Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 25, 1940, p. 4

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tojrjmiivias tve vm wntsiuld tefitaic mat ttv to say after sitting for a ftar the child aald iftb 8anta obanst one i what bli nttlda mtad and tore at times an adas 4a tin red with an answer woman xwkv nerfeotiy justified to yes mary there to qamta she then went 4m to say that i cjaua was the figurative per- ft npmrt by the spirit of grtne spirit of christinas la observed h practically all countries old santa ikes many different forma but to hs comes as a rolypoly old gentle- un with long whit hair and whlsk- i over his shoulder there is a ng of bells and a big sack filled overflowing with toys be wears i red outfit trimmed with white and t in a ug cutter driven by reln- ihov often as children we have been to bed earty on christmas eve i of course was out of the ques we have lain on our cot ana listened and listened for she of the reindeer and the music t the sleigh bells did we ever hear l many were the pusaung ques- l width passed through our little j unfortunately in this world there l always some one who has to spoil h no rpntji- how i grow the memory of those days remains with us we i not give them up for anything he time comes in all our lives when 9 spirit of christmas must take the t of the jolly fat old man then taps we learn our great important roe blessed to give to receive rum the earliest i of understanding all children be taught that fundamental l of happiness christmas will be t as happy as we make it and the i we think of others the happier 6q often it has been our pleasure drop into homes late on christmas we found the room beautifully tied and hung with bells etc be children have helped to decorate i tree and have gone to count sheep times stockings have been bung efore the fireplace or on a oed post r this means the children can some be kept quiet until at least it somewhere near morning how ipp and everyt looks and etwardly every one feels then per in the morning one has gone to see that santa olaus did no etlook those particular homes us at least one child is found plaj on the floor with a train track a and cars we said a child but i many instances it is the dad who i doing the playing and the boy is n the same applies to 1 toys of almost any kind we seem to grow too old to share joys of christmas mnrnfg with t children the girls of the home quite often playing by themselves l the mother has by this time begun i prepare the christmas dinner with nat joy the different members come snow you what santa has brought saga jbaa tto nattsr tens aa stvetss btrnttav number a ughiw unwtine wmdow kna and tne for ts opened by a tsctfpoodyciadbia we hare to tastte oursermtn and oh the ussjt- nntaaand u of that 1 xm anally is nvtog m one oxmn uw dan any teat or de- amtlcin one has to almost touch the store to eel that then is any heat jn tt at eu the fattier sits 4ejeotoy to one corner of the room he wis of hew h has tried to get work tut without success the ohud- nm are hanging on to the mothers skirt and are staring wildeyed at the visitors the whole picture is pathetic beyond foeecriptton so often we hear the remark that people are thriftless and wasteful be that as it may we will not discuss it on christmas eve when one en ters a home like that it gives the feeling that they would just like to transport that father and mother and their ohudibi tto the home just spok en of the hamper we have brought contains food for a good christmas dinner and some more but it seems so inadequate fdr the occasion be fore we leave we have to go out and bring fuel for the mother to cook it on the nwrrow no matter whose fault it is it is a terrible tragedy how can one ever enjoy the spirit of chlrsfamae and live like that there are many people who are not lappy at this christmas season it cannot be blamed altogether on the war for never at this season are they happy why there are many rea sons which might be given one of i the chief is that they think all this christmas giving and talk is non sense they will not give ftpyg to make any one else happy and they i go around grouching about all things in connection with it- they form the unhappy part of the christmas season how much jollier they could be if they could just plan christmas dur lng the year even fifty cents laid by each month would help and as the festive season drew near they couid with this money make some one feel that they were not alone in the world many parents today allow their children to receive an abundance of christmas- gifts and failto teach themj the spirit of giving is a much hap pier one than the spirl of receiving child will enjoy giving much more if he or she has earned the money to give the gift there are children who go to their parents and ask that they he allowed to purchase a uttle gift for some child perhaps in not such good circum stances as they are and they receive a flat refusal on the grounds that they cannot afford it and yet there seems to be money for other gifts apparently not as badly needed by christmas night many worth v htle toys and games have been thoughtlessly broken instead of dis carding them hae the children place them to one side and la r in the year send them to some place where these things are repaired for the needy abov all teach children to think of others particularly at this season of the year if this were the case we would have more happiness not only just now but all through the year another thing which makes us un happy at christmas is the fact that we want things which it is not wise for us to have it may be that those from whom we expect them are not tl from tfcat sort a have you ever for a uhle and 1 been granted law odd twain pan it such has bean the ease aweny cblld should possess a i they can foal free to please obtmsnaa tan the anntver- sary of the bftrtb of the oastoat at the world is a good tune to atve fc there are so many tzmal bungs which can creep in to