Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 11, 1940, p. 3

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ther georgetown haram wednewfay evening december ii i40 1 s s i a a main street georgetown richard licata fruit vegetable market our stock of nuts for christina i now in guaran teed freak and absolutely die lowest priced in town also the biggest and best varieties of fruits and vegetables our many customers appreciate the highgrade quality and freshness of our stock of fruit and vegetables which are always sold at the lowest possible price consistent with quality you can prove these facts by coming to l i c a t a s for your holiday supplies tntebmattonai unwomm i sunday school 1 lesson jesus teaches his disciples to pray sunday dl 15 ww golden norr ask and it shall be given you seek and ye shall and knock and it aball be opened unto you luxe us lesson passage 11 113 the morning is the gate of day but ere you enter there see that you set to guard it well the sentinel of prayer a skul to learn 1 it takes nearly fifteen years to train 4 surgeon and he continues to lea for many years through experiences in his practice a little child can be taught to how it hands heavenward and repeat now i lay me k troub le a that so many people never ad vance beyond their chudhood prayers there is much to be learned about praying the best time for prayer the most helpful methods the litera ture of proyer there are oc whetf an ejaculatory prayer is approp riate and there are- other times when a whole day or whole night needs to be spent in prayer we need to learn how to use quiet how to alternate be tween listening and speaking prayer it egg nu tsjnj sally pfpar w if jon would bkj to nju yon own mkcthrn h will b plmmd to hlp special attention will bo given to reap or organization bnying im quant ayimer choice tomatoes 2 ir 15 mcconmcks butter bars 15c mixed nuts lb x9c hard christmas candy 25c christies cocoa iceburg cake xoc christies fruited puddings 25c silintn i jpeas v table figs 14c seedless raisins xoc cut mixed peel 27c glace red cherries 4lc easifnrst shortening or domestic z 25c sas tmj mainly for women ayimer pork and beans 2 15 tasty cntt aylmer asparagus aylmer tomato soup v aylmer peas and carrots 2 aylmer infants foods aylmer tomato juice aylmer apple juice 3 aylmer bartlett pears x 20ox 17c r 7c 23c 7c 15c 25c 25c a ayimer sliced i pineapple 2 25 keuoggs corn flakes 3pl9c chase and sanborns 1 l itn wh i have your label readyl win 25 dollars listen to cfrb every tuesday night mother parkers tea 36c 31c s wn i beans camay toflet soap k rd4so pk oc 22c hipso 5c 4ic pa sc 2qc 47c 10c box of gibson tissues with infants delight soap 4 3c ayimer shced or halved ontario i peaches 15oz tins oranges goodstee forjinee 17 cuoj grapefrwti 17 b c delicious apples 23j is helpful to share prayer habits with b group of people they always lww much to teach as the drtrtpfcur who had seen jesus at prayer and beard his prayers asked h4m to teach them to pray we may make una same re quest of our lord and be taught by his teaching about prayer hta pas sionate outpouring to his grea lnt cesaory prayer and toe model form of prayer we call the lord s prayer the lords prayer s4 the prater that jesus taught hia disciples to pray was very brief less than one hundred words in all the language was taken chiefly from old testament scripture it is a god- oentred prayer breathing surrender to ood and dependent upon god it is a social prayer the first personal pronouns axe ah plural at first glance it appears to be a simple prayer but the longer we znectttate upon h che more profound meanings we discover tn it it is almost whohy a spiritual prayer dealing with matters of char acter and faith even admitting that the prayer is often recited with little thought or feeling the faot that this one prayer la repeated clallyby of people century after century is a tribute to the truth and power packed in its few brief sentences perseverance in prayer 58 a young man decided to take up rif le shooting the first day he went to the ranges his score was nearly blank after a few months his score was newly perfect his eye had become trained bis muscles bad been brought under control similar progress toward perfection may be made in prayer practice helps to make perfect we learn to discriminate between values as we make our petitions to ood gra dually we learn to pray less for our selves and more for others the con stant holding of ome splrtual ideal in our thotghts in dally prayer eventual ly brings conviction and leads to ac lion that helps to answer the prayer christ s story of the neighbour asking tor breau at midnight is not a par trayal of divine unwillingness to an awer prayer but an indication that perseverarce in prayer does bring re suits for instance a bad tempered man may pray for a spirit of love but he dees not get complete victory thi first time he prays yet by pray ing repeatedly for the spirit of lov pei haps for months or for years li time a new grace is won and the pra tr is an wired by ihe normal working of irnes desire concentrated thought and i toll forming god s help li given b o ise of the powers with which it k f dovcd us results from prayer 9 12 chn i prayers wire answered in h wi i nits u nptatlon he prayed lor r ntth to do ood