Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 13, 1940, p. 7

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ttw gyflfptoya hem wednejy evening november 1 3th 1 940 ifjsfei of fixtures type of background ant col our selection should be plan your bathroom as carefully as too architect plana your house there urns a time not so long ago when plumbing fixtures were taken cor granted the owner gave them only the most casual attention put in a bathroom he told the contractor and that was that today the wlae home builder may choose hib own bathroom fixtures and nave them arranged to suit his per sonal taste and requirements the bathroom may be large and roomy or small and compact it may be a white bathroom with white fixtures a green bathroom with coral fixtures a glass walled bathroom with persian red fix tures and the bathtub and lavatory and closet fixtures may be one of twenty odd different styles and sizes the need for advance planning is therefore evident the drat and basic step in planning the bathroom is to obtain a satisfac tory floor layout the most convenient placing of the fixtures in relation to the windows door and radiator it is inadvisable for instance to have the bathtub tinder a window owing to the possibility of drafts and the lavatory cr wash tray as the most beautiful fixture in the bathroom might be pla ced directly in view of the doorway having arranged the general plan of the fixture the next step is the choice of wall and floor materials and acces sories the former of course should be waterproof and easy to clean tile and glass still head the list to give the bathroom that note of distinctive lux ury but there are also attractive col oured linoleums washable wallpapers and board tile which make attractive backgrourds for modem plumbing fix tures accessories such as towel and soap rack5 should also be given careful con sideration a full length mirror on the door and glass shelves for toilet articles will add immeasurably to the comfort and convenience of the fam ily using the bathroom the latest and smartest lighting arrangement is concealed illumination from a medi cine cabinet or mirror above the lava tory the thud step is the all important question of colour many people still prefer the standard white fixtures leaving the colour combination to be worked out in the choice of wall and floor coverings shower curtains etc coloured fixtures on the other hand have become very popular and some very effective decorative schemes can be achieved with their use j certain significant developments in the war situation are to be discussed shortly by r b parrell the canadian newspaper man who is known for his weekly talks over the cbo national network between ourselves no canadian journalist has a better back ground of practical knowledge and faithful study mr parrell served four years in the first great war first in the royal canadian navy in the north and south atlantic and later as captain and major 1ft the canadian expeditionary forces ih england and prance he took part in the battle of hill 70 helped to establish the sub marine patrol service between labra dor and bermuda in 1816 later played a prominent parkin raising the 119th battalion- lor overseas service his talk- the progress of the war will be given from ottawa sunday nov- ember 17 at 1215 pin bdst britain speaks leslie howard who has been a figure of romarcc on stage and screen tor man seasons playing heroic roles lrt boxoffice successes now stands with the other heroes in britain who go about their day and night shifts of being heroes without a thought for marquee lights and black face type bver since the early months of war he has been back in his homeland andwlti j b priestley sir philip joubert david bowesyon and wick- ham steed makes up the battery of boxoffice radio personalities who de liver the talks when britain speaks eacii night at 11 15 pjn saturdays excluded andy goes to ottawa andy clarke whose neighbourly news from the ontario weeklies tells nf crops and catches mishaps and amusing things and whose weekly talks arc as real and as cosey as a nice pleci of homespun has moved on down to the nation s capital but the micro phone at ottawa even if they feel a liue bit important as they have a perfect right to do will not change the genuine quality of andy clarke s voice ah his friends up toronto way will miss him but they will be listen ing on sundays at 10 00 am ed6t and its their bet that andy will show these ottawa valley anglers a thing or two when the spring break up comes templeton visits the gang 1 he happy gang had a rlproarious wire with alec templeton the other daj tne famous english pianist whose wit and musical brilliance have majp h m a favourite star of the us networks was leaking his ascend eon cert appearance in itoroubx he ac- ospted the happy oss invitation to submit to a douwetripleharrel inter view but he held his own even in this gang of high pressure funsters he told bob paroon that be was writing phony himself bob tat just finished ma ami be told hugh bart- lett that vancouver hughe home town was terrific templeton said he became a happy oang fan when he heard them aing wlftr er ead tucked underneath er ann away back m 1996 ajd interrtewm by gang leader bert pearl alee admitted liking everything in music from toa- canlnl to boogey woogey dont for get he wrote bach ooes to town farm broadcast gees on the road the ontario region farm broadcast is going on a tour for the next two or three weeks commentator don falfbairh and scriptwriter dean hu ghes the author of tne cralgs left toronto on november 8 to visit experimental fanm and other im portant agricultural organlmuons in montreal st catherines north bay hamilton sherbrooke ottawa quebec city lennoxville and other interme diate points this personal contact with experts in swine breeding stock- raising and fruit and vegetable grow ers will provide fresh material for the doings of the craigs and will enable oonimetitatot fairbaim to pass along new and uptotheminute sips to ontario and quebec farmers in his jbsence o j w shugg super of the cbc farm broadcast department will take mr falrbalrns place at the microphone for the dally farm broad cast 1230 to 1 