Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 11, 1940, p. 1

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seventyfourth year of publication wednesday evening december 11th 1940 150 per annum in advance 200 to usa high school commencement at gregory theatre the annual commencement exercises of georgetown high holioal were held at the gregory theatre last thurs- day night mr r b foulis chair- man of the high sonool board was chairman lor the evening he told tne awaettts or the opportunities which -ha- ahead of young people in these times ftnd congratulated those suc- cespful students who were receiving their coveted diplomas rev d d davidson pastor ot mw presbterin church and a meoxjp the high school presenter graduation diplomas to the following jean prances aulngham margaret bartlefct in absentia dalmer star ley beaumont in absentia william joseph cummins mae wlnnifred deans marjorie bernlce harris olive macdonaldi jooelyn aureda mccart- riey verna clare mcllntojk olive joy ruddeu william douglas sar gent susie joanna shoruu helen louise williams james francis rud deu rev w g o thompson of st georges church of england and auo a menibe of the high school board presented scholarships to the leading pupils in each form form v r b poulls shield mary elizabeth grant winner of sir john gibson matriculation scholar ship university college u of t ranked first by reversion the scho larship is awarded to margot williams and azolyn gregory hayes aeq form iv w v grant snleld items clare mclrntock form hi cc b dayfoot snleld margaret bemloe roszel and emma laura rirhedge aeq r c v williams shield mildred doris eason form i r w robb shield lychard ross crichton board member dr a mcallister pres intermediate certificates to wtdiain p clark elizabeth coffin douglas cole alva m cripps mildred eason george ferry annie m gra ham vtvienne b ouyot jean m harris vera m harris lome w hun ter john heir ethel a lane w robert lawson william j long agnes f mcchire wihiam mttuere agnes m j reld elizabeth j ruddeu leona saxe marjorie schenk john chain gwynneth j williams frances 0 wrigglesworth- miss helen williams then provided a musical interlude with a piano solo mendelssohns on wings of song mr walter t evans secrebary of che board made the presentation of field day awards to mary cummins senior girls joan hale intermediate gtrlfi betty paul junior girls james ruddeu senior boys roy peck mtennedlate boys george ferry junior boys musical festival trophies won at the halton county music festival which was held in georgetown last spring were presented to the students by rev w g o thompson these in cluded the f w taylor cup for or chestra btrks trophy for boys choir dr f r watson shield for -giras- choir t e gage shield for mixed 60vdfce choir mr ralph rom former principal of georgetown high school presented tersespeaking prizes to mary cumm ins and betty speight who won these awards at the high school open house last spring this was followed by cadet prises presented by ltcol james ballantrne said these included ltcol bauan- ttne trophy for rifle shooting cadet major j kelly cadet oapt r early cadet lfc r peck cadet os m h arnold cadet qal8 cook cadets j bowman l beaumont k dotoon w alexander btrathcona medal for highest individual score- herbert arnold miss joy ruddeu reopened the musical part of the program with a vocal solo followed by two numbers by the girls choir and a selection by the boys choir helen blackburn and koran cleave were the accompanists the georgetown high school quar tettebetty paul soprano mary paul alto bob early tenor and bud car- ter basa were accompanied in their turn rfmhfm hy ttai wllltmnn qn th piano and principal j l lam bert on the violin all the musical numbers were under the direction of miss jane bea music teacher at the high school the final item on the program was a oneact play my lord in livery directed by miss e peneon and miss b f luke the cast consisted of sybyl an- beriey agnes reld rose and laura triencjjmarvpmmihmandjoaii hate robert a page boy dick crich ton spiggot the butler roy peck hopkins the footman bud carter lord thlrlmere keith dotoon po liceman frits devrles property com mittee mr h j heldmann r early d harly w clark d sar gent j ruddell dr j telford blehn who was re cently elected an alderman on the 1941 sarnia council dr blehn is a graduate of the university of to ronto medical school specialism- in eye ear nose and throat work he is a son or dr c e blehn of wind sor and a brother or the herald editor united church wms elects officers ftte december meeting of the unit ed church womans missionary so ciety was held tuesday december 3rd in the sunday school room when a very beautiful christmas program illustrated by colored lantern slides of scenes of the nativity accented once more the christmas message be hold i bring you good tidings of great joy whllh shall be to all people for unto you is born this day a savi our which is christ the lord the executive chosen for 1941 is as follows- past presidentsmrs h l hutt president mrs f o overend vicepresident mrs a m nielsen recording secretary mrs h