Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), November 27, 1940, p. 3

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tv geotgctcwn herald weftcwhty evening november z7a- 1940 mainly for w timely topics ior women by barbara bainbs all w one lifetime grandmothers of today juat doni seem like grandmothers anymore d with their slim figures short skirts beautifully cottlured hair and makeup they look more like mothers or from the back view ought even pass tor young girls but if some day you can get a young grand mother of say sixty or sixtyfive to alt down with you for a couple ofhours and tell you of the world as she knew it when she was a girl you will rea lise that in spite of her youthful appearance she was brought up in tlmeli vastly different from those of 1940 when orapdma was eighteen and did her hair up for the ilrst time she may have been a jittertug but she didnt know it she had nev er tfdden in an automobile or an aeroplane she had never heard of daylightsaving nor a wristwatch nor a quia nor a totalitarian state nor airconditioning no nor a onepiece bathing suit the ug kitchen did not have an electric stove or an electric refrigerator or a mlxmatter one did not push a button to turn on the lights she had never seen a speed boat nor a cement road nor a filling station barbecue broccoli iwnihn nylon were terms gull unknown to her she had never used a telephone nor been to a movie riot won or contest nor read a gossip f neither bad she listened to a radio she didnt know about the significance of inferiority complexes or inhibitions nor affinities she had never beam of bombers nor antl aircraft guns nor minesweepers not only were the material things of her world different but orand ma dkmt know about pink toothbrush nor b o nor that your best friend wont tell you poor dear she dldn t know how one went about getting a skin you love to touch nor about vitamins for vigour nor that one must count their calories one wonders how she ever got a beaut but then i dare say she was well up in cookery magic orandma today is freed from the drudgery and monotony of those early years but m wagerhe leads a more strenuous life now uum she ever did that is if she is y truly modern grandmother she mustnt grow careless not for a mome she must keep her body streamlined her hair in carefully arranged waves and curls her makeup repaired at all times and her nails gaily polished she must keep her home immaculate take her daily exercise go to the right pla ces entertain the right people in the right way do her stint of war work and still find time to read all the new books it ten t enough that she cultivate her mind and keep her body youthful she must also cultivate cbann poise and personality if she is to be a really successful modern grandmother yes she does get a chance once a day to relax on a super de luxe spring mattress but considering the hard life she leads surely a little self indulgence is her due canadian tars want magazines thee is a pressing need lor more magazines and books tor the men of the royal navy the royal canadian navy and the merchant marine at halifax the central magazine exchange in halifax is a branch of the citi zens war services committee and serves as a distributing centre for mag azines books playing cards games and other recreational matter to the navy army alrforce and merchant navy ana also to hospitals canteens and hostels ai present ii receives about 9000 magazines each week but this is far short of what is needed to supply the thousands ot men in the district and an appeal is being made for another 10 000 magazines week the men prefci magazines of general interest digests pictorial maga sdnes adventure and mysterj stones movie magazines etc and are not much thrilled at receiving a big shipment ot women s magazines nauj- ally they like magazines that are current and in a last moving world that means magazines not more than a month two old no group of men are playing a more c urageous part in the present war than a e our sailors they arc constantly exposed to risk of attack by u boats and bombers as they ply back ai d forth across the atlantic with troopo aid essential supplies lor britain reading helps lessen the strain and tension under which lhey live ano to relieve the monotony of hours of waiting let us see that they get all the magazines and boot they want one shipment is not enough what is needed is a constant flow of regular shipments matrazines may be shipped freight free either c n r or cpr if each shipment weighs at least 100 pounds and each package not less than 50 pounds address all packages central magazine exchange plckford and black wharf halifax ns in addition mark each package plainly with the word magazines and permit no ff403 book review the oxford pamphlets the oxford pamphlets on world affairs first published by the oxford university press a little over a year ago have been gaining ever wider recognition by the reading public over forty have al ready been published they contain short studies of world conditions foreign relations economic problems and empire affairs by well known authorities on the particular subject the following group have been published recently they sell for ten cents each britain s blockade bv b w b clarke the blockade is a deadly weapon britain has been using since the first days of the war in this pamphlet mr clarice discusses britain s ob jectlves and methodt the results of a blockade of raw materials such as oil the problem of the time factor and the food blockade the gestapo by o c giles in this pamphlet mr giles discusses the part hlmmlers secret police has played in the successes of the hitler war machine australia and new zealand at war the destiny of australia and new zealand