the georgetown herald wednesday evening december 4th 1940- ifnu of intmtmtt to the local farmer our farm page urge extreme caution in feeding musty grain w large qrasnttty will result stofc ammak agricultural offvhua feint out iwtners who have musty grain in feetr hfhs this fall as a result of oon- evnued wet weather during harvest thus are advised to use extreme can ton in the feeding of this grain to lire etoefc and poultry 6ome fanners who tare fed musty grain in fairly large quantity have already experienced dif ficulty and nave side animals on their while no definite research work has ween done in ontario m- the feeding n n g due to the fact that bis province seldom experiences an afiralny harvest season the concensus of opinion among ontario agricultural mgadals is that not more than 30 per ijfort of a cattle ration should include swty gram and a lower percentage if jbbblhle they point out that there axe degrees in mustlness and every esse should he used la feeding this eraln rotten grain should be thrown ut entirely and not fed atah hogs it was believed could be fed np to 60 per cent of the ration in grain that was slightly musty but thlsjtoo would depend on the degree of musti- aess and therefore no special rule could be lah down for dividual feed- big each farmer would have to ex periment for himself only a very snail portion could be fed to poultry and the grain would have to be ground and on no account ted whole officials stated that fanners who have musty grain would be well ad vised to put it through the fanning soil to dry it out shovel it over in the tan or spread it on the barn floor hie quicker it was dried the beuer feed it would mare world for suitable hardy varieties to form the basis of improved varieties the geneticist the scientist who deal with the life heredity and variation of the plants and the cytoiogist set- entwo expert in the cell structure functions multiplication and ttfo his tory study the actor of inheritance that may be transmitted by these trains and combine them with exist- lng domesticated strains to produce improved varieties the great diver sity of climate in oanada makes tt necessary to have many varieties cap able of ptoduoing satisfactory crop under varying conditions of sou tem perature light and moisture a vari ety that may prove highly desi in one ate may be quite unsuitable in another how plant breeder aids crop production research in crop production is one of the important phases of the work of the agricultural scientists of can ada man improves upon nature not only by careful management of the soil but also through the selection of the seed or stock from which the crop is produced modem practices require that seed must be pure free from di ceases ana insects and of high vitality regulations regarding the grading and distribution of seed are based upon careful research work confirmed by field trials and finally drafted into laws that are administered by the do minion department of agriculture more fundamental than the appear ance and vitality of the seed however are the inherited factors carried in the germ of the seed the natural law of the survival of the fittest produces hardy strains of plants whose main characteristic is their ability to sur vive and not their usefulness to man vtte plant breeder takes the most use ful strains that have been developed by natural selection and by artificial ejection he improves the yield and quality of the crop the botanist sear ches oanada and other parts of the to maintain quality canadian bacon hog one of the major effects of the war on canadian agriculture has been to increase harfly the movement of ex port canadian bacon this has brought to the fore a problem of the first magnitude the maintenance of a pre- ar quality which was steadily im proving the reputation of canadian bacon in the united kingdom mar ket and leading to a better price rela tion to the product from competing countries hog production has reached record volume and the quality of the hogs has not kept pace with the vol ume this may have been an in evitable result of a dominionwide record hog breeding program stimu lated almost overnight partly because of lncreafed war time bacon require ments nevertheless the number of hogs eligible for top market prices on the basis of quality weights and dressing percentages is below requirement ex pectations and not only makes it dif ficult to maintain during the next twelve morths the quality in canadian export bacon secured during the past year but represents a considerable loss in revenue to the hog producers and thi lndutuy as a whole one of the most important tasks confronting the industry ls the feeding of a much larger volume of improved type hogs so as to get correct weights and finish for wilts ire sides of first quality within w ght ranges of 55 85 lb per side thi product of a finished ho weighs a proximately 189 to 224 lb on toot off truck or oil cars canadian bacon cannot be better in quality u an hogs from which it is made eon given no further lm- ro emen in packing house opera tlons the better hogs the better the bacon rigid application by the dominioi department of agriculture of specific standards for the prepara uon of wiltshire sides for export has been effective in developing a uni formity of pawing- house practice processing handling and shipping far beyond any previous achievement and the improvement is still being fol lowed it cdn be said therefore that under the requirements of the de partment and the bacon board regu latkms for export the best possible product lb being manufactured