Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), December 25, 1940, p. 5

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ffa itoelsaiwml rgte1hrto2 bsholdstlim shb concetv and bhrar forth a arm bno qmy shall osa msnjobtimnwwirt ustttt i as christmas fa the tjay a owys in the anneta of ttow for it -eonagneni- tloa 6t oods infinite power snvbod- ness the incarnation to the tttvhae iaffora the anmmlnb i human nature by the sternal son of goo whether we constaer the amm- tkui to ellsurpasstrat excebeaoe or in ithe lessons thfti it toadhes ttoranflana or in the aounusabtoesslngs itbmt it has heaped upon us we must confess that the eight mmxtbm manger fme w it i in our power 40 to dp bes e runs flwcsras yule log bunaed in so jar i lead every chad to the man- worship mbce in canada jb thereto hinder the old saying christmas and happy jesr pethaps to ab the i never was the au louder than thin ham to make an our gtadst cheer ana flfeaoneke an act nf wotshlp- bi aainucb as ye have done it unto i it te the greatest the mobf one of the toast of these my bwtfaecn the moat neejrfcuttfrasrig wrent that ye have done m unto me has ever taken tflice 4n babe -and- the song of 4he angels irtn prevail against tha frown of war and the thunder of battle to qiat ialux iwah you mod all toaders a merry jiowtear ev r- colebhook ml istowartoiwn st baatior- vat tfsn the message op christmas sha the christinas time any mes- asae for a world distraught and fear- sflbfss ours tovtodayr j3tel cawje to earth at christmas in the person ot a oav the fozm in which of mji fib creation be would be moat utterly a4a ttoft of man here ood gave han sen mto the keeping of man know ing that the salvation of the world the very end of allsls cx fcow- bwabji hred and weary which christ efcme bat he would ft i it rest it wee a dying world but he it was a sinful selfish world bub ha tojnjd hdng oleanring and fonatoenees anvlove ixttcto hack across sac oenturies no one has done so naneb lor ao many people as jesus r ahd war vtttt en flnauy be q above the note of selfish strafe ebearthy voice osbnof man may juy prayer be as i utoail in the hymn by ftuutos ibnokn o holy child of brtfakfaem it is good to remember that anecbu oay cl om cfanreb and sscuaar calendar embornes a oeruttn spiritual idea which should form part of our datbfivea tbe aplrtt nf thanks wnd sratttude ought to be wmh us always but it 3 made riaher aad vbtnoger by the celebration of th t rto and duuy ought to be lenaem- bend often but they are ipurfcmed and encouraged fay ttx mea of aponae to that ajawsjeatdibt faetth hre are deiuoiiabrate tibre tu- pepoous truths tptl the age3odc olmuenge of ood to nan ibr 3tn i service and cvoptrattnn hi the wnt afxtaeetnlng and ethittmng the world then the itmltteas jalth of ood in the ultimate oadncos of man i and in his response to that challenge obd that that babe will finally become xing and that his eternal of peace and qoodwm wm he tainmnh- ant ibr ood knows the end from the beginning and is it coneehrable that in his omniscience and omnipotence he would commit bis only begotten son tc a disastrous and fruitless ad- ibo the christmas message is one of challenge and of hope of challenge to utter dedication of our lives in oods mrvioe in the sure and cer tain hope of the complete triumph of his kingdom cast out our sin and enter- in be bom in us i we hear ihe faadiitmai angels the neat had tadlnga jed o to us afcade with us our lord ihunanuel rev eg baxter o bapttst cbacek to friends in the church and to wish you a happy christina may seem to be only a greeting custom- ary at this time of the year or a passing pleasantry in keeping with the day but i assure you my thought or you is deeper than jost that the sincere christmas wish is a prayer for only ood can give a hap py christmas and this he does through the gift of his son some may ask when did this custom of greeting and giving at christmas be gin the answer is simple when god out of a loving heart gave his bon from heaven to an manktnd and with him sent greetings of peace and rev j 0 totton aahgnn ladled gtarcb cbkisthasbevbafjbood l is related of a wise eastern ruler that when headled he left word to his people that his son would be their king and though they had never his f they would judge of his ermnant by his acts the people promi sed obedience the influence of the new ruler was wise and kind and like the beams of the sum it streamed out of the royal palace brlnglnar joy to every aubjecl the people marvelled and said we see him not how does i he understand us so well they came to the palace gates and said let the king suffer us to see hu face the king came forth to them in his royal robes and when they saw him they rejoined and said we know thy face he had walked often with them as their friend showing love and kindness to all that when they saw him in his palace his kingly robes did not disguise him they knew him this is what christmas really means in the incarnation our king comes to the palace gate and lets us see his