clarke corresponding secretary mrs a r- van natter treasurer mrs w deans department secretaries christian stewardship mrs j mcdermid missionary monthly mrs g dob- son supply airs w tyndall associate helpers mrs a speight press mrs c b dayfoot temperancemrs h bird community friendship mrs o buck literature mrs r h wright baby band miss k mackay mission band supt mrs n bui pianist mrs n burns shopping issue number one this issue ot the herald is crammed full with special christmas gifts which the merchants of the town are offering for your selection in spite of the faet that prices of many commodities have gone op the local merchants are able to offer yon astonishing values due to their foresight in tnaktng any purchases before these price increases came into effect it will pay the thrifty shoppers to give careful attention to eauh and every advertise ment because each tells a story of merchandise attractively dis played and arranged in such a manner that you may select your gifts- with the least possible trouble and at a price that will mean doftars saved to the buyer let everyone awist to make y thiv a real buyathome christmas and keep yottr money in the district the merchants are doing thrir part and you can do yours by shopping hi the home stores shop where invited to shop you give you n wont want to miss next weeks herald which will ior solution to your gift problem the late robert price a lifelong resident of enqueuing township was called to his reward last saturday in the person of robert price in his eightyfifth year although en- joying the best of health for the past two years mr price was not confined to his room however until the mon day before his demise born at silvercreek on the seventh line he was the eldest son of the late john price and mary switaer two sisters mrs john harding and mrs james brooks passed away a number of years ago another sister mrs al bion johns victoria bjc and three brothers john of sirnooe james at hornby and joseph in the usa re- flftyseven years ago he was joined in holy wedlock to mary ann harding three children came to bless the home henry who predeceased him in 1893 harding of esqueslng township and mrs angus mceachern of acton two grandchildren and one greatgrand child remain to mourn the loss of a inyin hnrhan a fat thp yrn christmas meeting of womens institute the georgetown branch of the womens institute met at the home of mrs george oarapbeu oh wednes- day dec 4th with mrs livingstone acting as president in the absence ot mrs wylle the meeting opened with the usual opening ode and institute prayer af ter which the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved se veral items of business were discussed and disposed of which arose out of the correspondence a very pleasing event of the afternoon was the presentation of a life membership pin and certifi cate to mrs c hayes who had serv ed che institute as president for a number of years mrs d livingstone and mrs m near had received simi lar pins at a previous meeting they too having given valuable service to the institute as presidents a contest of christinas presents not exceeding 25 cents was on display and a prize was awtarded to mrs and a prize was awarded to mrs mcclure and mrs kottsnetr acting as judges mrs r paul then gave a very in teresting talk on music appreciation with illustrations on the piano miss june frank and mrs paul also play ed several pleasing duets and miss king favored the meeting with a piano solo the members entered in to the singing of a few christmas hymns and after a vote of thanks was tendered the hostess the judges and all who took part in the program a social half hour was spent and the meeting closed with god save the king fire control aided installation of a new fire siren in the town hau wai completed last week under an arrangement with the bell telephone company a hookup has been placed in the telephone office on main street when a fire call is re ceived the telephone operator simply plugs n this special hookup wnlch automatically sets off the siren at line town liall much of the previous de lay in sounding the siren has thus bn eliminated the town owes a debt of gratitude to the company and to mr mixner manager for the district for coop-r-t- ing in this plan to aid fire control in georgetown trail rangers busy the trail rangers have had a busy time since their re organization this fall they meet on tuesday night in the sunday school room of the unit ed church under the leadership of stuart maclaren their membership la twentytwo on friday of last week the election of officers was held and after the election the members made an assault on a spread of pork and beans cocoa and cake which vanished more quickly ihan do fl ducei recruits before the jetermined greeks a vote of thanks was tendered their leader for his kind ness in providing the generous lunch on saturday a poll for the election of a county candidate for the boys parliament which meets in hamilton was opened in the sunday school room from two to five oclock pjn there were two candidates wm j adamson of oakvulc and donald s mcnabb of milton sixtytwo