Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 18, 1940, p. 3

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jhe ggflfgetorp hernw wgdaetdy evening pet4anher 18 1940 wnekkiwnk amly for wbmen sha8e christmas with toe chimhutn nowheremn the world la the celebration of christmas happier or s mqre abundant than on the american continent we have combined the cjistoms of all races the carols and mlsttflbe of akigjano the tm of germany the dreohes of france the ereeoa of seandtaavia and added a santa clans of our own and as a result we are now looking forward to one of the most joyous occasions of the whole year wat days mod weeks the children have bftm talking of nothing else but a word of warnfogt let awchttdren really share christmas with you orrtng and doing little kindnesses la the real spirit of christmas do not spoil their fun by doing too much for them it will give you great pleasure no doubt to surprise them on christmas morning with a bcau- ttfutty decorated tree hohy wreaths at the mantle candles m the window and a host of artistically w gifts but have you ever stopped to think ttiat by doing so you are spotting the children s pleasure they have a right to share in all the fun of the preparations to team early that to give brines greater joy than to receive how they delight in choosing gifts for mother and dad and the rest in going about with a treat air of mystery in d vague hints and others not so vague as to what your present is to be what a lark the wrapping of their parcels is deciding on what colours they prefer and how best to tie a bow knot with a little gmdance from mother or dad or elder mater there are many things young children can do and will love to do let them make place cards for the christmas dinner of red stiff paper and use the tiny surer stars that come by the box to work out a suitable design then print each name with india ink or encourage them to make their own christmas cards with holly or potoaettla designs and a suitable christmas or if you are going to give a children s party during the long holiday let them decorate white cardboard picnic- plates with candles or holly water colours or tetnpora paints can be used very effectively they make an attractive way to serve lunch and think of the saving in the tuah washing they will consider it quite a treat if you let them make popcorn baus tinted with vegetable colouring or gingerbread men to decorate the tree the boys and gtrfe too will make quite a thing out of a hike to the coun try for cones and prjae branches of pine and spruce if they know a far mer with a big woodlot they wih enjoy planning the house decorations and of course they must all have a share in decorating the christmas tree with tinsel and snow and all the gay ornaments they have collected and m seeing tw the coloured lights work be sure too to let daughter do most of the setting of the table for the dinner u she is ten or older she will be very care ful of your best china and she jsnoiooyouftb t learn how todoit the children will enjoy delivering chrstmas presents too if you have gifts far friends in the neighborhood and be sure and let them take a jar of jelly to some shut in or a toy or two to some children less fortunate than themselves christmas time is children s time and of course we like to give them beautiful gifts the best we can afford bat the children who took back upon christinas with the greatest delight are not those that come down christinas morning to a confusing array of expensive gifts but rather the ones who have caught the gay and heart wanning spirit of christmas because they have had a shaie in the preparations that are a part of our christmas traditions the women of britain need comfortb her majesty the queen has expressed concern regarding the lac of comforts for the women of the auxiliary territorial service already 80 000 women have enlisted ind thousands more are enlist tog in this serice they wear khaki unirorms find receive army pay some of them live under canvas others in requisitioned houses schools etc and they may be moved about at a moment s notice many act as oh servers on the coasts of britain and courageous women they must be to brave the icy cold fatigue and loneliness as they keep a constant watch for the approach of enemy planes others act as cooks orderlies nr- fighters clerks and truck and ambulance drers work requlrlnic great physical stamina and coolness the women or britain do not carrj pins but they are right up in the front lines of defence vincent sheehau noted author recently said a new breed of woman is being bom out of the welter of blood and des truction in britain a superwoman tirelcsa iid rearl and without class distinction other uniformed seikea in addition to the a ts which co operates with the army there are many other uniformed services the wjtjjjs women s royal naval servtcej are trained at the old greenwich royal naval college in the ways of the sea their work is often dangerous and discipline is very stric the queen is their commandant in chief they do all types of shore duty issuing stores catering signalling ciphering and act as clerks wire mss operators and teleprinters the waaf women s auxillaxj air force does a vital work fer rying planes manning switchboards and releasing men from all tvnes of administrative jobs the women of the ahp are heroines if eer there were any they act as wardens fire fighters drive fire- trucks and ambulances and are trained in first aid they must know jie s etts and shortcuts of their square thorojghly enough to be able to vold bombcraters and rubble