face the word became flesh and dwelt among us etc ood was in the world before rul ing in love and wisdom we did not recognize or know him but we felt his power and received of his grace he was among us as we might say incognito but in the incarnation of christ he revealed himself he made himself visible to us he permitted us to realize who the one that had been our benefactor really was and some- good therefore to christinas as we do it lifts us above the i wfuwnn fifw -qje- dally tank but there is ataneoimg wtaer xfean the m observance of the day and that is to heap it thro the year christmas day enshrines flpteit that no other day c it as the spirit that god so loved the world that he gmmt and the gfft that he gave was his son in that girt that blessed hfe which began in bethlehem nineteen hu years ago then is shmhag the glory and wonder of the eternal love of ood for sinful men and waavn it is the fact of this gift that has hwnatonaed all ideas of v- what most we do to keep christmas henry vandyke has summed it in these words are you witting stoop down and consider the needs and deslrefi of litue children to re member wmknetsms and loneliness of people who are growing old to stop asking how much your mends love you and ask yourself whether you love thtm enough to make grave for your ugly thoughts and garden for your kindly feelings with the gate open we mvst believe too that love is the strongest thing in the world strang er than evil stronger than death for it was divine love which came down to earth on christmas day and liv ed anions men and bled and died and rose again for them if we be lieve and do these things even for a day we can keep christmas if we keep it for a day then let us keep it always but we can never do it alone goodwill happiness is the joy of heaven enter- i but in our lives the shepherds found i thin qib dpfc of the love he it when they followed the angels j frit at d christmas season word and found the holy babe in the j manger in bethlehem the wise- men found it when they followed the star and worshipped with gifts be- fore the infant king a heavenly joy failed their lives and they went away glad may this joy be yours is my prayer for you when i wish you a happy christina rev w g 0 thompson st george church f r christmas on the first christmas morn the angel of the lord appeared to shep herds as they kept watch over their hock and they were sore afraid the angels first word to them was fear not and he told them that he brought them good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people then the heavenly choir joined the angeuc messenger and carolled the gloria in ibxcelsls with its conclus ion on earth peace to men ofgood- win peace in a world at war does the christmas message apply today yes in ail the world in germany and italy greece england caihiawa- pan georgetown there ts a christ mas message of peace but to men of goodwill to all men everywhere who hate tyranny and love mercy who bate lies and love the truth who hate war and love peace who love ood and then neighbours who are ready to work and even to fight for what they atnoereiy behove to them the chrlst- ans angel says fear not may we show ourselves to be men of goodwill anfawnny church oommunlty and ttnik unhappy world may the peace cf foe cafttatchttd be with ah who read these words and with ab the ohfl- ken of ood wherever they may be rev arthur leggett norval prebylu chnrcb felt at this glad christmas season may we see our king at his palace gate if you but leave your heart ajar a christinas gift to win some blessed angel from some star will softly enter in to hang upon the hallowed place a portrait of the saviours face i extend to you all the seasons greetings and trust you wiu have a very happy christmas as we exchange gifts let us remember gods greatest gift to the world his own son and the spirit which prompted it may the spirit of him whose birthday we cele brate prevail in our hearts and prompt us to greater efforts for him during the coming year remember god gave his only son for us can we give him less than our best rev charles cummings nerval united chnrcb december z5th what hafaarmony screeching bombs merrily ringing church bells hitlers curses christinas carols yea disharmony but hope the spiritu al blackout is not complete else the bells were silent and the carols had ceased in spite of the fury of madmen the manger ni hrtwhim la ttb central rev a 0 w foreman ahd the angel said unto them ter not for behold x bring you good ud- m of great joy which shad be to b people ptronto yoq i bom thai au the streams of ancient history con verged there and there the streams of modern bvtory bad their rise in spite of herod htuer and company jthe babe of bethlehem stul amflee his smile of purity and love makes sweet and glad every christian home th the babe of bethaebem suggests eg- ypts of refuge for the stricken child ren of europe christian font have carried the man- the centre of their homes gall it a cradle tf you wfll as we kneel beside it we teal t