s w 11 and hi was b ri ivwr to accept the cross amidst ihr tteoity of crucifixion he commended his spirit into gods keep ing and rtttned ihe gift of inner peace ir the llht of christ s own ixptritnit we may interpret his bo iixlhs confidence ask and it shall be tiven ou seek and ye shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you to hold a high desire in thought until it becomes a strong purpose and power of will ls developed for neoes arj ictlon is a result of prayer wi have a right to expect eyesight was developed in response to light outside the human body the sense of hear ing likewse wa developed in response to sound waves outside the human body is it too much to believe that our outgoing desires are a response to the heart of god one saintly man ttempted to express his faith in these words when i pray a sincere un selfish prayer i reel that tle universe does make a response how much more 13 b a surprising turn of thought jc mis argued from human parental love to god s love a father or mother ls eager to respond to a request from a loved child frequently a parent has to refuse the child s request for the take of character building discipline we discedit prayer u we use it as a means of attaining material prosperitv without work and intelligence ser vice we demonstrate the power ol prayer when we use it as a method of letting gods love flow into our hearts he has more grace for us than we have eve- yet been willing to receive from him when we seek his truth he does not withhold it when we ap preciate beauty we discover it every where about us when we practise brotherhood we receive a response of hrotjifrly pnmralhtp from nthfn golden ripe a bananas est sale if hi mif r waal fill eel vn ud atfojyr nill carrolls phone 357 free rdehvery main street georgetown human parents can exemplify sympa thelic love may we not turn in confl dence to the source of their sympathy and love if ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more shall your heavenly father give the holy spirit to them that ask him questions for discussion 1 has mv church taught me to pray 2 have you ever thought through the lords prayer 3 prayri is the strengthening m right desires discuss 4 what answers have you found to your prayers 5 can god change temperament moodc and mental attitudes lesson outlines copyrighted by the international council of religious ed ucation used by permission mumps on the wane t 3 cases of whooping cough five now cases of mumps are record ed this month by or o v williams uo jl for georgetown this is 0n- stderaby lower than octobers total of 24 three cases of whooping cough are also noted in town the report for november is as fol lows scarlet fever 0 infantile paralysis timely topics for women by barbara bairtjeb quick frozen foods it is late sunday afternoon on a dreary december day but all is bright and cheery in the home of the morgans farmers of moderate means who are having a few friends in for dinner leavings the cosy uvlngroom with its glowing fire they find their places around the long dlnlngroom table and you and i peeking ovel their shoulder would be surprised at the dinner served in that country home there is venison brought bomb alter a hunting trip weeks ago by one of the elder sons there are new green peas fresh asparagus corn on the cob and best of all fresh btraiwberry shortcake how have they been able to obtain such d in winter when they live far from markets where imported outofseason fruits and veg etables may be obtained thereby hangs a tafe it ls au due to the looker refrigerator plant that was installed the year before in a nearby town in it they had not only kept the venison- in perfect condition until they were ready to use it but they also had stored the green peas asparagus com on the cob and strawberries all picked in their own garden when they were at their very beet and now served without loss of vitamins colour or flavour at a time when their gff was covered with drifts of snow if you could persuade one stlbe morgans to take you to see their locker you wuld be surprised at the variety of things they kept in it but first you would have to wrap up well in a heavy coat and cap because the temperature in the plant is kept constant at about aero ton would see- mealsize pieces of meat wrapped in moistureproof paper and labelled with the weight out and date chickens fish caught to clear sparkling waters cartons of green beans green peas asparagus corn cauliflower cartons of strawberries even a case of eggs put away when they were plentiful and prices low for winter use fish and meats are prepared for serving and vegetables and fruits washed and cleaned before they are frocen everything must be thawed out slowly before being cooked and once defosted cannot be frozen again many canadian towns have similar locker services some ins by dairies some by cheese factories or meat packing plants and in other plaoes new locker storage plants have been built in the states where the idea originated almost every community has its own plant they are a great boon especially to farmers and owners of small gar dens in cities and larger centres individuals do not rent their own lockers as extensively as in smaller places perhaps because of the great distances but there are terminal storage plants which