Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 27, 1940, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seventyfourth year of publication wedneiday evening november 27th 1940 1 so per annum in advance 200 to u3a gibbons returned mayor of georgetown for eighth term acclamation for reeve ward i iii councillors hydro commissioner and school trustees town will vote on bylaw it was made known on saturday that mayor joseph gibbons and reeve harold cleave have both been returned for another year by aoclatna- tto reeve cleave who was also onmmated for the mayoralty withdrew us name leaving mayor gibbons as the u candidate for mayor mean while councillor n h brown stated us intention of accepting- the nomina tion for councillor in ward i and dropping- out of the contest for reeve thus returning reeve cleave for another term of office in ward hi councillors cave and coatlgan and mr clifford bradley have all woaltded as oandmatea for office and two of these will be elected next monday december 2nd ad other offices were fined by acclamation namely councillor a b crlpps s j mackenzie k r macdonald n h brown hydro-comxnjs- skmei h c dayfoot pubuc school trustee j d keuy hugh dickie miss annie ryan attendance was poor at the town of geogetown nomination meeting held in the pubuc library last friday evening only a handful of ratepayers turned out to hear a review of the town business for the past year and o nominate municipal officers for the coming term of office the nomination period lasted from 730 until 830 when p b harrison was chosen as chairman for the open meeting which followed mr harrison in opening the meeting deplored the lack of interest taken by the ratepayers m general towards a meeting of this type there were few at the meeting who were not directly concerned either with nominating someone or in presenting a report he mentioned the importance of the bylaw vote which will take place on monday december 2nd if the voters signify their approval of the bylaw the incoming council will remain in office for two years if the by law is defeated elections will continue to take place yearly as they have in the past the mayor mr harrison then introduced mayor joseph gibbons it is a pleasure for me indeed said the mayor to address this no mination meeting and give an ac count of my stewardship ten years ago when i first took office i under took the job of lessening the town debt this has been slowly but sure ly done by 1943 if it should be the pleasure of the ratepayers to con tinue my policy we shall see this com pletely accomplished two more large blocks of debentures have to be re tired and then we can consider a ten mill tax reduction if no more debt is loaded on the community he congratulated local organln- tona and the ewzens in general for their splendid contributions to can ada s war effort we must remember he warned that the war has a bear ing on municipal legislations fu ture councils must legislate so that local tax burdens can be kept at a minimum and the ratepayers will be enabled to pay higher taxes to the dominion quoting from statistical sources mayor gibbons showed that a deben ture debt of 280 000 in 1931 will stand at 150000 at the end of 1940 and that this last figure includes an out standing expenditure of 27 000 for road construction while we axe fol lowing a program of rigid economy however we must not allow this econ omy to replace necessary civic service i am also proud to state he said that at no time in the last ten years has there been a deficit in the our- rent account praise for derktreasarer p b harrison town clerk and treas urer drew warm words of praise from the mayor for his assistance hla knowledge ana civic pride have been of great help to me moreover this has not been merely a personal ser vice as i am quite sure that any one who follows me in office will have the same assistance available from mr harrison ten years of service thanking his nominators mayor gibbons said that he looked back with pardonable ride on ten years of ser vice for the best town for its size and population in canada i have made mistakes he said but i have honestly tried to oon duct municipal affairs as they should be conducted i have derived an edu cation from my work which i would otherwise not have obtained and i am thankful to you far giving me this education if you think i have done a good job he concluded i shall appreciate your support at he polls in the com tag election reeve oleave reeve harold cleave was then in troduced by the chairman it is a pleasure to appear before you again said the reeve t can report a normal year in county ooun ell where the equalization problem seemed to be the main topic of dls- op to eq x am absolutely o to an other equalisation taking place m haiton county next year he stated lfo municipality has anything to train dipping into past history he re lated that the last equalisation start ed tn 1938 lasted three yean and coat 10000 which does not include expenditures by municipali ties in legal fees etc mb municipality has anything to gain from an equalization he warned there xrngth be small changes here snj there but when these are balanc ed againwt the equan nation cost we would all be losers 7 can also report a decrease to debenture debt since i first sat on the county council said the reeve when i first took office we had a county debt of 770 000 