Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 11, 1940, p. 6

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the georgetown herejd wedneaotoy evening flwr 1 1 ws our ssmw farm page cnu of intermit to the local farmer your eyes the e of yqar enfm m mont impottent t is why we apaowba m eye ihsganwa tons and studies that we mar keep uptodate in our kg- afc- mmtnvrr tins is another nuon why our eye aertioe to mr um mat atyt tot nin i at cmy fhosa cmmt ot walker ro i vm fa at hto ottos nr i bao teaspoons coo main j to furnish the privileges of such csuaenobip they hospital ward in britain point out indtvldaal oootrfbottana large or small should be sent to bin w h tmuherdale oemwater out a turtyfcwobed ward in a cna dtan hospital in qreat britain to to lie furnished at a cost of 93000 by the in- dhrldual contributions of members of the women institutes of ontario each member of local institutes to bet tag asked tocontrlbute what ahe no donation is too small and none too large and should be sent to mia w b leatherdale oowwatex ont mrs leatherdale is secretarytreasurer the federated women a institutes of ontario womens institute members are be ing encouraged to continue the support which they have been giving to out red cross and other patriotic organisa tions the ptovmolal board states pointing out that donations to thi canadian army hospital m great bri tain are entirely separate and of i personal nature as compared witta oth er war wcrk i at their recent meeting the feder ated w j of ontario contributed 600 to the national federation of womens institutes for war work the red cross society has forwarded bifioo pounds ot jam to britain and another 54000 wlt follow shortly for use in canadian army hospitals and fam ilies who have lost their homes througn bombings this jam for the most part was put up by w i members in ontario the cans being supplied by the red cross the ont federation has also asked the ont dept of education to promote adequate courses in civics and citizen ship more time should be devoted to teaching children why they should be proud to be canadian citizens and the part they should play in maintaining h golf golfing motors- auyiar round in canadas evergreen playground yes out in vancouver and victoria golf is played all yar round warm sen breezes and the protection of the mighty coastal mountains maintain a moderate temperature in which all outdoor sports take on an invigorating newness plan now to visit canada s ever green playground for rest or play the ideal place for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation special winter rates at hotels the new hotel vancouver s spacious rooms and de lightful accommodations will add to the pleasure of your stay in vancouver travel west the jasper way usmq tm atoconomonhl contmbftal umutcd attractive rail rates lm rmtt aw trmha canadian nati0nai expiiss teugmphs honey otoers safety fmll ajwrmslhmfnm mmf afaetf mg canadian national wool for export must be graded wool intended for export from can ada in war time to subject to a licence issued by the wool administrator wartime prices and trade board from november 1 1m0 canadian un washed fleece wool for export must be graded in accordance with the stan dards defined in the wooi grading reg ulations recently passed by the domin ion department of agriculture otta wa under authority of the uve stock and uve stock products act in future no application for an ex port licence will be co by the wool administrator unless the expor ter furnishes an export grading certi ficate covering the entire shipmeot as required in clause 28 of the regula tions exporters may apply to a a macmlllsn marketing service domin ion department of agriculture otta wa for the inspection of graded can adian fleece wool for export and the issuing of an export grading certi which must accompany the application for the granting of an export licence in order to obviate possible difficul ties at ports of export customs tnspec tors will accept uie export licence as issued by the wool administrator for the duration of the war or until oth erwlse advised this arrang for the present is in lieu of clause 27 ol ihe regulations logical precautions jfhlcfa suggest themselves to any experience with earn bruised uvtt stock these m are all inex pensive and oute pnotkal th uni ted sustained for of all parties con cerned farmer drover shipper car rier commission man and packer em ployee would solve the- problem almost overnight the elimination of bruises on hogs would mean more profits to the industry bruised hog carcass causes big loss bruised liogs produce bruised car cases ana the majority of these car casses no matter now suitable in weight type and finish have to be discarded in making selection for ex port wiltshire mdet ol bacon since cruises particularly those aiep led reduce the value of the total produc lion of pork uus is eventually a char gt on tnc industry under lb old ajaun ol uve crude payment this vtu juut u uul as it u today uuuer ai aaiig wlin uu difliruice that uiuitr u c ormtr biulsu tit not ul wa dc notable n pigs on ool touch hlcaiiil ts art apparent under carcii trading and ilius uie mcaru b pro idea whereoj uic cauic may uc actxi bck to 1u louai and tbt loch bomc v cic it belongs bruising may or may rot mart at jic i ami it may ur cunni traiiiit to market b rail or bj uuck it mnj be tlie result of outi lianai n oil ca and off truclu and u n a occur ui ilock yards and packcra yaidi tnerelore uie wliolc jroblem ot bruim prevention comub ery niuc l to uie lore and it at once tecolea apparent tiial every mepj in nog uljvii aria iianabng irom uiej pig pen to ll e rail si oula oe closely cjjec hed and undertaken w ui eart whetne uie p ouacor la lruckjujjg on his gall bchail employs a trucke or ha hi hogs sti ppeu oy rau lie ls primari y diteresuia in preventive mea sjrto suci as uie discarding of sticks and prods in driving hogs the use ol prop rly constructed partitions in truck and car careful unloading seg regal ion ol i gin ng bogs md othe social evening in honour of champion plowmen a social evening to honour of ann juster and harold picket of hornby was held recently under tike