Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 18, 1940, p. 1

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seventyfourth year of publication wednesday evening december 18th 1940 150 per annum in advance 200 to uj3a 1940 council meets for last time restaurant bylaw ratified mo grant to vtbe b georgetown council met lor the last time on monday night the main business of the evening centred on a restaurant bylaw which bad been prepared as a result of a discussion at the lastcouncil meeting the by law which appears in us entirety on another page or the herald imposes several hnpartant restrictions on local restaurants no dancing will be per mitted on sunday or on weekdays after 11 pm pin games and slot mac hines are harmed and children under sixteen must not be allowed to loiter on the premises the chief of pouee has the power to suspend the license which costs 1 at any time for non- observance of regulations and coun cil is given powftr to revoke the uc- a resolution was passed providing for payment of accounts submitted be- fore the end of the year upon the recommendation of the finance com mittee 2t0 was transferred from the foun dry sinking fund to the current ac count and 9400 from the current ac count to the housing sinking fund other fl resolutions inducted payment of 127215 to the cemetery board 710111 to the county of hal- ton for the county rate 1200 to the waterworks department for hydrant the usual grant or 400 to the fire brigade was approved the following accounts were pass ed for payment w spence sta 750 y king qts 315 a- sanderson sta 315 a hill sts y 4 w chaplin sti 255 a ostrander stsl 3js w spence sts 1 510 j schulx sts a richardsons hardware 170 lafrance fire engine and foamlte ltd are protection 640 helton county grader for sts 2100 f b harrison expenses re old age pensions 2750 esqueslng township taxes ww 21 s3 w o m postage etc 2 65 the question of removing snow and ice from georgetown streets again came up before the meeting every thing reasonable is being done in this regard and it was pointed out that georgetown- streets are no worse than those of other municipalities in the district mayor gibbons aa a member of the hydro commission asked council for an ex of opinion on the ques tion of renting space in the proposed new hydro building for clerks office and council chambers plans for the building are as yet in a formative stage and the approval of the on tario hydro commission must be obtained before any definite building plans will be known the hydro com- mission is considering erecting a two- story building if the town sees fit to rent some of the space from the com mission for municipal offices complaints had been received about cars being parked too long on narrow streets constituting a traffic nuisance and council hoped that offending dti- sens would take care of this without forcing parking regulations to be in augurated at the close of the meeting mayor gibbons expressed his thanks to the members of the 1939 municipal council for their cooperation during the past year and wished them a happy yule- tide season merchants will observe boxing pay a number of georgetown merchants have agreed among themselves to ob serve a boxing day holiday on thur sday december 28th housewives are reminded to buy in advance for the twoday holiday those who signed the petition which was circulated this week include f j gibbons budget groceteria h c mcolure brsitey ibros ready 5b to 100 store c j buck d brill co p f blackburn walter sttgg a e wright a lindsay russell forby specialty shoppe sfiyers department store win huffman uttlcos beauty parlour erwin gowham r iicata dominion store georgetown herald j williamson h j blenko mcbean co j saunders w smith rich ardsons hardware w o anthony j r held carrolls n b hill it is hoped that an places of busi ness will approve this majority wish of the merchants and show their ap prove by remaining closed remem ber that if everyone stays closed no one loses any business and you have all earned a dayarcst after the christmas business rush lions toast king ladies georgetown lions club annual xadtes night held at the mcoibbon house on monday night also com- thranrn the bl f his ma jeety king george vi about forty members and guests sat down to a de licious chicken dinner a fourpiece orchestra from acton provided muslo during the meal lion chief ballantine introduced mayor gibbons a guest of the even ing who briefly remarked on the good work which the club had done in the past tjirf his hopes that in the future this work particularly in child welfare would not be slack ened district governor charles bennett of oakvlbe reminded the gathering that there were twentyfour thousand crip children in canada tdach of these has a right to lead a normal life be said and lion lam has taken upon itself to see that they do uon bill z4ng tlng as chairman introduced the program which began with s prayer for their majesties read art beaumont lion harold mooktre gave a short biography of his majesty tba main feature of the evening was an ffiustratod travel talk by major jr barber who showed colored mov ing p of his trips to cuba and a oast to the ladies was proposed by lion j d keuy and responded to by mr j- maekehsle maw roth davis and jean me- tb teu by miss june frank in a couple of vocal duets atlas frank also play- ad car group