deliver quickfrozen foods direct to hotels restaurants and shops and their use ls spreading fast al ready fish to the extent of 2 000 000 pounds a month is being cniickfrosen at hfttfax a large plant at quebec is doing up fruits and vegetables because they are compactly packed large quantities of quickfrozen foods are being shipped to england quick freezing is a revolutionary change in food preservation it ls economical because things can be stored when they axe plentiful and cheap it safeguards health because vitamins are not destroyed the- housewife likes quick frozen foods because the messy preparing of them is eliminated quick freezing is the invenjon of clarence blrdseye who got his inspiration when he watched the esksinos preserve fish by exposure to arctic temperatures womfcn and the war budget in perliapfa no other country at war today has the standard of liv ing of the average citizen been as little afteued as in canada the rec ent war budge however will bring home to most of us in a more direct way the fact that there is a war on and that we are engaged in it drastic measures have been aken with three objectives in view firstly the importation ol luxuries and non essentials from all but em pire countries ls banned that the canadian exchange saved may be avail able to pay foi necessities of war secondly by placing many more items on the iree list buyuig of british goods ts encouraged thus making it easier for britain to pay for her large war o ders here thirdly an excise l kx has been ptccd on cars radios electrical goods etc to discourage i tiding tliut citizens miy have moro money available for government book review mm miniver by jan struthers if ou ha e not already read mrs miniver do not miss it it is one of the locilcst books of th ear gentie pleasant serene a story of the eery day comings and goings ol a normal happy english family told with humour and understanding the central figure of the story is wus miniver whose wit and charm and happy philosophy pervade the whole book she tells us of the many little incidents of her daily life in an englana preparing for war of hex charwoman mrs burchett and her great zest for living of her three un predictable children or a week end with the hunting crowd and the foib le and weaknesses of the idle of helping pick hops in kent of the ex citement of watching fireworks with the chi aren of trying on gas masks of filling christmas stockings all the uttle homey things that make life real mrs miniver observant tolerant and friendly gets fun out of life and shares that lun with the readers the author jan struthers ls an english woman with considerable newspaper experience in july she came to america with her two young est children arriving with j shipload of 1000 mothers and youngsters es caping from the nazi bombardment she passed through canada on her way to new york where sne is now living and carrying on with her writ ing let me remind you these new restrictions affect the housewife in many ways no more american hats or shoes or dresses or iierfuine or costume jewelry in numerable items commonly used in the average home will no longer be found in your favourite shop silk stockings are not barred yet but will become gradually scarcer when you buy a new stove or refrigerator or the reasonable man adapts himself to the world the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself therefore all progre depends on the unreasonable man george bernard shaw english plum pudding soon we will be in all the gay whirl of the christmas festivities wrapping gay parcels trimming the tree carol singing candlelight serhoa the christmas eve party and best of all the christmas dinner with all enetamily children and grandchildren gathered around but t h fc lot to be done before then it is already time to make the christmas pttd- dlng i hope you 11 like this recipe eelbra ed for its rich brown good ness and delicious sauce 1 pound raisins 3 slices candled pineapple 2 pound dates 1 teaspoon nuurieg 1 pound suet 1 teaspoon cassia cup mixed peel teaspoon cloves 2 eggs i teaspoon soda 1 cup white sugar 1 cup sour milk u cup cherries l cut grated carrot 1 teaspoon salt 3 cups flour add the sugar gradually to the well beaten eggs combine with ant and grated carrot sift the flour soda salt and spices add alternflmr with the sour milk add the fruit and peel lightly floured turn mo buttered molds and steam 3 hours when ready to serve steam 1 hour lon ger sterling sauce v cup butter l cup fruit sugar 1 egg r h cup crqftm whipped 1a teaspoon sherry salt cream the butter add the sugar gradually beat the egg until tomtv and add to first mixture add the whipped cream and sherry gradatfto chill until ready to serve washing machine you will pay a 25 tax but as a compensation tiii things from england will come in tax free and should be somewhat the new budget entails some sacrifice for all of us a- a to the stem necessity at the hour but no canadian wilt object to tti pinch of wartime economy if she ls confident that the funds thng muta available are used to help smash the had war typhoid fever wlioopmg ootigb oeralttoaplnal uenlngiu oxptdeibfc what is a nma what ls a friend i will tab ye it is a person with whom you efcra tt be yourself lnfc omo

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