destroy the wonderful christmas spirit let os place these all to one side and de termine that we wfh mate osum happy for some one t tore to think that every bouse i full of cheer tonight i that everywhere on every hearth warm fires are burnmsj bright qod give our homes the gttt of cheer for no one ought to grieve on such a happy night as this far mo county coundtuisw subsi agriciiltore sfebrxiiwmwoooroemax aoeves who have not amoh to amy i want to than you mr warden ft the canadas plavcroun d tor rest or play vancouver and victoria arc ideal tor s thorough co oy able winter vacation warm days and coolrefxeshing night excellent golf courses myriad sight in the mountains and by toe seashore riding tennis motoring fishing canada s evergr playground offer i hem all in an unexcelled setting special winter rates at hotels tbt new hotel vancouver s spaciou room and delightful accommoda noni w ii add to the pleasure of youi stay in vancouver attractivf rail paris a1wavs use canadian nation at natotaph money orders ixpkess speed dtmndahutir safety travel wist thi jaspir wav ufino thi atr conditioned contimihta1 limited canadian national winter h ports in oldworld setting old quebec city whose four centuries of history have made it a favorite stopping place for summer tourists has achieved equal prestige with the winter visitor in less than half a decade the secret of this short cut to popularity lies n the swooping growth of the ski habit quebec s glorious winter climate us foclll ties for winter sports and the snowclad bills of lee beauport 10 miles distant this year with increased qum bers of canadians and americans pointing their ski tips toward quebec and lac beauport the hlgbllrbts of the chateau fron tenacs say iour sports season proml to shine more brltlv than ever headquarters for the i famous ski hawk school and tu equally famous instructor frits loosli the popular canadtan pa clflo hostelry will feature a ray programme of skating hockey curling tobogganing ski jorlng slelrhdrlving and ski lng on the historic plains of abraham the annual dog derby is scheduled for the third week in february connected by regular bus ser vice rrom the chateau frontenac lac beauport is a model ski de velopment it possesses a hand some new chalet thrilling down hill runs slalom courses and jumps of professional calibre moot saint castln with twin slalom runs j 200 feet long 100 300 feet wide and served by a ski tow is a rendex vous for be ginners and experts alike while its neighboring mont tourblllon is reserved for the more seasoned ski artist here is located a pro fessional ski jump a downhill run of 4 000 feet and a 1 000foot sla lom run lao beauport is also home of the scenic sky line trail ideal weather and snow condi tions are the main assets of the lae beauport snowbowl deep dry powdersnow offers the most favorable of ski conditions throughout the winter snow depths registering as much as su feet and providing good aulne from december till april and sometimes early way boxing day december 26th the final meeting of hatton county council was taea m milton last tues day followed by the wardens dmner ktintght tbhiutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed and com- munlcations read by the clerk usa fodowtng tesolutkm was passed by counc at then- last meeting but withheld from publication until such time aa it bad been received by the proper authorities it was moved by xeslte kerns and seconded by w n ouberx and was as follows the canadian people are arudous to make their maximum contribution to the pr war effort we feel that uns is only possible by equal sacrifice on the party of every dtlsen of can ada both tfural and urban agricul tural commodities are at their pre war level in contrast to increased prices for labor and nearly all industrial commodities which is resulting in for cing a percentage of our rural people to leave their farms to take positions in industry to the detriment of agrlcul ture be it resolved we respectfully suggest to the federal government through the honorable minister of ag riculture that immediate considera tion- be given to the temporary subsl dlzmg of agricultural commodities 01 the establishment of labor and indus trial commodities at pre war levels and that a copy of this resolution forwarded to the prime minister of canada the dominion minister of ag rlculture the ontario minister of ag rlculture and the several county coun ells of the province of ontario an unusual amount of correspond ence was dealt with by the council most of it sent by other county coun ells of resolutions for consideration and endorsement by halton council ah these special communications were laid over until next meeting by recom mendatlon of the committee a letter from the ontario municipal board will probably give next years council much food for thought the letter read in part as follows i am dl rected to advise you that the board s desifc la to have expenditures such as these in the future included in the councils annual budget this would avoid the issues of debentures and would provde for a pay as you go pol f icy expenditures such as these re ferred to in the letter applied to the 5000 debenture for which a by law was prepared at the november meet la third reading was given this by law no 225 and it was passed the ss000 raised by debentures was for county roads construction work mr roj smith county engineer ad dressed the council with rerertnee to the advisability or purchasing a dual purpose truck with n 4 wheel drive at i n istlmatcd cost of 8 000 mr smith thi county road are now in the con dition to lend themsuves to the rapid uc of a mmmeniuic md snow rtmov int vquipirunl da imw type truck wo ild exiditc tilt r wuj work consid crablj road could bt dragged at ten milus an hour insteid of at the present rite of three in addition to the cot of u e trurk it it advised by the depart ment tint a dtpreciation fund be set up and taken cart of by the general rate mr hillmer well i