and this has been reduced to its present figures of 275 000 king street paving reviewing county expenditures the municipality this year reeve cleave showed that the county had actually spent more money in the town than the town s county rate large share of this of course was spent on the king street and 9th line paving i was in favour of a stanco pave men i on the 9th line as well as on king st and so was the engineer but the town council decided against this i hope it the 9th une pavement stands up but if it doesn t don t blame the county council tribute to late reeve mr cleave paid his respects to the late oeorge davis who was chosen reeve last year and passed away to his second month of office george town and haiton lost a good servant and i a good friend was his tri bute uncertain of intention expressing his thanks to those men who nominated him for the reeveshlp and the mayorship mr cleave was uncertain as to which office he would seek i could help in the county coun cil next year when the equalisation problem is bound to once more pres ent itself on the other hand many of my frends have been urging me to run for mayor i have always giv en you my beat and i would like to think it over before my final ded sion he concluded councillor 0o6tigan councillor james costlgan wai next invited to the platform as chair man of the finance committee hi confined his remarks to a review f the interim statement which gives a picture of municipal finances from the first of the year up to november 15th good financial position the town is progressing he stated although i or any other one person can scarcely take individual credit for this he also praised the clerk for his assistance and thanked his nomine tors for their interest in nominating him again for ward n councillor ootjnoillor brown i am happy to say that i have little to report astd councillor n h brown who is chairman of the wei fare light and police committee hl showed that welfare costs were very low this year and law enforcement was made easier by an almost com plete lack of crime thanking those who nominated him tor reeve and councillor he accepted the latter nomination which auto matically elected him by acclamation councillor mackenzie being a freshman member of the council and as our committee build ing and propetry has spent the least amout of money this year i feel that i should be permitted to make the shortest speech said councillor 0 mackenzie he thanked the electors for return ing him or another term as council lor and promised to mm them u the best interests of town attain councillor mecdonaild councillor k r macdonald was in troduced to the meeting as chairman of the roads committee with seventeen and a half miles of streets i think i can truthfully say that our committee coven the most territory remarked councillor mao- donau he expressed his pride that george town has so much permanent pave ment and pointed out that this win reduce road maintenance costs in the future as there wffl be less gravel and oil needed two oounooiiore absent in the absence of councillor crlpps who was returned by acclamation no report on water and fire which com mittee he heads was presented councillor t r cave who is running again in ward ii for council was also absent from the meettoff and no report of the prtntrog and indus trial committee wasvjeoeived hyproootrfwrafltoncer hl o dayfoot mr h c dayfoot retiring hydro commissioner who was returned by acclamation was introduced andxe- viewed the position or hydro fatjh past year he complimented mis k d ryan and mr j e gray for wir efficient administration of hydro af fairs hydro consumers now number about 1 000 he stated and this is an in crease of 100 over last year the commission has an estimated pur pus of 3000 during the year jot on main street was purchased ajbuihe commission intends to erect a outts ing at an opportune time 3f for some years we have felt ibat we need a better premises for fcur hydro office and this year we an opportunity to buy this lot at reasonable price said mr day he made no mention of a specific ti when building might start r b foulis mr r b foulis chairman of the high school board was asked by the chairman to say a few words hi complimented the high school teach ing staff for their good work hi hoped that in the future the difficul ty of lack of space and facilities to carry on the new curriculum could be remedied interim statement shows towns financial posittn to november 15th an h tcrun statement has been pre pared showing the financial position of the nauniclpallty from january 1st 1940 to november 15th while the re- celpts and expenditures section gives much interesting data it must be re- membe that it is purely a cash posi tion which is shown and accounts receivable and payable are not reflect ed in the expenditures and income figures a considerable rise is noted in tax collections for the current year last year these amounted to 34795 78 by november 15th while this year 34 101 15 has been collected however there has been a drop in tax arrears collections from 15 648 60 to 9 69226 tax arrearages remain at re latively the same level as last year however dropping a few hundred dollars to 23 677 45 the balance current taxes owing la also slightly lower th s year being 23 192 63 com pared with last years figure of 24 374 09 water arrears collected this year are about 