from the hogs provided for the quality of hogs provided by the industay carcass cure a price directly proportionate to the individual quality of the hogs a standard type of bacon hog flntohert at correct eights yields a high dressing percentage carcass grading pays divi dends on high dressing percentage the task before the hog producers is therefore to improve the quality of the hog so as to get the best price rkoommend feeds to dfouum oct milk production booklet issued by ontario feed boaid contains mveh valuable information for dairy farmers with ontario being asked to step up the production of cheese for the food line of war ume great britain this in crease in production in the final anal ysis depends on the milk flow of on tario cows farmers may or may not be getting the best result from their dairy herds these winter months this will depend in large measure on feeding methods the ontario feed board sponsored by the ontario depfc of agriculture has issued a handbook of twenty pages on the feeding and management of dairy cattle whch may be obtained free of charge from your local agricultural representative it contains much val uable inlormation in general the peed board recom mends feeding according to the re quirements of each animal feed at regular hours each day and avoid sud den changes in feeding provide i sufficient supply of fresh water salt and minerals for dairy cows in milk the board ad vises one pound hay 2 pounds roots and 2 pounds of silage daily for each 100 pounds of live weight or one pound hay and 3v- poundb silage or m pounds of hay and 4 pounds of roots or 2 pounds to 2 j pounds of hay when it comes to meal mixtures the board advises the dally feed of one pound of meal mix tun for every 3 or 4 pounds of milk produced daily re commended mixtures art to be found in the hardbook tvery farmer who aanu to aid great britain to the u most or hi ability should have a copy or this book your eyes the examination of your eye is moet important wo are mnhnnallj takta lee- tune and atudlee jt we w keep uptodate in our ae an amination iliia u aootber reaton why our kfe serttoe la better at cttjr iprloai ocm ot walker ro who wut be at but offloe orcr the bell telephone ooj main street georgetown the moood weouertay at eaoh month or yon mar oanenlt o t w- at hie office m brampton pbone this and that in sport by o mao hoourey aogkvy has taken a more serious trend in georgetown this week it always takes an annual maetsng to make things more official and start the ball roiling two teams have been entered for ojla competittoniieatnediate and juniortout the groupings may present some trouble this year ru mours at the present would have k that milton brampton bolton or- angevlile and acton are out of inter mediate hockey this would leave georgetown in a poeitton to iota the jehorafergusguelph group which would mean heavy travelling expenses however when ice comes these towns may be able to organise a team of some description in the junior sec tion stllton bolton and burtfcngtec will definitely have teams whue ac ton is still silent on this matter the hockey club are sending out an sob to all olabaupporters the intermediate boys are without sweaters and socks this season donations will be appreciated sweat ers and socks are valued at approxi mately s4 and local businessmen will be asked to outfit a player it is hoped those called on will cooperate we learn ongood authority that the lions club wlu sponsor a juvenile team lr the ontario juvenile hoc key association this year ed mc- whirter lc in charge of this entry and plans are well under way this column has been advocating an en try in this section for some years past and think it a valuable step in hoc key in town these players can be coaehed for junior hockey in another season we hope the sporting public will take to this group and give them full support his spiritual conviction had never come near to the unselfiithnefib that tor us is the meaning of the cross christ s redemptive power came thro ugh his self emptying this law yer was holding out his cup of life to have it filled spiritually he was on the make his heaven meant getting he had not learned that it ls more blessed to give than to receive the old testament answer z6 27 in dealing with this scribe jesus proceeded from the known to the un- uidwn as a copyist or interpreter or the law the lawyer had been familiar since infancy with the great hebrew teaching o love to god and love to man in treory and as an ideal noth lng could be better than to love god bo ill have at least live s internationai u vi form u sunday school j lesson vauaubub nmmmm to jfcrphy lane and cofeu who welieltove are with an abundance of an elders and tobogganers are bar ing a glorious time on the tackv shout town it would tie a good year to revive the slalom sal csnb whkfe was popular a few yean ago curling enthusiasts are busy al ready selling nwtnhershlp and rounding up all curlers wouldbe curlers in town a ntr of curler played at gait last and report a good time but a ittouv more practice needed civil guattd mscusskd at oquntt council continued from page 1 uon that it and when our were required we should bee by the provincial police in amton i oakrlbe eoopemtsv congratulations are in order from this comer to werden lea vens of bolton on the occasion of his recent marriage to marjorie mal- loy of aurora werden ls associate editor of the enterprise and sports commentator for the paper nund and ones neighbour as onefeelf yet lhc jc- had rationalized this until it 1 ad ceased to be inclusive it ould no they held