alarm- of ways ba an england and o 48 te vattbaa wcxu december meeting by the press secretary the december meeting or the wc tu was held last friday at the home of- mrs f c overend the presi dent mrs r h wright was in the chair and mrs a reeve conducted the devotional period the study based an st lukes ac count of the nativity reminded us that the eternal christ love incar nate became the son of man that at many as receive him may too be come the sons of god the son of the highest laid aside the insignia of royalty as men perceive it to be come the servant one not to be min istered unto but to minister and to give his life that we who believe in him might have life and have it ln abundance gods gift to the world of the love that came down at christ mas is his answer to mans disobe dience and neglect of him shall we accept gods unspeakable gift neglect it or scorn it miss joy ruddell contributed a beautiful vocal solo which also bore the christmas message to an appre ciative audience in place of the usual type of pro gram a brief review was given of two articles which had appeared in the september number of the tem perance advocate available in the public library entitled alcohol aid ed defeat and the french col lapse the first la composed largely quotations from different german writers who in their histories of the war of 101418 disclosed the fact that alcohol played no small part in ger manys defeat the wine cellars of prance proved the armys undoing gen von ludendarff after com menting upon this situation said why is the alcohol question not treated in university courses it is the most important thlrtg of all the second article the french collapse after pointing out that the per capita consumption of absolute al cohol in prance in recent years nearly five times that of great bri tain and ireland and nearly six times that of oermany quotes the petaln government as saying that alcohol- ism is responsible in large measure for frances present misfortune for years the medical men had sounded the alarm the academy of medicine the scientists of the pasteur institute and others but because of the vested interests of the winemak ers and the apathy and appetite of the populace governments failed to take any restrictive action now the nead of the vichy government says ajco holism is destroying our race in the discussion which followed the review of these artlclds it was point ed out that according to their own trade journals it was these same winemakers of europe who were responsible for the paid propaganda by news parade oarflejd l moqttvray our king monday night the lions olub ob served the birthday of king george vi at its annual ladles night while we thought this very fitting at a time when britain- and the emlpre is at war we came across the following bit of verse which is to say the least very appropriate when e king puts his hand in the hand or god at the very gate of the year though the way may be dark and taa- foe abroad what need his empire fear for the god of hosts will guide us on through many a perilous hour though the way may lead by the way of the cross we are led by a mighty power we will come at last r a harbor safe when our hour of trial is oer it only his people will follow their king and turn to their god once more how blessed the notion who fallow the lead or a king who walks with god no weapon thats formed against them shall prosper whose reet are with righteoi shod wnioh resulted in large measure for the return of legal salcr of intoxicants in canada and the united states an other point emphasized was that liquor dictatorship in national ufe is sup ported by an unholy alliance of appe tite avarice and apathy truly fifth columnist in character and that apathy is perhaps the most insidious or the three the meeting decided to give every support possible to the nationwide oampaign for total abstinence spon sored by the canadian temperance federation and also to do our share in the proposed gir of the provin cial union for our soldiers in eng land of a mobile canteen travelling field kitchen mrs wright and mrs frank were appointed a committee to interview members m regard to this special col lection date of which will be found in december tidings the january meeting will ba bald at the home of mrs walter peck queen bt a fine array the stores in georgetown are deck ed out in the christmas colors invit ing you to look inside and see the many beautiful girts on display not only the stores but the town as a whole is taking on a more ohrietmasy spirit as the community tree has taken its stand at the corner garlands of colored lights are strung across the street individual trees are being delivered to the homes and windows are appearing with christinas bells and wreaths old santa hurof will visit georgetown on a special jn vitatlon from the lions club on sat urday afternoon when all the boys and girls will be out to see him and get their candy and oranges and on christmas eve too no little boys or girls will be forgotten because the christmas hamper fund will see that no family is without a christmas din ner yes christmas is a wonderful time the kiddies can hardly wait for the day to anive and the grownups well they enjoy it too and most of all get a kick out of the hap piness it brings to the children in the home personalities in the news sometimes one reads about people