have nothing to iaj against the road work i think thty arc doing a swell job but i don t see whv this depreciation fund should come from our genera rate keep it to the good roads account the gen eral rate as it is is already out of prop ortion to that levied for road work mr smith then explained at some length what advantages would accrue from this particular type of equipment savings on road work would be consid erable and rental would more than cover the amount set aside for depree j la lion dr heslop would we get milton i roads ploughed ott with this equip ment i mr smith yes after the county i roads are done mr hillmer thats all right but i still don t see why this depreciation fund should come out of the general rate dr heslop thats all you have said for an hour laughter mr biers we must admit the coun ty roads are a big expense but we must remember our county road system covers 160 miles i think possibly this machine would be a good buy mr smith perhaps i should explain that this machine would take the place of two pieces of equipment already in use mr cleave i would like to congrat ulate mr smith on the efficient way in which the county roads have been looked after we need good equip ment these dajb particularly as the people demand snow removal and we have to keep up with the times 8000 seems like a lot of money but it may be a wise expenditure and the cheapest in the long run- mr hume i gather from what mr smith says that our hands are tied if the department says this deprecia uori fund must be looked after by the general rate then it must be mr smith no the department does not say the general rate must look after it but advises it mr gilbert well gentlemen this is the last meeting of the year and i don t think we should commit our selves but leave the matter of new equipment to the incoming council council was in agreement and the matter was left over for the 1m1 coun ell moved by mr byers seconded by mr hume that mr wm deans as secretary of old age pensions and mothers allowance board be made a grant of 100 for efficient services aa rendered to the board moved by dr heslop seconded by mr byers that a vote of confidence be accorded mr whltelook for bis ser vices rendered the county for the past year moved by mr byers seconded by mr wilson that the tender of burrowi bros and denton of toronto for the purchase of 6000 u debentures at 100o8 be accepted relative to by kwan moved by mr hmmer seoonded by mr may on behalf of the deputy oowtestes extended to us and at una tune wish you an the comxaimanta af the season signed by all deputy reeves moved by mr byers seoonded by mr blair that the thanks of tins oon- cil be tendered to our warden mr ceo finney for the courteous and im partial manner in which he presided over the deliberations of this council during the year 1940 mr hillmer thanked the members of the council for the friendly coopera tion in their work and also specially mentioned the press who had reported the council meetings fairly and impar tially mr norman gilbert acted as- chair man giving each member of the coun cil an opportunity of expressing his personal appreciation to mr finney as their warden all members were un animous in their expression or regard for mr finney the warden expressed his thanks and on this vote of good fellowship the meeting adjourned wise crack it is safer to lend your money than to lend your name by majorj officer r no x the inspection was held in aaw arena and some georgetown randanfsr braved the haeardoos roads to inlaw the regiment pass in review about 160 soldiers participated ow- mlng mainly from georgetown aofeam and milton major j ft- barber ass col h b ohiaholm were in charg at the regiment secondueut ravst barber directed georgetown s 13th p toon uemt a j bitcbanan waa a charge of the 14th platoon and second lieut kelley headed 1 15th platoon milton second paul barber bad charge of the t mortar platoon following the march past in i general constantine took the s each of the four platoons gave a t play of platoon drjll odd feixow chesty is one of the lows i ever saw how bo why when a fellow borrows a quar ter and doesnt pay it back cheatot finally admits that it is the quarter h cares about and not the principle ac the thing t0 the worlds news seen through the christian science monitor an international daily newspaper to truthful conatrucuve unbiased free from scnmtiaaal- tam editorial arc timely and innructrv nd it dauy feature together with the weekly magazine section make the monitor an ideal newspaper for the home the chnmon science publishing society one norway street bolton mattachuaeto price 12 00 yearly or i i 00 a month saxurdat fue including magazine section 12 60 a introductory offet 6 iaue 23 cent sample copy on request canadas fighting men meet bbc personality here is frances day clamorous star of the bbc north american programmes being introduced to an mthuslasttc audience of troops by gerry wumot of the cbc overseas unit the photograph was taken aa miss day was hostess of a broadcast for the forces from that palais de danse in hanuneramlth with the troops fn england is broadcast over the cbc national network on mondays at 9 so pat edst motor allyiar round in canadas evergreen playground yes out in yancouyer and victoria golf is played altyear rxwnd warm sea breezes and the protection of the mighty coastal mountains maintain a moderate temperature in which all outdoor sports take on ar invigorating newness plan now to visit canadas ever green playgroundfor rest or plav the ideal place for a thoroughly enjoyable winter vacation special winter rates at hotels the new hotel vancouvers spaaousraoms and de lightful accommodations will add to the pleasure of your stay in vancouver attractive travel west the jasper way uono ihi amcowdfnonbp comivanttal iasm rail rates lmmmintmammlmi afwaysus canadian national exkiss telegraphs h0net 0iders spjdnpnmmbmy softy canadian national

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