00 pan standard time or 130 to 2 00 pm this an1 that in sport by o mac lsequvray lets stick to amateur hocketi during the past few years there have been certain practices in ttae oa ha which some of its members feel would constitute the dropping of the word amateur from the a title practices which some would like to bring into the open cannot be uncovered while the association still rates as ameteurand fortt are still others strong enough to keep st georges church 88 years oj4 an interesting history of st oeorge churen of jsngund was compiled by lex bohrag brampton reporter for the ttaronto evening telegram and aalnlw of mr and mrs william buulvsnt we reprint it trod af publication the first incumbent of the chureu was the rev thomas w marsh who took office as rector of the pariah la 1853 he lived for only four yean dy ing on a voyage to england prior to the induction of the rev mr marsh the congregation had been formed and the first church of the parish arutber large frame structure with a tower and spires had been built by the stab ecriptlons of the members in 1m7 the the awoclation together on a strictly rjijtl amateur basis these hregulatltie srain and the war continued from page 6 publicity but never took place there followed a marked revival of spains friendship with portugal a country which has mantalned despite scrupulous neutrality its traditional alliance with england and there la prudence in me spanish official de nial at the instance of the british ambassador of spanish press reports that great britain had been holding up cargoes of wheat for spain the agreements between portugal spain and great britain to ensure sup plies of wheat and colonial products may not satisfy political pamlonb bat they do feed the hungry people spain has plenty or problems ti solve agricultural industrial and pol itlcal to take one example the af firmation of national unity by the phalanx does not in itself settle the q lesttou of basque and catalan sep aratism geneial franco ls a cautious n and he knows lhat if he were to involved in war he would only increase his countiys distress which so on ha some clubs contrary to the rules are contracts and salaries for players and rapid reinstatement of professionals as amateurs while this comer ls aware of the underhand practices in amateur sport we are still firm in our belief that in dropping amateur rating apart would suffer as the results from the viewpoint of a small town to pay playenv- espec ially hockey players would not only be financial suicide for the clubs but would in the end lead to a shortage of players amateur sport gives every player and wouldbe player a chance to develop his talents and should he become outstanding in his field of en deavour the professional field offers him a greater chance from a monetary standpoint caha officials should consider the small towns before drop ping the word amateur from the league and every small town across canada would do well to voice their opinions and not fall in the hands of the big city interests who would like to professionalize every sport and run it ou a business basis rather than for the love of the game week of antjary 6 ibm red cross week th hockey it has been announced by george h dudley of mflmd president of the canadian amateur hockey association that the association will sponsor ho- pkey matches m every town and vil lage across the dominion during the week of january 6 1941 the proceeds from jch games to be donated to the red cross this ls a fine gesture on the part of the cajha and the am ount raised for this worthy war effort will no doubt swell the coffers of the red cross the georgetown club will no doubt fall in line and do its bit newjig a bigger car a better but new big bodies new massive beauty new faster acceleration new heavy rigid frame jnliiv interior luxury fltn stabiliiet ride control new soft slower- action springs hi tv roominess min vision glass area increased up to 33 new wider seats new longer wheel- base and springbase fquambwa4lp0dfo less than any otnb fvusiu cam m canada lets look at the facts on the new ford car for 1941 body entirely new and bigger wheelbase two inches longer seating width increased as much as seven inches better vision 22 more vision in sedans 33 more in coupe ride completely reengineered for amazing new comfort new sop slowacting springs new ride stabilizer acceleration already famous now stcppedupp for even faster pickup add these to new massive beauty and luxury that matches the brilliance of a vtype 8cylinder engine plus allaround economy and you get just one answer arrange right now with a fordmercury dealer to inspect end drive this- lugger car this better buy csmadvm cu roh cjamadjl no cars old in f riwfr g hinm percentage of tmpn material and labour than those manulactnred by fordmotor com pany of canada limited ford v8 for 1942 if georgetown ls to have another successful hockey season and we dont see why it shouldnt some immediate steps will have to be taken by way of organization it seems that every year the local club is rushing plans at the eleventh hour when others are well organised and ready and waiting for loe last ears success has given the fans something to hope for in the in termedlate ranks and it ls our opinion that junior and juvenile hockey can also make a good showing last year the intermediate club won their group defeatediiucknow in the first round and then gave way to slmooe the juniors put up a brave fight but handicapped half way through the season by causes beyond their control were forced to retire at the hands of their keenest rivals in the county town they in turn were ousted by bolton who had a team almost to a man of imported players this season still more of our former midgets are ready to fill in the gaps in tne junior ranks and likewise the juniors of last year are ready to step into the inter mediate ranks doesnt that sound like good enough teams to give our op ponents a good- hockey battle a good hockey team is an asset to any town lets get started and organize a club in one of the best sporting towns ontario alst in the iglng m marsh had a large territory under his ministry including members of the church at norval glen will- lams stewarttown