chl near kn hag there between the aoreectaia of air bombs we can atau bear tb gels sing at that onua the a recettea lab spirit of dsrahc en btejanjawt tatltbsaa the angel said unto them pear not for behold i bring you good tid ings of great joy which shall be to all people for unto you is born this day in the city of david a saviour who is christ the lord luke 2101i the account or the birth of christ the greatest event in the worlds his tory is portrayed for us in the gospel of luke by the pen of a master it is beautiful with songs qfohuman rap ture ascending to heaven and visions of shining angels descending to earth it is deeply imbued with holiness ex pressed in the joy of elizabeth and mary the adoration of the shepherds the prayer and prophecy of simeon and the testimony of anna while the tremendous significance of the birth of christ as viewed by the unseen world is thus brought into prominence the human circumstances are clearly depicted the decree of augustus caesar brought mary and joseph torn nazareth to bethlehem where mary brought forth her first born son wapped him m swaddling clothes and laid htm in a manger be cause there was no room for them in the inn the wonder of it is that when he whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain came in very deed to dwell with men in the form of a man he came not amid the wealth and splen dour of a palace but among the poor est of the poor he was born amid the squalor of a stable conde ing to the very lowest in order that he might be identified with ah christmas is a biassed time of the year what is more wonderful than the calm splendour of a winter night what ts more beautiful than the snow mantling the frozen fields glittering with da whiteness under the light of the sun more wonderful more beautiful is the love that comes from t heart of o and g in toryot qodw ser the jail of adam god left man fnr thousand yeatc to his own devices b we had been re deemed at onoa we lltnoka not realise the greatness ot ttwiwlw the depth of our degradation but amen it be came naohfferft to all tha man would never vise but twao earyeejsh ing- lower whdtower to theaevet of the brute god sent shlsonmy begotten sonj into the world to become a shfld javn- ong men in order to teed men back to god at last the final moment had arri- ved and the sternal father comman ded his- angels to attend the birth tit his drrtne son the portal of-afeav- en flew open and a vast of the heavenly army headed by the highest of the angels speed itorth the 4 angels knew that it was m the city w david that their messiah would be bmn lor tike jsnphet had foretold it in the meanwhile the shades of night were fast falling and two weary foot- am tcawsuent g have been seen wending their way from jerusalem to wards bethlehem- they had come four days knrrney over the rough sto ny paths from the distant town of jbnv arejh to be enznlled in their native city of bethlehem we may not stop to relate all the events of that great night the atory hi maah is too weh known but let us recollect the les son that it teaches to mankind and what lessons may we not leam room the chua jlesue as he teaches from his pulpit in the manger he comes in the form of child hood to impress upon v as our first lesson that as such is the kingdom of heaven and that it is only the pure in heart that shall even see god he casta aside all the riches of the world for fear if he surrounded himself with them we might learn to love them and forget that the riches of this world are but dross compared with priceless trea- sures of the world to come and who was worthy of higher honour on earth than christ and hfe blessed mother what woman that ever lived could compare with the blessed virgin who was of the royal race of david the mother of god and queen of earth and heaven and beforethe infanvjesus- cvery kne should bow of those who ure in haven or on earth and under the earth thus christ teaches us in the stable that our highest honour is to be children of god and heirs of an everlasting kingdom but the most essential lesson to learn from the babe of bethlehem is our bound en duty to love god above all and i our neighbour for gods sake let us i love god says st john because he first loved- us and delivered himself up for us when we realize as we ought that the apparently helpless in fant in the manger is the infinite god who holdh all creation in the hollow of his hand the eternal the allhojy who fills heaven and earth with his immensity and that he has set aside all his divine perfections and chained himself forever to a clod of earth our human nature in order to show his love for us in order to disarm us of fear and in the loveliest and most at tractive of all forms the form of child hood to draw our hearts to love him our creator and redeemer we must surely feel that it is our highest duty to love him in turn with every fibre of our being and when we remember that the son of god thus humbled himself for love of us and for love of our neighbour we begin to understand that we