per cent of the lo calvote aas polled giving a majority of aye for donald mcnabb the re turns tor the riding however gave adamson a majority of four over mc nabb the members expect to have he local member visit georgetown tn the near future norval rifle club owing to the bad condition of the roads on monday dec 2nd only three members turned out to practec viz r w hall a b robertson and w lisk they each scored a 99 the turnout monday night dec q was a big improvement over the week before 14 members recording their cores as follows m atkinson 100 x 10 h nurse 100 x 7 a w wilson 100 x 7 c meredith 99 x 6 a b ro bertson 99 x 5 g h hall 99 x r w hau 98 x 5 c caves 98 x 7 c cantelon 98 x 6 f hustler 97 x 4 f stark 97 x 3 w lisk 96 x s grif fin 95 x 2 downs 94 x 3 the lorne scots pdh regt c company lome scots will be inspected by the district officer com manding on tuesday december 17th inspection to take place in the acton arena all ranks will parade at the george town armouries at 730 pjn for the purpose of moving to acton by trans port the regimental brass band will parade at the acton arena at 800 pjn the public is cordially invited to attend old soldier learns new trick the littles the smallest effort is not lost each wavelet on the ocean tossed aids in the ebbtide or the flow each raindrop makes some floweret blow each good deed lessens human wos pathy of the community is extended to the bereaved ones having a very retiring personality mr price was not a man who took an active port in community affairs but rather enjoyed more his family life the funeral was held on monday af ternoon from the johnstone rumley funeral home aoton conducted by rev e a brooks and assisted by rev h l bennie interment was made in oteenwoodcemetery george town the pallbearers were messrs fred cole herb cook sam lindsay james wilson frank swackbaxnrner ana john wilhamson the flower bearers were nephews of the deceased messrs victor fled and wilfred harding harry price and edgar swifter the beautiful floral tributes included offer ings from the following family otandorudren neighbours mr and and mrs john williamson mr and mrs n harding and doris mrs an- nle sprawl mr bert mcdowell and frances and llmehouse presbyterian ohurch buy war savings stamps and certi ficates help stamp out hluer camp ttali obl in trying the new education becomes important part of canadian army life jdh hunter november 26th marked the com pletion of sixty seven hundred newsrastn made by this veteran newscaster twice daily over cfrb jim hunter gives the news of the world in his own inimitable style so popular is he that his newscast enjoys one of the high est if not the highest radio rat ings of any single program heard in ontario the weather this has started in to be a record breaking winter how it continues re mains to be seen it began with plen ty of rain then with a couple of snow- falls that loft a twofoot blanket on the ground breaking the record foe depth of snow so early in the winter this was immediately followed by a cold wave coming down from the yu kon and sweeping across the contin ent to the atlantic again breaking all records for subzero temperatures at this early time of the year just to keep us guessing our so called janu- 1 ary thaw came about three weeks aheao of time reducing the snow to a six or eight inch level and making it so solid it cannot drift there being little or no frost in the ground this moisture has all soaked in with no loss in floods so much to the good for next years crops and a good snow blanket still protecting vegetation following are the local records the past week date appointment of a- regimental ed ucation office in each battalion or eq uivalent unit of the canadian army to collaborate in administration of tb canadian legion war services educa tion program for soldiers is authorized in an order just issued by the depart ment of national defence to all offi cers commanding military districts throughout the dominion the oider sets forth titie duties of each education officer appointed and also makes provision for tibe soldier- students to study one hour per day during regular training periods stu- denu taking evening courses are to have their guard duties night duties and fatigues arranged so as not to in terfere with their attendance at clas ses official endorsatlon oif the legions education scheme in canada was given coincidental with a cabled request re cently received by majorgeneral h d g crerar chief of tie general staff ottawa from lieutgeneral a g i mcnaughton commander of the cana dian corps overseas for extension of the education program among the do minions forces in the united kingdom the arrangements that are now in effect in canada are the same as thosa adopted for england by general mc naughton the corps commander has also authorized the appointment of ed ucational officers in each battalion or equivalen formation in the 1st and 2nd divisions these appomtmenta make it possule for an officer in each unit to otvote his time to organizing and promoting study among the men under the supervision of legion edu cational advisers the greatest