Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), January 1, 1941, p. 4

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wawumcimsuairaimc b the georgetovm herald wfcfesda evening januuy 1st 1941 we thank you for your patronage and sincerely hope the new year will be very happy for you c j buck i butcher and grocer i phone 28w georgetown i klwnanaiil hi everybody barber floral company georgetown ftda member local news bend in the names of your now years visitors for next week lame several draws for merchandise wre held in local stores during christmas week mrs a shaln of the nerval road won a radio on which d brin st oo offered ohances to shop pers at their store a huge- twentythree pound tur key at wrights- meat market went to allan norton when the lucky number was revealed walter blehn took home a nlni pound box of chocolates won on the punohboard at longs confectionery with russell klrby drawing second prise of a twopound box at the dominion store mrs an gus lawson of the th line purchased the last ticket on the draw for a silb christmas cake a and silver casserole and it proved to be he winning one the choral society will start re hearsals in the public library on jan tth at 8 pan sharp all those wish ing to join are urged to be at the library tuesday evening the womens institute will meet at the home of mrs m l near on wednesda jan 8th at 3 o clock mr walter blehn editor of the herald will be the guest speaker everyone welcome an unknown party threw a brick through a large plateglass window at the main street store of a e farnell on christmas rdght a new window had to be put in as a result of the damage on christmas day mrs henry marchment found a brown and black caterpillar which was apparently fool ed by last weeks balmy breezes en sconced in a box at the marchment home thf family is matching to see if it will spin a cocoon i church news 1 scripture text teach me thy way o lord 1 will walk in thy truth unite my heart to fear thy name ps 86 11 3 n the ledger of life there are many entries which cannot be extended nor totalled they are the priceless things which money cannot buy assets which increase m value as the years roll by will you accept this message as a slight ap preciation of what your loyalty and friend ship means to us and may the new year bring to you and yours an overflowing meas ure of health happiness and success st georges church rev woo thompson rector second sunday after christmas sunday school 1040 am holy communion 1100 ajn evensong 7 00 pm epiphany monday jan 6th holy communion 10 00 am st albans church glen williams second sunday after christmas sunday school 2 00 pjn evensong 3 00 pm oro0p captain kw tyaw who is director of the royal can adian air force medical services ashgrove last week the aahgrove public school concert was held in the sunday school room of tlv church last wednesday evens- lng with a large appreciative audi ence miss shore and the pupils are to be congratulated on the very fine program which consisted of choruses dialogues drills and recitations a short play by the young people of the community concluded the program school has been closed for the christinas vacation and miss e stent has returned to her home in wood- bridge the service on sunday morning bore the christmas message through out rev j o tofctons message was from the text and his name shall be called jesus the choir sang a christmas anthem and miss e wrlg glesworth sang a solo 1 stewarttown f last week private tom dickenson of toronto was home for the week end the church was beautifully decora ted for the christmas services the invites you to enjoy spe- cut new yea dinner fine food expertly p t and served mew years dinner 65 harry chu proprietor phone 2 main street south goorgbtown service last sunday was a carol ser vice christmas communion service was held at 8 15 standard time christmas morning mr fred hamblyn of montreal and mr all uren of toronto were visitors on sunday with their sister mrs tra cy most e child went to george town on saturday december 21 to see santa claus umehouse last week mrs william muhere was the lucky winner of the christmas cake made by mrs jones of cheltenham recently tickets were sold on this and entire proceeds were sent to the toronto ev ening telegram war victims fund dr and mrs a m bruyns spent the week end of december 15 with mrs j r g sutherland the annual christinas concert of s s no a tk was held cn thuraday evening the good perfor mances of the pupus taking part showed ttm result of careful and dili gent preparation on the parts of mis jenkmson and mrs oowdy as wen s the pupils santa onus also attended in time to unload the pretty tree and hand out the usual oranges and oaa dies to the delight of the children this yeax the christmas hondsjs are a little longer than usual with ttm pupils getting a full two weeks the junior choir led in the service of praise on sunday afternoon and al- o sang a carol after rev d d david son s sermon mr wm gneg is spending a couple at weeks with the gales and miss ivens we regret to report mr fred shel- bourne is on the sick list but hope no nay soon be completely reco little shirley mcalpine is home for the christmas holidays mr and mrs w greeniecs and little children spent sunday wim mr and mrs a w benton baptist church rev e g baxter minister 2 00 pjn church school 7 00 pm worship service subject the lord high and lifted up communion service monday thursday week of pray er services in local churches plan to attend them all a e farnell phone 75 free delivery greetings thanks for your patronage may we have the opportunity of giving you the same service in 1941 as we have in the past k c mcmillan phone 40 georgetown ance wednesday night om hs brampton muzmim sal bb s to 1 aja dat wood for sale choice dry hardwood 360 per load per load ub per load fxsb phone msj or mb all wood sold at per single cord p sweet rcaporal ijtoevstfsi glen williams united church r k lemkay 3pm church school 7 pm worship we extend to all those not wor shipping elsewhere a cordial invita tion to meet with us come to the church in the glen holy cress church rev fr j l mcbrlde 1st 3rd and 5th bundajs ttass at ii am 2nd and 4th sunday mass at 9 ajn knox presbyterian church morning service 11 am evening service 7 pm the united church rev f c overend ba minister 10 30 am sunday school and bible classes 11 jo ajn momlng worship sub ject supply for every need 7 00 pjn evening worship subject the rules of the road st johns stewartlown rev s r colebrook rector 930 am holy communion st pauls norral 11 ajn holy communion st stephens hornby 3 pm evening prayer special christmas services holy cross rjc church and st georges church of england observed christmas with special christmas eve services which began at midnight at holy cross church midnight mas was solemnised and at st george an impressive choral communion took place at the baptist church the young peoples society held a new years eve social and a watchnight sendee on christmas day services were again held in holy cross and st georges churches commemoratlrjg the birth of christ brampton glbx in the news again with news of actor francis leder- ers divorce from margows mexi can sotruaa wife american goastp- cchnmitts are speculating on wheth er he will marry marlon irvine the mer when marlon went backstage at the jtoyal alexandra theatre to tell tta v oxech inauneeldol how wonderful she thought him in the pursuit of happiness stnce then marlon who 5 weh- iinpw tn geo has been a fre- quent otmirtaoton of lederer and has reoenhy returned from a visit at ids california ranch a toronto re union is slated at new years carrolls prices lower fresh rolled oats 517 blights tomato juice 2 1 15 commodore red salmon 15 vijb stuarts orange marmalade 5t 21c ayhner tid bit or crashed pineapple 2 t 25c sherbet cresm sandwich biscuits 15c luxury maple flavored pancake syrup tr 17c aunt le pancake flour 14c beehive golden corn syrup 18 tt 39 briskf solid pack unsweetened pie cherries 2 st 21c easifirst shortening or domestic 2 ilt 25c pastry flour x 76c spaghetti or ready cut macaroni 3 loc cream style del maiz corn tr ioc smarts cut beets 2 r 13c campbejpa tomato soup 2 17c ayhner tasty cot asparagus 2 jr 17c canadian chicken haddie 2 25c carrolls own soap flakes t 25c kak8h 8cbuh8 m v grapefruit 0 j j carar nasi j head lettuce m o navel ttr oranges sx 27 mo tontajmo cooking onions 4 11 froit and vegetable prices until saturday night only 53 fteepeuvery srftbbt

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