Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 25, 1940, p. 3

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the georgetown heram wcdnmcfey december 25 a 1 mo u ill a m jau ifji w u iiwuijhim sili it- thfc cieorqtwit herald uurt raom m jrasrysrc potoltoqurixu i the editors corner christmas and home perhaps at no otter ft ot the year do we think or tuna as much atwwittba christmas season at una glad time- our thought and ttbtatepariunn to that ptooe which we ah how dear and to ottr fmfcert aaat mothers who have done their beat to give us a proper atari j life while you are reeding of tba herald we shall be celebrating another cfasmmaa day wkh our parenta catching up the threads which have become atjuraaeff by several years eteence m- only wish that e could ham thie privilege of spendtnt canigtaiaa day with their nunotos but tills cannot be in england in iceland and newfoundland to eastern canadian ports and western v- t mr athoala there are thousands of young canadians who can- 1 not be as fortunate as ww many homes in oe wfil ms those atnrr faces which should be grouped around the christmas table mo one of us at home knows what ibis coming year may bring to these or to the rest of us- no one knows how many other homes may lose their christmas gayety next year and in the years to come because at this we hold this 1m0 christmas especially dear santa claus 365 days i santa claus visit last saturday afternoon was one of the few tactile demonstratkms of what theoeo uons ghib does for the children of tins district it was a small enough thing a few bags of candy acme oranges ltttte toys but it made a lot of kids happy and it av most of them their only glimpse of a neshandblood santa claus bat santa csaus isn t brought to georgetown far only one day in the year there are countless things that the lions club does for child ren that are not pubhcterrt little legs are straightened eyes that need hasan are provided with these free dental care is given to children whose parents cannot afford the cost through the lions club the spirit of santa claus is kept alive for ms days in the year we cannot sing their praises by tgtlng specific incidents where they have helped children to regain normal health we can only say that every penny which is given to the club is used for worthy purpose santa fluus 305 days thats panada vkt the waited states the aim of uons clubs all over we print everything the december bulletin of the cwna canadian weekly news papers association has a pertinent article on the fallings of most week lies to advertise their own wares it is true that many small weeklies sae so busy arranging other peoples advertising that they sometimes for get to prictice what they preach and let people know what they can do themselves the other day we were talking to a local merchant and the sub ject turned to invoices and letterheads we were somewhat surprised when this person said he hadn t realized that we did work like that and in the past he had been in the habit of getting these things from a city thinking it over afterwards we realized that this was entirely our own fault as we had never given any thought to advertising our own business we had encouraged other business men to advertise yet we had neglected to follow our own advice now were turning over a new leaf and in the future we are going to shout from the housetops that we print everything letterheads auction sale bills invoices and state ments wedding invitations calling cards personal stationery financial statem envelopes we print everything 1 he got homesick sir so im minding him for one of those australian flyer- hew yars reduced fares fare ahd a third oq away km new years itrftudi m ijii w in national notice bttrirwqoim momaar loth lltfj tho ioir iniiui of swim sided at the meeting the minute of the last meeting ware read and adopt ed after the communications m read the sport of the uedloal offi cer 6r health we presented which showed dory 1 case of scarlet fever during the year u by my and barton that the r pay relief accounts as pre- hy the relief officer mb jetg iftequmm faithruwa sunday d mth 1m8 luke 13 luke 12 i am glad to think i am nojfjwund to make the world go by murray and may thai the treasurer pay town of georgetown to share of division court costs 21j60 hume ouriie l ton coal for chajmner ttuq bell telephone 3j8 acton public uuutus orescent street lights 1500 nent of qame ana pttheries 660 hurlhg licenses u w j oampwo weed tncpector giooo whll- ller ana co supplies 1a j san- ford ttatr account to data wjq0 sup piles bqc tejw i ml itane stamps 138 james corner to split ting and puing wood ttascterrisd moved by cleave and may that the treasurer pay the road sheets as pre sented by the road superintendent moved by harrop and cleave that the treasurer pay sheep claims a s- wllson 1 registered ewe killed by dogs 3500 paul s kennedy 3 sheep kai- ed by dogs 3000 mrs annie l mur ray 1 sheep killed woo 3 sheep in jured 300 total 11q0 k c lind say valuator aou oarried moved by murray and cleave that the treasurer pay cecil ohishofcn se lecting jurors 600 a w benton se lecting jurors 5joo frank petch se lecting jurors 9500 wm a wilson selecting jurors 5 00 carried moved by harrop and murray that the treasurer