is closely linked to that of the other pacific powers and it is with this fact in mind that her pre sent foreign policy and economy and plans for defence have been evolved this small booklet contains a clear concise study of the problems fa ced in these countries war and treaties by arnold d mcnair in this pamphlet mr nalr poinds out the need for and the weak nesses of international law and makes suggestions for future improve ments the oxford pamphlets are wellwritten and illuminating and be- yareshort and tothe pnlnithay a ntnn to ue busy person who takes an intelligent interest in world affairs let me remind you that is a detestable race of men who are always raking up kind nesses conferred he who has received them ought to have them on his memory and not the man who has conferred them cicero economy oven dinner keeping a family well fed and health on a limited food budget presents a challenge to the intelligence and ingenuity of any wo man this oven dinner is low in cost but both satisfying and nour lshlng dressed tenderloin browned potatoes baked pepper squash baked apples temperature 350 degrees time lvi hours at present prices tenderloin is economical because it is boneless and there is no waste split tenderloin almost through lengthwise lay hat sprinkle with salt and pepper spread with a savoury bread crumb dressing place another split tenderloin on top tie or skewer together place in a shallow greased baking pan do not cover surround with peeled potatoes lightly rubbed with butter beason add two tablespoons water baste to brown potatoes the pepper squash should be cut in half the pulp removed then sprinkled with salt and pepper and a little butter added oreenlng apples are juicy and delicious this time of year remove tbe core and peel one slice of skin from around the oentre fill toe con with sugar add a little butter and sprinkle with nutmeg put in shallow bakmg dlafa and add tt inch of water all foods should be ready for serving at the same time homemads mustard pickles are an appetizing addition to the meal omen i how long does it take you to eat in teas bnay days many of us fas to satiny our hunger with a asmmofa often bohed hurriedly ws know was playing fiasfanal loess with oar insidee but the job ms take ant place irregular assefa fnefulsr sleep and new ways efbvsas an h causes of constipsw hon r bmmttggtmturmlief oeasssfhwaon ss you know is canes naamly by tbe cssappearancs of bsbbtavafrou the laxgs intestine lussssana that moi must re tain tbkvis done by the action of the asvenat mineral salty which are present bxcruechen at the same tim krosche by its diuretic acmon helna to flush the kidneys thus rtririmg your bloodstream of its accumulated tone poisons it stands to reason that the size of dose for relieving constipation depends on the individual but once went jetua saw ttot it was an 1m- l pulse that was nvcntexy and told 5 him that his companions had no bet- el tied place- of abode that they had 8- k ven up homes poesesstos for the thn initial constipation haa been relieved a small dally dose just enough to cover a dune will help to keep you regular and cheerful start today to remedy the mtachif wrought by irregular meals and hours you can get krtwched from any druggnt 25c and 75c international uniform ool is th village hgbted by etoctrtd- yr only when theres a ttamderetonn brlderdo you sell dry goods beret clerk no this la a grocery brtde o x wanted to get some inter 1 sunday sch j lesson an exacting ducipleship sunpay dlckmber 1st 1940 golden tfxt no man having put hts liana to the plough and looking back ls fit for the kingdom of god lukt 9 t2 lisaon passage luke 9 49 62 ih iw ot the kun ls trvice fi id ih h irhist ert hit most tokrance 49 so thi ajkictit john was the beloved disc pie am known as tht apes lit of lot yi t litre t come upon him how int t inrow sectarian splr it ht ai so ztilous for chrlit tha ne could uoi ipprot nm of good du js lone b otneri christ taught him i lesion of to eranct alng he thn is not again t us ls for us we need to le rn ihi usson lodiy ai a cor rrclut of denominational ism we ma bt taaer to liae our own church gel credit and fall to appreciate the erv ice rendered by other denomina tions w may be so partisan polltl cally thai we do not appreciate the good government given by a patty we do not support it may be that some antl semiti m ls caused by jealousy to wards th superior scientific skill of jewish sxlolan christ would have us pay much less attention to labels and raulh more to realities of charac ter and trvloe there is so much pro fessional jealousy religious envy and racial bitterness that brotherhood ls made dif cult facing death 5152 before an engagement cromwell s soldiers ued to say the general has on his battle face the disciples could not forget the look upon the face of jesus as he began this visit to jerusa lem there was a sense of divine pro vldence in the decision jesus was born in the fulness of time and in deciding to go to jerusalem he felt lhat he was fitting in with gods plan he knew that insult persecution cru elty and dtath awaited him at jcrusa lem yet he steadfastly set his face to go to jerusalem because of his sense of duty the compulsion of a life mis sion he sent messengers to pre pare for ids journey through samaria conscious of his great destiny in jer usalem he nevertheless attended to small details of travel in samaria his great purpose did not make him over- lopktrlvial tasks and responsibilities saving uvea 53 56 for generations there had been bad blood between the jews and samari tans in one village the samaxhans were inhospitable because jesus was on his way to jerusalem james and john lost patience with the samaritans and asked for permission to call down fire