eosptees of the hamon plowme asrmrfatlon in the oddfedowtf hab lolton not- wlthstanding advene road and weather conditions 115 hatton residents ga thered m recognition of the achieve ment of messrs lister and picket in winning first and second places re spectively in the batons tea class which is the open jointer in sod at the recent internatlooal numbi amongst the guests from outside the county ere j a oanrou toronto secretary manager of the brtrxnatkn- al ftowmg match alex mckmney brampton president of the ontario plowmens association j bodgkme of the balada tea oo toronto a o khsttne of st harjra lonner agri cultural representottve of helton county r o brown noted plowman of oalt and winner of the salsda tea class hi 1s3g clark young lbthken tveafiurer of the ontario plowmen s pollowing a sha which haltons 1m0 champion plow men were eulogtoed for the honour they won for themselves and the coun ty of halton the two guests of honour were presented with otadstone bags the address being read by stanley hall and the presentation made by fred robinson and gordon cbleholm past presidents of the ftaitrai f mens association milk producers hold annual meeting the annual meeting of the halton milk producers was held in the for mers bujding mww iast saturday evening approximately 40 pro duoers braved the almost impasbable roads hch incidentally prevented the attendance of offlrtals froin tbronto w h big ear who has been halton s repesematie on the toronto board stave a or ef but interesting summary of jie acti tics of the association for the past jei it was intimated that ow ing to lh shortage of milk and the increased cost of production the milk price is 1 kcly to be increased 235 ler ewt en january 1st in the opin n at m ny the meeting was the mo t interesting of any held for a number o years those in attendance urucipitlng freely in the discussion i he elect on of officers resulted as lollows prcsidi 1 1 john marshall milton prt sident w h biggar oak lllc bee u devrles tar treasurer georgetown ha ion representative on toronto board w e breckon freeman direetors trof ilzar vic or hail emerson iord v j lawtence lv les g tim bird malcolm m nabb arthur ruddell na gawe i a b manon n ls n w j bobcruon r 8 h n lit rn i ton so ith wtllnigtor robert kerr tliv in v tabiilt of m nee pie on the chris mas bo rd ixplains why it ls v 11 for the national digcsuon that here onlj one christmas dinner a sltbegwaeps 1 mbmfvm mb i daltlll sfb all lka to feel that we can wbip up a fin cbc and barwaygranc tfiatwayatsnco cal firs co ee bow oar baking measures op with fgutt of our nejghboora bowve for con- elaefitpriae- winning it woold ba diftrnlt to bsst uwcecorq of mrs fi b dalxiel who lives near voodbridge ontarloi asked for th secret of her snecess mrs dalxkl said to begin htb yoo mast- bava ex- ceptionalh rood floor i nse robin hoodbecaum it absorba liquids so easih and has so much lite and hoy to it cakes never mil in the centre when i use robin hood hour i often dunk anyone who had never baked before could start with robin hood and iwve excellent results the ven first time she tried i also like robin hood because it is so fine and w ive vscd it for all my baking and wooldntthink ef changing it goes so far and makes baldng so easy for prhaewinning baking mrs dsdeladvases incasuring ingredients carefully she tot- lows her recipes closely aodt cannot remember having had baldng failure since she began using robin hood floor tbereiaarcasmjebrtnicrobto heodnonr immerom m antsc camtman spring wheat and evacy gram ik wasbse before being around hie nuder an so- ante of robin hoods quality mat each bar contains a guarantee ccnlcate if youafs noy abaolatatr wlisedt order robui bood canadas auv parpos flouf today and eajor homtsamno rosm hood kouk mrus umtieo robin hooit flour delivered when ou order old onipany b anthracite from us joure sure of oronipt clean del i ery all along the route fr mine to your coal bin lirst the old com icn this coal to us orni from the sup deposits in pennsk imas famous pantiier du then our own rhrient truck service makes sure ou get your order at the time you name eer one q of our dehverymen has special lnstrw oewtrv tions to leae your premises clean ind y undisturbed order today confident of prompt clean delivery anthracite j b mackenzie son phone 33 georgetown the worlds news seen through the christian science monitor an international daily nruitpapei a trwthlul coiisiructtve unbiawd fr from senmuonal tin editorial ar timely and instructive and id duly feature together with the weekly maranne section maka the monitor an ideal newspaper for the home christmas market for lojljltry highest prices paid for chickens geese ducks turkeys and fowl thursdays december 19th phone erin 18 for prices frin creamery robert lang the christian science pufelihmb society one norway street boston missnchutem price i z 00 yearly ot i 00 a month saturdnv ur nrludinr mignzinc section 2 60 lniriductorv offer 6 i5iie 2 cent address sample copy on request former wheat kino is in the abmy now herman trelie of weaabler alberta is in um news again five times crowned wheat king it is now as banner trebe that uns albertan fanner oxacnt u at tention ot the newshawks mr trelie left his peace river homestead 380 miles northwest of edmonton on the oanaotan national hallways and joined with the canadian engineers to serve in the active forces of bis adopted land ur trelie was bom at kendrlck idaho bat went to al berta when a young boy with his parents he began to nana tn 1930 at wetter and atx years later won h flxat wheat cjiaropsonsblti in the great international show at chicago four other grata crowns coming in later years mr trelie brought a trained aotantltoc mind to the farm after graduating from swpwntnri doduo schools be took his degree as a m1 engineer at the university ot alberta it was while engaged on snrve the peace river bviefc that hr decided to estabtt a h ley and then lug in honor to oanadaa pratrte heatnekla o downown you go direct to downtown in every town enroute when you travel by motor coach whan p your wlu youxlocol a9nt ioc oat gray coach l

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