pay cecil ohlshoun at tending at judges court on voters lists wj5 a w benton attending judges court on voters lists 6 60 carried moved by harrop and murray tha the treasurer pay canadian gener al insurance co g c brown agent renewing tax collectors bond to de cember 9th 1m1 3750 carried moved by cleave and may that the treasurer pay harry robertson stamps 600 dale and bennett ac count to date 106 02 carried moved by cleave and harrop that the report of the medical health of fleer be filed carried moved by may and cleave that firrorrvisatrstamp e quttrr our work ffi and sundries 156 total 136 55 de fks sfi48 but oiilyto discover and to do with cheerful heart the work that god appoints jean ingelow toet t p what will ma the ew tear new we shall be uyjijg in the same houses wearing the same kind of clothes working at the same tasks vet christ can make all things new for us the world is different when we are awe to say this is my fathers worldour relatives are different when we love them with christ s love our waning world may be for us a great opportuni ty for public service if we can bring the principles of the sermon on the mount to bear upon inter re lationships the now tear wih pa really new if we are different by the renewing of our minds our atti tude to circumstances may be trans formed it may require a course of rigorous discipline but the results will justify any discomfort suppose that for the nexttwelve months we reso lutely set ourselves to live by truth and love we may rightfully expect to avoid much happiness and to have an inner peace unknown before god has his own ways of rewarding those who delight to do his will a world scale 3 4 concerning our owm personal affairs we need to watch constantly lest we enter into temptation there is need also for alertness and awareness on a national and international scale neglect of sanitation can give rise to an epidemic that may encircle the globe political opinions may spread that have in them the germ of revolu tion a few men may band together and through propaga circulate ideas that will lead to war books plays motion pictures may iave subtle effects upon public opinion to such a degree that democracy may be under mined the trends in education busi ness politics and religion need to be scrutit usd carefully because there is always danger of falsehood creeping in the price or security is eternal vigilance fidelity 41 business aw mmmm leftoy dale kc m syfafl bflnaett ba kenneth m langdoa barrister bihrmif motary fa first aflortgago money to loan onve gregory thea bfcftg uu street frank petch licknsbd auctioneer and all classes of insobanok prompt service phone 391 georgetown p o box 413 led sing temry cah aart omr unr bbbb odauit 1 rea a m nielsen ft dragun thenpnt utf inititini j cooke sss brick nd the with afrta data yawar mamm ah ataa any new 8 pi b1tbungton rled are yaw hi fewer aa a war uaae ndar the loeal gavam- i act u4 of the hta3awafnee fwr urn t af taw take nootok that the foregoing is a correct statement of the question to be submitted to the votes of the bee- ton of the ooapoeatton of the town goto of bwrueatogaa the same time an at the same places aa the annual alao- uon for the afraurepal codocll moved by may and cleave that the treasurer pay wm a wilson meet tngs 42 00 mileage 4 20 comm 95 00 total 14150 c h may meetings 42 00 mileage 11 20 comm 80 00 to tai 13320 edwin harrop meetings 42 00 mileage 14 00 comm 7000- lotal 126 00 g w murray nueilngs 42 00 mileage 1400 comm 70 00 to tal 126 00 g e cleave meetings 42 00 mileage 7 00 comm 70 00 to tal 119 00 carried moved by harrop and cleave that the treasurer pay board or health accounts c r turner ambulance to hamilton hospital re indigent august 21st 1040 10 00 dept of health of ontario insulin supplied apr to sept 252 j h bingham meetings 20 00 mileage 225 total 2225 dr r t paul meetings 20 00 mileage 1 00 total 21 00 wtti a wilson meetings 20 00 mileage 150 total 3100 frank petch meetings 4 00 total 4 00 i m bennett meetings 16 00 total 16 00 dr r t paul fare to toronto advanced to indigent 2 00 attending board of health at toronto 10 00 total 12 00 carried moved by harrop and murray that leave be granted to introduce a by law to provide for holding municipal elections tor the year 1941 and that said by law be now read a first time carried moved by cleave and may that by law no to provide for holding- municipal elections for the year 1941 having been read a first time be now read a second and third times ana passed and the seal of the corpora tion be attached thereto carried moved by may and cleave that leave be granted to introduce a by law to grant permission to the reeve and treasurer to borrow money to meet the current expenditure of the township and that said bylw be i now read a first time carried moved by murray and harrop that by law no to grant permission to the reeve and treasurer to borrow money to meet the current expendl tures of the township having been read a first time be now read a sec ond and third times and passed and the blanks ailed in with the sum of six thousand five hundred dollars and that the seal of the corporation be attached thereto carried moved by murray and harrop that the reeve do now vacate the chair and it be taken by the