can not truly love god unless we also love our neighbour this is christs mandment to us love one another as i have loved you so great it christs solicitude for us that he as sumed and morally identifies him self with the person of each and ev ery one of us so that whatever is done to us and out neighbour he considers it as done to himself amen i say to you as often as you did it to one of these my least brethern you did it to thanks for your patronage in 1940 and a successful year to you all in 1941 robb drug store 1 crjccory theatre friday december 27 little old new york alice fkn vnd maemarojr tudusmgnoie cartoon chewiw bruin traveltalk suva tride of fiji fox newa saturday december 28 i love you again smart comedy myra ley william powell cartoon ugly dhio final chapter zorros fighting legion matinee at s svaa tuesday and wednesday december 31 jan 1 the seia hawk adventure thrills errol iflynn cartoon catnip capers band have you met yvette matinee at 3m pjrt new years eve midnight show at 10 to 12 my love came back olivia dehavoland jeffrey lynn charica wlnnlnger comedy riding into society cartoon circus today and the best of everything in 1 94 1 il longs confectionery the hearts of men manifesting itself in the giving of gifts and in helping the hnfortunate it is the anniversary of the day when the angels brought such joyful hrirng ofk the giving of ood best gift to poor lost suffering daylto the oily of t is canmjh this la the angel to the tog of christs birth and it aa one of aavlout u tb ptobaot the purity twauusiaus end kwe of tbax msagsr we s present ae i steaaadisnnnestotharliiiilie rlhsm use u victory if theaasneer it dssmlsd sndttoohttilisisiil wmtxm imm to do a double doty that otaianoe the st autoc the right rh the midst of a world made mack with hatred and treachery violence and oruelly tragedy and sorrow let us rejoice this cxirlstmas tide even as did the shepherds of long ago in oods me of peace letdur mingle wkfa those of the celestial choir in the graatnalm of 0f afai thel our khag jena who c in the mind of christ therefore to love our neighbour for the love of christ means to treat our neighbor as we know we ought to treat christ we often condemn the inhabitants of bethlehem in their hearttessneas in refusing a lodging to the holy family and we flatter ourselves that we would have acted so differently but we must recollect that if the bethlehem- ites knew what we know they no doubt would have welcomed the mother of god but the real reason why they were denied that privilege which would have madt them immortal was because they did not nhwww the a thearvasoatoxrt hseven- ry peace in our fcearta tobrtntf iialj i for aahaa the oil of toy li sad of naoisntng the garment ojtjarstaa-ht- stead csms toihsks o gn tttsttacslwc s itvpar- jg right es ood gives as to sss mem to love their neighbour for the love of god if they had done this they would have harbored christ him- self this is the plain teaching of christ from the manger and it is this tea ching that has and will transform the world how could anyone take the ufa of a helpless child born or unborn when he knows that god wlh consider the act as done to the child jesus how could women be any longer de graded- as of old when men believe that christ would regard it as treat ment accorded himself and how rrr tn tah r presence of tfaistesxtnng men o ins fellow man ahd at prtveoimi has just there when they believe that christ their redeemer sad judge wit regard it as done to him self christ himself has given the full solution of all the aptdal problems that to trouble hnanansty tweavawtwioienasrattt3 ood takes ah msarisny at 4s eyes of he continues to speak of powbg praotloe the spirit of christ h christ were not god to treat our neighbour as we would treat christ means no thing whatever for the uplifting of humanity the greatest enemy today therefore of the worklngman the greatest enemy of womankind the greatest enemy of childhood and or the human race is the man who tries to destroy belief in christs divinity and the greatest friend the society which staunchly upohlds the divinity of christ and the binding force of all his teachings such are the lessons that the infant jesus teaches us from the mahger purity and innocence of heart patience and selfeaortflce contempt of the riches and pleasures of this world and the love of god ab ove all things and our neighbour as ourselves for the love of ood as this joyful anniversary of his birth is upon us let us pour out our souls in love and gratitude to the ood who made us dnd redeemed us and let us promise to take to heart and put in practice all the lessons he has taught 1w fchaa to- may ma tlf t fr ef fable happiness that his incarna tion has placed within our grasp rev father mdbride wishing my customers a very merry hnstmas and a happy new year f j mccihray your eyes wish yon all a very huuj christmas and a happy sat rr new year have as erawime 0 t walker wood for sale s rod ssiiafffiftami

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