in the blackout replacing skilled men on british farms is the ta4 that has fallen on the capable shoulders of the woman s land army nd no light task either since britain is aiming at producing more food at home than she has ever done before there are 4 000 000 women engaged in mdustiy ui britain many of them work in munition plants gun actortes tank factories and aeroplane factories their chief aim is to see that their men hate the equipment with which to fight women v taken ov the duties of men in business the post office has appealed for 50 000 women to help with the christmas mail women are working in shops and offices driving busses and taxis and working in factories producing goods for export voluntary worker in addition there are 600000 women organized for voluntary service jssii ea lady r you wiu see them talugh ta a t h doi r typ of work r hi co klt chens distributing- clothing doing first aid and drtvuvofflctas they have supplied help for the evacuation of 1000 000 women and children sif e au ume to p m nerever they are needed most ev en the old women unable for heavy work do their bit by sitting with the and erln to their needs or by minding frightened children whose mother are busy with more urgent nit for british women is out for the duration travelling is discouraged and manj do not see their husbands maybton active svlcei or their children evacuated for week or mu at 2 have conirs by b the of war and aftjst js l w wor n small allowances 2 ajz f 12 hours are m a necd extra comforts the red cross has issued an urgent appeal for woollen stockings cteaterv scarves helmeu and knickers for heavy doves hot wserlsuesss necessities and personal comforts the iod and othehmoups ie nxs hi v t th women to tsollse organized help has been given up to the present rf- ha many caus mbde p b surely out of our abundance we can spare something for our sisters at war who are givmg book biew susannah rnes aoainby muriel deuison dodd mead co 236 gfcis of 8 to 13 win like the newest cook of the susannah rww ztzpl22f ta tt susannah resrn rsltsaita sew s n ha not met before thlnxlcn lei dentoon paints a truetolife picture of the habitant vrenehuwi sjl becs lakes and forests she telkof the tsamejstisirs agfflof the rlvermen of bow susanna to rdhotsnd rss the togs and the ruse by which the pine cnttoatr kd wwfel two old friends oonsy of ihemownssa tel celtsj- hjather tas e a canoe trip to tt ifcwiis jhl cnata wadding a huge breakfast at the chooae sttl yon win enjoy loo fctarmc all about jtesetarto ajwt- w intttn sun ill intcrnational unifouc day school esson sharing the shepherds joy sunday december t 1m0 golden text otary to god in the highest and on earth peace good will toward men luke 2 u lesson passage luke 2 820 the heart hath its own memory like ihe mind and in k are enshrined the precious keepsakes with which is wrought the givers loving thought b w longfellow shepherds and angels 19 the newspapers tell of a crowned heads marital triangle of a multl mulionarre heiress s estrangement from her husband of two screen fav ourltes breaking up their borne through bickering position wealth and fame do not bring happiness there may be more hope in a cottage than in a castle more reflection between plough handles than- a noisy stock ex change the angels did not sing above herod s palace that first grrftstinas but above the shepherds keeping watch over their flocks by night the eonga men and to suggest a utile of what will happen if those steps are taken heard upon the hills are far different from th incantations in the night clubs the glory of the lord shone around men watching their sheep in the open air under the stars the shep herds made the response natural to unsophisticated men they were sore afraid theyhad goneoutto tend sheep ana they had heard songs the had expected to pass long hours in darkness and they beheld a glorious lltrht they went out to humble poor ly rewarded toil and they became participints in an eternal drama a saviour in sight 10 11 a new zealand writer has published a book called a saviour in sight a reviewer says with remorseless logic it destroy artiflcal creeds and with passionate understanding k points the way to god through chrt the au lhor defines his purpose as an attempt to show the firs steps that lead to th discovery of god and his pirpose for to look i christ on his cross is to stp on s self both as one is and as one ma btcome christ smashes my little comcrt loving phantasies to pie cts and sets me alone amid the conse quenccs of mj blindness that chai ter i idges me it ls the same mea sage of ojvtrte purpose and moral re newal t lat the stipherds received nine ecn h indred years ago in the f tlness of time christ came the ion r period of prtparulon led to historic f tlflllmcnt god has not left mankind without a leader the angtl annmm opd tear not for behold i bring you good tidings of great jo which shall be tc all people for unto yo i is born this day in the ritj ol dt i a saviour which is christ tht lord pice and goodwill 1 u tnf dllerer was not a n lyap pointed roman governor nor i jewish i hlg pr est but a tiny baby thing a rebirth for humanitj came wllh th babe winpped in swaddling clothes ly nfc in a manger poets artists my tics and eers have linked tlus humble birth wi h god s eternal purpose it hud a godward and a manwnrd mean in glory to god in the highest cam first through obedience to ihe will m ooc will come peace on emlh ind coed will toward men the feague of nation ialled for lack of sufficient un selflshnfs to co interact natlona am i bt ions in the end it will be