deputy reeve carried moved by cleave and murray that the thanks of this council are hereby tendered to reeve wm a wilson for the courteous and impartial manner in which he has presided over the meetings of the council during the past ye moved bymurray and may that thi council do now adjourn carried w a wilson reeve itlne for most of us the work v liae to do will appear common place the housekeeper makes beds s in h havt already been made hun dreds of times and ihej will all have to be made again tomorrow morning the business man goes to his store to i talk about sales figure on contracts and writu letters the same sort of sales contracts and letters to which ne has been giving attention for years the teacher enters her schoolroom to lace forty restless urchins none of them eager to be educated the mini stcr enters his study to prepare two more sermons lor next sunday he has been busy for the last twenty years getting ready for next sunday and here he la doing it again it is not given to many people in any genera tion to do startling heroic or mem orable things you could get all the remarkable people in any century in to one troall building leaving the rest of the human race outside doing com monplacc things but when these homely tasks are done with watchful ness and fidelity they take on at once a deeper meaning and a higher value irresponsibility 45 47 are we developing people who are able and willing to accept and carry responsibility in business education and government it is usual to delegate authority workers are sought who can be trusted ad do not need to be watched in some shops there is such loyalty to the firm that the shop fore man does not need to put on pressure to speed up production and no tune clock is necessary in many schools lessons are taught as thoroughly every class period as when the inspector is present are we equally devoted as citizens we become excited about natloal affairs at election time but are wc building integrity and intelli gence into the national character day by day in a time of war w6 demand that the church give strong moral and spiritual leadership but in days of peace did we neglect public worship religious education social service and personal evangelism can trusted to work faithfully on our own elmer c thompaon insurance service fire auto windstorm cp railway and allied steamship tod to hold the said election for fm duatttj job printing to and ask at our prteas bast workmanawp at lowes price phone hsw or j georg niisnuaiiiuiuaiiuuiimiunnuyiiaiinnuiiiniiiii secure ralph gordon the versatile entertainer for your next program illustrated circular fres address 02sb crawford st toronto radio repairing we specialize in this work 13 tears experience 1 i j sanfordson georgetown stir monuments markers and lette3ung pollock ingham gait ont designs on request phone 3048 inspect our work in greenwood cemetery thou u no ortst did chum a fair principle 48 the unfaithful servants who treated others and were drunken while their master was away were punished evil inevitably carries its own retribu tion with it yet an attempt was made to grade punishment just as our lav courts seek to make the punish ment fit the crlme there are graded demands aso untovyhomdor er much l given of him shall be much re quired we may well apply this principle to canada at present none of our cities has been bombed no part of our territory has been seised we still purchase supplies without ration cards within broad umtts we stll have the rights of free speech and public assembly why are we so favoured if not to give unselflah vice to our nation and to tt world it is oanada a great orgxntunlty in building a paaeemmded world one of us may have part 1 may rise above irdrrtortfr and the lame excuse my little life does not count and begin to soaks life a mdmduany and coflectrrely 1 one of can do something to muse the good wm of foe world may atari with a dedaton to irra for humanity and not for self muhons of war gnvea are marked by th gray coach lines timetable sanday october gta n stands leave georgetown bastboand to toronto f 614 am 408 pm 918 ajn 648 pm 11 48 pm 9 13 pm o 223 pm westbound to london 935 am 6 00 pm xl2 05 pm b7b0 pm 305 pm dxulsb pm ay4as pm exil35 pm except sun and bol b sun and hol only o saturdays only d except sat bon and bol sat sun and bol j dally except sun x to bat y to stratford w h long phone 81 j cooke floor contracto floor latino sans resurfacing fintsi we specialize in old floors good workmanship reasonable prices s new st phone ttt burlington christian cross it stands for discip line control sacrificial love surren der to the will of god knowing our duty and having power to meet b with competent action we too shall be beaten with many stripes if we fan to show ouraarves alert on our feat girded for action wtth the tamp of holy l what does this lesson softest for uhlt x was jesus a reanstt a how do you meat nn turns of eventaf 4 for you how wffl 1k1 be durerant from u40 5 are you privileged or undorprrtoagfl ed j lemon outlines copyrighted by ttati mtenwttonal council of n bb f uoauon used by penrdsalon tjnfoktrjnate how did kan get that 1 ha was watting at the stag door j tor a chorus gfcrl and

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