you know or meet old acquaintances and suddenly remember that maybe others would be interested in hear ing about them too last week the chesley enterprise in relating their plight of being temporarily short- handed on their staff stated how miss ethel hetnmiller was filling in as lino type- operator there are a number of old acquaintances of miss helnmll- ler in town who will be pleased to know that she is well and living again in her old home town ethel was a mem ber of the herald staff a few years ago and we who had the pleasure of working with her remember her kindly then we had a visit from a for mer pipemajor of the georgetown pipe band sandy stewart sandy is now with the staff of the newmar ket training centre and holds the rank of paymaster sergeant we were glad to see sandy looking so well and no doubt army life is agreeing with him spending the week end in town was george scott who was for merly on the bank of commerce staff here george is still with the bank and is located in brooklln we are pleased to welcome alex mcnabb back to town he is relieving the christmas rush at maccormacks drug store after finishing his exams at toronto pharmacy school frank bud kentner is working in a tam- blyn store in toronto during the holi- white gifts at united church at the morning service in the unit ed church the sabbath school ob served their annual white gifts ser vice during the presentation of the white gifts mr norman burns sup erintendent of the sabbath school presided in a short address mr burns explained the bheme of the ser vice love members of the 6ab- bath school then interpreted that theme in readings and musical num bers while the classes carried their gifts to miss daisy bralsby and to mr thomas watts mho on behalf of the girls and the boys respectively placed them beneath the lighted christinas trees the numbers of the program were as follows scripture reading selected love joan main the golden gate kathleen lyons duet away in a manger helen brawley and beverly hyde reading food junior grace duet father make me loving june miller and donald bums responsive reading god our neighbor and our enemy june clark and clare burns reading the white fire- nice macdonald carols by the sabbath school at the close of the white gifts ceremony mr burns presented the rewards for regularity in attendance as follows the banner mr wriggleeworths class ribbons of merit 1st mr swack- hamers class 2nd miss mccumbers class 3rd miss mcenerys class the bible classes and the coxt gave their gifts in the form of a donation to the british warvictims fund amounting to 3600 to this is to be added the contribution of the trail rangers the minister closed the service with an exhortation to the congregation to make a reality in their daily living lhe spirit of the beautiful service personals mrs d campbell is today celebrat ing her 89th birthday at her home on factory street slipping on the icy sidewalk near her home last week miss e penson suffered a broken wrist mrs james buck is recuperating in toronto general hospital after a fall a few weeks ago which resulted in a broken leg col o d h cousens attended luncheon meeting of the war savings committee chairmen in the dlstriot held in the royal york hotel toronr to last monday major j r barber entertained the visiting officers and officers of the lome scots regiment at his home in town after the inspection of trobpe at the acton arena last evening reeve w a wilson entertained es queslng township council and offic als at a noonday dinner at hunters yesterday prior to the council moist ing at stewarttown mrs graham farnell was injured in an automobile accident which occurred last monday morning near the car driven by her husband ashgrove couple 50 years wed umehouse d t i-m- georgbtown 7s years old the municipality of georgetown md its seventysixth birthday last satur day december nth it was incorpor ated as a village in 1084 in a bylaw passed by the county council of that time next weeks herald will be published on tuesday december 24th seas mr jack rush son law of mr and mrs harry stockford who had his right hand painfully la cerated when an emery wheel broke while at his work in toronto a month ago is in toronto hospital where he had to underg an operation on his hand we wish him a speedy re covery but it is with sincere re gret that we record the death or ab wulson who died on sunday at red deer alba mr wulson was one of georgetowns older residents up until a few years ago and was in the jewel lery business on main st since leaving town he always managed to spend the summer here and would drop in for a chat with the herald staff when he would compare the hometown with that home in the west or relate an old ftah story that he loved to tell yea ab wulson will be missed his kind and quiet per sonality made him many friends baptist minister wha move to tbosou after five years ministry in this oommunity as pastor of the baptist churches in ge and acton rev e q baxter last sunday tender ed bis resignation to these churches la order to accept a call to the bap tist church in thorold ontario mr baxter win leave to assume bis new charge early in april the churches ragre a the resignation of mr baxter and join in wishing him sod his family ertry blessing m their new charge mr and mrs j m pickard of cali fornia visited with mr and mrs nat given recently