appeal to the military authorities is the fact that the education plan aslde from men dec 2 tues dec 3 wed deo 4 thurs dec 5 frt dec 6 sat dec 7 sun dec 8 mon dec 9 h and l preclpl- temp tatton 0 25 snow 11 12 4 snow davison korzack wedding a very pretty wedding was solemniz ed by the rev w g o tho at the church of st alban fine martyr glen williams on thursday evening when bdna udora younger daughter of mr and mrs wm davison was married to pte william robert kor- zack ca8f camp borden the bride given in marriage by her father wore a white satin gown with tossamer lace overdress her finger tip veil arranged in cap effect was caught with sprigs of orange blossoms and she carried pink and red carnations miss agnes mcdonald a friend of the bride was bridesmaid she wore a pink taffeta gown blue bolero and hat and carried white and pink or- nauons the grooms brother alec was best man and mrs lloyd davison sistermlftw of the bride was at the a reception followed at the home of the brides parents where mnwdaifl- son received the guests in a teal blue dress black hat and a corsage of mums later the happy couple left on a motor trip the bride trav a wine color dress and hat and black coat trimmed with silver fox fur halton garage operators elect officers another milestone was passed in the life of the halton branch of the on tario garage operators association on thursday december 5th the branch held their annual election of officers it was cne of the moat successful meetings yet held both in record atten dance and variety of nr as this was the last meeting of me year it took thr form of a yearend party as well mr j l mckindoey branch presi dent presided for the short business period of the evening a large num ber of members of wen branch were welcome visitors mr wm bqu bailey provincial president gave a short but very interesting luttreas and -was- the eboaoaof the-meettxig- tocon- duet the election of officers for 1941 great interest was ahown tn the elec tion which waa keenly contested mr j l mckindley of burlington who improving military efficiency is tremendous importance in helping to maintain the morale and fighting spir it of the troops the regimental education officen appointed will be responsible to ths officers oemmanding the unit in which they serve but they will cooperate di- ectly with the canadian legion war srvtces which has mapped out courses of instruction in a wide variety of sub jects and also provides the instructors the overseas education estabuabmeoty of the legion recently was strengthen ed by the despatch to england oldt a e chatwin m c of saskatoon sask who is on loan from the sask atchewan department of education four civilian eduoaticoadvisorshaana been appointed to assist dr ohatwin who has taken the post of overseas director of education navy and air force flan the canadian legion war services has also concluded agreements with the royal canadianavy and the ro yal canadian air force rtminc education work in these services an education advisor for the navy wul be stationed at the principal east coast naval establishment and special cour ses for naval personnel wlu be organ ized there in the royal canadian air force ths program includes refresher courses in studies for men who have passed their junior nmtxlcutetton but have become somewhat rusty the idea is to get these recruits back to something fflbs schoolleaving proficiency in the per iod between their enlistment and their posting to training schools the first aim of the education pro gram is to make the men better saoors soldiers and airmen in the belief that as field marshal sir edmund eton- side has said the greatest essential hi a modem army is education it ta the educated mind contrary to tnr expectations of many that adapts itself best to the strain of war another object is to prevent boredom in the long winter nights particularly among men serving overseas in the ar my who have spent long months ta braining without experiencing the thrill of actual combat the third main objective is to pre pare men for civilian life on desnobfii- zation many men in the services have never held peacetime jobs and some have worked at civilian pursuits for only short periods the authorities and the v1t legion believe that if the men can be t tn soma civilian calling or given a better educa tional background ihe problem of re habilitation after the war will be ea sed has successfully and harmoniously pil oted the affairs of the association for the past two years was the unamlnons choice for president for 1941 the following were elected to hold office for uhi president mr j l mckhxnay burlington vicepresident mr a o patterson georgetown- secretary mr p sinclair george town treasurer mr ed mrmihi burung- ton board of directors mr h wtdu iter oakviue mr k johnston bronte g dolby milton mr g r mrj muton mr g brigderv hornby mr j cain georgetown mr a mmfraui acton the meeting thraanjoxirdedtonibet agaln at the call of the presusnt in january a social hour was spent at the close of the meeting do your christmas shopping in georgetown

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