apply to the sa- tmirlmns oi lhi publicans or to often dtia at tin t um law the phariseeo umieu tin prauict of love and were ti vxclutlvl racially and religiously fcm uit tvo disciples james and john wihed to call down ilre upon uit bamanuuis who did nol receive jtius christ quoted uic hebrew law ol lot as bung uit liisi and ecofrd great cojnmandments yet this teach iii luid been mad ineffective through a proteclui interpretation the phai lmis had suflicicnt knowledge but of th r last year s players on the ice again this year for junior hoc key whicl will mean another hectic season if the local outfit is grouped with hum they are bud barnett phil scarrow gib bridgman calhoun ind adams they are also having the idvaiuac o practicing on artificial lte motoric allyiar round pl ay ground yes out in vancouver and victoria golf u played all year round warm sea breezes and the protection of the mighty coastal mountains maintain a moderate temperature in which all outdoor sports take on an invigorating newness plan now to visit canada s ever green playground- for rest or play the ideal place for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation special winter rates at hotels the new hotel vancouvers spacious rooms and de lightful accommodations will add to tn pleasure of your stay in vancouver trava west the jasper way a good neighbour sundav december s 1940 golden text thou shalt love tru lord god with all thy heart uid with all thy soul and with all i thy stringth and with all thy mind and thy neighbour as thyself luk 10 27 i lesson passage luke 10 25 37 i if there rx some weaker one give me strength to help him on it a blinder soul there be i le m tuldc him nearer thee john greenleaf whittier sfcll seeking rehrlon 25 egoism can even corrupt religion self stands out in the action of the cribe or lawyer who questioned jesus he expected to win victory in a verbal duel and draw attention to his own cleverness the question he asked showed that he was thinking of him self he was acquisitive in his desire to iruvilt eternal life he thought that his personal welfare depended more upon doing uian upon being there is no evidence of humility pen itence being broken in spirit or sad dened by the worlds sin and sorrow a ton 1laylrs are now scattered far and wide terry norm and bui morton are at army camp nia gara woods bayltss buss brush and holmes aie stationed at stratford molosi i with the rcap at bran they failed in appliealion and action i don while illo marzo is playing hoc i too often we do lip service to love ke with london seniors and johnny country should not be reduced to hlle ren alnlnt unwilling to show loe brush with a hamilton club those i thumbing their way from one p to eft to cairy on with a few new re- another emits are jack kentner minute wal an interesting report was brought ezio marzo frank gibbons and back by mr gilbert chairman of the col and nelsons leluccance to may be because they got away to a- flying start and thus feel that prior of service should be considered per sonally i hold calcvilie and nelsosv guards in the greatest esteem and hope they will eventually join os mr cleave who called for the organization of civil guards in tttfr first placer col ballantine the provincial po lice with the idea that the homo guard- would act aa an auxiliary po lice faroe should they be needed mr robertson kelson we hare- gone to a lot of trouble in prganfring our home guard and i would like to know why our company objects to a county civil guard before support ing such a motion finally it was moved by mr oleave seconded by mr chalmers that thlf councu pass a resolution asking au thorization for the formation of a haltn county volunteer civil guard as asked for by col ballantine and that a copy f tins resolution be fer warded to mr h 8 mccready de puty commissioner of ontario pro vincial police the resolution carried but three members refrained from voting it was announced by the flnano commlttee that mr moore would not place the equalization question before councll but would wait until the 1941 council had been elected reeve clear a strong opponent of equalization said he would have liked to hear mr moore s address to the finance com- miltee ano thought he would hare- been addressing council as a whole the rollowing accounts were passed as was a debenture for 5 000 cover ing road construction county buildings w781 pnntln- 58 06 agnculmre 2832 finance 140322 a reso uuon from fergus was en dorsed by halton councilvwhich asked that an appeal be madeto the gov ernment for tree parses to be given to men in the forces when on leave council agreed that men serving their christmas gift attractive rai1 ratbs afwoyilfae ottadum national ixpiiss tumrafhs 0niy 01dhj afaw oapaasusav wafjr an easy solution and a welcome present we are agents for all the weu- knewn mir imjinibf amehican magazine 9 xm hakpes bazaar i s9 toronto saturday night 9 sm book loo house beatottful 9 q house beautttul 1 ml popular mechanics 14 a tardy gift card tneteaed wttk year artier the georgetown the iiruovtly and the unlovable ncikhbours in nd 28 m the lawyei thought of his neigh hours as n cr limited company but chris gae the word a new content an j one u need was to be regarded as a nilglibt ui hie broad humanity oi christ i si own by the parable of the good fajmarltan the first words of t irv a ilrtarh man the teaching or corist was simple and concrete he did not crrploy resounding terms such as philanthropic interest or altruis tic eifo or eleemosynary service chrui thought or the certain men in need he did not talk about hu