Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 13, 1940, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday evening november 1 3th 1 940 our nnu of intmrttt to tht local former export of bacon govt controlled there la an kin in some quartan uim meet exporting packer ship ba con product in any manner and eon- dltton theyaee tals 1 not so 1 meat packer to toe manafactunr iba sent may be said to be toe according to regiilatlona up- b wottalonb of part tj jttf the livestock and lhc stock protracts act bacon la kredsd according to of- idal standards and packaged ft may front tone to tons he prescribed by tba poa minister of aarteilture ud vsqqo jwtag expiated must re- oelt such cue and haiiolm in tran sit as may from time to ttmo be pre scribed by to ionlsur to whom each eatporter of bmoomnttat tone a signed statement in the torn pres by the afmlsler respecting eaoh shipment of bsoon being exported uoh state ment must be signed by a government jas and ome copy of the state- forwarded to the iflutaetmc ber- dios dominion department of agri- exporters of bacon must be uoensed by the minister and the license may be nanfrfitd at any time if the holder violates any regulation of the minister reapeetlog the quality of bacon that may be exported within prescribed pe rlods and the proportion of wiltshire sides to other cuts that are included in soon shipment ah grade a sides must bear the official bruid canada in the form of an arc above the proprietary brand of the exporter grade b bacon must be branded with the proprietary brand of the exporter only such brand to be different from the proprietary brand included with the word canada for branding a bacon grade not be branded tine or snap trap is the most satto factory cheese tried bacon ram meat oatmeal and frultfa suitable baits for these traps jrgood oom- binatlou bait is a mixture of peanut ddtter rolled oats and chopped rai sins a drop or two of aniseed oil may be added if toeioce are numerous several traps should be used placing them where the mice are known frequent coop organizations by canadian farmers there are almost 460006 shareholders in farmer cooperative companies in canada in l39 uie total business of these organtsa- uons was over 300 million dollars ac cording to information com by the sormonucs division marketing service dominion department of ag riculture turner oooperattves thus occupy a very important part in can adian business but not only are there a great many coopera t are a great many different kinds moat people are aw are of the marketing cooperatives in fruits and vegetables live stock wheal and dauttkoducts but other assoda tlons exist across the country which are perhaps not so wellknown for instance in british columbia at gibsons landing is the howe sound cooperative canning association this organisation manufactures jam from small fruits such as strawberries raspberries blackberries and plums in c must i some jears this little group of about proprietary brands 100 farmers manufacturers 85 000 lbs must not contain the words canada or canadian the official brano canada consists of block letters not less than fiveeights of an inch in height not only are all bacon sides and bacon cuts inspected and graded by government inspectors at the vari ous plants but are again inspected at seaboard improved refrigerator cars under controlled temperatures carry the product under government super vision to seaboard export of bacon from canada is carried out in accord ance with government regulations and under government supervision of jam just outride the city of reglna in saskatchewan is the refinery and clacking plant of the consumers co operative refinery high above the main office building stands a sign which readi farmerowned and con- irrllej the sherwood cooperative he city of regina sells gasoline and icatfl hog carcass grading statement avatlabuk tokvkry rmoouccr farmers are entitled ur individual statements from the shipper or truck er covering hogs which they have sold showing 1 the official carcass grade s the carcass weight 3 the price per pound for the basic 4 price differentials for the various grades 5 any deductions such as transpor- tattbn and commission the official grader of the dominion department of agriculture is respon- slble only for the grade and issues statement showing the grade for every farmers lot of carcasses graded moat commission firms and pack ing houses are now issuing individual skscements of settlement for every far mers lot of hogs in some cases these are mailed direct to farmers but for thenoet part bey are turned over to the shipper or trucker and it is his resporudblllty to see that they reach the farmers concerned ud are not discarded as sometimes happens the hog carcass grading regula tions require the shipper to i identify the hogs 2 prov de the grader with a mani fest showing particulars regard ing ownership identification 3 issue to the farmer a statement as outlined above 4 mak settlement to the farmer ac cording to the official grade it a very much in the farmers in terest to see that whoever delivers the hogs to the market meets all these re qulrements most nippers or truckers are effi cient and tfustworthy but it is known that some are disposed to misrepre sent the official carcass grading ser vice to the farmers the dominion department of agri cult ure has established an efficient jstem h ch will operate to the pro- ducera berefit if lit- will only take ad vantage o it formers who ao not receive state- mci u of grade within a few days af ter marketing iheir hogs should applv to their nipper if this falls commun the mj air wmftiahau rv w oar who is a wmber c tae air oseamfl far togmeettog