religion that will o itlaw war the ideal ol the prince of peace must be made to displace the ideologies or military die la ors cl the starting place for peac is not w th the dictators bu with our sfhes v if a famllv cannot learn how to live peiceably mdv one roof what hope ls there for nations to forego war ir different religious denomlna tions cam ot leam to respec one an other and cooperate how can rival empire be expected to promote con co there was a savtoor in sight toar visit of the shepherds was another marvel in the sequence of event that begsn with the annunciation mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart this christmas mothers around the wormwul be know ing uarys joy and sorrow a sword u enteraig into thelrhearts they are saying farewell to strong sons called up for military servtbe they aa learning the double lesson of sacrifice and trust they know that the god who marks the sparrows fall is no less interested when bombs are dropping upheld by devotion to a great cause thiy are winning victories over ar and self pity and in the letters they are recelvng from their soldier sons they are touching heights unreached before qnestions for dlseowlon 1 wlut are the losses and gains of dtyufe 2 is christianity giving joy to the world today 3 how wul the war sffeot your obser vance of christmas 4 co itrast herod on his throne and the babe in the manger 5 how did mary come to be called the madonna lesson outlines copyrighted by the mternalional council of religious edr ucatlon used by permission my five years as a red spy xn russia edmund ruzanskl a michigan en gineer discloses in the american weekly with the december 22 issue of the detroit sunday times how communism has degraded russian women and tells bow instead of a workers paradise he expected to and under soviet rule he found a workers hell be sure to get the december 22 issue of the detroit sunday times to people who cannot swallow pills if yon feel sluggish depressed liverish or are inclined to constipa tion just try this treatment for two weeks toae enough kruachen to atver a dime in warm water every morning nothing could be easier to take and kruachen is not harsh but is a mild gentle laxative constipation is caused mainly by lack of moisture in the large intes tine kruscbch contains carefully blended mineral salts that bring back the moisture besides cleaning out stagnating poisonous vnu e matter kruscqen helps t nd the bloodstream of other poiwm- nult ins fromconstipation get a 26c roe of krust hi fit m your druggist and within rw el i youtl feel your ud g i coming bark otbtr sik at 75c leaving fob overseas captain and mrs w c poutton tor eveial years salvation army leaderb in branrntonflre leaving for service overseas tfte couple who are well known in deorgetown were transfer red to a toronto charge last spring on tbiursday night a reception was held for them by their friends in health bottled and delivered to your doorstep health te the greatest gift of all protect it by- asking the maple leaf dairy o call at your home every day i no delivery of mflk tkda yew on christmas day maple leaf dairy phone 200 georgetown cuaumw candt laisgu cream and jellies jsuy b as or gdinitorr xe candy it- 16c langs melrose chocolates n- x7e dorr choc drops 15c brazil nuts 17 pecan nuts it xi walnuts ft 25 table figs 14 jello a pi 13 orange peel 7 lemon peel x7 citron peel 31 cinnamon x 5 wj brigms jrfx canadian lipton t mixed in shell nuts 19 loose pack mclarens olives 2 31 carrolls rich old cheese 25 carrolls dandee coffee 32 tea peaches 15oz tin ioc catarac ginger ale j lg btu mapla a mos the shepherd a story 15 18 20 the khephprds rcturni glorifyin and ocaiin god for all the things t had heard and seen could anything bo simpler than the story it the visit ol the shepherds to bethlc hem they went back to the same i old life of hardship and anxiety bu they wptil now in a new mood the old earth i a different place unci once it is seen to have a sky above h the atmosphere of the field or of the shop is thanped when onoe it has been filled with the songs of the an fels tt christmas message infues new meaning and beauty into the od life of toil have von never walked nt night wher the stars seemed nearei than the tree tops hen to your owi yes the iky was aglow with an un wonted radiance have you never known wmr high hour whena heaven ly host teemed to sweep into your vis ion have you neverheard songs in the air which fellfrom no human lips if vou have nevef known such mom ents then alas for the meagerness of your inner hfel but if you have en tered upon tfaese higher moods your own heart wib be the best interpreter of these stories of the nativity b mary heart 19 uary the mother of jesus u t sumugei to luxury her son was born away from home m a stable with a manger for a cradle oattle were hou and under the roof there was no room kj che mn tet we do not pity mary thsn was compensmtion for her nor erty in her high hopes the lttac- os was iitog m hex soul por her mincemeat niblets corn peas g giant asparagus tips salad fruits pou dr i9c te 2os almond icing wintergreen cl shelled walnuts shortening miracle whip x5 19 i4 tomato juice ubb 19 s luicel choc grahams ib 19c h lb tm x9 32 uib io 2 b- x5 5t 49 fruit cake dk or light 35c walnut fruit cake 39 cowans cocoa 24 woodburys soap 4 29c puddings frmted jg 25 magic 28 balattc cuhuhl 1 powtur savel oranges 27c rjk choice red grapes 2 frfsh stock cranberries 29c crisp tender celery hearts loc carrolls phone 753 free delivery mxnrstreet georgetown

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