manity in the abstract for him the reality was a certain man dr charles p brown has said the pic ture of neighbourliness drawn here serves to bring the second great com mandment down out of the clouds and back out of the fog of vague general ities making it eflectlvc by directing it toward certain men who is my nlghbour a certain man a man near you who needs you a man whom you have it in your power to help the readiness to meet the needs of each situation as it arises becomes the mea sure of each mans love passing by 31 32 the priest and the leviu could of ler several excuses in self defence they were busy either on duty or con ing off duty their specialty was wor- fahip not afvlnl firvtre tfrcy doug daw kins yes georgetown not the only town that is hard hit by boys on active service and away from horn and what are our own plajers do ing wc mean those who were on the line up last year some of this was reviewed by sideliner a few weeks ago but with additions fans may like to refresh the situation and try to form opin ons as to our prospects for this season those on active service in england are george riddall and sheeney tost although tost did not play last season on active ser vice but still in canada dave crich- ton who managed the intermediates last winter ken richardson at sus sex military camp new brunswick bill ritchie at petawawa military camp lloyd sanderson is now em ployed in an aircraft factory in belle- palmer and bakergeorge two ffenu main street phone i thought of religion as ritual so they passed by the wounded traveller lying on lnc roadside it is possible to let the church stand in the way of relig ion those responsible for meetings and orgai izatlons may be tempted to regard the church as more important than god a visitor to a church com mented that in that one service at leas the chief concern was the de nominauonal enterprise a ministers schedule may be so full that it ls al most impossible to attend to cases of acute need occasionally it happens that two emergency calls come at once and only one can receive immediate attention church members are us ually understanding about such mat ters as long as they are sure that their minister really cares a layman wrote recently christianity must step down from its highly mortgaged architecture and in shrt sleeves help the oommon people certainly religion cannot end with ritual it must express itself in ervice lore as service bs3 a canadian woman with heavy home cares knits piles of sweaters for the poor sends handmade things to doe- em of children at fthrletmas time packs boxes of food and otodbtoa for poor people in a rural district and takes sick people into her own home and nun them there is no doubt whatever about her christian love her deed prove it there could be no the good sasnaritan m with hie own hand hasped the sufferer and pad real money to restore aba to health christ did oof say a word of warning about the sam- vllle imports may be available if desired those stil in town to form the back bone of this years squad bungy ward joe hall frank dewhuiit sonny stockford dick riddall wal ter richardson jim sargent and reg hoaxe those moving up from last year s juioi team to intermediate are jack kemshead and bill sohenk laa y s broken up but there are a number of the younger boys who can fill the count good roads committee and smith county engineer of the canadian good roads con held in quebec c last month said mr gilbert- this ns the most interesting and infanoauve i eer attended good naads were re ferred to at the oonvecaon as o ada s first line of defence and it i recommended tha heavier and be highways should be buil za te rutin highways strong enough heavy military equipeaent t b mcquescen said m ha i that the lement of uncertainty i maj bring a speedy end o the i5 great and for that reason we prepare for any eventuality ished work and oomple ion o work ouic easiu occupv a period five vears and mch a period would be necesar for demobilisation w could spend 40 000 000 a year for ore years without over butid ing in province of ontario and would employment to 150 000 men a y said capt a w brandt new y state lr canada and the states an to jointly defend ves against a common enemy cooper ation and coordination in highway construction for military preparedness ls a necsslty not a theory resolutions were l or vehicle licenses be for highway construction lwtejewss9 the worlds news seen through the christian science monitor an international daily newspaper i truthful conxructivc unbiued frc from seruetjoasl- no editorial arc timaly and inmtocfjtc and its daily feature together tth the weekly mas section main the monitor an ideal newspaper for the h the chmtian science pubh thing society one norway street boston mauachuarn price si 2 00 yearly or 9 1 00 a month sarurdar issue including magazina section j260 a yaar introductory offer 6 issuaa 23 cents nam address aritan heresies of this oreat heart on the jericho road the lawyer who had been toqutrtng about e ufe was etanply told the story of the oood satnarttan and aortsed to go and do likewise- christ had fletth to the tr power of self- aaortflea the teat to tha last jdgment wal jttodneeb active outreaohlnc low cmer osm mf le fae hlatieat eaam- pe of the power of his awartltolng km 1 how would you have answered lawyer qiieeuont a what has the gospel added to lawt a how bit toot iieiftilirniiliiirrir what have ana ohurohee doe solve uimi4i to oanadat a wbaedoss e pa of oood lawwltoti to m ebon l claaaon oautnet otajvsastaiad to biearmttottet fft of jtobajtossi uoatton tjasd by imntlaatifi