and sasaty be tain an angm- eehbg mir to ngb in the sky with the royal mml atr servtse sm later wtth the royal air fsxee tg- at this season of the year mice in seeking suitable winter quarters find their way into dwellings sometimes in quite appreciable numbers this is particularly noticeable in rural dls trlcts but also occurs to some extent in suburban areas and in city dwel the common house mouse is the chief offender states the division of kntomologi science service domin ion department of agriculture but field mice will readily establish them selves in u very short time both spe cies in their quest for more comfor table quarters with the approach ot winter are driven indoors mice are very prolific and if not checked soon become a nuisance the house mouse begins to breed when three months old and has litters at intervals of eight or ten weeks throughout the year unlike many other animals m are not particularly wary of baits and limps and are therefore fairly easily controlled while poisoned belts are effective they are not recommended for use in dwellings traps being satis factory safer and more sanitary as the bodies of the mice may be j posed where they will not create offensive odour the ordinary guillo- the official grader at oilto vboomernbers in the city andl poirh htre tht hop werslaughiered counry in the showroom of their nearij all hogs are killed on uie new station ou may purchase various same day or the day after arrival and rucl such as electric washing ma tht k bm s int grading cruft chines park plugs batteries oil and ties tmindiaiel after slaughter tin grease saskatchewan officials arc commission form or packer at once pifsoitj engaged in the preliminary computes tin settlement and the com organiza ion of a cooperative farm plele information ls then available to machlnerv company t farmer either direct bj mail or a barrit in ontario farmers own is ls usually tht case through the ind opt rate a cooperative packing 1 hlpper o trucktr plant thts group organized in 1929 now has over 1 200 shareholders and n somt jeirs has packed and sold ovr 1 million dollars worth of live stoct 1 ind poultry products the maritime provinces are well ad vanced i 1 cooperative activity far mer fishermen along the south shoe of guysboro county in nova scotia own a canning factory during the lobster stcon the plant is used to can sea food and in other seasons to can smail fruit tor bay canned blue berries aie a product of this coopera tive farmers co operatives are branch ing into rew types of organization and should prove as successful there as they have been in marketing and pur chasing activities the cabs or to canadians serving in other british or allied forces when forwarded by express or freight when sent by parcel pojst from can however the parcels must not exceed 20 pounds weight gifts forwarded to individual members of the cajsf by freight or express must be addressed to the con- igneelncare of the officer obmman- dhng the tjnit and shipped through a forwarding agent to enable clearance through onstoms oarlots of individ ually addressed packages should be conslgnedno the senior officer aux iliary seivlcs cmjiq oockspur st london similar gifts to canadians serving in british or allied forces should carry the name number rank of the corslgnee and the name of the unit and be addressed in care of the canadian auxiliary services 6 dllke sl chelsea london sw3 the dominion department of agri culture points out that while there is no regulation against the sending of apples from canada by parcel post to the united kingdom up to a maxi mum weight or 20 pounds except that thej reqilre inspection by a dominion government inspector the sending of such pa eels is not considered practl cal and therefore is not recommended the reason for this recommendation states the department is that due to tht fact applus are a perishable pro duet thej are not likely to arrle in good condition because when sen b par el post thty do not go forward under ftvorable shipping conditions spain anb the war hotbead phalamoutr ct tim ruth bctvboiu nerd rracx and bltrad by e d spain holds a key neutral position in the mediterranean win e re main neutral will hitler and mus solini tn order to attack the british hold on gibraltar and the western straits force the spaniards to the war on their side were are certain facts bearing spains decision first spain needs peace for two and a hall years she was ravaged by a civil war intensified and prolonged by foreign intervention in which the losses in m material and trade wre very heavy in transport alone half the railway rosmg stock and road vehicles were destroyed at the end of the war eighteen months ago production had fallen very low there were no re serves from foreign markets and there ws great etvihan duress the food sltuftttott is still serious only 96 per cent of the national con sumption of milk is being produced l cent of the wheat suppttes have to be tmported at heavy cost and there is a shortage of bread in many parts of the country there is also a shortage of cattle ptttlcuhurry draught oxen for plough ing in sewer to develop her great poten tial agrieotlwrtl and mineral wealth spain needs peace paying for axis aid but the price of victory has to be paid and germany and italy are not allowing nationalist spain to forget that they are the authors of her sue- dbot towards war on tht surface indeed it has at times appeared ttawt spam is drifttat towards complete alliance with the axis powers in july wbin m totor- view be gave to a forrugal x qeneral franco stressing spains t for reoonstrbctloq and pesos ald1bt in the event of a european war spain would be as neutral as poeswile