from heaven to consume them after all christ s teaching about love and peace here were two of his leading disciples acting in a manner contrary to bis example and instruction christ rebuked them he told them uiat they had missed the spirit of his teach ing he said the son of man ls not come to destroy men s lives but to save them christ s mission was one of mercy not of murder he would win men by persuasion of the power and not by cofctcionnd force in the wo- demess temptation he had decided to use the methods of education and he could not allow his disciples to ad opt the methods of military tyrants human welfare was a guiding prin ciple in the conduct and teaching of jesus how slowly the lesson is being learned i the progress of the race de pends much more upon teaching than upon tanks and bombs the educators wu have to undo the damage the dic tators bare done psetloese tar go 5158 christian dlsclpleshlp is an exacting sendee christ calls us to forego our p of comfort ctaristtsn seek not yet repoeett a keynote of ohrlsoan soldiering wtien christ was on his journey to jerusalem a man ottered to follow him wherever he sake of the kingdom of god tnrqugb his public ministry christ waa nome- m leas and he left no legacy but one gar- js ment m who go to another land for six years at a time know something of the homesickness of sou inevitable in such absences certain religious bodies require two years of service from young metrln their twen ties they are sent abroad as mission- arlea before settling down in ttoetcowa homes evangelists such as nwjght i moody or gypsy smith have had roving lives methodist ministers have known what it is to move to a new district every three or four years lea ving old friends and going among- strangers great modern missionary leaders are constantly on the road leadership calls for exceptional sac rifice one man who was invited to be a disciple of jesus asked for en ough time to go to bury bis father it was a dutllul deed to care for funeral obsequies but the kings mission re quired haste christ ruthlessly expo sed this mans conflicting loyalties by saying cetr the dead bury their dead but go thou and preach tbe kingdom must re- ot god o maa said adtmt verae all missionaries cannot he or phans another put courtesy before dlsclpleshlp his excuse for procras tination was that he might bid fare well to his family again jesus expo sed the halfhearted decision he- said no man havingput his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom of god we take it as perfectly normal for soldiers to leave home foregoing professional prospects enduring long training- and risking decth for the sake of patriot ism yet christians have to be whee dled to attend church coaxed to teach sunday school cajoled into giving contributions which are microscopic compared with the expenditures of the state when will the christian church realize that the captain of our salvation leads his followers into a life long battle questions for discussion 1 how maj we overcome intolerance 2 why did jesus go to jerusalem 3 what does it mean to save lives 4 does an itinerant ministry involve unnecessary hardships 5 which should come ileal home or church ms shaw although mrsoeorge shaw woo tbe first prize for white bread to tbe homemakcn of yesterday coo- teat at the 1940 canadian nsuooal exhibitiontoronto ibis genial lady u very much a homemaker of today 1 ever week she bakes for herself and bcr busbandat their farm borne near bolton ontsher i e been baking my own bread for forty years mrs shaw said when she heard sbe was the prize baker in the grandmothers class for women of 70 years or over and its nice to know that i can still turn onta winning loaf waa careful he continued to have everythina iut right for my prixe bread and i recendy gave quite a bit of thought and study to tbe modern methods of bread baking one thing thats certain is that you must have good flour i have been using robjn hood floor for ten years its a grand flour i wouldnt use any other sobua hood helped me win tbe proe widi tht sour it is never any trouble to get youc bread to riser it tomes up so easily when you seat it i am glad to see that the younger housewives are lear to bakst with robin mood flour because really easy to bake if you use a gooe flour like robin hood here is tbe voice of experiences speaking with 40 years of bread- baking to her credit mrs shaw is suu an acdve wooaan who turns otmt big loaves of snowy whue bread toc her admiring fanuly and fnends co eotoy and in her long baking ex perience she has found no flour te equal robin hood are you stilc banting for the perfect flour why dont you try robin hood the floua- tfatt prizewinners use try it foe- bread buns cake or pastry your money back plus lo per cent if you are not pleased with robin hoodl flour st homi baking sekvick hobin hood flour mills limited robin hood flour milled from wajud vuuat carrolls 32 mfarmalade sjfsz peanut butter s tomato juice christies fted pudding magic bkm powder s fresh cut peel red glace cherries xl 2soa si pears jills sliced side bacon t crrolli l 3 soap i flakes i green giant peas chicken raddie i tin 13c uocuna 25c 10ox tin f c our old cheese n x manyflowers soap with cui j x j gold laundry soap 5 iq old english wax pui or pint 53c lux flakes a p 19c pt- sac westons scotch crisp lb rolled oats quickcruir ibn pancake flour j 14c beehive syrup 2 18c angel cake chrat i aoc cowans cocoa 5c brights pie cherries izr ixc lexia raisins sdd n 15c infants foods aximn 7c 4r ubby a m evmpormted i milk i 16ox tin 7c jf v j oranges 8weet c cusp bundle v celery hearts 1 j golden bub bananas 5 turnips 5 1 o potatoes phone 357 free delivery georgctowitj r

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