mr and mrs earl scott and garry visited with his parents during the week end mr prank praser is spending this week in toronto mr alex wright was home from toronto for the week end mis roe- is staying with mr and mrs w a lane mr and mrs a w benton nell and bert visited mr and mrs w greenlees on sunday the election of officers of the presbyterian womens missionary so ciety was held at the home of mrs harvey norton last friday the bad roads and weather kept a number of ladies from being able to attend most of the officers were the same a 1940 the treasurers report stated that the allocation for the year had been reached which was very graury- ing ballinafad mrs ray moenery returned to her home from guelph general hospital on sunday and is progressing favor ably mr and mrs alex mcjkep were sunday visitors with mrs wm mc kay in brampton the mission circle held their an nual meeting on wednesday evening at the manse the worship service was led by reta allen assisted by other members the topic from the booklet witnesses of the way m japan was in charge of annie snow the love gift boxes were then pre sented the following officers were installed for 1041 president mar- sxt hlnrlajiy sl ihwpiwiilm francis praser recording secretary noreen mckechnle corresponding aft cretary florence sinclair treasurer marguerite kentner press lillian shortlll christian stewardship mrs w dick supply annie snow temper ance edith wame community friend ship betty ferryman uterature helen mclean organist reta allen assist ant joanna shortlll lunch was serv ed by mrs foreman at the close of the meeting the womens association met their december meeting at the home of mrs r mcenery the beautiful christmas story was read from matt 3 1 10 by mrs foreman who also gave us the thought that god is closer to us at christinas time because we seem to have more of a christinas spirit in our hearts we are wfillng to forget injuries and remember only lovely things happiness of others la our first thought mrs foreman also told an interesting story entitled pedro and paul mrs e ferryman led in prayer the treasurer report ed substantial sum had bean rated during the past year amounting to 42jhel been given to the red cross this was rated by a special collection at each meeting and quilt fund during 1m0 the fol lowing officers were elected for 1041 president mrs e ferryman 1st vice president mrs j snow secretary mrs f w shortul treasurer mrs j kirkwood fldwer committee mrs for and mrs r ucsnery triri committee mrs starret and mrs mc lean red cross mrs h hilts or ganist mrs vannattct involved with several other cars lnj collision due to the ley roads famell suffered a sprained ankle and a cut on me head which requlredthe attention of a doctor f among the guests at the uohs club ladles night last monday were district governor charles bennett and mrs bennett of oakvule mayor joseph gibbons col and mrs james ballantine mr fred ballantine mv and mrs r llcata mr and mrs h c mcolure mrs t eeson mr and mrs a o welk mr h silver mr and mrs a beaumont major and mrs j r barber mr and mrs w h long dr and mrs r t paul mr and mrs j b mackenzie mr and mrsrw h kentner mr c bumsides mr w c blehn mr j d kehy mr ralph ross mr e mcwhirter tjiiyi june frank miss ruth davis miss jean mcdonald ashgrove the annual meeting of the wj8 was held at the home of mrs c b dick the devotional exercises in which several took part were in charge of mrs george nurse reports from the different branches showed that 1940 had been a successful year for the organization the officers of 1940 were reelected for 1941 the christmas meeting of the ash grove wi was well attended and an interesting meeting enjoyed by axl mrs m bird gave the main paper of the afternoon holiday customs different countries mrs n stark gave a christmas reading and mr p wilson favored with a piano solo christmas melodies mrs francis thompson led in carol singing an exhibit of wrapped christmas gifts by mrs r j graham was on display the roll call was answered by giving a quilt block mrs r j graham and mrs c b dick were appointed as a committee to arrange these blocks for a quiltmg at the january meet ing a social half hour was spent when the hostess miss reta fisher assisted by the lunch oommlttee serv ed a simple lunch the meeting clos ed with the singing of the icing the bazaar held last thursday under the auspices of the ashgrove wa was very successful la spite of the bad roads and inclement weather the different booths were well supoued with lovely articles afternoantea was served to a large number the attendance in the evening was fair the young people enjoyed a game of crokinole miss e shore and mr w brownridge were the two hipw counters a large number or relatives friends and neighbours called on mr and mrs h wilson on saturday dec l on the occasion of their fiftieth we4dlns annlversary we congratulate mr and mrs wilson on attaining the number of years of married life and hope they may be spared to enjoy many mora years of happy ufe togethert white gifts were presented at the morn se on sunday d la last saturday the home of mr and mrs henry wilson of- ashgrove was the scene of a happy occasion whan thy celebrated their golden we anniversary they were married flftar yearn ago by the late rev thorn athoe pastor of the carlisle method church mr wilson was bom atthdtr present home over 