on the outbreak of war spain de clared herself completely neutral sod though military missions visited rem and berlin the neutral attitude ws correctly maintained and even reaf firmed on the invasion of the nether lands in may but after italy s entry into the way spain adopted a policy of nonbellig erency and the press which had hith erto done little more than suppress the news favourable to the allies broke out in exaggeratedly cordial axis sym pathy in june the spaniards occupied the mtemkuonal sane of tangier this the first consequence of the french ed- mpsb was a reminder of the tmpsr- lahst ambitions of the new spam tus move and the claim to artlar nmde tn the phalanx paper arriba xridhrter m the whole press allo that the desire for wcsf peace did not preclude lively inter est in foreign affairs there is a good deal of artinolal-sts- mulatlon by foreign propaganda be hind the press campaign for gtoraltar the recovery of which though a pat riotic aspiration has never been tee the ordinary spaniard a vital issue the real issues the only vital issues in spain today are bread and work and though hot heads in the phalanx may have ttnme- dinate ambitions to close the straits of gibraltar from both sides there are signs that the spanish govern ment realises the danger of adventur ing in the wake of germany and italy the italians have never enjoyed the esteem of the spaniards who after fi ghting alongside them have a low opinion o then valour the germans are better respected and better uked the spaniard has a ready admiration for technical efficiency and mo the germans in spain behaved wen they have some control over span ish industry eg air transport 1 german operated and are tnifg at monopolising the rich mineral re sources of spain bat the hitlersulh pact was a set back for germany in spain for hostil ity to russia is a fixed principle in this catholic country which nnderweas nearly three years ef civil war to des troy communism then the french collapse brought the german army to the pyrenees the present form of government a dictatorship under general franco with the administration organized hr syndicates and political power con centrated in a single party the phal anx owes much to nad and fascist influence 8r serrano suner brotherinlaw eunado in spanish of the generalis simo is the outstanding politician of the regime hence his nickname the cunadlssimo he controls the police and the press and while claiming full national inde pendence is strongly proaxis in sym pathy spanish pride demands independ ence and spaniards know quite well thai it ft a not love of spain that sent german and italians to francos help neverttu 1 axis pressure is strow d it rrore open and perhaps less dangerous form ls shown in the violent t are now k t sp mto- aiillbitsh tone of the controlled i t- german mil tar ambitions a r ess h demonstrations on the arri proposed parade of victorious nasi al rr th- new british ambassador in j tf a san sebastian near the madr d 1 few weeks ago and in the franco spanish frontier received much netted t lalms to gibraltar continued on page 7 thejut u no otfil jl tbracco just like j old chum btfori vhipmint of applts to tht untud kintdcm t m bt made to mem htrs of tin c as p canadiaas serving in the bntish ur allied forces or to civilians t crtiflcate must be obtained from 1 d minion fruit inspector cer titling thai tht npples comply lh the leqmiements of the dcstrucuv insect and pest act the department of track and commerce emphasizes ihit lit greitest care must be taken in comtormlng to the regulations gov crnlng package weights and methods of shipment gifts of apples may be sent to civil ians in the united kingdom by freight tr express through trade channels on ly such packages must not exceed 15 pounds weight must be individually iddreshed before leaving canada and forward to an authorized importer in the united kingdom for distribution u paiiil post in addition individual parcels not exceeding 20 pounds weight may be nt direct by parcel post from canada there ore no weight limitations on packages of apples sent to members of 500hdsr bodies and improved riding qualities are combined with smart new appearance in the new ford can for 1041 presented by the canadian ford company tntwo unas tht da luxe rod the super de luxe fords are bunt with a rheetbese to provide for the longer and bodies running boards are partially coaeealed seating wlduanave been increased as touch as seven inches and there la greater shoulder and headroom flsft much better vision is mffcrded both wvtt ittd tfaasengvra as glass mu havs been sulantllly increased up to isr cent increass u wmpw front ends are re- tyfsd aa shown in the super de luxe fordor above ctibcfrlbe how to your bargain price the thrifty economical way to subscmbetothis newspaper ndyduriavourite magazines at seh5ati0kmey ldw prics tbete offert are good for new or renewal order it will pay you to look them over and send u the coupon today allfamily offer this newspaper 1 year and tour choice any three of these publication check thbee magazines cnclobb with okdeb 1 maclean magazine 1 yr t j chatelaine 1 yr j canadian homt journal 1 yr t national home monthly 1 yr canadian horticulture and home 1 yr rod and gun 1 yr 1 american mm grower 1 yr c 1 canada poultry review 1 yr american girl 8 mos american boy 9 mos all four only 250 supervalue offer this newspaper 1 tear and your choice of one magazine in group a and two magaxinee in group b mark an x before the magazines tod desire group -a- group b rtma d ii macleans magazine 1 yr true story 1 yr silver screen 1 yr l christian herald 8 mos 1 fact digest 1 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