and other small villages some ofthem not in the im mediate vicinity of georgetown and some of them long dispersed as the population of the district became more centralised first class construed the first record of baptism is that of john cook who was accepted into the church on august 3 1663 mt marsh did not present a class for con firmation for three years after he took office on june 3 1855 a class of m young men and women were confir med the first marriage of the parish was performed by mr marsh at ner val in 1856 when he united wuhan long with ann price thomas at thomobon was the first person ulnae burial was recorded in the mnutt book of the church his funeral tope place in stewarttown on septembjb 30 1932 the congregation of st georges had established a cemetery but there was no record of- a burial in i until 1656 when evan price was in terred in the burial ground ou novem ber 34 the present church of native lime stone beautifully located on a tdn- side near the chief highway jshrough georgetown was built in 1878 by b britton a georgetown architect at a cost of 3300 by reason of the low price of materials and wo at that time the building was easily the handsomest although not the lar gest church in the town the corner stone was laid on july 25 1878 by george elliott of guerph and tne building was dedicated by the vener able archdeacon william murray of the diocese of niagara placed in new d0btrjjct the diocese had been organized only four years previously at which time st georges and neighbouring parish es had been separated from thetftr- vnto diocese and placed in the new clerical district the consistent in terest of the congregation in tne church is illustrated by the records of additions and renovations in 1907 newseats replaced the older style of pews and a pipe organ was installed in 1909 under the rev perdval mayes rec tor in 1921 the membership of the church outgrew the available accommo dation and an addition was built the loyalty of the congregation is well il lustrated by the sacrifices of eight young men who lost ibeir uvea in the last world war others of the congre gation suffered wounds two mem orial windows bear the names of ttaess war dead and more than a few men of st georges have enlisted in tbe pre sent war for some years past tbe church has been connected with the pariah of st albans in glen williams under the ministry of the rev w g o thomp son throughout the depression the financed of the church were main tained and the organization of the churih has advanced through the determination of the parish- loners not to let the church down at the present time st geor ge s has as many if not more paro chial organizations as any ojher church of the same faith in halton county in preparation for the copper cliff visit next february according to gordon alcott he hopes to invade our town with his copper clfftons and retrieve the calder cup emblematic of the midget n hi championship of ontar io which they lost to georgetown last year in preparation for this visit would 1 not be a fine thing if we could en a team in the ontario jmenfp hockey association this as sociation is doing a fine thing for the younger boys and this year is even extending to take in bantams and mid gets they are also attempting j dominion wide series with the east playing off withtheweslatjhean nual meeting of the jjlhjl held in toronto recently it was decided to extend the juvenile age limit two months to bring the signing date to november 1st in compliance with ca ha rules the following executive was also elected dr l hlpwell of toronto was elected president to suc ceed john h lorlmer of kitchener vicepresidents c moolasben niag ara palls harold luke oshawa alex mcintosh midland secretarytreasur er jack h stafford toronto honor ary executive lionel conaoher ml a syl apps prof hart london u jack rotborough slmooe s r man- son ross clemens hamilton jr km- chsttlar sudbury and dr taylor til- lsonburg cjlha wajtttme regulations the oajsa in accordance with the expressed wish of the government of canada has derided to operate its schedule and cup piaydowns as usual this season and has anriounoed fodowlnc wartime regtusttom a the residence rule srfll be entire ly suspended for all players engaged in military service of any had furthermore such player may play tor more than one olisb in the sf season if they are jnoved by the a tary authorities during the course of the playing season b any army team which may be organised in the respective military scandal ls that state of believing f others what one would like to do oneself districts may be entered as a unit in the allan cup piaydowns through the branch piaydowns c an professional player who goes into military service shall with the consent of the national hockey lea gue be allowed to play with and ag ainst amateur hockey players d clubs which lose players during the season because of enlistment for military service may replace such play ers up until such time as the dub en- ters bi playdewaa replace- ments in such cases regardless of res idence dates may be secured from 1 players who are engaged in mili tary service and are moved into the district 3 players from any other clubs in canada or elsewhere provided said club is willing to grant a release e only players who were register ed with the association the wht the bxha- or the asa of ujb the preceding season may be replace f a goal keeper may be rep only by a goal keeper g all decisions regard ments shall be made by the i offi tor the branches i and such decdsionb shall be final and- marlumes ajbla hanson doweh quebec ottawa district and oha- g a dudley thunder bay manitoba and saskat chewan f seroaht alberta and british columbia dr w g hardy tbe preekteot g dudley- wishes to draw the attention of all branch ex officers to the moaarity of doing everything uoastlil to cooper ate with the nrtswtftaittues in providing the troop wtopportunl- ues to play hockey and suglgestb in this connection that contact be roads with rcsnarasbea cettcer in various ee- cttofis of the coorjtry and the facul ties of the aasocbotbh sad its bran- ches be placed at their dtapoaal to the fullest extent

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