77 years ago betngi the third generation on the farm mrs wilson who was mlas idajlansley be fore their marriage has only known two homes her gjrlhood home and her present one mrs wilson was for many years actively identified wlttt the djo being one of toe first di- rectors the first organization naifc- ing in any district except toronto lite held at their home p mr and mrs wilson have on daughter mrs s 6 breckon of nor wood and one son mr j q wilson of ashgrove they have three grand sons and three granddaughters ah were present on saturday with th exception of loma breckon andwur- son breckon who were writing exams at queens university kingston front which they are graduating this year over one hundred relatives and friends called during the afternoon and evening to offer congratulation and good wishes mr and mrs wtv son rscelved the guests in the living room beneath an arch of silver uulev gold bells and flowers although it was requested that no gifts be brought a number of handsome gifts and lover flowers found their way there mas ter harold wilson admitted the guests and those who assisted in receiving them were mrs robert fox and mrs john bussell mrs thomas fisher as- sisted in registering the guests the dining room table was appro priately decorated m canopy style with gold trimming and eenuebrwiffi w beautiful fourstorey cake made and decorated with touches of glided cedar by the bride of fifty years during the afternoon mrs martha frudham homing of waterdown and mrs john bussell of toronto presided at to tea table in the absence of mrs bar wuson mrs robert fox of milton and mrs roy blagden of carlisle presided in the evening those who assisted in serving the guests were mrs gordon hogarth mrs j g wilson mrs frank wilson miss reta fisher miss nona breck on and miss owen varcoe during the afternoon and evening miss owen varcoe a gold medalist de lighted the gathering with vocal se lections while mrs wuson was cat ting the cake miss varcoe sang tha wonderful mother of mine mrs john totton and mrs frank wilson also rendered piano duets guests were present from gait to ronto hamilton norwood and near by points messages of congratula tion were received from saskatoon and stettler bask ayhner dartford ottawa kingston werkworth ha- gersville and guelph the ashgrov womens institute and the ashgron united church also sent messages of congratulation mr and mrs wilson are enjoying excellent health and hope was ex pressed that they will be able to cele brate their 00th anniversary stewarttown f st johns womans auxiliary re cently held their annual meeting at mrs tracys home reports tat the year show that there were 9 mentbeca 34 meetings were held with average attendance of 6 mrs tracy was the only member with a perfect atten dance nine of the meetings devotional and business meetings ths other twentyfive were sewing meet ings in february the ladles of the vil lage and vicinity were invited to the wjl meeting when the program of the womans day of prayer was on twenty ladies came to the meed and at the dose of the program it was decided to form a fjtawaaiuisu jnmnotlolthe womanxblxjifjhhw this was done ana a imisnllqwa of one lady of each itrrfrnrnln formed to carry on hi june the balews fwiwd i sent to central w a boom nflfr valued at wfl00 rev 8 r and mm colsbrook wan welcomed m october the jwjl report was given by the superintendent toe little hob secretary proudly reported thai or the first time the u h branch has twins on the ran ths treasurer reported total octets were 41 gdltp was j to the dominion pledge fund s0 continued an page 8 a b wjlls0n dies in alberta his many friends in georgetown were shocked- to hear or the death last sunday of mr a b wulson for mer georgetown business man who passed away at his daughters horns in red deer alberta after a short albert benson wulson was bom in georgetown seventyeight years ago as a young man he spent two or three- years in chicago and the state of towa returning fortyfive years ago to go into the jewelry business with his brother mr w h wulson as wulson brothers they were m busi ness for many years and on w h wlllsons retirement mr wulson oon- nod in hunlnwa alons tan joj ago after the death of bis wife mr wulson retired and went west to lira with his only daughter and her husband dr and mrs p e dodds at red deer alberta bach year n came back to his old home to spend three months and his friends ahvaj looked forward to this annual vtott which he himself enjoyed so much though- not in- vsrygooahalth tbls- summer he made his usual trip and derived great enjoyment from caua on his friends and neighbours soar after returning to albert he becam seriously m and was oonflned i the hospital until bis passing last son- day mr wulson was a staunch libera and a ufalong member of the unit ed church he was deeply mtereatad in affairs of home and state sad ktt- s j m georgetown high school board he was also a ardent devotee of au aeati anorta he win ba bmisd m oaortat ter a funeral service on thunonr a the home of bis brothar w htw- on james street the service will b held at s pot dat j- f jurnos cr aommmm an error m the junior 7 schedule pubuahed in k m has come to teh win play a iiniiniiuai iiiiwi hit is jjgubui nth as a the ann grunt the season wffl be ptsgnd to on friday patenber afrfc

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