200 less than last year water arrearages are correspondingly higher by a few hundred dollars the water works department however presents a much improved picture with last years estimated deficit of 206 45 changed to an estimated surplus of 117332 this is due io a combination of increased income and decreased expenditures a drop of almost 1000 is noticed in welfare expenditures which is a slg nlficent indication of an excellent em ployment situation in town in the asset and liability section an increase of 15 000 in the current ae stts is noticed with a like increase in current liabilities so the picture much the same as last year in that section the cash position on november 16th was excellent with a bank balance of 6 486 11 contrasted with last years balance of 707 31 if this cash posi tion gives an indication of what the financial position will be at the end or the year georgetown may see a decrease in their tax rate lext year terra cotta ufo mr and mrs george leslie were host and hostess to the ufo and uf w o cub of terra cotto for their regular monthly meeting the uj- wx opened their meeting with the singing of the maple leaf and all repeating the lords prayer a splendid paper was given by miss bea lyoms on dust will keep but violets wont minutes of the octo ber meeting were read and adopted followed by the roll call the annual election of officers was held and the following chosen rjjwo president mrs george love vicepresident mrs henry downey secretary mrs p a dick assistant secretarymrs clarence anderson ufo president mr t l leslie vicepresident mr peed lyons secretarytreasurer mr f tlxxnpson the joint meeting was quickly u- gun and euchre was soon to pr much enthusiasm shown by the players mrs dick winner of the ladys prise while mr albert dolson secured the gentlemans prise bveryone enjoyed the hospt fclity of mr and mrs ii these planes echo across canada night and day the powerful roar of training planes echoes across the canadian countryside as young men from all the empire learn to use their wings under the commonwealth air training plan a formation of harvard trainers is shown in this photo lady lawn bowlers enjoy chicken dinner the annuel meeting of the ladies bowling club was held last thurs day evening nov 21st when twenty- one ladles of the club sat down to a beautifully decorated table in the school room of the baptist church the baptist ladies served a delicious chicken duner which everyone enjoy ed after dinner they adjourned to the home of mrs j h llllico where a social evening was spent with bridge and euchre the business meeting which follow ed showed gratifying reports of the season s activities and by unanimous vote the members reelected all offl cers as follows president mrs s mackenzle vice president mrs harold cleave secretari treasurer mrs john glbbens prize committee mrs j h lilllco miss m langan refreshment committee mrs w h mcdowell mrs h cleave winners in the trebles were present ed with beautiful prizes 1st mrs h cleave miss o logan and mrs a duncan 2nd mrs 8 mackenzle mrs j h ullco and mrs w prank 3rd mrs w q mcdowell mrs erwin and mrs p cleave seasons ringer score mrs john glbbens hidden prise mrs j h lilllco the evenings bridge prize was won by mrs w g mcdowell while the euchre prize went to mrs erwin mrs j kaiser of thcdford a for mer member of the club was a guest of the evening the social evening was brought to a close with expressions of appreci ation to mrs lilllco for the use of her home ratepayers- twnmmy former georgetown boy join canadian air force douglas auatt a tformer pupil of georgetown pubuc school has been accepted as a recruit for the rcaf and left his home in weston on wed nesday evening for no 2 manning de pot brandon man doug who passed his senior matriculation at weston col legiate this past summer finished his tests and was signed on tuesday and given orders to leave wednesday he greatly regretted not having the op- uonnfflry v5 v5stt his georgetown friends before leaving but will be glad to rear from any of them un til further address is received any communications may be sent to his home at 16 bellevue cres weston bingham harvey wedding in qalt andrew kyle bingham only son or mr and mrs harold bingham of georgetown was united in marriage with freoa maude harvey daughter of mr and mrs ben harvey hespe- ler at a ceremony which took place in gait on saturday november 23rd the ceremony was performed by rev davidson of oalt mr hlulard allen toronto was groomsman and the bride was attended by her sister miss flossie hrvey a wedding supper was afterwards served at the harvey home in hespeler the couple left fop a western honey moon and on their return win make their home on the ning home stead near georgetown censorship joke one of the biggest jokes of the year is the way in which united btates newspapermen who recently toured eastern canada are telling their read ers all about halifax and what goes on ther whereas newspapers in can ada by order of the censor can only refer to it as an eastern canadian port srockvule recorder and times licy e rawlings becomes bride of douglas c maplesden a qu e wedding was solemnized at knox marse acton on saturday nov 23rd when lucy elizabeth rowlings daughter of mr and mrs frank e rawllngs acton was united in matri mony to mr douglas cecil maples den son of mr and mrs cecil maples den acton the ceremony