tor 1m0 canada will be faced wkh a deficit of poatibly 300 millions in her balance of payments with that coun irjjjibt aliat sloprotakein order to meet this situation is a question now being debated throughout the do minion tmang ahead last alpril the bank of canada transferred 0m ml in gold and 37 millions in foreign ex change to the foreign exchange con trol board and at the same time re quired private holders of foreign ex change to turn their balance over to the board this fund will not cover many deficits of 300 millions as a a directory c n r time table standard time geinc east passenger 616 am passenger and mall 1003 am passenger and mail 64s pm passenger sundays only j1 pm passenger dally 941 pm toronto and beyond going wert passenger and mall m am passenger saturday only lis pm passenger dally except saturday and sunday 80b pm passenger and mall 646 pm passenger sunday only 1130 pm going north passenger and mail 846 am going south passenger and mall 650 pm i depot ticket oihce phone tow j radio repairing we specialize on this work 13 tears experience j j sanfordson phone georgetown 34w leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba barristers mud solicitor mill street georgetown phone 19 kenneth m langdon barrister solicitor notary public plrst mortgage money to loan offloe gregory theatre bide- mill st phone 8 georgetowa a m nielsen 6th year of practice chiropractor xray drugleas therapist lady attendant office over lninlon store georgetown hours 2 5 730 930 pm closed thursday phone 150w gray coach lines i timetable effective sunday october 6th eastern standard time leave georgetown eastbound to toronto f 614 am 08 pm d18 am 6 pm 1148 pm 913 pm- c223 pm westbound to london 935 am 800 pan x130s pm d750 pm 206 pm dxlo35 pm ay405 pm exll35 pm a except sun and hoi b sun and hoi c saturdays only d exceptwsat sun and hoi e sat sun and hol f dally except sun x to kltdhener y to stratford w h long phone 89 f r watson dds mds georgetown office hours 9 to 5 except thursday afternoons frank petch uccnsed auctioneer and all classes of insurance prompt service phsne ml p o buz 413 monuments maaatram and uttering pollock a lgham gait out designs on request phone 3048 inspect out workin greenwood cemetery elmr c thompaon insurance service fire auto windstorm c p railway and allied steam summer excursions phsne 119w or j georgetown dr j burns milne dental surgeon xray georgetown phone 8 jcooke cement and cinder blocks brick and tile manufactured with isplbe power m all slaes any quantity 1 new st phone b3s burlington clifford g reid lps dj dentist phone 410 main st georgetown secure ralph gordon the versatile entertainer for your next program n dir ww address ttb crawfosd toronto come li and see us for your prints lng needs lowest prices and satis faction guaranteed christmas is only a ule more than a monih away why not drop fat and select jour onrlatmas oanl now w hare a smart dtaptay on ojjxml

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