was per formed by rev h l bennle the brde looked charming in a dawn crepe dress with black and white accessor es and a corsage of sweet heart roses she was attended by miss isabel smith attired in dusty rose with black accessories and a corsage of talisman roses the groomsman was m charles lansborough a reception was held at the home of the brides parents where mrs rawllngs received wearing dubonnet crepe with a corsage of bronze baby mums and mrs maplesden in soldier blue crepe with a corsage of pink car nations the happy couple left later amid showers of good wishes jtot a short wedding trip on theif return hey will reside in georgetown 5th line barn burned a large barn on the farm or mr and mrs leslie campbell 5th line lot 20 wac destroyed by fire which broke out early tuesday morning the fire was first noticed about 7 o clock in the morning when the campbells saw flames shooting through the roof neighbours aided mr campbell in removing livestock and all the stock was saved with the exception of twelve little pigs all the seed grain and hay was destroyed the loss was partially covered by tasurance the driving shed close to the bam was saved this is the second fire loss on the farm five years ago mr fred packer who was farming there at that time lost his house by fire town of georgetown nominations for mayor joseph gibbons moved by jams ballantlne seconded by h l hutt harold cleave moved by j dt keuy- seconded by hugh dickie for reeve harold cleave moved by w v grant seconded by james bullfla- tlne n h brown moved by k rmfccj donald seconded by s mackenzie councillors ward i n h brown moved by mark dazfe seconded by joseph gibbons a e cripps moved by h cleave seconded by mark clark ward n jas costigan moved by j xx keuy seconded by james bauantta t r cavemoved by s zle seconded by c sargent clifford bradley moved by jmt russell seconded by jos oftbons ward m s j mackenzie moved by thompson seconded by h k r macdonald moved by k m langdon seconded by e c thomp public school trustees ward i miss annie ryan moved by hugh dickie seconded by t l lyons ward n john d kelly moved by w v grant seconded by h cleave e a ward m hugh dickie moved by mogilvray seconded thompson garfield by e- a hydro commissioner h c dayfootmoved by r b foulis seconded by e c thomp son the weather monday of this week gave us a cloudless blue sky and bright sun shine for the whole day with a tem perature range in the shade from 20 to 30 degrees followed at night with a drop to is degrees this will probably be our final freeze up for the fall and wtu pot an end to the fall plowing following are the records for th past week date h and l precipl- temp tation mon nov 18 39 25 rain xa tues nov 19 vi 23 wed nov 20 45 39 rain 10 thurs nov 21 40 30 rain 16 fri nov 23 43 37 sat nov 23 36 34 sun nov 24 40 34 mon nov 29 30 20 snow a trace winters herb a heavy snowfall blankets georw- town district today telling us in n uncertain terms that winter is here snow began falling yesterday after noon and by early evening there wet several inches on the ground mora- snow fell during the rught ana traffic was this morning moving with difficulty council asks attv-gen- for civil guard corps capt c v williams suggested u commander new fir siren in telephone office interim statement reviewed meeting last thursday night george town council passed a resolution ask ing attorneygeneral conant for per mission to organize a branch of the volunteer civil guard in george town lt col james ballantlne com manding officer for haiton council was present at the meeting to ask consideration of the plan he ex plained that all towns in haiton ex cept georgetown had a civil guard in georgetown a corps of minute men was estabhsbed last spring and while the program for this group close ly follows that of the oivu guard r status was unofficial he warmly praised the local group which at present numbers about forty for the good work they are dome every officer in the minute men is an officer who saw service in the first great war and the men thus have the best of instruction how he felt that some legal status should be given to the organisation and the correct procedure would be to asfc the at- torrjeygeneral for penntaalon to es tablish a local unit of the volunteer civil ouarda the council endorsed ool bauan- tines suggestion of capt c v wil- uamamjg as a competent command ing officer for he proposed local group and this was embodied in the resolu tion another resolution was passed granting the organization 2600 to be used for buying topographical map of the district and defraying ottasr expenses mr misener of the bell telephone company was present at the ineettasjl and explained defeus of a prepaeaa new fire siren at the beu telephobb office in georgetown a bylaw wfctt drawn up and passed after t lngs providing for the ti this will be a great adnutave summoning the fire brigade mbm ore breaks out and as one ooodob tor expressed it a tntnnte ganajl t tfae start of a orey 1 in hoar afemd in wghhng it when a fixe emx ftl received at the telephone ofltee tt operator win imtneddately rtat tftav siren the cost of the new la about w600 town clerk p b the interim fl a picture of mmisolpal the beginning of 1m0 to isth membe of kae aunga ml t tees were given an oppbrtmstof h study the indivldaml statements in w tail

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